- Show Date: 30/09/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: ROSEMARY ROSTRON-PARKER Contact Judge
- Published Date: 10/11/2023
Scottish Kennel Club
MPD (2 0) 1 Sambrook’s,Talkaccatur Mohican 6 ½ months old brindle and white puppy. Very much a baby but a lovely type presenting a nicely balanced overall picture of compactness and squareness. Very pleasing head with well shaped muzzle. Neat, well positioned ears and lovely round dark eyes. When settled he demonstrated he could move well. 2 Wildman & Davis, Wildax Rowendale Stanfransisco Upstanding, well marked, 7 month old black and white puppy presented in great condition. He had a well-shaped masculine head that would have looked even better with slightly smaller ears. Lovely round dark eyes with an alert expression. Shapely body with good level topline. He was confident for his age and showed and moved well.
PD (1 0) 1 Mair’s, Glenauld American Sniper Very smart and promising 9 months old puppy in super condition. Well balanced overall with masculine well shaped head and square, strong muzzle. Dark expressive eyes. Well shaped body with good rear angulation. Neat tail which was nicely set. Moved very soundly. Pleased to award him BPD.
JD (4 1) 1 Roulston’s, Ivyjewel Dare to Dream Very eye catching and impressive 16 month old boy with a lovely outline and overall balance. Compact and well-knit with a super square head, well positioned, neat ears and dark eyes with alert expression. Good length of neck. Looked great in profile on the move. 2 Bennett & Rankin’s, Wildax Johnny Boy Another quality junior. 14 months old. Well constructed overall with good bone and substance. Strong rear quarters with good angulation. Showed and moved well. 3 Sambrook’s, Ringablok King of Stars.
PGD (1 1)
LD (11 1)1 Hamilton’s, Takaira Uptown Funk Lovely mahogany brindle and white 3 year old. Lovely type presenting an overall balanced picture of compactness and squareness. Super shaped head with strong square muzzle and well defined stop. Well shaped eyes with alert, intelligent expression. Good sized, well positioned ears which he used well. Strong level topline which he retained on the move. 2 Sabri’s, Hilltop's Skepta Boy Knows (IMP USA) (Imp USA) This 4 year old was immaculately presented and his black coat was absolutely gleaming. Alert and attentive he had the most beautiful square head with the loveliest, round, captivating dark eyes. Compact and square outline with good level topline which he retained on the move. He showed really well. Just preferred the slightly more masculine presence of the winner. 3 Ward’s, Wildax Liverpool Lover of Frenbosen
OD (5 0)1 Bennett’s, Ch Wildax Liverpool Lad at Boxbos 3 year old seal brindle and white. When I first judged this boy as a young puppy I said “there was a lot to like”. Now he has matured that is an understatement. He has a lovely square head, with dark expressive eyes and neat well placed ears which he uses to his best advantage. He has a shapely, well muscled body, good angulation and presents a great overall picture of substance combined with elegance. Super smart and very fit he is shown in excellent condition. He moves very soundly with real drive and purpose retaining his lovely level topline. A real showman who gave his best. Delighted to award him the DCC and BOB. 2 Webb’s, Ch Bojacste Phoenix Sunset, Lovely brindle and white 4 year old. Super type, so well constructed and balanced overall. He has the most beautiful square head and muzzle. His dark, round eyes are very expressive and his well placed ears are just the right size. He has a nice length of neck leading to a shapely, well muscled body and strong limbs and neat feet. Good angulation. He moved very soundly with style and purpose retaining his lovely topline. RDCC Two top class Bostons, the winner just had the edge on this occasion. 3. Hamilton’s, Takaira Thunderstorm
VD (0 0)
SBD (2 0) 1 Svitanova’s, Texas Dream Boy Handsome 6 year old. Larger type but overall balanced appearance. Well muscled with substance and good angulation. Good shaped head and muzzle. He is so well trained and handled and moved beautifully. 2 Scott’s, Boston Abbey Finn At Claymurf (Imp Pol) Smaller and finer type than winner. Nicely marked attractive 18 month old. Lovely shaped head with neat, well placed ears and dark eyes. Very alert and attentive. He was well presented and showed well for is handler.
GCD (0 0)
MPB (3 0) 1 Martin & Parker’s, Olleyville Hears Dolly A very pretty and dainty 9 month old girl with attitude. Super head with lovely little ears and a lovely sweet face. Compact and square with a neat well positioned little tail. Lovely front, good pasterns and feet. Moved well. 2 Schfaild’s, Vickvally Lily James 9 months old but more mature for her age. Another quality, well made puppy but longer cast than the winner. Nice head with lovely dark expressive eyes and a nice length of neck. 3 Rees & Scott’s Talkaccatur Minnehaha
PB (6 0) 1 Roulston’s, Ivyjewel Put A Spell On You 11 month old very smart, well balanced girl. Good shaped, attractive head and enough length of neck, leading to well shaped compact body. Very elegant in profile and moved out well. Super ring presence. Just narrowly lost out in the puppy bitch challenge to the more feminine head of the junior winner. 2 Scott’s, Aprika Fargo At Rudino 11 months old. Gorgeous puppy well constructed with a lovely square outline. Very feminine with the loveliest of heads with well positioned, neat ears and dark eyes and the most appealing expression. I liked her a lot but on this occasion she just didn’t project herself like the winner. 3 James’s, Aprika Fifth Avenue
JB (1 0)1 Jefferson & Smith’s, Lovewell No Regrets Very feminine 11months old puppy with everything in proportion. She had a lovely head, with a square skull and well shaped square muzzle. Well positioned, neat ears and a nice length of neck leading to a compact and square body. With her lovely dark eyes and the sweetest of expressions she made a very pretty picture. Very promising girl and I was pleased to award her BPB & BP.
