• Show Date: 19/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: simon thomas Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/08/2023

Welsh Kennel Club

Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier

WKC 19th August 2023

Staffordshire bull terriers

Judge Simon Thomas affix Sikaistaff

I want to thank the WKC for this opportunity of judging both sexes at the show. A big thank you to both my stewards on the day who made the day run smoothly. To all those who entered under me a big thank you for allowing me to go over your dogs and accepting my opinion on the day. I had a very enjoyable day and had to make some very hard decisions. 

Health and wellbeing of the dogs is an important topic within the breed. At this show I was looking for any breathing issues, open nostrils as well as bite and overall conditioning. Apart from a few inverted canines and a few carrying a little too much weight I thought most were in very good condition and a few in unbelievably good condition. I was truly blessed to have some fantastic examples of the breed enter under me. Thank you all again and as I always say you take the best dog home with you. 

Veteran dog (3)

1st Biggleswick Splash of Ginge

A lovely red and white male who I have had the pleasure of judging in his prime. Despite now being in Veteran he is still in great condition. He has a well defined head, good ears, nice round eye, strong defined cheek muscles with strong underjaw. He still had his strong Stafford neck which lead to his strong and powerful front. Straight and true, good width and depth, with tight feet. Good length of back and a level top line that was kept level on the move. His hind quarters were still in good condition with good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. He moved with drive and was handed well. 

2nd Illori Akinlana JW Shcm VW

A nice black brindle male who was as fit as a fiddle. Slightly leaner than my first place but a lot to like about him. He had a nice headpiece, rose ear, defined cheek, clean in muzzle a good ratio of 2:1. He stood four square with plenty of lift. Decent strength all around. His front was straight with decent bone, with strong patterns and tight feet. His hindquarters had plenty of muscle tone. Good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. This male moved very well up and down and worked incredibly well with his handler. 

3rd Ch Dazmarnic Know Wot I mean

Minor puppy dog (3 1 abs)

1st Ginstean Fizzy bear

A nice black brindle with white. He has a well proportion head, neat rose ear, dark enough eye. Cheek muscles as they should be at this age, clean in the muzzle and correct bite. Decent depth of chest, he could have a little more width but that will come with maturity. He had a level top line, which led to his well constructed hindquarters. Good angulation of the pasterns, well let down at the hock and tail carried correctly. He moved well for now so young. 

2nd Twisted bit of Mayhem

This pup had a little more weight on his frame than my first. He has a decent expression, rose ear, dark eye and good bite. His front was as it should be, width and depth of chest okay. His hindquarters were decent and well constructed. Tail set was correct. Moved and handled okay. 

Puppy dog (4)

1st Skyland Imperial

A very smart black brindle boy with a lot to like about him. In his class he was the one that stood out for me from the moment I saw him and I hoped that I wouldn’t be disappointed when I got hands on. A lovely head with correct 2:1 ratio, masculine enough for his age. Neat rose ear, dark round eye, clean in the face, strong enough under jaw. Perfect bite. His front had good width, depth and strength. His pasterns had enough strength and feet were well padded. Level top line which he also held on the move. Rib had enough spring to it. Hind quarters were well constructed allowing him to move along well. Tail carried ok and handled well. This lad could do very well as he matures. Best puppy dog, Best puppy in Breed and Terrier group 3

2nd Maxtrixstaff Knight Star

A top sized puppy who has a lot of strength for his age. Neat rose ears positioned correctly. Dark eye, cheek muscles are well pronounced. Good strength of under jaw and correct bite. He has good width and depth to his chest, straight in the leg to well padded feet. His top line was decent, leading to his good hindquarters. His bend of stifle was correct. Tail carried well and moved good . Handled very well

3rd Ginstean Fizzy bear

Res Kylestaff The Hitman

Junior dog (6 1 abs)

1st Kamaristaffs Royal Ransom at Bowman

A stunning black brindle with cracking punishing headpiece. Nice rose ears, correctly positioned, dark medium eye, well pronounced cheek muscles, strong underjaw and perfect bite. Short neck, well placed shoulders. Straight front with good width leading to neat feet. Level top line when moved and stood. Hind quarters are well constructed with correct angulations. When he moved he did so with purpose and held his tail very well. This dog a good example of the breed, very impressive all around and one that I considered in the challenge. I’m sure he will gain his title. 

