• Show Date: 02/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Susan James Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/08/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Dobermann

Southern Counties Canine Association Championship show 2023

2nd June 2023

Judge Susan James (Jaegerson)

Thank you to the Southern Counties Canine Association for the invitation and honour of judging their championship show. I would like to thank my two co-stewards who made my task so easy, ensuring the day run smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for an excellent entry and pleased with my final line up in both sexes

DCC Mrs A L & Ms I Jones & Ushakova Ch/lux Ch Korifey Vanquish

RDCC Mrs S & Mr D Brown Jojavick Shaken Not Stirred

BCC Ms J Kershaw Aritaur Vespers

RBCC Mrs J Bisland Ch Krieger’s Highland Fling JW

BOB Ms J Kershaw Aritaur Vespers

BPIB Mr R Evans Amazon She is Adored

BV Miss C L Bishop Ch Repertoire Simply Red ShCM,

BJ Mr R Evans Amazon She is Adored

BSB Ms C Adams & Mr D Springett Aritaur Lapis Lazuli

MPD 4/1abs 1 S & D Brown Jojavick Shaken Not Stirred. This young dog has a bright future, striking black and tan, lovely head and expression, dark almond eyes, deep chest to elbow, strong sound front assembly standing on round bone with tight cat shaped feet, good turn of stifle, moved free with purpose power and drive RCC 2 Korifey Reckless J M & M W & A M Kent, Kent & Sutton. b/t Another nice example of the breed, very much a baby slightly soft in topline, with maturity this should rectify, standard size dog, correct head shape, dark almond eye, chest has depth with well sprung rib, square compact shape, well let down hocks, moved with purpose and drive 3 Korifey Heartbreaker C L Bishop

PD 2/0abs 1 H & L Schneiders Kodam Burning Man at Shantock, lovely head and expression, dark eye well set ears, adequate reach of neck running into well placed shoulders, straight legs tight feet, good depth of chest and spring of rib, stood full square with correct rear angulation 2 Capell Llepac Against all The Odds slightly long in muzzle, dark almond eye, neat ears, stood on good strong bone, longer in body than winner

JD 1/1abs

GD 2/1abs 1 G & M Hunt & Flitcroft Tuwos Mr Majestik Vonsallate stood alone Br/r pleasing head shape with correct planes and expression, almond dark eye, nice reach of neck leading into strong well-placed shoulders, strong round bone standing on tight cat like feet, sloping topline to correct well-muscled rear angulation, moved with purpose and drive

PGD 3/1abs 1 RP & Dr R J Massey & Mcgeoch Manzart Zebedee, Br/R Beautiful shape of correct size, powerful yet elegant with a balanced confirmation, correct head of good proportions and eye colour, adequate reach of neck on well-placed shoulders, backline firm and straight with correct depth of rib, hind quarters nicely angulated, covered the ground with grace and power, 2 G & M Hunt & Flitcroft Tuwos Mr Majestik Vonsallate (critique as written in GD)

 LD 5/1abs 1 S & D Robertson Cockneyoka Dire Straits, B/t Correct wedge-shaped head, with neat well set ears, excellent fill under the eyes, clean cut with good depth of muzzle, correct reach of neck sitting on well-placed shoulders, strong topline, good rear angulation, moved with power and drive 2 S J Thorn Grafmax Sergeant Pepper, B/t another nice dog beautiful expression and correct head planes, dark almond eye with alert expression, correct size and proportions height to length, when viewed from the front and behind, strong backline and thigh width, well let down hocks, moved with power reach and drive, 3 A J Samways Swnydwr Wassap

OD 3/0abs 1 Mrs A L & Ms I Jones & Ushakova Ch/lux Ch Korifey Vanquish, B/t Stallion of a dog he commands your attention when entering the ring, not overdone, a complete package with correct proportions when viewed from any angle, beautiful head planes of the right proportions, well filled under the eyes with a dark almond eye, excellent depth of muzzle, beautiful crest of neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong slightly slopping topline, well-muscled thighs with strong correct hocks which showed when on the move covering the ground with grace, power and drive. 2 J A & S & I Groves & Lafford Lateagain Satisfaction JW ShCEx, Standard size black and tan dog, not overdone a very old-fashioned classic animal of correct proportions, masculine head, dark eye and beautiful expression, excellent shoulder placement and firm backline, standing on round bone and tight catlike feet, excellent rear angulation with a good depth of stifle and we’ll let down hocks, covered the ground with drive and determination 3 Ch/lux Ch/nl Ch Korifey Ivan ShCEx Bh R E Robinson

SBD 0/0

VD/B 3/1abs These veterans are both beautiful representations of the breed. 1 C L Bishop Ch Repertoire Simply Red ShCM, Br/r What a power house of a dog I admired him as a young dog and now seeing him in veteran he did not disappoint, beautiful head of correct proportions dark eye, good depth of muzzle, strong crest of neck leading into well-muscled shoulders of correct proportions, strong backline, deep chest, stood full square on tight catlike feet, covered the ground well 2 T J & Le Lainchbury Ch Ashlain Trypiti JW ShCM VW B/t Another good example of the breed and now in her autumn years, alert expression with neat ears excellent head planes and dark almond eye, correct outline square compact body, well placed shoulders with correct length to upper arm, balanced rear angulation and well-muscled covered the ground with purpose and drive

