- Show Date: 01/04/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Sarah Dandy Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
National Terrier Club
National Terrier April 2023 - Border Terriers
There was a good depth of quality overall across both sexes which proved for good competition and some very close decisions especially in the larger classes. Thank you to all those who accepted my decisions so sportingly. Temperaments were excellent especially the youngsters with the added challenge of the tannoy right overhead. There were some very promising youngsters which is always pleasing and positive to see, and I was delighted with my winning line up in both sexes, with top honours closely contested. I was disappointed that some exhibits who looked so good standing fell apart on the move, there were quite a few upright shoulders and I felt that efficient ground covering movement so essential for the breeds ability to follow a horse was somewhat lacking. It is encouraging to see quite a few younger handlers taking an interest in our breed today, so positive for the future. Thank you to both my excellent stewards who most competently kept the ring moving all day.
SB D/B (4, 2abs) 1st Chugg’s Earthtaw No Way Jose. Smart B/T male good in outline and balanced with an attractive masculine head. Good neck, shoulders and front balanced with well angulated racy hindquarters, hocks well let down. Firm topline held well on the move and good underline with good rib and length. Moved out well in profile. 2nd Hammersley’s Achouffe Fens Stalker. Grizzle male with attractive head & keen expression. Pleasing overall size and presented in toned condition with harsh coat and thick pelt. Has balance and holds a firm topline with carroty tail. Hindquarters well developed. Moved OK.
MPD (5, 0) 1st Fletcher’s Northborders Phillip. A pleasing size with a balanced outline, this soundly made grizzle youngster moved the best in this class travelling well his soundly constructed forehand and well laid-back shoulders giving plenty of forward reach, balanced with an angulated muscular hindquarter with second thigh. Holds a firm topline, well matched with a good underline. Good coat and pelt with a very appealing masculine head to complete the picture. Promising puppy. 2nd Heathcote’s Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath. B/T scopier than winner with a good length of body, easily spannable and a very balanced topline matched with a nice underline. Used his well angulated hindquarters to good effect on the move, moving out soundly and tracking well, standing on good legs and feet. Appealing head and expression. 3rd Hardman & Brandwood’s Bonosue Lee Van Cleef at Spanwise.
PD (9, 1) 1st Spafford’s Dassett Igglepiggle. Very smart youngster of pleasing size with lovely clean outline and super grizzle jacket. Attractive typical head with good eye, expression and strength of muzzle. Nice reach of neck into clean wither, flowing topline, croup and tailset matched with good underline with firm loin and standing on good straight legs with nice bone and tight feet. Very balanced, with a sound forehand and well angulated hindquarters with a good turn of stifle, second thigh and well let down hocks. Moved out well to win class with accurate tracking, striding out and holding his shape in profile, covering the ground with ease. Liked his make and shape, has great potential. 2nd Stamp & Joyce’s Goxfell Gotcha. Grizzle in lovely coat and condition. Typical masculine head of good proportions. Sound well angulated forehand with a good layback of shoulder, matched with well-constructed hindquarters with second thigh and well let down firm hocks. Pleasing overall, liked his length of body with good topline, croup and tailset and a correct underline, ribbed back with firm loin. Nicely balanced youngster who moved soundly and tracked well. 3rd Pickerin’s Alcumlow Painter Man On Hobhill.
JD (9, 1) 1st Guvercin’s Glebeheath Oh Boy JW. Soundly constructed grizzle of pleasing moderate size and proportions. Lovely typical head and expression with good eye and strong muzzle, a reach of neck into a soundly made firm topline with equally good underline. Very well balanced, scored in this class with his excellent forehand assembly matched with racy hindquarters used to effect on move. Stands on good legs, with correct bone and feet. Handles well, covers ground well with good reach and drive, holding his topline on the move and tracked best in class. 2nd Hughes’ Arunmere For Fox Sake. A positive mover who caught my eye moving around the ring using his well angulated forehand to effect in profile with good forward reach. Nice type overall with appealing head and expression. Soundly constructed balanced quarters, with firm topline and good underline. Presented in good grizzle jacket. 3rd Irving’s Dandyhow Postman Pat.
