• Show Date: 16/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Sue Worrell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 08/10/2023

Pennine & Scottish French Bulldog Association

Breed: French Bulldog


Thank you to the Officers and Committee of the breed club, it was an honour to accept your invitation to judge the Championship Show, and it was so well organised by Jackie Mavro-Michaelis and her team, with special thanks to show secretary Dianne Garrett and my ring stewards on the day, Paul Worsley and Graham Beale. Running a show concurrently with another show is not easy to plan, and a couple of timing issues arose which I am sure will be taken into account in preparation for the next show. The weather remained dry, however the long wet grass and very uneven surface in parts of the show ring made movement difficult to assess at times. Thank you to all the exhibitors who entered, and took the occasional delay in their stride. The bitch entry continues to be strong, however it is lovely to see more quality males moving up the classes too. Two noisy breathers were present, one of which was not helped by carrying too much weight, some wry mouths and pinning at the front was also noticeable on several exhibits. Bitches were judged first.

Minor Puppy Bitch (5,2)

1st Weir’s Bonisle Forever Grateful - a beautiful 6 month old brindle bitch with round dark eye giving her a soft melting expression, her head nicely square with well placed eyes, nose and ear set. She has good upsweep of jaw, a well defined muzzle with width and depth, tight dark lips and open nares. Fine wrinkling on her domed forehead, with the skull flattening between her parallel wide based ears, which were used to advantage the entire time. The padding to her cheeks should appear as she matures. She has a pleasing cobby outline, with a short neck leading to well placed shoulders, a straight front, and width and depth to her forechest. There is time for her front pasterns to tighten up a bit more. A gentle cut up and good length of rib, leading to her short loin, topped by a gentle roach and with her tail set low. She has good angulation front and rear, however her rear movement was a bit loose on the day.

2nd Ferguson’s Queenslake Ready to Rumble at Kertesz – another 6 month old brindle baby with a well marked coat. She has a pretty feminine head, with good length and depth of muzzle and a well defined stop. Her nose is well placed with wide nostrils, she has lovely dark eyes and ears were held erect. She is longer cast that 1st, with good depth of forechest, and developing spring of rib. Front and rear angulation is moderate, she has a pleasing turn of stifle and well rounded rear, and moved well in all directions.

3rd Vearncombe & Hales’s Castrum Osinium Ria for Rumption (Imp HRV)

Puppy Bitch (6,1)

1st Brook’s Serenant Iron Butterfly – at 10 months old this young lady has ring presence in abundance! With a shiny dark smooth textured brindle coat covering an already shapely profile, she was a pleasure to go over. She has a square headset with correctly placed round dark eyes, which gave her a feminine expression. Good width and depth of muzzle, with a pleasing upsweep of jaw and tight lips, a well-defined stop and soft wrinkling on her domed forehead. She has large correctly placed ears, which I am sure will fall into proportion as her head fully matures. Her front is straight with ample bone, she has strong pasterns and neat feet with beautiful dark nails. In profile there is a nice arch to her neck leading down to good shoulder placement, depth of chest and developing spring of rib. A good tuck up, gentle roach over the loins, low set tail and good width of thigh with low set hocks added up to a balanced outline, she moved with style round the ring, and I was pleased to award her BPB and BPIS

2nd Kay’s Bestfrenchie Becky – a pretty brindle with a delightful feminine expression on her 11-month-old head. Although slightly older, she is not as mature as 1st place. Still very much a puppy, she does have a well padded muzzle with width to jaw and a good turnup, lovely dark round eyes, soft wrinkling to forehead, and correctly set ears, which were wide at the base and used well. A straight front with developing forechest and rib, in profile she has a short cobby body and gentle roach. I would prefer more turn of stifle however she covered the uneven ground well

3rd Tonkin, Pellow & Pellow’s Rosanyos Let’s Salsa

Junior Bitch (7,1)

1st Wildman & Davis’ Wildax Rowendale Meatball Molly – after all the very well behaved puppies, a naughty junior had to appear! In typical Frenchie fashion this 16 month old brindle gave her handler a hard time on the move, but settled enough to demonstrate sound movement and was a delight to go over on the table. From nose to tail nothing is exaggerated on this bitch. Her head is square and feminine, with lovely width of jaw, plenty of cushioning on her wide muzzle, that also has depth and length, correct eye placement, soft wrinkling to her domed forehead all topped by medium sized bat ears. Her neck is of moderate length, and leads down to well placed shoulders. Her front is wide and straight, and she has good depth of chest and spring of rib. Ample bone and good muscle tone throughout, a good cut up linking to her strong loin, she also has a very gentle roach and low set tail and presents a pleasing profile

