• Show Date: 10/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Russell F Jones Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/09/2023

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Briard


Briard with CC’s

Held on:

Sunday 10th September 2023


Mr Russell F. Jones (Quemerford)

It was a great honour to be invited to judge at Richmond Championship Dog Show. This was my 1st time awarding CCs in this breed and my 1st time judging at this venue and I loved the layout. The day was very hot and the rain in the afternoon was welcome, just to cool everything down. Thank you for the entries it was very much appreciated. All exhibits were shown in a good clean condition.

Veteran Dog (2,0), 1 Hillier, Mrs. S., Ch. Barembake Albufera at Charson: A 7.5yrs. of age. This fawn dog has a dark mask, he is a super looking dog that is not showing his age. He has a masculine head and a nice reach of neck, excellent lay-back and good angles to front. Deep brisket and plenty of bone, strong level back and excellent tail-set and correct tail. Good angles to rear, he powered around the ring, it was an absolute pleasure to award him the Res. DCC. also award him BV. I was pleased to watch him take 2nd in the Veteran Pastoral Group.

2 Smith, Mrs. Denise, Jandade Baloo L’Bear: A black 8.6yr old dog, smaller that 1st and lacks the presence of 1st. He has a pleasing head, but lacks the length of neck and lay-back so lacks the front stance that’s required. He does have a good back and nice back-end, over-all he is a nice type and moved ok. Pity he came up against 1st.

Minor Puppy Dog (2,1), 1 Bannerman-Hulley, Miss Francesca, Jandade Etoile D’Orient: A lovely black 6mth old dog that is a very happy dog. He is well grown for his age and presents a very nice picture. I particularly liked his front assembly; front legs are well under him which gives him that stable base to start from. He is of a lovely type and shows great promise, he moved well for his age. Will keep an eye on him for the future. BPD.

Puppy Dog (2,1), 1 Bannerman-Hulley, Miss Francesca, Jandade Etoile D’Orient: As above.

Post Graduate Dog (1,0), 1 Hillier, Mrs. S. & Garner, Mr. A., Stormfield Rufus Thomas for Charson: A 2yr old fawn dog that is of a pleasing type and out-line. He has a nice head, front is ok with a deep brisket, plenty of bone, would like to see him a tad longer and his back could be more level. I liked his tail-set with a good J. He was handled well and moved nicely with his handler. He was shown in a good harsh coat which I liked.

Limit Dog (2,0), 1 Funnell, Mrs. Gail, Jandade Reach For The Stars with Hartswelin: An impressive black 3yr old dog. I liked this dog and he was certainly in the running. He has a good head, with good length of neck, neat front and deep brisket with plenty of bone. Good strong back of good length nice back end. He is well muscled and shown in good coat, with plenty of substance making a very masculine picture that moved well.

2 Jacobs-Pearce, Lady Nicola Lorraine, Arundall Mithra: as A fawn 4.6yr old dog who at present is out of coat. He has a pleasing out-line, not quite together on the move as 1st. Neat angles front and rear.

Open Dog (2,0), 1 Thorp, Mrs. E., Ch. Charson Worth the Wait: A 6.6yr old black dog, he filled my eye with his size, type and out-line. He has a very masculine head of good proportions, nice to handle with good length of neck, strong, excellent lay-back of shoulder, deep brisket and good spring of rib. Plenty of bone with his legs well under him. Good strong level back with good short loin which I liked. Strong rear with good angles, good tail-set with good length with a J. He moved neatly around the ring making it looked effortless, so very pleased to award him the Dog CC and later BOB. Well done.

2 Snelling, Mrs. J., Beaugency Bearly Bouzy: A 2.6yr old fawn dog, the crowning beauty of his coat was over-done, which I felt spoilt his overall look. He is of a pleasing type and he stood and moved ok. Lost out on maturity.

Veteran Bitch (3,0), 1 Jacobs-Pearce, Lady Nicola Lorraine, Salieri Heaven Knows at Arundall, Sh.CM: An 8yr. old black bitch of a good size and the best mover in the class. She has a feminine head and good reach of neck, neat front and nice body ratio. Neat rear which she used to her advantage. BVB.

2 Wilson, Miss Debra, Ch. Jandade Precious Charm, J.W.: Another black 8yr old bitch of a good type and out-line. Just beaten on movement in this class, keeps her top-line on the move which is a bonus.