YD (4, 0) 1st Horner’s Stineval Lambert JW. Handsome grizzle with excellent jacket and pelt, presented in toned condition and fit to do a day’s work, he stood out on the move in profile and tracked the best in the class. Very pleasing in outline, make and shape. An appealing masculine head of good proportions and expression with a reach of neck into a cleanly defined wither, firm topline with a nice length of body, with a good underline with strong loin. Nicely angulated forehand balanced with well-developed muscular hindquarters and lovely carroty tail to finish the picture. 2nd Ramus’ Tulawyn Garretson by Onthill. Grizzle of pleasing moderate size and proportion. Balanced and clean in outline, with firm topline matched with a good underline. Sound forehand paired with angulated hindquarter with width of thigh and presented in excellent well-toned condition with good legs and feet . Moved out well in profile. Well presented. 3rd Atkinson’s Raedwulf Nightfall.
ND (10, 0) 1st Fraser & Butler’s Ycart Just to Ground. A smart B/T with a harsh coat, good pelt and presented in toned condition. Lovely head type. Balanced with a clean outline, well conformed all through with good shoulders and quarters. Has a good length of body, correct topline and tailset held on the move, matched with lovely underline, a length of rib and strong loin. Positive and sound mover who moved out freely in profile, covering the ground with ease. 2nd Fletcher’s Northborders Phillip. 1st in minor puppy. 3rd Pickerin’s Alcumlow Painter Man On Hobhill.
GD (4, 0) 1st Brewster & Green’s Duke of York Fiery Lucifer To Stowthorney. Classy B/T of racy build and narrow throughout with correct ribbing, easily spannable. Liked his length of body with a flowing topline, croup and tailset and an excellent underline with firm loin, standing on good straight legs and neat feet. Pleasing typical head of good proportions. Very eye-catching, he presents a good profile both standing and on the move. Impressed me moving freely around the ring with a ground covering stride. Well-honed and in fit order. Smart dog with much to like. 2nd Greenway’s Foxchapel Perfect Day with Foxcourt. Masculine but moderate grizzle who moves out well. Pleasing head with a strong moderate neck into clean wither, sound topline with defined croup and well-set on carroty tail matched with good underline with firm loin. Balanced quarters. Moved out soundly in profile, covering the ground. 3rd Hammersley’s Achouffe Fens Stalker.
PGD (11, 0) 1st Girling’s Benattivo Charlie Brown. Quality grizzle appealed greatly for his type and ideal size. Very well balanced, and well-constructed all through with attractive head and expression. Scores in forehand with a layback of shoulder and length in upper arm, balanced with sound hindquarters, standing on good legs and feet with nice bone and well let down hocks. A free and easy mover who used his angulation to great effect around the ring in profile keeping a firm topline and displaying the most accurate tracking in this class. Smart dog, presented as always from this kennel in top form and who was a real contender today. 2nd Anscombe’s Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox. A different type to 1 but a lot to like, an eye-catching, masculine grizzle in super jacket who also moved out well in profile around the ring, soundly made and well bodied with a firm topline and good underline. Good masculine head type, a reach of neck into soundly constructed well paired quarters standing on good legs, pasterns and feet, hocks well let down and used to advantage on the move. 3rd Pickering’s Picer Abraham Darby.
LD (9, 3) 1st Swain’s Weststar Lone Ranger at Ardenholm. Very honest and soundly made boy with good harsh B/T coat, who stood out on the move in this class. Very attractive head of good proportion with keen expression. Pleasing moderate size presented in fit order with good muscle tone, straight legs correct bone and tight feet. Body balanced, with well-made correctly angulated quarters. He holds himself well with firm topline, good underline with a length of body, well ribbed back. Positive and accurate mover, who covered the ground using his well let down hocks to give plenty of drive in profile, tracking very true. 2nd Taylor’s Barkanellie Blackadder. Essentially masculine well-bodied Grizzle who appealed in head and expression with strong neck into well angulated forehand with layback of shoulder and well-defined wither. Flowing topline, croup & tailset held well on the move. Clean in outline he moves sound and true in all directions. Showed well and earned his place here today with his profile movement. Quality coat and pelt. 3rd Fraser & Butler’s Ycart In with Hounds.