2nd Mr & Mrs Membury’s Membully Maybe My Time – a smaller brindle of the same age as 1st, she has a pretty expression with dark round eye, good nose placement and nares, a well defined stop, doming to the softly wrinkled forehead and correctly sized bat ears. I would prefer a bit more depth and width to muzzle, which will hopefully come as she fully matures. She has a straight front and enough bone, developing chest and rib, a short neck leading down to good shoulder placement, a gentle roach and is shorter coupled than 1st. She was handled and moved well.

3rd Sarkissian’s Castle Allen Nancy Wheeler

Yearling Bitch (9,2)

1st Bryant’s Archness The Dramallama – a quality 15 month old brindle bitch with a well marked coat, she was presented in excellent condition. She has a delightful haughty Frenchie expression, her muzzle is deep, wide and well cushioned, with good width to her lower jaw along with a pleasing upsweep and layback of foreface. She has cushioning to lips, and well placed nose, eyes and ear set. She is of good size, with a wide straight front, developing forechest and is well off for bone and substance. Her chest is deep and ribs well sprung. Her neck is strong and of moderate length, she has well laid shoulders with good angulation front and rear. In profile she has a good cut up, and definition to her loin, a gentle roach and well set tail. If I was being picky I would prefer more turn of stifle. A tad reluctant to move off, she settled down and maintained her topline around the ring.

2nd Humphries’ Theapaul I Believe in Magic for Crackatari JW – at 22 months old she is a compact but nicely put together brindle bitch. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she has a pretty, feminine square head piece, with everything in proportion and in the right place. Her wide straight front, tight pasterns and neat feet are complimented by good depth of brisket and spring of rib. She has a good cut up and short loin, however her high tailset and very gentle roach makes her topline appear flat at times. She has good width of thigh and turn of stifle, and was handled and presented very well

3rd Ayriss’ Katakia’s Wish Upon A Star

Novice Bitch (8,2)

 1st Mr & Mrs Membury’s Membully Maybe My Time – see 2nd JB

2nd Nash’s Zimblistic Ice Ice Lady – a very pretty 2 year old girl with a lovely clear fawn coat and dark mask. Her feminine square head has a wide deep muzzle with plenty of cushioning, appealing dark eye and good pigment. Ear placement could be higher, and she was reluctant to use them. In profile she has good depth and length of rib and is longer cast than 1st, has ample thigh and a good turn of stifle, and her roach rounds off nicely down to a low set tail. She was a bit reluctant on the table, but she moved very well round the ring coming and going.

3rd Gough’s Katakia Valerie’s Beauty

Graduate Bitch (7,2)

1st Nash’s Zimblistic Ice Ice Lady – see 2nd NB

2nd Kasprowicz You Never Know Daniello – another fawn girl with a lovely clear coat and dark mask, she has a soft melting expression, with dark round eyes set moderately wide apart and in line with her stop. She has plenty of cushioning to muzzle, and fill under the eye, I would prefer a higher earset, and although they are the correct size and shape she did not want to use them. She has substance, with a wide front, gentle cut up and roach, moderate angulation and a good width of thigh, but sadly she did not want to show herself today

3rd Gough’s Katakia Valerie’s Beauty

Post Graduate Bitch (7,0)

1st Vearnecombe & Hale’s Ruption Knightcott Back In Black – a 2 year old well marked brindle bitch who won the class with her headset. Square with a feminine expression, she has a broad skull, which is flat between her well placed ears, soft wrinkling to her forehead, dark round eyes set wide and in line with her well defined stop, muzzle deep and wide and a pleasing upsweep of jaw. She has sufficient bone, and depth of chest but is long in loin, and would benefit from more spring of rib and a bit of weight to help balance her outline. She was handled very well and showed sound movement from all sides.

