• Show Date: 24/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tom Graham Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Blackpool & District Canine Society

Breed: AV Imp Reg Gundog, AV Imp Reg Hound, AV Rare Breeds (Hound/Gundog) AVNSC Gundog, AVNSC Hound, Open Stakes Hound/Gundog

A.V. Imported Breed Register Gundog

 Junior Dog (1)

1 Stilgoe & Fox's Teisgol King Arthur (Portuguese Pointer ) Lovely well balanced head, true front with good bone & feet, ample depth, well ribbed, moved out well.

Yearling Dog (1)

1 McCullough's Fidelix Special Edition at Kimmax (Korthals Griffon) well proportioned head, stood true on good legs & feet, lovely substance & ribbing, good coat with correct texture, strong rear, moved out steadily & true, one to watch.

 Open Dog (2)

1 Adams' Achouffe Philanderer ShCEx (Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer) lovely in all departments, good bone & feet, ample depth & substance with well proportioned body, strong rear, covered the ground with ease. BD & BAVIBRG.

2 Stilgoe's Teisgol Henrique (Portuguese Pointer) masculine well proportioned head, strong neck, lovely depth & substance, moved out true.

Veteran Dog (1)

1 Blair's Multi Ch Igor Vd Wielervelden at Fidelix (Imp Nld) (Korthals Griffon) 7 yrs & in really good hard condition, well proportioned body, plenty of substance, super bone, strong rear, moved out with ease. Pushed hard for top spot RBD & BV.

Junior Bitch (4)

1 Taylor's Fabpoint Pagan (Imp Pt) (Portuguese Pointer) quality girl who must have a bright future, feminine head & expression, true front with good bone & depth, very good free mover. BJ

2 Westaway & Edmondson's Teisgol Nimue by Perdizcyo (Portuguese Pointer) a promising youngster, has everything in the right place, lovely head, bone, & feet, good depth & ample body for age, moved true. BP

3 Davies' Yello vom Zulimo mit Barbamor (Imp Ch) (Barbet)

 Yearling Bitch (2)

1 Moore's Achouffe's Summer Magic at Cavalmist (Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer) this youngster is developing at the right pace, shows a lot of promise, lovely all through, just needs time to mature, moved true.

2 Blair & Spencer's Fidelix Serendipity (Korthals Griffon) another promising youngster that is on the right track, good bone & substance, well bodied, moved well once settled.

 Open Bitch (8, 2abs) lovely class

1 Blair's Fidelix Infinity (Korthals Griffon) quality girl, balanced all through, good bone & feet, lovely substance, in good coat, moved out well covering the ground well. BB.

2 Stilgoe's Ir Sh Ch Perdizcyo Beatriz with Teisgol Bjw18 Jww18 (Portuguese Pointer) feminine head & expression, good depth, well boned & good feet, lovely substance, strong rear, moved out true & steady. RBB.

3 Davies' Barbamor Starting On Monday (Barbet)

A.V. Imported Breed Register Hound

Junior Dog (1)

1 Binnersley & Tomkinson's Xtreme Mr President Vd Mergelhoeve (Imp Nld) (B/T Coonhound) This youngster must have a bright future, just loved his overall attitude, well proportioned & balanced head, lovely expression showing keenness, good ear set, well laid shoulders, straight front, good feet & depth, well ribbed, strong rear, correct tail set, moved out steady & true with reach & drive. BD, BP & BJ

 Open Dog (1)

1 Binnersley & Tomkinson's Covehithe Duke of Hazzard (B/T Coonhound) 5 yrs, balanced masculine head, good eye & ear set, true front with good bone, ample substance & ribbing, moved steadily, had to give way to the outstanding youngster today. RBD.

Junior Bitch (2)

1 Stephenson's Rolenska Faith in You at Bondgate (B/ T Coonhound) balanced all through, good bone & feet, ample depth & substance, moved out steady & true with good tail carriage.