OD (8, 2) 1st Gilpin’s CH Otterbobs Tolson. Top drawer grizzle who excels in size, type, make and shape and is full of quality. Such a smart dog at his mature best presented in cracking form and shows himself off to advantage. In super coat and condition with thick pelt he stands out for type. Quality head and expression with strong reach of neck, well put together with a super topline and tailset matched with an equally good underline. Beautifully balanced and correctly angulated with a particularly good layback of shoulder and length in upper arm, good legs and feet. Very sound, muscular yet racy hindquarters. Presented a good picture on the move, active mover who opened up in profile around the ring with plenty of forward reach. Lovely to go over, a really impressive dog, delighted to award him DCC & BOB. 2nd Lee’s CH Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer. This lovely B/T is a such an animated showman who stands out for his most shapely, fluid clean outline, he holds himself so well and was presented in perfect tip top order. Lovely head type and neck into a super flowing topline, narrow throughout with a good length of body, ribbed back and firm loin. Well-matched quarters standing on excellent straight legs with correct bone, tight feet. Very balanced in outline, he handles well is easily spannable and has quality. A splendid harsh double jacket of correct colour and ticking finishes the picture. Used his hindquarters to advantage to give drive in profile, one of the soundest of movers fore and aft. RDCC 3rd Goddard’s CH Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW.
VD (6, 1) 1st Hamilton’s Stineval Basil Of Cromlechs ShCM. Very smart veteran well put together with lovely clean outline and good B/T coat and pelt. Best mover in the class he caught my eye on his first lap of the ring. Such an appealing head and expression. Very well balanced overall with a sound forehand assembly, correct topline, croup and well set on carroty tail and an equally pleasing underline, standing on good legs, hocks and feet. Has style and moved freely, striding out well in profile using his well-made angulated quarters to good effect covering the ground with ease. BVIB. 2nd Hughes’ Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW. Another veteran to move around the ring well in profile. Fit, well bodied grizzle with good masculine head type, a strong moderate neck into soundly constructed forehand balanced with muscular hind quarters. Nicely proportioned, with level topline matched with good underline with firm loin. Good coat with thick pelt. 3rd Green’s Breckgreen Soldier Blue.
MPB (14, 3) 1st Horner’s Stineval Sasha. Promising, soundly made puppy of nice shape and size with lovely grizzle coat and thick pelt. Very pleasing outline with attractive head type, a reach of neck into soundly constructed forehand balanced with a well angulated muscular hindquarter with second thigh, standing on straight legs, with well-placed hocks, nice bone and feet. A soundly made topline with equally good underline, has a length of rib and firm loin. Very together for one so young she caught my eye in such a strong class, holding her topline well on the move and covering the ground with ease. 2nd Swain’s Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm. Feminine headed youngster, who also travelled well around the ring. Grizzle of racy build and narrow throughout with correct ribbing, easily spannable. Liked her length of body with good topline, croup and tailset matched with good underline. Well-proportioned she presented a clean outline with well-balanced angulated quarters, hocks well let down and used to effect on the move. 3rd May & Whisker’s Thistlestone Winter's Gold.
