• Show Date: 17/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Susanna Zubair Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Border Union Agricultural Society

Breed: Retriever (Golden)

Thank you to the society for inviting me to judge when the originally appointed judge was unable to, I wish her the best in her recovery.

This is a lovely show and one of my favourite ones to exhibit at. The ring was of a good size but rather uneven ground in places. Temperaments were lovely and I was very happy with my final lineup. 

I do have to mention that my hands were black at the end of my judging, this is disappointing. Personally, I would never take a dirty dog to a show.

My co-judge Mrs Dianne Stewart-Richie and I were in full agreement for the CC winning dog going best of breed, the bitch puppy who I thought was very appealing and just right for her age was best puppy and the lovely veteran bitch won best veteran over her litter brother.

Minor puppy (2) 1st Greig’s Steval Aglow with Cranngary, Mid-gold boy of 8 months, well-shaped head of correct proportions, and correct muzzle, dark eye and pigment giving him a kind expression, good length of neck and layback of shoulder, short coupled body with a level topline, straight well boned legs and neat feet. Well bent stifles, moved well when settled. Not in his best coat at the moment but this will come. Best dog puppy.

2nd Warden’s Noblemoon take the high road to Glentochy, Short coupled mid gold boy who gave his handler a hard time in the ring today, nice head with a dark eye and pigment, enough length of neck & well-placed shoulders, short coupled body. Would prefer a bit more length & turn of upper arm as well as a better fore-chest. Would like more bend of stifle, Not really cooperating on the move today at all, it may have been due to the warm weather.

Puppy (2)Pratt’s Rosyth Keltic Lord, Compact darker boy who is just starting to blow his coat, Nice head with correct skull, defined stop and enough depth of muzzle, ears at the moment are a bit large in proportion to his head but hopefully he will grow into them, Lovely dark eye and black pigment, short coupled body with a dead level topline, would prefer a bit more length of neck as well as layback of shoulder, good bone and lovely straight legs and correct catlike feet, balanced angulation in front and behind with short hocks. Moved well but carrying a bit too much weight for me today.

2nd Warden’s Noblemoon tak the high road to Glentochy

Junior (5) Some different types in this class 1st O’Neill’s Good Strathlon Island Lad, Larger 14 month old boy who is well up to size, well chiselled head of excellent proportions, dark eye and pigment giving him a kind expression, good length of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, level topline and tailset, Well boned legs but would prefer stronger front pasterns, short coupled body and correct depth of chest, well-constructed in front balanced off by matching rear, Shown in lovely cream coat that was well presented, moves well with plenty of reach and drive but just a bit too proud of his tail whilst on the move today.

2nd Black’s Bencoe Just in time del Avrain, cream boy who made things a bit tricky for his handler today, the most beautiful head with a soft kind expression, lovely eye and excellent pigment, Correct length of neck flowing into well laid back shoulders, level topline but slightly longer in loin than my winner, correct tailset and tail carriage, good length of upper arm placing front legs well under body, well boned straight front legs, good bend of stifle and short hocks, moved well just not with the energy & drive of my winner.

3rd Wright’s Palton Platino

Yearling (6,1a) 3 lovely boys headed this class and they could easily swap places on another day, 1st Bernaert’s Grey goose back in black, Gold boy of a lovely type, free stood with a happy disposition and waggy tail, most lovely head with correct skull, well defined stop and muzzle of good depth, Kind dark eyes and excellent pigment, Handler has a tendency to stand quite close to the dog hence not showing off the dogs length of neck, he has good layback of shoulder and a lovely front assembly with excellent fore chest, short coupled body with a level topline and tailset, well sprung ribs and deep through the chest, Would prefer a tad more width to hind quarters but he has lovely short hocks, moves with plenty of drive holding a level topline & tail. Very well-presented coat.

2nd Garget’s Goldmarker coming home to Garvin (ai) Very similar in type to my 1st placed dog and many of the same lovely attributes, he has a balanced well shaped head with a kind expression, short coupled body, excellent front construction and rear, correct straight front and good bone, deep through the chest, well bent stifles and short strong hocks, moved well on this warm day holding a level topline and correct tail carriage.

3rd Bolton’s Megarvey still game for Shiresmill JW

Novice (5) 1st Greig’s Steval aglow with Cranngary

2nd Pratt’s Rosyth Keltic Lord

3rd Bednall’s Bencoe Big time operator

Graduate (6) 1st Little’s King of swing Qdore of Labgold to Bluebraes (Imp Pol) Lovely midgold boy with a very appealing head, dark eyes and good pigment gives him a soft kind expression, excellent length of neck and well placed shoulders, good upper arm and layback of shoulder, matched by well bent stifles, deep through the chest, well boned straight legs, lovely tight feet, moved well with good reach and drive holding his level topline and correct tail carriage.