2 Webster's Dalmarno Debonayre (Basset Bleu De Gascogne) very promising youngster with good wedge shaped head, lovely dark eye & good ear set, ample neck, good front with ample bone, deep chest, strong rear, moved out well.

Yearling Bitch (1)

1 Randall's Scenterbay Like A Star (B/T Coonhound) 14 mth, head with good balance, strong neck, true front with ample bone, well bodied, moved out true, RBB

 Open Bitch (2)

1 Cooper's Hibeck Ginny avec Jayanel ( Griffon Fauve De Bretagne) well proportioned head of good length, ample stop, lovely dark eye & good ear set, true front with good bone, deep chest, ample substance, shown in lovely condition with good coat, moved out well covering the ground with ease. BB & BAVIBRH

2 Webster's Ir Ch Dalmarno Aurora Ir/be Jun Ch (Basset Bleu De Gascogne) 5 yrs, balanced head, good dark eye, true front with lovely bone, deep chest & lovely substance, moved out well.

A.V. Rare Breeds (Hound/Gundog)

 Puppy Dog (3,1abs)

1 Hough 's Secret Agent with Sufayre (Hamiltonstovare) promising youngster with balanced head, neck of ample length, dark eye, deep chest, stood true with ample bone & ribbing, moved out freely with long stride.

2 Nelson & Snowdon's Rozebottel's Mario Tronti (Imp Nld) (Lagotto Romagnolo) balanced head, good bone & feet, ample depth, moved free & true.

Post Graduate Dog (2)

1 Benelli's Il Granaio Dei Malatesta Rublo (Lagotto Romagnolo) lovely free mover, good head, bone & feet, ample depth, in good coat & condition, moved freely.RBD

2 Hamlyn's Bransbubble High Neb (Lagotto Romagnolo) another good type, balanced all through, in good coat, not as positive on the move as winner today.

 Open Dog (1)

1 Whittick's Arcticbreeze Turbulence at Allsong (Lagotto Romagnolo) super headed male, good front with ample bone, good depth, ample body, moved out true & steady to take BD.

 Puppy Bitch (5, 2 abs)

1 Allen's Amadar Sweet Child'o'mine(Lagotto Romagnolo) very feminine all through with lovely expression, stood true, ample bone & substance, good depth, correct coat texture, moved out well, one to watch. BP

2 Laroche's Emmroche Emiliana (Lagotto Romagnolo) balanced feminine head, good eyes & ear set, lovely body properties, good rear angulation, moved freely.

3 Nelson's Nelbekio Just the Ticket(Lagotto Romagnolo)

Junior Bitch (1)

1 Whittick's Allsong Nuova Lun (Lagotto Romagnolo) feminine head, true front with ample bone & depth, lovely substance, in good coat, moved true. BJ

Yearling Bitch (1)

1 Heller's Arcticbreeze Hopscotch to Floreydown (Lagotto Romagnolo) lovely headed girl, stood & moved true on good legs & feet, in good jacket, moved out with style.

 Post Graduate Bitch (5)

1 Mort's Arcticbreeze Truth or Dare (Lagotto Romagnolo) quality girl, super head, stood true with ample bone, lovely depth, in super coat & condition, moved out freely covering the ground well. BB & BAVRB

2 Wilson's Emmroche Dancer (Lagotto Romagnolo) another good type, very similar comments to winner, splitting hairs on these two, moved steadily & true

3 Whittick's Moonreed Warbler at Allsong (Lagotto Romagnolo)

 Open Bitch (2, 1 abs)

1 Mort's Il Granaio Dei Malatesta Strawberry Syrup at Arcticbreeze (Imp Ita) (Lagotto Romagnolo) 4 yrs, well balanced all through, good bone & depth, moved very well. RBB.

