• Show Date: 27/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/11/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Australian Shepherd

The weather turned somewhat once the ASD were in the ring, and it did mean that to get the best out of their dogs on the move most of the handlers got drenched from the torrent of water pouring off the tents. Credit to you for your sporting acceptance of the situation and giving your dogs the opportunity to move properly.

VD No Entries. PD (1, 1) absent. JD (1, 0) 1 Bothwell’s Norcis Slippery Jack, r/m with tan, lovely bone with good substance. Moderate angles, has clean neck of good length, firm back, stands on tight feet. Clean head, with correct stop, flat skull and balanced muzzle. Moved soundly just needs to drive a little more behind. SBD (5, 1) 1 Haddock’s Glamour Aussie's Easy Rider Jicarilla (IMP HUN), good outline, firm topline and correct angulation. Attractive head, square skull and balance muzzle. Almond eye could be darker. Moved ok, 2 White’s Franmar Devil's Desire, heavier built than winner, and preferred overall angles of 1. Strong back and good croup. Well developed chest. Head proportions are correct but prefer less cheek and eye could be more almond. Moved ok. 3 Mckinnon’s Dialynne Enzo Farrari. PGD (3, 0) 1 Glamour Aussie's Easy Rider Jicarilla (IMP HUN). 2 Middleton’s Amberslade Fire Cracker, less mature and looks a little rangy. Needs to broaden through head to balance muzzle. Prefer more almond eye. Angulation is moderate, and he moves soundly in all directions. 3 Franmar Devil's Desire. LD (5, 0) 1 WALSH, Mr Jake Birkcross You Blu Me Away, not in full coat, but you can see how he is made and he has lovely proportions. Balanced moderate angulation, and good reach of neck. Stands on moderately boned legs to tight oval feet. Attractive masculine head, skull is square ears carried and used well, dark almond eye. Moved very well and in coping with the rain showed a super character. RCC. 2 Hutchcroft’s Allmark One Of These Days, well boned dog in super coat, good shine to the black tri, just a shade long cast. Good angles front and rear and correct arch to neck. Masculine head, good breadth of skull, maybe little deep in muzzle. Lovely eye and well used ears. Moved soundly in all directions. 3. Hawkins’ Glamour Aussies Addicted To You (Imp Hun) OD (3, 1) 1 Raymond & Shaw & Kirtley’s Ch Brighttouch Drift The Line Through Dialynne (Imp Russ), b/m with tan, lovely in profile, and excellent presentation and schooling, he is so attentive to every move his handler makes.. Good angles front & rear and lovely arched neck. Well developed chest, and good rib. Strong topline with good width to rump. Stands 4 square on well bone legs to tight feet, being picky feet could be more oval. Excels in head, square skull of good width, balanced muzzle and sufficient stop. Lovely almond eye and neat ears. Easy mover, covers ground cleanly and holds topline well. DCC & BOB pleased to see him top the pastoral group. 2. Hellewell’s, Franmar The Thriller, another attractive b/m tri, stands on good legs to tight feet. Would prefer more definition to front angulation. Firm broad back. Masculine head, would prefer more almond eye. Moved ok in profile but shade close behind. GCD (2, 0) 1 Franmar Devil's Desire. 2 Mckinnon’s, Dialynne Enzo Farrari, rather heavily built, and broad in chest which affects his movement. Attractive rich red tricolour in good coat. Broad head, eyes a little round. Erratic on move.

VB No Entries. PB (5, 1) 1. Bridges’ Liskarn's It's In The Bag, r/m with tan, gorgeous pup, handled well and presented in excellent condition. Stands four quare on well boned legs to tight oval feet. Super muscle on hind quarters. Firm topline to super arched neck. Correct angulation front and rear. Lovely head proportions, and almond eye. Moves easily and sound in all directions, RCC & BPIB. 2 Brown’s Shepwood Gazing At Klouds, feminine b/m tri, ok for bone and coat. Longer cast than winner. Attractive head, good flat skull and balanced muzzle , correct oval eye of good colour. Little erratic on the move. 3 Hodges’ Jopium Magic Dust. JB (2,1) 1 Bothwell’s Norcis Summer Truffle, r/m tri, attractive outline, good bone and feet. Firm back and good angles front and rear. Attractive head with good square flat skull and defined muzzle. Good depth to chest. Moved soundly, liked her a lot but just little unsettled with the difficult weather conditions. SBB (2, 1) 1 Sieczkarek’s Kinga Alcazar Dream (FCI) Garen (Imp Pol), B/m tri in excellent coat and well boned. Found her rather low on leg for length, plus would prefer more angulation. Feminine head, with good almond eye and well placed ears. Moved ok in profile but close behind. PGB (3, 1) 1 Bothwell’s Norcis Dusky Disco, smaller framed tri but well balanced and pleasing outline, excellent presentation. Good bone and angles front and rear., would just like little more arch to neck. Attractive head good square skull, and balanced muzzle. Would prefer more almond eye. Well developed chest and rib. Moved soundly,

2 Kinga Alcazar Dream (FCI) Garen (Imp Pol). LB (2, 1) 1 Walsh’s Birkcross Blue Lagoon, lovely shape and presentation. Well angulated with good neck. Head is feminine, skull little rounded to stop, super almond eye. Reluctant to use ears but they are well set. Moved well in front but little exaggerated behind. OB (4, 1) 1 Gibbons & Spencer’s Wispafete Once Upon A Dream, smart tri, not in full coat, and as they say, means nothing is hidden. Lovely outline, with correct angulation and good neck. Stands on good legs to oval feet and holds topline well. Feminine head with good stop and flat square skull. Eye could be more almond in shape. Good depth to chest. One who excels on move – light and effortless with no exaggeration. BCC. 2 Blyton & Gibbons’s, r/m in excellent coat, well handled, is well angulated front and rear and pleasing in outline. Correct bone for bitch and firm topline. Feminine head, with good skull, would prefer little more strength to muzzle to balance skull. Not the positivity of kennel mate on the move, needs to tighten in front. GCB No Entries