• Show Date: 18/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tim Lainchbury Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Border Union Agricultural Society

Breed: Dobermann

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award CC’s at this one of my favourite shows. The ring was superb and spacious, the weather was glorious and my thanks goes to my two able stewards who kept the ring ticking like clockwork and enabled us to finish in good time for the groups. Thanks also goes to all the exhibitors for your entries, I had some super classes and I was very pleased with all my placings. The quality of both my line ups were outstanding.

DCC Ch/lux Ch/nl Ch Korifey Ivan ShCEx Bh (Miss R E Robinson)

RDCC Rafthouse Amulets Child (Mr F & Mrs S Santoriello)

BCC Ch Krieger’s Highland Fling JW (Mrs J Bisland)

RBCC Granadeya Aosta JW (Mr P & Mrs D Tant)

BOB Ch Krieger’s Highland Fling JW (Mrs J Bisland)

BP Amazon Just Let Me Adore You (Mr R Evans)

BV Granadeya Aosta JW (Mr P & Mrs D Tant)

Minor Puppy Dog 5/1

1 Jojavik Shaken Not Stirred (Mrs S & Mr D Brown).

Super quality Bl/R 8 month old male, excellent head planes & alert expression, crested neck parallel legs and tightest of feet, slightly sloping topline, well filled croup, correct rear angulation, super mover with drive and balance, very well handled BPD.

2 Supeta’s Ministry Of Magic With Nytbonn ( Mr D & Mrs L & Mrs S M Wood & Wood & Mycroft).

Bl/R 6 month old male his first show and a real baby but showed real quality, excellent head and darkest of eye giving pleasing expression, straight front legs and tight feet, slightly sloping topline and excellent rear angulation, moved well once settled just needs a bit of time to get used to everything required of him, I will watch his career with real interest.

3 Korifey Axl at Amious (Mrs J & Mr C Griffiths)

Puppy Dog 1/0

1 Knecht Little Richard (Mr L & Miss E Blackburn & Tait).

Bl/R 9 month old quality male, darkest of eye and excellent head giving alert expression, Parallel legs and tight feet, slightly sloping topline well filled croup, excellent rear angulation and a super mover covered the ground with ease, very well handled.

Yearling Dog 2/0

1 Kriegers Hunky Dory at Malibray JW (Mrs M Young).

Super Br/R male, excellent head and dark eye giving alert expression, straight legs and tight feet, crested neck on to super shoulder construction, slightly sloping topline and correct rear angulation, excellent mover handled really well.

2 Maighread’s Ben Nevis (Miss P M Strachan).

Br/R male of good quality wedge shaped head, arched neck, slightly sloping topline good rear angulation, moved and shown well.

Novice Dog 3/0

1 Jojavik Shaken Not Stirred (Mrs S & Mr D Brown).

2 Knecht Little Richard (Mr L & Miss E Blackburn & Tait

3 Korifey Reckless (Mrs Jm & Mr Mw & Mr Am Kent & Kent & Sutton)

Graduate Dog 1/0

1 Tuwos Mr Majestic Vonsallate (Mr G & Miss M Hunt & Flitcroft).

Quality Br/R male, cracking head with correct planes and pleasing expression, crested neck on to super shoulder placement, slightly sloping topline and correct rear angulation, good mover once settled.

Post Graduate Dog 3/1

1 Tuwos Mr Majestic Vonsallate (Mr G & Miss M Hunt & Flitcroft).

2 Teuchons The Fierce Knight with Wlleonia JW (Miss D E Seward).

Bl/R male dark eye alert expression, slightly sloping topline, correct rear angulation, moved well.

Limit Dog 1/0

1 Rafthouse Amulets Child (Mr F & Mrs S Santoriello).

Stunning Bl/R male of super quality, masculine head, darkest of eye and correct head planes giving alert mischievous expression, crested neck to super front construction, parallel legs and tightest of feet, slightly sloping firm topline, well filled croup excellent rear angulation shown in hard fit condition, fabulous mover looked like he could go all day and very well handled, great to see handler and dog working in unison and I was pleased to award him the RCC.

Open Dog 3/0

1 Ch/lux Ch/nl Ch Korifey Ivan ShCEx Bh (Miss R E Robinson).

Top quality Bl/R male at the peak of his powers, excellent head planes and darkest of eye giving the typical Dobermann expression I always look for, crested neck onto fabulous front construction, well filled out forechest, legs parallel and feet tight, firm slightly sloping topline, well filled croup, super rear angulation with hocks perpendicular and muscular thighs, moved straight and true with drive and purpose looked like he could go all day, completely in sync with his handler, did not put a foot wrong all day, demanded the CC and pushed very hard for BOB.

2 Jojavik Master Cutler (Mr G & Mrs J Woodhouse).

Super Bl/R male, masculine head and dark eye, arched neck, well filled out forechest, tight feet, firm slightly sloping topline, good rear angulation moved and handled well.

Veteran Dog 1/0

1 Malibray Rhuvaal at Telenndu ShCM VW (Mr N Morgan).

Super Bl/R 7 years and 8 months male enjoying his day out, alert expression, tight feet, arched neck, slightly sloping topline shown in firm fit condition, good mover but the heat got to him and he withdrew from the BV challenge.