2nd Kipps’s Wheatcroft Rainbow, another lovely boy, cream in colour, he has the most beautiful head with the darkest eye and pigment, Excellent length of neck and well laid back shoulders, short coupled body with well sprung ribs and deep through the chest, straight well boned legs and good tight feet, balanced angulation in front and rear, moves well with plenty of drive, just preferred my winners topline and tail carriage on the move

3rd Simon Basset De ria vela for Beinangus JW (IMP ESP)

Post Graduate (4) 1st Layland’s Applecotes Heart Desire, Mid-gold boy with a lovely head of correct proportion, kind eye and good pigment, excellent bone & substance, in full very well presented wavy coat, straight legs with lovely tight catlike feet, level topline with correct tailset held on the move, appealed a lot for his overall balance with front angulation matching his rear, moved well with good reach and drive, very nicely handled & presented.

2nd Oaks’s Drumkility Vanadium JW, Larger cream boy who appealed a lot too, just slightly longer in outline than my winner, Beautiful head with the darkest eye, well-shaped head with a soft kind expression, good length of neck and good shoulder placement, deep through the chest, level topline and tail, Lovely substance, straight legs and neat tight feet, short strong hocks enables him to move with correct drive, just a tad proud of his tail which ruined the outline on the move. Still liked him a lot and it was a close decision.

3rd Towers, Henderson & Bolano’s Grey Goose November Rain (IMP ESP)

Mid Limit (7) 1st Towers & Henderson’s Alibren Bakers boy, Medium sized cream boy who presents a balanced outline, he has a masculine yet kind head with a dark eye, shown & handled very well to advantage, excellent front construction with a good forechest, tight fitting elbows and deep well sprung ribcage, his topline is like a table standing and on the move, would have ideally just preferred a bit more width to his thigh, moves well and it was a close decision for the RCC.

2nd McGeoch’s Nedlezah Lochlea, Mid gold boy who has caught my eye from the ringside before, very balanced outline, Nice masculine head, good length of neck, well placed shoulders, level topline and short coupled in the loin, well boned legs with nice catlike feet, would prefer tighter fitting elbows, moves well with reach and drive from short strong hocks, just preferred my winners tail carriage on the move today.

3rd Wright’s Palton Pavarotti.

Limit (12, 1a) 1st Fhiarmhor Haud Yer Wheesht at Rigerin, Rich gold boy who seems to have the loveliest disposition, never stops wagging his tail & very attentive to his handler, liked him for his overall balance, Gentle head with a soft expression, Good length of neck and correct layback of shoulder, short coupled body, lovely bone and feet and in good coat, moves with plenty of reach and drive holding his level topline, very happy to award him the RCC.

2nd McCormack’s Flyngalee Signature, Upstanding and short coupled boy of good size, well chiselled head with dark eye and kind expression, good reach of neck but a tad heavy over the shoulders, short strong back and well set on tail, well sprung ribcage and deep through the chest, Excellent front construction matched by well bent stifles, moves well with plenty of reach and drive holding his level topline but just a little bit proud of his tail.

3rd Wright’s Paltons Pavarotti

Open (4) Pastusiak’s Sh Ch/In Ch, Pl Ch/BL Ch Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold, This boy really is the ultimate showman, stands foursquare, wagging his tail and looks adoringly at his handler, he has lovely masculine head with such a lovely alert expression, Excellent length of neck and correct shoulder placement, short coupled body with a level topline and tail set, well shaped ribcage and deep through the chest, well angulated front balanced off by matching rear end, good forechest, moves so well holding his tabletop topline and correct tail carriage, his handler really does get the best out of him, delighted to award him the CC and Best of breed.

2nd Towers and Henderson’s Alibren Galileo to Westervane JW SGWC, lovely boy that I have admired from the ringside on many occasions, he is so balanced in outline and of correct proportions, well shaped maculine head with dark eye and good pigment, long neck flowing into correct layback of shoulder, dead level topline and tailset, well constructed front with good forechect and correct bend of stifle to match, Short parallel hocks, he moves correctly, would just have liked to have seen more energy going into it, nevertheless a really lovely boy.

3rd Kipps’s Cadwest flash flame at Wheatcroft

Veteran (5) 1st Cutthill’s Sh Ch Mousseglen Maclaine Lovely type of dog who is very much ‘my cup of tea’, good size with plenty of bone, lovely masculine head with the softest expression, dark kind eyes, excellent length of neck into correct should er placement, deep mature body with well sprung ribcage, short coupled loin, balanced angulation in front and rear, moved well, beaten by his lovely litter sister for best veteran.

2nd Bolton’s Stanroph Superstravegante at Shiremill JW, Another lovely veteran boy who I judged before as a minor puppy, sweet head, Good length of neck and correct shoulder placement, short coupled well balanced outline, straight front and nice tight feet, short level topline & correct tailset, lovely broad hind quarters, short strong hocks used well on the move. Very nicely handled and presented.

3rd Wright’s Paltons Panetela