2nd Kamaristaffs Royal Rumour

Another nice dog, who has less substance than my first placed dog. He has a lot to like about him, a lovely expression and when he uses his neat ears it completes a wicked look. Eyes were dark, round of medium size, positioned correctly. Well pronounced cheek muscles, clean in the lip and correct bite. His front was constructed correctly, good width and depth of chest. Good strength of pasterns with tight well padded feet. Strong enough neck leading too well laid shoulders, level top line with good spring of rib. The hindquarters also were correctly constructed allowing him to moved with drive. Tail was carried well. Handled very well. Another dog who I think will go all the way. 

3rd Vadeliza Omni Trio

Res Valeliza Houdini

VHC Hamason Greatest Showman

Yearling dog (6)

1st Pridesdale The Main Machine

A red with white male with a powerful head. He did very well in this strong class. The ear and eye placement used in conjunction with his well pronounced cheek muscles give the typical Stafford expression and oozes type. Strong under jaw and correct bite. He has plenty of substance from tip to toe while also having enough lift for his body. He has well muscled shoulders, good width and depth of chest. Straight in the front leading to tight feet. He has a good top line and well sprung in the rib giving nice tuck up. At the rear he had good bend of stifle, well let down at the hock and correct tail carriage. In the class he moved very well but in the line up he certainly showed he can move with drive. A lovely Stafford who I again think will gain his title. 

2nd Earthquake staffs Wear it well at Tigerbull

A lovely white pied who I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. He has that presence about him that demands attention. Not as strong as my first male but still has a good amount of strength. He has neat ears which are well positioned and they work well in conjunction with his dark eyes. He could be a little cleaner in the muzzle but that doesn’t take away from the great expression. Correct bite. He has lovely front, well laid shoulder, tight well padded feet. His hindquarters were correct, good angulations and well let down at the hocks. His top line was level throughout and he moved very well. You could see that he and his handler have special connection. 

3rd Frisian staff’s Midnight Oil

Res Geordiestaff Am Clammin

VHC Kirstaff The First Avenger

Novice dog (2 1 abs)

1st Kylestaff The Hitman

A black male with white. He had rose ear, dark enough eye. Clean enough in the muzzle with decent bite. Chest width was okay and good depth. Feet were correct. His top line was held when stacked. He moved good and seemed to enjoy his time with his hander. 

Graduate dog (3 1 abs)

1st Ginstean Bracken Boy

A black brindle boy with plenty of stafford energy. He was loving his time in the ring as he bounced about. He has nice ear placement, dark enough eye which were correctly set. Well pronounced cheek muscles, strong enough underjaw, clean in the muzzle and correct bite. He has good strength of chest, straight and decent bone in the leg leading to good strength in the pasterns. You can see the road work has been done. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, level top line. Stifle was had good bend leading to decent bend at the hocks. When he settled on the move he did so very well. A nice dog.

2nd Zakdabn Devious Devil JW

A black brindle male who has a lot to like about him. I just preferred the overall package of my first. He again has many of the same virtues and is a lovely boy. Neat rose ear used well at all times. Clean enough in the muzzle, good bite. From was well constructed and as it should be. Decent spring of rib. Legs parallel when viewed from behind as he stood. He moved well and was handled good. 

Post graduate dog (5 1 abs)

1st Maynestaff Smooth Criminal JW

A black brindle boy, Nice amount of substance all around. Neat rose ear, dark enough eye, well pronounced cheek muscle. Front was straight and true, nice bone, tight feet. Level top line with good spring of rib. Hindquarters were good, nice bend of stifle, well let down at the hock. When he moved he carried his tail a little higher than I prefer. Handled well 

2nd Jomello Stand by me @ Cwmhardd

A nice brindle male, he is not overdone. He has dark eye with decent cheek muscles, good bite. Stood four square with good width and depth of chest. Straight in the front with tight feet. Good spring of rib. His hindquarters were in good shape, decent bend of stifle, straight in hock. Moved well. 