Minor Puppy Bitch 1/0

1 Supeta’s Every Witch Way (Mrs S M Mycroft).

Super 6 month old Bl/R girl a real baby but oozed quality, feminine head with dark eye giving pleasing expression, parallel legs and tight feet, slightly sloping topline correct rear angulation, moved with confidence, a real star of the future.

Puppy Bitch 5/0

1 Amazon Just Let Me Adore You (Mr R Evans).

Stunning Bl/R 8 month old girl, feminine head, level planes and darkest of eye giving alert expression, legs parallel with round bone and feet tight, slightly sloping topline firm and kept on the move, excellent spring of rib, well filled croup, well developed hindquarters correctly angled, presented a balanced picture and moved with drive, determination and attitude, stunning and very well handled and I was pleased to award her BPIB and watch her go WPG2.

2 Amazon She Is Adored (Mr R Evans).

Gorgeous Br/R 8 month old bitch litter sister to 1 and enjoying the same qualities could change places on another day, feminine head with super expression, crested neck, parallel legs tight feet, slightly sloping topline firm and kept on the move, well developed hindquarters correctly angled, presented a very balance picture and moved well away and back, very well handled.

3 Rafthouse Bundlebrent at Granadeya (Mr P & Mrs D Tant)

Junior Bitch 2/0

1 Jojavik Belladonic Fame (Mrs J A & Miss V L & Mr R J Ingram & Ingram & Lack).

Gorgeous Bl/R bitch with darkest eye giving alert expression, level headplanes, well filled forechest, tight feet, crested neck, slightly sloping topline firm and kept on the move, well filled croup, super rear in both angles and muscle, moved with drive and balance and very well handled.

2 Krieger’s In Style (Mrs F & Mr K Taylor Miss L Stracey).

Bl/R bitch dark eye super expression, well filled forechest, firm level topline, good rear angulation, moved and handled well.

Yearling Bitch 1/0

1 Jojavik Unforgettable (Mr D A 7 Mrs F M & Miss V L & Mrs J A Jones & Jones & Ingram & Ingram).

Super Bl/R bitch litter sister to the junior bitch winner and sharing similar qualities, stood alone in the class, dark eye alert expression, tight feet, crested neck slightly sloping topline firm and held on the move, well developed hindquarters, super mover straight and true with drive and rotation.

Novice Bitch 2/1

1 Amazon Just Let Me Adore You (Mr R Evans).

Graduate Bitch 4/2

1 Amazon She Is Adored (Mr R Evans).

2 Satinea Fevronia at Telenndu (Mr N Morgan).

Bl/r bitch dark eye alert expression, firm topline kept on the move correct rear angulation, moved and shown well.

Post Graduate Bitch 2/0

1 Manrio Izmir at Trystorme (Mr M & Mrs I Pagan).

Super Br/R bitch, gorgeous head and alert expression well filled forechest, parallel legs with round bone and tight feet, good spring of rib firm topline well developed hindquarters, moved well once settled.

2 Jojavik Photobomb (Mr I & Mrs J & Miss V & Mr R Godfrey & Ingram& Ingram & Lack)

Feminine Bl/R bitch finer than 1, darkest of eye, level planes, crested neck, firm topline, well developed hindquarters, moved and shown well.

Limit Bitch 5/0

1 Diegos Doris Day (Miss Y & Mrs T Freer & Mccall).

Bl/R bitch dark eye level planes, alert expression, arched neck, short coupled, firm topline well developed hindquarters, moved with drive and determination in unison with her handler.

2 Supetas Pocketful of Love for Sharhyste (Mrs S M Mycroft).

Bl/R substantial bitch, dark eye level planes alert expression, arched neck, well developed forechest, firm topline kept on the move, well developed hindquarters, moved and shown well.

3 Tuwos Ms B Havin’ (Ms S & Mr W Gulliver & Cochrane)

Open Bitch 6/0

1 Ch Kriegers Highland Fling JW (Mrs J Bisland).

Absolutely stunning Br/R bitch from the top drawer who took my eye on entering the ring, feminine head with super alert expression, legs parallel and bone round, tightest of feet, well developed forechest, crested neck, slightly sloping topline firm and kept on the move, good spring of rib, croup well filled, C shaped tail, correct rear angulation and well developed hindquarters, super mover straight and true with drive, rotation and attitude, could go all day, very well handled and I was delighted to award her the CC and BOB.

2 Supeta’s Diamond in The Sky (Mrs S M Mycroft)

Super Bl/R bitch, dark eye level headplanes alert expression, well filled forechest tight feet, firm slightly sloping topline kept on the move well developed hindquarters with correct angulation moved and shown well.

3 Amazon Show Me Heaven (C & N Evans)

Veteran Bitch 2/1

1 Granadeya Aosta JW (Mr P & Mrs D Tant)

Top quality Bl/R bitch 7 years old but still oozing quality, well angled front with well filled forechest, parallel legs tight feet, slightly sloping topline kept on the move, good spring of rib, croup well filled, well developed hindquarters with correct angles, moved with drive and purpose, very well handled and I was pleased to award her the RCC and see her go WVG 2.