GCDS 1/0abs 1 S I Lafford Lateagain Wild Heart avec Sariandobes JW Br/r Stood alone today but did not disappoint, standard size bitch correct head and ear shape, with dark eye, nice reach of neck on well placed balanced shoulders, firm topline, correct rear angulation and body shape, covered the ground with purpose and drive

SBB 2/0abs 1 C D Adams & Springett Aritaur Lapis Lazuli B/t nice head with dark eye, good reach of neck, running into well placed shoulders, firm topline slightly long in loin, rear angulation of good proportions, unfortunately the movement was erratic pacing at times, finally settled and moved around the ring with drive 2 S Moore Torcheney Takha BR/r Head of good proportions, with dark eye, adequate reach of neck, ample fore chest, nice front angulation standing on tight feet, was slightly long in body, unfortunately paced around the ring and would not settle, preferred the rear angulation on the winner

MPB 2/0abs 1 J A & V L & T M & R J Ingram & Ingram & Tousent & Lack, Jojavick Spangle Mob, B/t beautiful young bitch, lovely head and expression of correct proportions, neat set ears, dark almond eye, good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders of correct proportions, strong slightly slopping topline, good depth of chest and spring of rib, stood full square with excellent turn of stifle and did not

disappoint on the move 2 D Merrett Korifey Sweet Child of Mine B/t another quality puppy with the same attributes as the winner, it was a very close between the two, lost out today on the movement which could have been the heat.

PB 6/1abs 1 R Evans Amazon Just Let Me Adore You, B/t, Quality bitch and has many attributes as her litter sister, beautifully balanced, lovely pleasing head neat correct set ears, strong elegant neck running into well placed shoulders of correct proportions, legs parallel with round bone lovely cat like tight feet, sloping topline, well-developed hindquarters of correct angulation, well let down hocks, moved with power grace and elegance. 2 K King Nerak Time After Time Br/r another quality bitch, correct head planes, lovely fill under the darkest of eye of correct shape, excellent reach of neck on well-placed shoulder running into firm topline, square compact body with correct turn of stifle, well-muscled in excellent condition, just lost out on movement due to the heat. 3 S & J & J Mycroft & Kelly & Kelly 3 S & J & J Mycroft & Kelly & Kelly Supetas Smokin Hot (excellent class)

JB 4/0abs 1 R Evans Amazon She is Adored, Br/r Quality written all over her, beautiful head of correct proportions, well filled under the eye, alert expression with neat correct set ears, well placed shoulders, correct length to upper arm, firm topline, balanced rear angulation and well-muscled covered the ground with purpose and drive. Please to award her BPIB then see this beautiful youngster take BPIS

2 Jojavik Unforgettable D A & F M & V L & J A Jones & Jones & Ingram & Ingram, B/t slightly stronger bitch than winner, lovely balanced head and eye shape, good depth of muzzle alert expression, good reach of neck on well placed shoulders, strong level topline, good forehand and depth of brisket, stood full square on excellent bone, tight feet, well developed hindquarters moved out true and straight. 3 L Webb Shalissa’s Perfect Blend (another excellent class)

GB 8/3abs 1 J Edmonds Shalissa’s Angels Envy B/t beautiful head and alert expression, well filled forechest, parallel legs with strong round bone with tight feet, good spring of rib firm topline, strong well developed hindquarters moved with purpose and drive 2 I & J & V & R Godfrey & Ingram & Ingram & Lack Jojavick Photobomb B/t slightly taller than winner, dark eye alert expression, crested neck slightly sloping topline firm and held on the move, strong hind quarters 3 P & C Plummer Aritaur Juno Lucina

PGB 0/0abs

LB 5/0abs 1 S M Mycroft Supeta’s Diamond in the Sky B/t correct head with excellent head planes when viewed from any angle, dark eye of correct shape, good depth of muzzle. Clean neckline sitting on correct well placed shoulders, strong sound front assembly standing on good round bone with tight cat shaped feet, firm backline held on the move, clean outline with correct proportions height to length, good turn of stifle moved free with purpose power and drive. 2 B/t T D & S Mccall Murray & Murray Diegos Debbie Harry outstanding head with darkest of eye, correct depth of muzzle and head planes, ears small and neat, alert expression, adequate reach of neck, strong topline, good rear angulations, well let down hocks, unfortunately just lost out on rear movement 3 D & E J Goodwin Supeta’s Perfect Rose

OB 10/3abs 1 J Kershaw Aritaur Vespers, B/t absolute stunning quality bitch she caught my eye when entered the ring and did not disappoint, balanced feminine head of correct angles when viewed from all angles, alert expression with the darkest of eye and well set ears of correct proportions, strong arch neck sitting on well-placed shoulders with correct length to upper arm, strong firm slopping topline, well developed forechest, strong round bone with catlike feet, correct rear angulation with good depth of stifle, moved with power drive and rotary action, pleased to award her BOB 2 J Bisland Ch Krieger’s Highland Fling JW Br/r another mature quality bitch with similar attributes to the winner, beautiful head with confident expression, dark eye and correct head planes, adequate reach of neck sitting on well-placed shoulders, round bone with tight catlike feet standing firm and square with a lovely forechest and deep brisket. Correct rear angulation and well-developed hindquarters, super mover with rotary action power and determination. 3 L S Luther Ch Supeta’s Echoes of Love for Langlore JW


Susan James
