• Show Date: 26/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Samantha Bradbury Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/11/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: West Highland White Terrier
Driffield Championship Dog Show Society 26/8/2023 I would like to thank the officers and committee of Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge at their show, and the support of my two stewards. Thank you to those exhibitors who entered, those of which I judged were all well presented, all with correct bite/dentition and all having a harsh white double coat. Veteran Dog no entries Puppy Dog 1 (1) Junior Dog no entries Post Graduate Dog 1(0) 1. Bouwhuis’ s Llovall Adam At Ladyleigh, 2yr old male who still has time to mature on. Good in head with width of skull, defined stop, with typical expression and neat ears. Straight front, well muscled neck into a short back with ribs well back, giving strength in loin, the best of the day. Moved soundly fore and aft with good drive from behind using his well muscled hindquarters. I enjoyed seeing his exuberance and keen attitude in the ring, typical terrier, full of character. Best Dog. Open Dog 3(3) Good Citizen Dog no entries Veteran Bitch no entries Puppy Bitch 2(2) Junior Bitch 2(1) 1. Storey’s Lizandycris The New Hope For Nossimp - a 14 month old female in excellent presentation. Feminine head with defined stop, typical, keen expression. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, the best of the day. Good tail set. Well angulated front and rear which she used well on the move. In stance, she holds a beautiful profile and has time to develop and mature, one to watch. Reserve Best Bitch. Special Beginners Bitch 1(1) Post Graduate Bitch 2(1) 1. Bouwhuis’s Llovall All By My Self, 2 year old female with much the same attributes as her litter brother, Adam at Ladyleigh. The litter sister is just slightly longer cast than her litter brother, however she has a slightly better lay of shoulder to that of her litter brother. Again she is outgoing in attitude in the ring, moving soundly both ways and worthy of her place in the final line up of females. Open Bitch 1 (0) Smith’s Lingbeck Hold The Dream - a 3 year old female with plenty of strength and substance, well made throughout. Good width of head, slightly domed skull, well placed neat ears and typical expression. Nothing exaggerated about this female, she is well balanced throughout. Straight front, well muscled neck. Moved soundly fore and aft. Has plenty behind her tail with well muscled hindquarters which she used on the move, driving from behind. Excellent tail set and carriage, which finished the picture, maintaining her top line on the move, along with maturity gave her Best Bitch and Best of Breed. Samantha Bradbury (Fourastay)