3rd Dilirystaff Calypso Jack

Res Northstaff Nightmare JW

Limit dog (8)

1st Marstaff The Revenant

A stunning dog I judged as a young pup when he was awarded best puppy. Back then I had predicted an exciting future and he has developed as I had hoped and in too a quality red Stafford. He has lovely rose ears, good width of head and distinct stop, well placed eyes, well pronounced cheek muscles, strong under jaw housing big white teeth. His front is straight and true, showing no signs of weakness. Good width of chest and well constructed defined shoulders. He shows no weakness in pasterns leading to neat well padded feet. Strong neck leading to a level top line, well sprung ribs. His hindquarters had correct construction, they were strong, good bend of stifle, well let down at the hock with correct set tail. He moved very well when he settled and in the challenge he pushed very hard. He is a quality dog who I think should gain his title. RCC

2nd Alport On Tour

A male with so much to like about him and I when I saw him I wasn’t disappointed. A typical stafford expression but not overdone in any way. he used his eyes , eye and clean head to give a masculine look. He stood four square as he and his handler blended to become one. Good front which was correctly put together, well placed shoulders, level top line leading to well constructed hindquarters. The construction meant that when he moved he did so very well, with drive and economy of effort. good luck in the future with him. 

3rd Scouter Rouge One JW

Res Labrastaf Magma at Haisastaff

VHC Waystaff Strikes Mayhem AI

Open dog (10 3 abs) 

1st Ch Catstaff’s Used to

A cracking black brindle Stafford. This dog has everything going for him and boy does he know how to use it. He is well put together in all departments and is in really good condition which brought a great smile to my face. He head is not overdone in any way, he has the correct amount of strength and proportion creating a wicked Stafford expression. Perfect rose ear, Dark coal black eyes correctly positioned, well pronounced check muscles, strong under-jaw and perfect scissor bite. Well placed well laid back and defined shoulders, good width of front, strong pastern and tight feet. Strong neck leading to a level top line. His hind quarters were well constructed and well defined allowing the first and second thigh to be clearly visible. Correct bend of stifle and hock and rear pasterns were correct. Tail set was correct length and positioned as it should be, like an old fashioned pump handle. When he moves, he is a great mover and the handler knows how to get the dog to strut his stuff in the best possible way. A great example of the breed and one which I think would help the breed maintain some great qualities. A pleasure to go over him and award him the CC and Best of breed. 

2nd Ch Niatona Arlo Coombes

A Red and white male who really drew my attention. He had plenty of ring presence and I could see why he already has his crown. He has good strength, not overdone in any way. He has a clean outline, standing four square. When I went over his head I wasn’t disappointed, he has perfect rose ear with dark well placed eye. Strong underjaw and a correct bite. He has a level to line with his front and rear constructed correctly which allows him to move freely in all directions. He pushed hard in the class I just preferred the fitness of my first placed in the end. A smart boy. 

3rd Ch Elitebulls Challenger

Res Ch Gazstaffs Black Magic

VHC Callastaffs Son of the Moon

Veteran bitch (2)

1st Elitebull Destiny

What a lovely black brindle bitch with a stunning Stafford expression . When she used her ears it finished off a great look. Perfect rose ear, dark round eye, well pronounced cheek muscles. Clean in the muzzle and a correct bite. In her body she was in tip top condition, in far better condition than some of the youngster’s. She had a lovely outline and was well constructed at front and rear. When she moved she did so with purpose and it was lovely to see that the Stafford spirit and zest for life was defiantly there still in her. I really liked her Best veteran in breed

2nd Studstaff Sugar and spice of Hamason jw Shcm

A bitch who I judged in her prime. She seemed to enjoy her day in the ring once again. Red and white with feminine head. Neat rose ears and dark round eye which she uses well. Her front is straight, good width and depth. Level top line leading to hindquarters which are well constructed. She moved very well and had a good partnership with her handler. 

Minor puppy bitch (3)

1st Northpoints dressed for Success at Waystaff

A little cracker of a red and white pup. This little one had that something about her that stood out in her class. Already for one so young she seemed to enjoy the environment. She stood so well and strutted her stuff when she moved. Her head was feminine with rose ears, dark well positioned eyes, enough strength in the muzzle. She was clean in the lips and had a correct bite. The shoulder construction was correct, allowing for decent width and depth of chest. Straight in the leg to her nice feet. The top line was level and she maintained this on the move. Hindquarters again were well put together, good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. I feel this little one will be worth a watch. Best puppy bitch

2nd Matrixstaffs Star Dancer

A nice little black brindle who is developing well. Ears correct and placed well, dark eye, feminine head. Chest has good width and depth, shoulders well constructed. Straight front, correct turn out of feet. Good strength of neck leading to a level top line. Hind quarters were okay, decent bend of stifle and hocks let down okay. This one worked well with the handler and moved along freely. 