3 Gaskin, Mrs. N. & Barber, Mrs. A., Shezmo Lady Midna: Another black bitch that is 7.6yrs of age, she is of a pleasing type and out-line, just a little smaller in size which showed in this class. Moved out ok

Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0), 1 Wilson, Miss Debra, Jandade Precious Secret: Litter sisters here that are just 6mths of age and like 2 peas in a pod. These black girls were happy and friendly. The 1st had the upper hand in movement being a little more settled. She is a nice type and out-line with everything in the right place. Feminine head, good length of neck, nice neat front and good angles to the rear. She is coming along nicely.

2 Smith, Mrs Denise, Jandade Precious Olive Noir: Litter sister to above was just not as settled on the move on the day. But two lovely girls.

Puppy Bitch (3,2), 1 Gardner, Mr. A. & Hillier, Mrs. S., Charson Carrie Oakey: An 11mth old fawn bitch that I was very taken with. She has some more to give yet, but what is there is great. She starts off with a very feminine head which is nice to handle, super neck that is well arched and of a good length. Good lay-back of shoulder and deep brisket. I liked her neat angles to front and rear, nice level back, well-muscled and correct tail. Her good coat was properly pre-paired and she was nicely presented. She was one of the best movers of the day and pushed hard for the top-spot. I was pleased to award her BPB, BPIB and the Res. BCC. Later she went on to take Pastoral Puppy Group 2. Well done, thank you for bringing her, she is very promising.

Junior Bitch (1,0), 1 Sparrow, Mrs. J.S., Tulipe Bleue De La Baie D’Adonis: A 16mth old Wolf Grey bitch that is a very pleasing girl, shown in good coat. She is of a very nice type and out-line, with a feminine head. Would like a little more neck, front is ok, nice back and neat back end. Moved out well.

Post. Graduate Bitch (2,0), 1 Sweet, Mrs. T., Arundall Ebony: A 4.6yr old Black bitch, that is of a pleasing type and out-line, moved ok. She has a feminine head, and a good length of neck. I would like to see front legs more under her and a flatter top-line. She was shown in good coat and condition. Won the Special Beginners well done.

2 Sparrow, Mrs. J.S., Marguerite Bleue De La Baie D’Adonis, (Imp. Fra.): A smaller black 7yr old girl that has a very pleasing out-line and type and makes a very pleasing picture. Un-fortunately today she would not settle on the move.

Limit Bitch (4,0), 1 Jones, Mr. Max Lewis & Jones, Mrs. Storm, Stormfield Roison: A 5.6yr old lovely rich fawn coloured bitch, very feminine and certainly in my top 3. I liked her feminine head with the dark markings. Good length of neck, neat front, strong level back and short loin. Length should always come from the back not the loin, neat- rear, correct croup and tail with a J. She was also one of the best movers on the day.

2 Wilson, Mrs. J., Jandade Precious Blossom, J.W.: A fawn 5yr old bitch, of a nice type and out-line, neat head, not quite the front of 1st, but has a strong back and neat angles to rear. Could have had a better tail-set. She moved out ok and is well grown.

3 Hartwell, Mrs. Pat, Chavell Bonjour Maisie, J.W.: A 21mth old fawn that is of a very pleasing type with a nice out-line and stance. Just missed out on maturity today. Moved out ok.

4 Sweet, Mrs. T., Arundall Ebony: As before.

Open Bitch (3,0), 1 Rogers, Ms. Sarah & Hillier, Mrs. S. & Gardner, Mr. A., Charson This is Me: A good sized 3.6yr old fawn bitch, she took my eye straight away, excelling in type and out-line and full of substance. She is very feminine and well balanced throughout, good head and mask, good neck, well laid shoulders, good front and deep brisket with plenty of bone. Good spring of rib, strong back, short loin, strong backend with good angles and good tail set with a J. Over-all very, very good and she moved well to boot. Her coat was presented in perfect condition and she was well handled. Pleased to award her the BCC. Well done.

2 Webb, Mrs. A., Ch. Barronoaks Etta Bagel: A 3.6yr old black bitch, of excellent quality, pity she came up against the 1st, and certainly deserves her title of Champion. She is of a good type and out-line. Moved well around the ring.

3 Fieldsend, Mr. Trevor & Mrs. Angie, Ch. Qessi Heaven Devil to Starwell, (Cze. Imp.): A 5.6yr old fawn bitch, and again worthy of the title of Champion. I loved her colour. She is of a good size and again of a lovely type and out-line. I loved her and that is the rub there has to be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Three lovely girls.

Special Beginners Bitch (2,0), 1 Sweet, Mrs. T., Arundall Ebony: As before.

2 Sparrow, Mrs. J.S., Tulipe Bleue De La Baie D’Adonis: As before.