A.V.N.S.C. Gundog

 Puppy Dog (2)

1 Arrell's Eald Stone Calf with Heaphen (Sussex Sp) promising youngster, quality head with good frown, strong neck, true front, good bone, ample substance for age, moved out well with distinctive roll, just needs to come up on the leg a little, RBD

2 Hipgrave's Lord of The Glittering Caves (Sussex Sp) another good specimen who needs to get his act together which is letting him down, good bone, ample depth & substance, masculine head with frown, on the move he plays up giving his handler a hard time.

Open Dog (1)

1 Graham & Yarrow's Sh Ch Bonapartist Pickpocket (Brittany) this quality chap has good ring presence, balanced all through with lovely head & body, straight front with good bone, lovely substance & ribbing, strong rear, moved out with style. BD & BAVNSC

Puppy Bitch (1)

1 Thomson's Sarscottah Delux (GLHP) good sized youngster, balanced head, strong neck, true front with ample bone, good depth & substance for age, moved out true & steady to take BP.

Open Bitch (1)

1 Thomas & Taylor & Richards Sophisticated Lady (GLHP) balanced girl of good size, strong neck, straight front with ample bone, correct depth & substance, good free mover RBB

 Veteran Bitch (1)

1 Hipgrave's Eald Village Gossip (Sussex Sp) this lady has come into her own at last, feminine head with good frown, strong neck, good bone, lovely substance & ribbing, in good coat & condition, moved out well at one with handler. BB &BV

A.V.N.S.C. Hound

 Post Graduate Dog (1)

1 Howlett's Zizu De La Sierra De Avila (Ibizan) balanced head with good ear set, strong neck, good straight forelegs & feet, good topline sloping to rump, correct ribcage, well tucked up, moderate rear angulation, moved out positively. RBD

Open Dog (2)

1 Egan, Parker & Phair's Ekleipsis De Entresaltos (Imp Esp) (Ibizan) good head & ear set, strong arched neck, straight forelegs with good pasterns, good topline & ribcage, moved out true with reaching stride. BD

2 Howlett's Zizu De La Sierra De Avila (Ibizan)

Open Bitch (2)

1 Hall's Ir Ch Afilador Wheal Grace Anch22 Cw22 Cen W Cen Ch (Ibizan) feminine head, ample stop, good eye colour & ear set, straight forelegs & good feet, ample depth, lovely ribcage, carrying the correct amount of substance, good tail length, moved out with good trot & stride. BB & BAVNSC

2 Clark's Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside (Imp Deu) ShCEx (Ibizan) another good type, scores in head, good ear set, legs straight, good depth, moved out well RBB

 Veteran Bitch (2)

1 Egan & Catchpole's Ch Snowlief Red Sector A (Ibizan) 11 yrs young, in marvellous condition, a credit to her owners, balanced head with good ear set, good depth, straight legs, ample substance, moved out well. BV.

2 Hall's Ch/ir/gib Ch Afilador Pandemonium ShCM Cw18 An Ch18 Cw19 (Ibizan) another quality oldie at 8 yrs, in good condition, stood & moved true, feminine head with good ear set, ample substance.

Fosse Data Systems Open Stakes A.V. Hound/Gundog

Open Dog (17)

1 Isherwood's Gunalt Schweppes at Caleydene JW (Wei) one I have done well before, he is getting better every time, very sound free mover.

2 Bradley's Highforce All Or Nothing JW (HV) this chap pushed the winner all the way, well balanced, good bone, lovely substance with depth & ribbing, true mover.

3 Whiteside's Jimanns The Doctor (R/Ridgeback)

Open Bitch (23)

1 Sturrock's Forfarian Tickles Yer Fancy (Irish S) lovely on the stack, good depth, straight front with good bone, ample substance &ribbing, strong rear, moved out well.

2 Mallinson's Edenwhip Vera (Whippet) her young handler did herself proud, stood and moved true, good bone & feet, ample substance, moved at the correct pace at one with her handler.

3 Pearson's Kelevra Covo Di Ladri (Bracco)