3rd Fallen Dark angel

Puppy bitch (3 1 abs)

1st Skyland Consort 

A black brindle bitch who stood four square in the ring. This nice bitch has a lot of ring presence and if she only used her ears a little more it would make the overall picture stand out more. She has a nice feminine head, good blend of bull and terrier. Dark eye well positioned, strong enough underjaw, clean in the muzzle and correct bite. Her chest had good width and depth, strong pasterns, tight feet. Strong enough neck, widening at the shoulders, spring of rib is slowly coming. Well defined hindquarters, good angulations, tail carried correct. She moved well in both directions and was handled very well. A close call for best puppy bitch.

2nd Torkavi the last dragon at Teshleystaf

Another nice little pup. Slightly less bone than my first. A feminine girl with a lot to like. Ears were ok, nice dark eye which were well placed, clean in the muzzle with correct bite. Straight in the front with nice tight correct feet. Level top line leading to well constructed hindquarters. Good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. Tail set was correct and she moved well and had a good relationship with her handler. 

Junior bitch (9)

This class was full of quality bitches which gave me some hard decisions. Positions could change at any time. The future looks great for the breed. 

1st Cwmhaf Cariad

A stunning looking bitch, when I saw her I was drawn in. I hoped that when I went over her everything was correct. A wicked stafford expression, good blend of bull and terrier. Great use of perfect rose ear, coal black eyes, distinct stop. Very pronounced cheek muscles, clean in the lip and perfect bite. Legs straight set apart with good width, no weakness in the pasterns. Her feet were tight, some nice road work done here. Her neck was muscular, leading to well laid back shoulders. Level top line at all times, rib sprung well. Hind quarters were muscular, nice visible first and second thigh. Good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. Tail carried correctly and moved well. All in all a nice package and one that I considered for the RCC. Her time will definitely come

2nd Alport Surrender

Another cracker. Smaller all all around than my first with similar qualities. Lovely expression, great use of ears, dark eye combined with clean muzzle and perfect bite meant the picture was complete. Width and depth of chest was correct for her size, nice tight feet. Short coupled, decent spring of rib. Hind quarters were also well defined, good angulations and well let down at the hock. She has a great partnership with her handler. Well done. 

3rd Charmers Patronus Charm

Res Elitebull Conquest

VHC Kamaristaffs Royal velvet

Yearling bitch (4 abs 1)

1st Callastaff Five years at Bowery JW

A nice black brindle with white. Neat rose ear, dark eye, good ratio of bull and terrier. Clean in the lip and correct bite. Good width and depth of the chest, straight in the let and well padded feet. Level top line, good spring of rib. Well constructed at the rear, tail set held well. Moved good. 

2nd Powerpack Helga Hufflepuff

This bitch was slighter than my first. Decent ear, dark eye. Correct bite. Legs straight leading to nice feet. Hind quarters were correct where the stifle was bent well. Tail carried well when she moved all around. Handled well. 

3rd Skyland Eruption

Novice bitch (4)

1st Powerpack Helga Hufflepuff

As 2nd Yearling bitch

2nd Torkavi the last dragon at Teshleystaf

As 2nd puppy bitch

3rd Berrystock Bedst Kept Secret

Res Trodden ruby Tuesday at Haidastaff

Graduate bitch (7 1 abs)

1st Niatona Sissy That Walk

A red and white bitch. Very smart looking all around, she stood four square and looked a pleasant picture. Rose ear, dark eye, well pronounced cheek muscles, correct bite. She has good strength in the shoulders and chest, straight in the leg leading to well padded feet. Strong neck, level topline, good spring of rib. Her hindquarters were well constructed, good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. The construction allowed her to move very well. Good handling. I liked her

2nd Illori Constellation JW

A black brindle bitch. A lovely girl, slighter and more lift than my first. Neat ear used well with her feminine head. Correct bite. Well defined in the front and rear and you can see that the work has been done. Strong pasterns and tight feet. Moved well and kept a level toppling, handled top perfection. 