2nd Nash’s Zimblistic Ic Ice Lady – see 2nd NB

3rd Foley’s Leyenda Masquerade

Limit Bitch (13, 2) the hardest class of the day, all of the top 5 could easily swap places and several of the unplaced dogs could make the cut on a different day. But today my 1st place went to Ayriss’ Lady Rebellion at Boulevaya, at 2 years old, she has a fine smooth lustrous coat, short and close, it gives her dark brindle body a beautiful glossy sheen. She has smooth clean lines, and a lovely cobby body without exaggeration. She has a very feminine head, with dark round eyes and a soft kind expression. Her muzzle is deep and wide, with a good turn up, lips tight and well cushioned, in profile she has a good layback a well defined stop. Subtle wrinkling to her domed forehead, and topped by correctly positioned medium sized bat ears. Her neck is of moderate length, leading down to well placed shoulders, good depth and width of chest, lovely spring of rib and a short powerful loin. She has sufficient bone and substance, although I would prefer more turn of stifle. A gentle roach leads down to a well set visible tail, and she moved round the ring with ease.

2nd Chambers’ Senorio De Carthago Miss Topette of Luvum (Imp EST) another quality brindle with a delightful feminine head and expression, not quite the width of jaw as 1st place, but dark eyes, correct nose and ear placement and padding to muzzle and cheeks. In profile she has a good reach of neck, well placed shoulders and good depth of chest, a gentle cut up and gentle roach over her short loin. She is cobby and balanced, however she did tend to over stretch at the back, and was not settled on the move, this was quite possibly down to the long wet grass and uneven conditions, she could easily win the class on another day

3rd Cheeseman’s Theapaul Lady Magic

Open Bitch (8,1)

 1st Mr & Mrs Membury & Mrs Pearce’s Ch Bullhawk Egg’s Citing at Membully - a day short of 17 months, this well marked brindle bitch is eye catching for all the right reasons. She presents a balanced profile with no sign of exaggeration in any area. Excellent headset, square with good depth and width to muzzle, which also has plenty of cushioning, lower jaw is wide with a pleasing turn up, she has a well defined stop above good nostrils, dark correctly placed eyes, bat ears of correct size and position and gentle wrinkling to her domed forehead. Everything comes together to create a lovely feminine expression. Her front assembly is very good, with sufficient forechest, ample bone, straight legs set wide apart, with tight pasterns leading down to neat feet. She has a well arched neck of good length, leading down to excellent shoulder placement. Her profile is cobby with moderate angulation front and rear. She has definition behind the well sprung ribs, a short strong loin with a gentle roach, shapely thighs with a pleasing turn of stifle and strong sound hocks which were well let down. Presented in excellent condition, she was at one with her handler and her movement was graceful and sound. It was a pleasure to go over her, and for me she ticked all the boxes in the bitch challenge, I was pleased to award her BCC & RBIS

2nd Hogan’s Ch Ashstaff Secret Whisper for Baclaudi – this dark brindle bitch was my BPIB last time I judged, and it was a pleasure to see her in the ring again. She has matured into a beautiful bitch with a delightfully haughty expression. She has good depth and length to her muzzle, a good turn up and layback, dark expressive eyes and well set ears. Her body in profile is shorter than 1st but still balanced, with a straight front, sufficient forechest, good depth of brisket and spring of rib, a gentle roach over her short loin, clearly defined second thigh and hocks well let down. She also moved soundly and did not stop showing the entire time in the ring. The devil is in the detail as they say, and on the day I preferred the shape of ears and under eye fill of 1st place. She was called back in to the challenge and did not take her eyes off me for a second, demanding the RBCC which I was happy to award her.

3rd Smith’s Ch Jafrak So Flirty at Khanin

 Veteran Bitch (5,1)

 1st Roach’s Roalice Mini Mouse ShCM – at 9 years old, this dark fawn bitch still has a strong feminine head, with slight silver frosting on her muzzle the only give away to her age. She retains excellent pigment around her eyes, which are also dark and set wide, giving her a soft kind expression. A well cushioned muzzle, wide jaw and good nostrils are also present, with well placed bat ears which she did not stop using to advantage. Her body has substance and is still firm and well defined, with a gentle cut up, good width of thigh with gentle roach over her loin and low tailset. She has excellent muscle tone and moved so soundly in all directions. BVB & BVIS

2nd Dyker’s Mardy Marjorie avec Kimevan (Imp ESP) – at 7 years old this little brindle lady was a delight to go over. She has a feminine head with round dark eyes, giving her a soft kind expression, lovely upsweep of jaw, silver frosting to her muzzle and chin, and gentle wrinkling to her forehead. Her earset could be higher, but they are the correct size and shape, and she used them well. She is smaller in frame than 1st with a deep chest and well sprung rib, gentle topline and visible well set tail.

