• Show Date: 27/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/11/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Samoyed
Samoyed This is one of my favourite breeds to judge, with the exhibitors being amongst the most sporting and the dogs very friendly and extremely well presented. The JB class was not easy, with type varying and bites not always typical. Delighted to see the BOB/BV and BP topping their groups and going on to higher honours. VD (4,1) 1. Gregor’s Ch Lumiere De Lavie Dreamlike Felix (Imp) very typical in outline, compact, moderate angulation behind and would prefer ore front angulation and arching of neck. Firm, broad back, high set tail, good length to well feathered feet. Attractive wedge head, flat skull with lovely almond dark eye and neat rounded ear. Moved soundly with purpose. 2. Smith’s Vandreem Imperial Fabien at Avarrasam, rather heavy coated which spoils his outline and coat texture could be harsher. Well angulated behind with correct tail set. Again, would prefer more angulation in font and clearer arching of neck. Pigment not as strong as winner, though has good eye colour. Flat skull and neat ears, good strength to muzzle. Inclined to prance on move but was sound when settled. 3. Young’s Furzeland Devon Blaze avec Cocosamel. PD (3, 1) 1. Richardson Wright’s Santaviga Another Jedi, very much a baby, and still in typical puppy coat. Well boned, and already showing good chest development. Promising wedge head dark eye of correct almond shape, well pigmented. Lovely angles front and rear. Moved well and very confidently. 2. Jebson & Kirkwood & Curruther’s Lovely Snow Diamonds Kristoph to Vandreem, more mature but a shade long in leg and back, so not as balanced in comparison. Would like to see more bend to stifle and angulation in front. Found him a little short in neck. Good topline and tail. Harsh well-presented coat. Head is developing well to give correct wedge, with good pigment, and correct eye and ear. Moves a little close in front. JD (2,1) 1. Gregor & Mcwilliam’s Istramac Shining Illuka, full of action as standard asks! Just out of puppy and at that age where he is looking little raw. Good topline to high set tail. Hind angulation is correct but would like to see more in front and more length to neck. Head has good width, but skull is a little domed, lovely eye. Needs to broaden and strengthen through body. Very happy character this showed on move, but sound when settled. SBD No Entries. PGD (1,1) 1. LD (2,0) 1. Milne’s Lumistarr This Is How We Do It, good size and attractive compact outline, in good coat. Correct end of stifle, but prefer more angulation in front and length to neck. Attractive wedge head, with dark almond eye, flat skull and well-set ears, excellent pigment. Moved ok but little flat in pastern. 2. Tarasinska’s Siberianmist Odin, well boned and compact but would prefer more defined angulation front & rear. Good depth to chest. Good skull and eye is obliquely set but little close together which affects expression. Neat well placed ears. Muzzle could be stronger. Moved soundly. OD (6,2) 1. Moody & Haffenden Ch Novaskaya Xander Lefay JW, loved him as a pup and he has grown on to fulfil the potential I expected. Lovely compact outline, super harsh stand-off coat, beautiful presentation. Correct marked angulation and well arched neck, moving well as a result, great drive and lovely and effortless. Masculine wedged head with flat skull and neat ears, eye correct shape and placement – could be a shade darker, DCC. 2. Grainger’s Samhaven Driftin Through, bigger framed, but balanced and shown in excellent coat and well boned. Preferred the bend of stifle on winner. Super head, flat skull, good eye and ear, dark pigment. Stands well and moved well in all directions, RCC. 3 Jebson & Jebson & King’s Ch Vandreem Imperial Ripasso JW. GCD – no entries. VB (4,1) 1 Pritchard Hill & Hall’s Ch Right One For Mezen Yoshi and Us (imp svk), loved this bitch when she came into the class, epitomises samoyed to me, striking, and graceful, with the classic smiling face. Excellent balanced outline, correct amount of coat, beautifully presented. Good angles front and rear. Very typical head, to give beautiful smiling expression, broad flat skull, dark almond eye. She is so light on her feet and was out moving the youngers showing great endurance. Amazed to hear she is 10 years old. BCC, BOB, BV and delighted to see her take not only BV in group but runner up BVIS. 2. Short’s Ch Zeelukzak Ice'n Glorious At Zakaytia JW VW, strongly built bitch, rather heavy coated which can make her look short in leg. Firm top line but tail set little low. Moderate in angles and would prefer more neck. Feminine head, good skull and eye – ears rather big. Moved soundly in all directions. 3 Green’s Annecy Liquid Diamonds For Astrolyka. PB (1, 0) 1. Kirkwood & Jebson & Curruther’s Lovely Snow Diamonds Karma To Vandreem (NAF/TAF), stood alone, but makes such an impact, beautiful presentation, and so well schooled. Compact outline, good bone, firm back and high set tail. Correct angles front and rear. Feminine wedge head, lovely almond eye, good pigment and well set ear. Good depth to chest. Moves well in all direction. BPIB and she went onto top the pastoral puppy group and take BPIS. JB (8, 2) 1 Jebson’s Vandreem Imperial Amore, easy winner of this class, good size and well angulated front and rear. Ideally could be a shade shorter in body length. Feminine head, good width to skull, almond eye and well seat ears, nose pigment could be stronger. Moved well in all directions. 2 Owen’s Svetllen's Barn Owl, well coated bitch, preferred bone of winner. Strong broad back and high set tail, little narrow in chest. Good angles and reach of neck. Prefer more drive from behind on move. 3 Mann’s Silbertips And All That Jazz. SBB (1, 1) absent. PGB (6, 3) 1. Tarasinska’s Siberianmist Lagertha, well handled and presented, in super coat. Moderately angulated and would prefer more arch of neck. Firm broad back and high set tail, Good wedge head, eye of correct shape but could be darker. Moved soundly in all directions. 2 Young’s Cocosamel Camelia JW shade longer cast, good angles, would prefer firmer pasterns. Found her head a little deep in muzzle which altered expression. Dark eye and pigment. Moved well in profile just a little untidy behind. 3 Mann’s Dixierose Thatz Ma Girl. LB (5, 2) 1 Owen’s Vandreem Imperial Minerva for Svetllen, impressive bitch, well coated and schooled. Stands on well boned legs and is well angulated. Good depth to chest. Attractive wedge head, with well placed ears and lovely oblique eye. Moved freely and soundly, considered for higher honours. 2 Short’s Silbertips Star Attraction at Zakaytia (A.I.), compact outline, not carrying a full coat, but coat has harsh outer hair. Firm, brad back. Good angles and reach to neck. Broad flat skull, eyes a little round. Well boned, Moved well. 3 Milne’s Lumistarr love me for life. OB (9, 4) 1 Brandenberg & Smith Ch Taronakits It's Karman JW, heading a lovely class, some tough decisions. Well boned bitch, compact in outline, presented in excellent coat. Firm back to high set tail. Well defined angles and good neck. Feminine head, good width to skull, ears could be a shade smaller. Lovely dark oblique almond eye. Easy mover, sound in all directions, RCC. 2 Collinson’s Ch Nikara Secret Love By Norjack JW, another well bone bitch, presented in excellent coat and condition. Good angles, just preferred neck of winner. Firm broad back. Good depth to chest. Attractive head, good skull and ear, good pigment, but eye colour could be darker. Moves well with drive and reach. 3 Johnson’s Ch Nikara Sweet Dreams for Kimeekasams. GCB (2,1) 1 Cornwell’s Jewel Child of Joy Orleansnow (Cze Imp), taller more rangy bitch, 4th in junior. Needs some time to mature and develop in body, would like more strength to bone. Has firm topline and good tail set. Good pigment and almond oblique eye.