• Show Date: 12/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Rob McLeod Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 17/09/2023

Bournemouth Canine Association

Breed: Welsh Terrier

Bournemouth Canine Association Championship Show 13th August 2023

Welsh Terriers

SB D/B (1,0)

1 & BOB Davies’ DIAMOND CROWN, what a good exhibit to start my day. She has a pleasing balanced outline Fair strength to head, lovely expressive dark eyes, good bite, ears correctly set and carried close to cheek.Moderately long neck with slight arch. Straight front with adequate bone and tidy feet.Well ribbed,good topline.High set tail. Nicely muscled quarters, paralell movement. She was well presented and well handled and had a nice harsh jacket. To be critical I would prefer her a little sharper in attitude. Pleaseed to see she went on to win Special Beginners Group 1.

JB (1,0)

1Watkin-Jones WESTPENN JUST FOR YOU, a rather raw 14 mth old.At this stage looking a little leggy making her look somewhat rangy.Liked her head proportions, good length of neck.Straight front, bone ok.A little shallow in chest which can improve as she matures, level topline.Nicely angulated quarters but needs to muscle up.Not in the best of coats but jacket of good texture.High set tail. Over enthusiastic on the move, somewhat untidy behind, ok coming.

PGB (1,0)

Diamond Crown

VB (1,0)

1& RBB Watkin-Jones LLANISBURY LITTLE BLOSSOM OF THE SKY, 8 ½ year old in excellent condition.Holds quite an upstanding position.She has a good overall balance.Good strength to head,good bite,sparkling dark eyes.Nice bone in front and tidy feet.Moderate strong neck.Well ribbed . Level topline with high set on.Rear very well muscled in hard condition. Thick wiry jacket.Moved ok behind and a true front action and to better advantage in the challenge.

Rob McLeod (Dunline)(Judge)