3rd Hutchinson’s Exquisitus Reginisus

Special Open Pied Bitch (2.1)

 1st Hepworth’s Anessabull She’s Mirabel – An 18 month old fawn pied with a dark mask and good pigment. She has a clear white coat with defined fawn patches, and presents a good outline. Her muzzle is long, deep, and well padded, with good width of jaw and upsweep. She has a well defined stop and dark eyes, and her ears are large, upright and parallel. Well off for bone and substance, she seemed to be in a rush to get everywhere, making her movement hard to assess

Special Open Fawn Bitch (8,3)

 1st Nash’s Zimblistic Ice Ice Lady – see 2nd NB

2nd Bryant’s Archness The Vivacious - a 15 month old light fawn bitch with a beautiful dark mask and round dark eyes, giving her a lovely soft melting expression. She has a deep wide muzzle with plenty of cushioning, a good upturn of her wide jaw, her eyes are also set wide and inline with her stop. I would prefer a higher earset. She has a developing front, and is still low on her front pasterns. A deep chest and clean cut up, with a strong loin and good width of thigh, gentle roach and low set tail complete the profile. She moved and was handled well

3rd Sarkissian’s Castle Allen Nancy Wheeler

Special Open Brindle Bitch (3,1)

 1st Gough’s Katakia Valerie’s Beauty – 18 month old with a dark brindle coat, she has a broad square head and a well cushioned muzzle. Her dark eyes are set wide and in line with her stop. She has soft wrinkling on her domed forehead, and her skull is flat between her ears, and although I would prefer them to be set a bit higher, she used them well. She has a moderate length of neck and well placed shoulders. She needs a bit more width in front, and in profile she is long coupled. She has good depth of brisket and developing spring of rib, with moderate rear angulation. Her movement was ok

2nd Thornton’s Zimblistic Oh It’s Magic – only 9 months old and very much a baby. Her pretty feminine head is still developing, she has good length of muzzle, the depth and width still to come on. Dark expressive eyes, gentle wrinkling on her forehead, and well placed bat ears. Developing shoulders and chest, her front is straight and she has a good turn of stifle. In profile she looks short coupled at the moment. She moved ok with encouragement from her handler.

Minor Puppy Dog (4,0)

 1st Morison’s Xandene Knew You Were Magic - 6 month old fawn with a lovely dark mask. He had the best nostrils on the day, and although just a baby, he has good width and depth to his muzzle, with plenty of cushioning. Beautiful dark round eyes set wide apart gave him a delightful soft but masculine expression, with correctly set well used bat ears topping off his strong headset. Still a little low on his front pasterns, he has bone and substance and a pleasing cobby outline. A powerful neck of moderate length leads down to well placed shoulders. He has developing rib and chest, a gentle roach and cut up, and pleasing width to his thigh. He moved well but gave his handler a hard time in the challenge, it is always lovely to see a puppy enjoying himself in the ring!

2nd Morgan-Ling & Ling’s Castrum Osinium Rule My World (Imp HRV) – at 7 months old, this young man has a well marked but slightly course brindle coat which will hopefully smooth out as he matures. He has good length of muzzle, a well defined stop and open nares. Lovely dark eyes and gentle wrinkling to forehead, but he was reluctant to use his ears today. A good straight front with developing rib, he has a cobby outline, neat feet and moderate angulation and moved well when settled

3rd Suhareva’s Castrum Osinium Roller Coaster (Imp CRO)

Puppy Dog (3,0)

1st Brooks’ Serenant Maverick – clearly related to my BPB, this 10 month old has the same smooth dark brindle coat as his litter sister, both being presented in excellent condition. He has a developing head, with dark eyes giving off a kind expression. His front is straight, with plenty of bone, upright in the pasterns and good depth of brisket with developing rib. He has a well arched neck, good shoulder placement, strong loin and well placed small tail. Not quite as together as his sister yet, in profile or movement, he has plenty of time on his side to mature. Pleased to award him BPD

2nd Walton’s Bankholt Northern Light – a clear coated fawn with excellent pigment, he has a strong square masculine head with eyes as dark as his mask, lots of padding on his developing muzzle, and bat ears set high and used well. He is down on his front pasterns at the moment, but has good width to his developing chest. Shorter coupled than 1st, he also has a higher tailset. He was not very keen for me to go over him on the table, and would benefit from more handling.

