• Show Date: 13/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Richard Gunn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/11/2023

South Wales Kennel Association

Breed: Poodle (Miniature)

Puppy 2 entries 2 absentees.

Junior 2 entries 2 absentees.

Open Dog 1 entry.

1st Dominicious Lucky Star (Miss E Stanford)

Silver dog of good overall proportions. Well made in his head with good pigmentation and lovely expression from his dark almond shaped eyes. Correct lay back of shoulders with elbows under his chest. Muscular rear with balancing angles to his front and high set tail carried clear of his back when moving. Presented in good coat he moved well around the ring. Best Dog.

Open Bitch 5 entries 2 absentees.

1st Arrowflight High Society at Dongara (Mrs D & Mr G Sarson)

Beautiful black bitch presented in a profuse, harsh dense coat. Loved her head with good under jaw and chiselling to the sides. Dark almond eyes giving wicked expression and lovely low set ears. Good length of neck leading down to her strong well made front with correct angles and nice tight oval feet. Her body has well sprung ribs to her deep chest and a broad muscular loin. Muscular rear with stifles well bent and good strong well let down hocks. On the move she covered the ground with ease driving well from her rear. Best Bitch and Best Of Breed.

2nd Michandy Love of The Game (Miss K Collier)

Another beautiful black bitch again so full of breed type and presented in excellent coat. Correct in her head which is long with a slight peak and beautiful expression from her dark almond shaped eyes. Excellent front and rear quarters with good muscle throughout. On the move she covered the ground with a sound free and light action. Reserve Best Bitch.

3rd Ubora The Queens Gambit (Miss R & Miss E Pease & Stanford)