PGB (5 1) 1 Rees & Scott’s, Talkaccatur Kiowa 2 years old She had a very bright, alert and attentive expression and showed well. Very pretty with a well shaped head with square skull and muzzle. Lovely dark eyes and well positioned neat ears. Good length of neck leading to well proportioned, compact and square body. She had a nice length of tail with a good tail set. Stylish and elegant she moved very nicely. 2 Walker’s, Ziost Rebel Commander Snips another 2 year old smaller type overall but with everything in proportion. Lovely head with good well placed ears and dark eyes. Enough length of neck leading to a compact and square body with good angulation and a nice tail set. Moved very soundly. 3 Sabri’s, Whiskyagogo Trojan Girl
LB (8 1) 1 Ward’s, Frenbosen Rockaby Lullaby Very smart, elegant 2 year old mahogany brindle and white girl. She had a lovely head with a very pleasing kind but alert expression. Well positioned, good sized ears. Nicely arched neck leading to shapely, well muscled body. She has bone and substance but retains a feminine elegance. Nice front assembly with good strong pasterns and neat feet. Good rear angulation She showed and moved very well retaining her strong level topline. 2 Wildman & Davis’s, Summergate Brenda Wildax Rowendale 3 year old very smart, attractive girl with a lovely head good sized, well placed ears which she used well. Nice length of neck leading into a shapely body with good angulation. Showed and moved well retaining a nice level topline. 3 Rankin’s, Wildax You To Me
OB (9 0) 1 Rodaway’s, Ch Marann's The Protester at Demorace Very elegant and feminine brindle and white 3 year old. With everything in proportion she presented a lovely balanced overall outline. Shapely body with good bone and substance but retaining a very attractive, feminine appearance. She used her lovely neat, erect, well positioned ears to her advantage. Lovely round, dark eyes. Good front assembly with firm pasterns and small tight well shaped feet and toes. Good angulation. Super, level topline which she retained on the move. She was shown in great condition and moved really well with style and purpose. I felt she was a worthy winner of the class and pleased to award her the BCC. 2 Conway & Chapman’s, Ch Norcairn Years N'Years JW 2 year old. Another real quality girl. Very feminine and pretty. She has a super compact, square looking outline. Lovely head with square skull, well defined stop and correctly shaped muzzle with good open nostrils. Well placed very neat ears which she used well. She had lovely dark eyes and a very sweet expression. When she was focused and on her toes she looked great and very pleased to award her the RBCC. 3 Schfaild & Harrison’s, Ch Vickvally Love and Desire
VB (4 2) 1 Hamilton’s, GB Croat Ir Int Int Ch Takaira Texan Town GW It was her 8th birthday but not much evidence of it. She looked in great condition . With her compact and square short coupled body she presented a really balanced outline. Lovely shaped head and muzzle. She used her neat well positioned ears well and had the loveliest sparkling, round, dark eyes. She was full of beans and moved with drive and purpose. 2 Scott’s, Jabbari Just a Jezebel at Claymurf (IMP ZAF) (LH) 7 years old and apart from a few little grey hairs was another who belied her age. A quality girl with everything in proportion. Attractive outine with a pleasing well shaped head with good ears, muzzle, and lovely dark eyes. Very nicely presented. She showed well and moved very soundly.
SBB (3 0) 1 Bamford’s, Jangar Lucky Star for Windust A nicely marked seal brindle and white 2 year old. She was well proportioned overall with a compact and square outline. Pleasing head with nicely sized, well placed ears which she used well. Bright and alert expression. Moved out well keeping a nice level topline. Pleased award to award her BSB. 2 Rowell’s, Forever After Florence Clovipop 2 year old Very nicely presented in lovely condition. Longer cast than the winner and would have liked a stronger, squarer muzzle. Lovely eyes and well positioned good sized ears which she used well. Good open nostrils. Nice length of neck and well set on tail which was just a nice length. Alert and attentive to her handler.
GCB (2 0) 1 Walker’s, Ch Image Catcher of Ziost 6 year old. Quality girl with everything in proportion. She was short coupled. Compact and square with a lovely shaped head and muzzle. Lovely expressive eyes. Good sized and well positioned ears which she used well. Good angulation. Strong pasterns and neat feet. Moved very well. 2 Rowell’s, Forever After Florence Clovipop - See SBB.
Rosemary Rostron-Parker