• Show Date: 13/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tom Mather Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 19/10/2023

South Wales Kennel Association

Breed: Parson Russell Terrier


Parson Russell Terrier

Best Dog Forgefox Roll The Dice (Mr M & Mrs M Hooley)

Res. Best Dog Pacolito Reloaded at Neelan (Mr N & Mrs A Jones)

Best Bitch Chadbrook Enhance The Dance (Miss S Jones)

Res. Best Bitch Vixen View Talia Shire (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman)

Best of Breed Chadbrook Enhance The Dance (Miss S Jones)

Best Puppy Forgefox Roll The Dice (Mr M & Mrs M Hooley)

Class 1084. Junior Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 2663 - Forgefox Roll The Dice (Mr M & Mrs M Hooley). Best Dog. A smart youngster, appealed for balance and type, quite workmanlike. Pleasing expression. Good forehand with moderate width of chest. Spans easily. Free moving with particularly good hind action. Good pelt.

Class 1085. Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 2

1st Place 2666 - Pacolito Reloaded at Neelan (Mr N & Mrs A Jones). Reserve Best Dog. Free moving, very sound and pleasing to handle as he is well made with a good coat and tough, pliable skin. Ribs extend well back and he has a slightly arched loin. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Spannable. Good tail set.

2nd Place 2672 - Fox Fur Newark (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman). Pleasing for size and balance. Good head and expression. A shade wider in front than the winner. Good ribbing and well-set tail.

Class 1086. Open Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 2672 - Fox Fur Newark (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman)

Class 1087. Junior Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 2660 - Bellvalley's Savage Love (Mr G. L. & Mrs L. J. Evans). A good prospect. Nicely made and easily spannable. Well balanced with a keen alert expression. Good pelt and moved out well with a free action.

2nd Place 2658 - Scapegrace Faenor (Mrs R A & Mrs R Aspell & Dixon). Not quite the maturity of the winner but well balanced, spannable and has a good skin. Moved well with particularly good hind action with some drive.

3rd Place 2674 - Vixenview Gypsy (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman)

Class 1088. Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Place 2665 - Chadbrook Enhance The Dance (Miss S Jones). BOB. Very typical and well balanced. Keen, alert expression with well set ears. Clean neck of good length and decent forehand. Spannable with good pelt. Very free moving and impressed both out and back.

2nd Place 2674 - Vixenview Gypsy (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman). Rather heavily marked. Good head and expression, pleasing forehand, ribs extend well back. Spannable with thick, pliable skin.

Class 1089. Open Bitch

Not an easy class.

Entries: 6 Absentees: 2

1st Place 2673 - Vixen View Talia Shire (Mrs S & Master B Woods & Boorman). Reserve Best Bitch. Quite typical and easy to span. Alert and keen expression. Decent forehand, ribs extend well back. Free moving and sound with a thick pliable skin.

2nd Place 2656 - Scapegrace Buffy (Mrs R A & Mrs R Aspell & Dixon). Very smart and pleasing for balance and type. Moderate chest with good topline and well set tail. Could have a little more hind angulation but moved out soundly.

3rd Place 2659 - Bellvalley's Kissed by Fire (Mr G. L. & Mrs L. J. Evans)

Judge: Tom Mather