3rd Kay’s Lizanti Double Bozo

Junior Dog (5,1)

Bryant’s Archness The Audacity - at 15 months old this well marked brindle stood out for all the right reasons. He has a sturdy compact body, which is balanced throughout. His head is masculine, square and not overdone in any way. With good width and depth to his muzzle, correct underbite and pleasing turn up, tight lips, padding to cheeks and fill under eye, he oozes breed type. His dark eyes are set wide and in line with his well defined stop. Bat ears of correct size and shape are correctly positioned, with skull flat between. He has a powerful arched neck leading down to good lay of shoulder, a straight front with good width, he is well off for bone, and has tight pasterns and neat feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, leading back to a short strong loin, with a gentle roach and correct tailset. He was a pleasure to go over on the table, and showed well at all times, with sound flowing movement. I could not fault him for breed type or size and was pleased to award him DCC, BOB & BIS

2nd Hucker’s Bevanray Terrypendry – another quality youngster, at just over 12 months this brindle pied has a clear white coat with a double hood. His developing head is striking, with excellent pigment, dark eyes, and padding to muzzle which is of good depth. More width of jaw should square off his head in time. He has large well set ears and soft wrinkling to his domed forehead, all adding to his alert intelligent expression. His neck is powerful and well arched, he has excellent shoulder placement, and developing depth of chest and spring of rib. His pasterns need tightening to complete the front assembly. A good tuck up and strong loin and well muscled throughout, he moved very well with his handler.

3rd Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp SRB)

Yearling Dog (4,1)

 1st Pearce’s Bullhawk Cease’n Desist – a 16 month brindle with round dark eyes, good depth and length to muzzle, broad forehead with soft wrinkling, and well shaped bat ears which all come together to present a strong masculine head. He has a wide straight front, good depth of chest and spring of rib, a good cut up and gentle roach. He is slightly long in loin, but has good width of thigh and moderate angulation front and rear, and covered the ground well, maintaining his topline and moving soundly

2nd Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp SRB) - a clear coated brindle pied boy, just 13 months old and a pleasure to have in the ring. He has fabulous feisty frenchie attitude in abundance. A masculine head with a naughty glint in his dark eyes, good length and depth to muzzle, a well defined stop and correctly sized well placed ears, which he used to advantage. He just needs a bit more width of muzzle and under eye fill to complete the picture, and time is on his side. Cobby in profile, he has a wide straight front, good depth of chest and developing rib, a good tuck up and gentle roach over his short loin. A bit more reach of neck needed to balance his outline completely, he moved and was handled very well

3rd Coffey’s Raglenary Tucker Bear

Novice Dog (3,0)

1st Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp SRB) see 2nd YD

2nd Walton’s Bankholt Northern Light see 2nd PD

3rd Young’s Carkennar Jammie Dodger

Graduate Dog (2,1) 1st Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp SRB) see 2nd YD

Post Graduate Dog (3,0)

1st Vearnecombe & Hale’s Ruption Knightcott Back to Black – a well marked brindle with a gleaming coat, he has a balanced masculine head, with round expressive eyes, and width and depth to his well cushioned muzzle. Medium sized bat ears topped his softly wrinkled forehead. He has a good reach of well arched neck, width and depth to his front, he is nicely upright in pasterns and has neat feet. In profile he is slightly long, with a good cut up, a rise over the loin and visible tail. He has moderate angulation and covered the ground well, not bothered by the long grass.

2nd Smith’s Ellouab Royal Pride – a 3 year old fawn pied with a lovely full hood and darker pigment on his muzzle, which has length, depth and width. Expressive dark eyes level with his well defined stop, he has a kind expression on his masculine head. Ears of good size and shape, well placed above his domed forehead. He has a shapely neck with good reach, leading down to well placed shoulders. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, a gentle rise over his loin, well defined second thigh and another with a visible tail, he also moved well, just losing out to 1st on tightness of pasterns and turn of stifle.