3rd Skystaff Truest Desirefor Gazstaff

Res Hanson belle o’the ball

VHC Kirstaff dolls daredevil at Metalbull

Post graduate bitch (7)

1st Mayenstaff The Girl is Mine JW 

What a little surprise this one was. My notes read I loved her look. A Stunning black brindle bitch with strong but yet feminine head. She was not overdone at all. Perfect rose ear which she used very well, good dark eye placement, well pronounced cheek muscles, strong underjaw and correct bite. Strong neck with well placed shoulders. A nice depth and width of chest leading to nice well padded feet. She has a level top line which she held on the move. Hindquarters were muscular and well defined. Good bend of stifle and well let down at the hock. When moved she did so with good drive and very well in all directions. This girl was in great condition, great muscle tone, keep up what your doing. Dog and handler were as one the entire time and when I awarded the RCC it was wonderful to see how much it meant to the handler. A lovely bitch who shone today. Bitch RCC

2nd Fairlenium Iron Queen 

White pied bitch. In my notes I wrote how well she moved. A feminine bitch but good ratio of 2:1. Dark eye, placed well. well defined cheek muscle with clean lips and correct bite. Good construction in from and rear, with strong pasterns and well padded feet. All his allowed her movement to be very good. Level top line. Correct tail set. Handled very well. 

3rd Crewestaff Bonnie Lass

Res Powerpack Morgan le fay

Limit bitch (6 1 abs)

1st Tilicious Whatever at Biggleswick

A stunning red bitch that I judged a few years ago. I loved her ring presence, she seemed to love her time in there. Rose ear, dark eye, well pronounced cheek muscle all combined to make a cracking head and expression. Her front had good strength , well defined, good width and depth of chest. Her shoulders were well constructed showing no looseness. Level topline, well sprung rib. Hindquarters were well muscled, well bent stifle. Low set tail which she carried well at all times. When moved she did so with purpose and had a good relationship with the handler. Coat was in great condition. A lovely bitch. 

2nd Jackabyte Nemesis

A nice bitch with good amount of bone and substance while remaining not overdone. Lovely rose ear which she used well. Coal black eyes set correctly, well defined cheek muscles. Correct bite. Her front was well muscled up, with good width and depth of chest. Strong in the pasterns and well padded feet. Strong neck leading to level top line. Hindquarters were well constructed, good bend of stifle and well let down at the hook. Tail was correct length and held correctly. Movement was good, walking with drive. Handled very well and pushed my first place very close.

3rd Hamason a wish away

Res Powerpack Alura Finvarra JW

VHC Mournestaff dolls brass ast Metalbull

Open bitch (9)

A cracking class full of quality 

1st Tillcar Kissed by fire

Well this bitch absolutely demanded my attention for every single second of her time in the ring. Her piercing dark eyes were following me about everywhere I walked. A stunning black brindle bitch with a beautiful Stafford expression. Her eyes were well placed with well pronounced cheek muscles, good length and proportioned muzzle, clean in lip and correct bite. This combined with her rose ears which she used the entire time, finished off the stunning head piece. Her front has good width, muscular shoulder, straight in the front slightly turned out well padded feet. Good strength of neck, with level top line. Hindquarters were correct, good angulation and well let down at the hock. Carried the tail correctly. When I judged her last time she did well but this time she absolutely sparkled. I couldn’t deny her the CC and another who I think will gain her crown and it would be well deserved. Loved her and one that I would welcome in to my home.  

2nd Ch Trail Dua Lipa 

A bitch I have judged previously and one that am glad has gained her title. She has so much to like about her, with one of her qualities being the fitness. Absolutely hard as nails to the touch. Lovely rose ear, dark eye, good blend of bull and terrier. Well constructed shoulder and chest. Decent bone, strength of pasterns, tight feet. Level topline which she held on the move. Her hindquarters were solid. First and second thigh were visible. Good construction allowing the movement to be free and powerful. Good handling. 

3rd Jackabyte Decadence

Res Taurinstaff Ms Bellatricks

VHC Ch Chiswelstaff black velvet at Kamaristaff JW

Simon Thomas.