PB (10, 0) Two super puppies headed this strong class. 1st Brewster & Green’s Stowthorney These Days. A stand out youngster who filled my eye and has much class and style. Typical, feminine head of good proportion atop a reach of neck into a cleanly defined wither, a correctly proportioned front assembly with layback of shoulder and length in upper arm. So well put together with a super topline, equally matched with an excellent underline with pleasing body and rib, firm loin and well-made racy hindquarters. Presented a most shapely, flowing clean outline, with a harsh pinwire grizzle coat, well-honed and in fit order. A real showgirl she strode out effortlessly with reach & drive, tracking the best in this class. I liked her enormously and will watch her progress with interest. BPIB 2nd Spafford’s Dassett Upsy Daisy. Litter sister to the puppy dog winner, she also has much to like and shows promise. Well made, good in outline with balanced sound quarters. An appealing head and expression with good neck into a sound topline, croup and tailset, narrow through with a good underline and a length in rib, easily spanned. Lovely grizzle jacket with thick pelt. Positive, efficient mover who held her topline well on the move. 3rd Barber’s Alcumlow Monet's Garden.
JB (8, 3) 1st Pickering’s Picer Mirabel Ostler. B/T of pleasing size and proportions. Has a lovely head and expression. Scored in front assembly with excellent lay back of shoulder and length in upper arm, balanced with angulated racy hindquarters, hocks well let down. Liked her overall moderation with correct firm topline and a good underline. Has quality and is very sound, efficient mover with true accurate tracking both fore and aft and a good stride in profile. 2nd Barber’s Stars Aligned With Alcumlow. A different stamp to winner, slightly on the leg, built on racy bodylines with a pleasing head and expression. Narrow with a good length of body, with correct neck, shoulders and front. Defined clean wither into a good topline, croup and tailset with a length of body and ribs carried back into firm loin. Moved out well in profile and tracked very true. 3rd Sharp’s Good Golly Miss Molly At Martifers.
YB (5, 0) 1st Lee’s Bohamer York'ist Celeste By Tythrop. A quality bitch, pleasing in outline she appealed for her size, moderation and balance. Attractive classic head and expression, strong reach of neck into a well angulated forehand with a layback of shoulder, length in upper arm and cleanly defined wither. Well-constructed all through with super firm topline, croup and tailset, matched with correct underline. Good body proportions and very sound, balanced quarters standing on good legs with straight moderate bone. Travelled freely and effortlessly with a ground covering stride holding her outline well, she impressed in profile movement with excellent reach and drive. Stylish and immaculately turned out with super harsh jacket of correct B/T colour with thick pelt to complete the picture. Pleased to award her a strongly contested RBCC. 2nd Illingworth’s Northborders Pinot to Thornyhurst. Feminine grizzle with lovely head and expression. Nice make and shape with narrow bodylines, who also moved around the ring with ease. Lovely reach of neck into a soundly constructed forehand. Sound flowing topline, croup and tailset with a nice length of body, ribbed back and firm loin. Used her well-made hindquarters with good turn of stifle to drive out in profile and tracked true. 3rd Cummins’ Havencroft Emerald.
NB (7, 0) 1st Brewster & Green’s Stowthorney These Days. 1st in PB. 2nd Fraser & Butler’s Coral Gem Fiery Lucifer Via Ycart. Very pleasing typical head and expression with a lovely reach of neck. A sound forehand with well laid shoulder, defined wither and correct topline with well-set on carroty tail balanced with a very nice underline, well-proportioned with narrow bodylines of good length and angulated hindquarters with second thigh, standing on good legs with nice bone. Moved out well in profile and tracked true. 3rd Hall’s Borderrush Rambutan
GB (9, 4) 1st Hall’s Otterwood Aura At Borderrush. Very shapely B/T with lovely body proportions. Attractively headed bitch with a reach of neck into a soundly made firm topline, good tailset and excellent underline with a pleasing length and depth of body, ribbed back and strong loin. Very well-balanced angulated quarters used to effect on the move, best mover in this class, striding out well in profile around the ring. A super clean outline and in fit order with good muscle tone, correct bone and tight feet. 2nd McLeod’s Cedarhill Dolce Latte. Another B/T to move out well around the ring, she also tracked very true. Pleasing size with a typical head and keen expression. Balanced quarters with sound front assembly and a firm topline with carroty tail. Good harsh coat and thick pelt. Good straight legs, nice bone and muscle tone. 3rd Haydon’s Earthtaw Nessa Jenkins.