3rd Thornton’s Play the Ace

Limit Dog (5,1)

1st Brooks & Cairn’s Corursus Become the One JW – a very neat well presented 2 year old brindle with a cobby outline, full of breed type and no point exaggerated. Dark round eyes give him a kind expression, but he is all male with everything in proportion and in its place. Good width and depth to his well cushioned muzzle and fill under eye, a neat turn up and tight lips, a defined stop, ears well set and used to advantage, he was a delight to go over on the table and did not disappoint when on the move. His powerful neck leads down to good shoulder placement, a straight tidy front with width and depth to brisket, a gentle cut up, well sprung ribs and a gentle roach over his loin, excellent turn of stifle and hocks well let down on his strong hindquarters. He was totally at one with his handler, to the extent I felt like I was intruding! It was delightful to see the interaction, and I was pleased to award him the RDCC

2nd Membury’s Bullhawk Gift of God at Membully – a 16 month old fawn with a clear fine textured coat, dark mask and excellent pigment. He has a strong masculine square head, large well placed ears and a strong deep wide muzzle with good layback of foreface. He is well off for bone and substance, with a pleasing outline and moderate angulation. Well muscled and a defined second thigh, he just needs to tighten up at the front

3rd Kelly’s Casemates Criterion

Open Dog (6,1)

 1st Bonsall & Odendaal’s Muggshotts Whiz Bang Wilber – another quality male with a fine textured short dark brindle coat. He presents a cobby outline with smooth lines and just the right amount of bone. With a strong square headset, melting expression, good layback and well used ears he is very appealing indeed. A powerful neck leads down to well placed muscular shoulders, straight in front with a gentle cut up, a gentle roach and powerful rear quarters, he had free flowing movement even in the long grass, just missing out on top honours today

2nd Morgan-Ling & Ling’s Agramer’s Balam Quitze at Tytorro – I previously judged this young male in puppy when he was reluctant to show himself, however now 3 years old this well marked brindle settled down and showed himself off to perfection today. Expressive dark round eyes are set in line with his well defined stop. His nostrils are open, and he has length and depth to muzzle, although I would prefer slightly tighter lips. Soft wrinkling on his forehead and correctly placed bat ears finish off his pleasing headset. His front is wide and straight, with good depth of brisket and spring of rib, and moderate angulation front and rear. He moved well but his topline flattens out at times

3rd Hepworth’s Annessabull Louie’s a Looker

Veteran Dog (3,1)

1st Howarth’s Gizyjo Sting Like A Bee – a 7 year old brindle with a lovely cobby outline and masculine square head. His ears are set high, upright and parallel, with supple wrinkling on his domed forehead. His eyes are dark and round, he has depth and width to his slightly greying muzzle, and a good turn up of jaw. His front is straight and he has a deep chest with well sprung ribs, giving definition to his short strong loin. He moved well and was handled perfectly BVD

2nd Hogan’s Ch Xentique Pandamonium for Baclaudi JW - an 8 year old brindle pied who is eye catching and has real ring presence. His strong masculine head gives no indication of his age, his dark eyes have a determined expression, he has a broad domed forehead and batears which he used at all times. Beautiful half moon underjaw, tight lips with excellent pigment and good layback of foreface. He was handled today by a well presented young man, however he was having none of it, he gave his handler a hard time presenting him on the table, and refused to move several times. Full credit to his handler, who remained professional and encouraging at all times, however he was no match for a stubborn frenchie today!

Special Open Pied Dog (2,0)

 1st Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp SRB) see 2nd YD

2nd Hepworth’s Anessabull Louie’s A Looker - 18 month old fawn pied, up to size and well off for bone and substance. He has a strong headset with large well placed ears, round dark eyes in line with his stop, and good length and depth to muzzle. I would prefer tighter lips. A strong wide front, powerful neck and good depth and spring of rib, a strong muscular loin and gentle roach to well set tail gives him a pleasing profile, he moved well round the ring

Special Open Fawn Dog (4,1)

1st Membury’s Gift of God at Membully – see 2nd LD

2nd Walton’s Bankholt Northern Light – see 2nd PD

Special Open Brindle Dog (1,0)

1st Morison’s Rozeldogue Knew It Was You Xandene – a 3 year old brindle with a well marked coat, he stood alone but was a worthy class winner. Square headset with correctly set ears, he has dark eyes giving him a melting expression, cushioning to muzzle that has depth and width and a good turn up of lower jaw. I would prefer tighter lips. His strong well arched neck leads down to well placed shoulders, a straight front and tight pasterns. He has a deep chest and good spring of rib, and a well set visible tail, however I would prefer a bit more roach to perfect his profile. He was handled well