PGB (7, 0) 1st Heeley’s Thistlemead Sundance JW. Smart grizzle presenting a clean outline. Good head proportion, expression and neck. Scored in front assembly with a very good lay back of shoulder and cleanly defined wither, balanced with angulated hindquarters, standing on good legs and feet with nice bone and let down hocks. Soundly made well-bodied and toned with a super firm topline, held on the move. In good grizzle coat and condition. Moved around the ring with ease, a very sound and true mover both tracking and in profile. 2nd Baxter’s Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue. Smart B/T very feminine but workmanlike with racy lines. Typical head with pleasing expression, with a reach of neck into a correct fluid topline balanced with underline of good length, easily spannable and ribbed back with firm loin. Another with a soundly made forehand and matched with racy angulated hindquarters with hocks well let down. Lovely size and very shapely she moves soundly holding herself well. 3rd Lowe & Miles’ Rockslade Russian Roulette JW.
LB (20, 6) Quality was excellent throughout this class and several very good bitches went cardless. 1st Sansom’s Tarkaswell Sea The Stars. Elegant grizzle who stood out for her pleasing clean flowing lines, of excellent shape and balance. Attractive head with a lovely reach of neck into defined wither with super topline, croup and tailset well-matched with an excellent underline with firm loin. Really balanced in outline with a well angulated forehand and sound hindquarters with correct bone, feet and hocks. Well made all through, in super condition and good to go over. Fluid and easy on the move with a good ground covering action in profile. A classy bitch, I really liked her a lot and she was very close up in the challenge. 2nd Stockley’s Foxfactor Happy Go Lucky JW. An honest and feminine grizzle, moderate all through with a length in body, easily spannable. Appealing head and expression, very well-balanced soundly made quarters used to very good effect on the move, she strode out sound and true, holding a firm topline and tracked particularly well in this class. Liked her for type, with a lovely double coat and thick pelt. 3rd Shields & Glen’s Liatch Madame Pommery at Wilholme JW
OB (5, 2) 1st Guvercin’s CH Glebeheath Button It. Beautiful grizzle of great type, a quality bitch who is super sound and a delight to watch she is a lovely example of moderation combined with balance. Quality head and well conformed all through with excellent shoulders and quarters. So well put together with a super topline, equally matched with an excellent underline with pleasing body and rib. Totally balanced in conformation and this is reflected in her excellent movement, with accurate tracking she demonstrated super economical drive with forward reach in profile, she holds herself so well standing and on the move. Presented in super coat and condition. Excellent breed type, and quality all through she fully deserved the Bitch CC today and made a good match with the dog cc winner. 2nd Malcolm, Glen & Knowles’ Sweet Ebony Princess At Liatch. Classic headed grizzle bitch with strong moderate neck into a soundly constructed forehand with a layback of shoulder, and well-defined wither. Correct topline, croup and tailset with a length of body and ribs carried back into firm loin, she scores in balance with well-matched quarters standing on good legs with nice bone. Shapely and of good proportions with a length in body, well-muscled but not overdone, presented in good coat. Moved soundly and went well in profile with a ground covering stride. 3rd Fryer’s Irton Sovay.
VB (4, 0) 1st Roberts’ CH Smalesmouth Skylark. Grizzle veteran in great form, a fit and active mover built on racy bodylines with a most pleasing feminine head and expression. Narrow throughout, correct topline, croup and tailset with a good length of body, ribbed well back and easily spannable. Sound well angulated forehand, balanced with well-constructed racy hindquarters. She came into her own when going around the ring covering the ground with great ease. 2nd Stevens’ CH Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCM. Shapely veteran with an attractive well-proportioned head, with nice eye and expression. Body well balanced with angulated quarters, standing on good legs and hocks. A sound topline with nice tailset matched with good underline with firm loin. Plenty of tone for her age and in good grizzle coat. Moved Ok. 3rd Dixon’s Otterpaws Firebird ShCM
Judge: Sarah Dandy