• Show Date: 26/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Richard Bott Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 02/04/2024

Midland Counties Canine Society

Breed: AV Import Hound, AVNSC Hound, AV Import Pastoral and AVNSC Pastoral

Midland Counties Champ Show Day 3

Richard Bott

AVNSC Hound, Av Import Hound, AV Import Pastoral and AVNSC Pastoral

AV Import Hound

Puppy `Dog

Rivus King Philip of Lizanthe (Imp Dnk), Breed: Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Mrs E A Porteous)

7 Months, long lean muzzle and domed skull with long fine ears. Good reach of neck with crest, well placed shoulders, good legs and feet. Topline level and well set on tail. Good width to second thigh. Moved with carriage and holding himself well.

Post Graduate

1stRasteau De La Foret D'aurix avec Caelestibleu, Breed: Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Mr C Middleton)

Smart outline and stands proudly, Masculine in head and expression. Low and long ears, good reach of neck, pronounced forechest and level topline, tailset a little low. ```good width to second thigh. Stands on good legs and feet. Moved with carriage. Reserve best dog

2nd Kantilou Mischief, Breed: Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Mrs C & Mr L Parker)

Slightly smaller throughout but still masculine, pleasing head and eye. Good neck and shoulder, front not as accurate on the move as one. Good rib and firm loin with well set on tail. Moved out well and held shape. Slightly more up on leg.

3rd Raekune Hillbilly Rock at Ulverlei, Breed: Black and Tan Coonhound (Mr L & Mrs N Russell)


1st Covehithe Duke of Hazzard at Morthound, Breed: Black and Tan Coonhound (Miss E & Mr T Binnersley & Tomkinson)

Liked his style and outline very much. Masculine head, oval skull and well proportioned with level planes. `strong neck and well placed shoulders, good return, firm in topline, good depth to the chest and ribs well back. Firm in loin and a good finish to the croup. Stifles moderately bent and stands on good legs and feet. True out and back and had carriage. Best Dog

2nd Covehithe Steam Boat Willy, Breed: Black and Tan Coonhound (Mrs J Stanley)

`black and `tan `coonhound.

All male without being coarse. Strong head and dark eye, low set ears, a little thick through the neck. Straight front and good depth to the chest. Topline held and good through the rib and loin. Well set on tail which was carried well. Not the width of second thigh as one. Moved with carriage, not as tidy going away.

3rd Kantilou Madness, Breed: Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Mrs C & Mr L Parker)

Puppy Bitch


Post `graduate

1st Scenterbay Like A Star at Celestiares, Breed: Black and Tan Coonhound (Mrs E & Mr Rs Randall)

Clean and balanced in outline . Feminine head with good planes and gentle expression. Good neck and shoulder, straight front and neat feet. Good depth to the chest and firm in loin. Well set on tail. Balanced moderate angulation both ends. Moved true and had carriage. Reserve Best Bitch


1st Hibeck Ginny avec Jayanel, Breed: Griffon Fauve De Bretagne (Miss C L Cooper)

Basset Fauve

Type and well balanced, full of character and attitude. Feminine head with soft expression and dark eye. Good reach of neck and well made front assembly. Good legs and feet, ribs well back and firm in loin. Good finish to the croup and firm in quarters. Moved with style and carriage and covered the ground with ease. Good coat texture. Best Bitch and Best Import.

2nd Kantilou Merriment, Breed: Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Mrs C & Mr L Parker)

Feminine head and soft expression, good reach of neck and return. Front slightly crooked. Good topline and tailset. Developed quarters and moved with carriage. Super character and temperament.

3rd Stonemartin Ailbe with Katanga (IKC), Breed: Azawakh (Mr R J & Miss C Gunn)



1st Russdales Adonis, Breed: Bavarian Mountain Hound (Miss A M Hill)


Liked his make and shape, masculine head and expression. Well made throughout, level topline and good angles, movement difficult to assess as very exuberant.

Post Graduate

1stPhilabar Crimson Skies, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Miss M Borrelli)

Black and tan, liked his outline, clean and balanced with a level topline and good finish to the croup. Masculine in head with a dark eye and fine ears. Good reach of neck, defined keel and straight front. Well ribbed back and good finish to the croup. Moved true out and back and had good carriage.

2nd Marvale Chancellor at Ravold, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mrs S L A Graham)

Slightly stronger in head than one. Good neck and shoulder, good keel and front, shoulders slightly wider apart and not as true coming towards. Level topline and good finish to croup. Moved well in profile.

3rd Hayvenhund Hunky Dory, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mrs H A Chapman-Reith)


1st Carpaccio Red Knight, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mr J E Hunt)

Shaded red dog presenting a lovely outline. Conical head and a dark eye giving typical expression, noble in appearance. Arched neck and well made front assembly. Level topline and good finish to the croup. Width to second thigh and stands true behind moved in an effortless manner and held his shape well, with carriage and style. Best Dog and Best AVNSC. Delighted to see him later taking Group 2.

2nd Nevaeh's Radical Dude (Imp Usa), Breed: Ibizan Hound (Mrs A Carter)

Elegant and with a lovely head and eye, good ears, super arch to the neck. Straight front and correct front assembly. Moved well and held shape. Good quarters and width to second thigh. Moved with a typical gait and had good carriage.

3rd Xandu Khan Schuru-Esch-Schams (imp), Breed: Sloughi (Mrs H, Miss C & Mrs C Woodgate, Boggia & De-Souza)


1st Dazzleby Chorister, Breed: Foxhound (Mrs R Griffiths)

What fabulous condition this chap is in for 8 years, superb muscle tone and conditioning on him. Well proportioned head and good expression. Strong powerful neck and well made front assembly. Stands on very good legs and superb feet. Ribs well back and firm in loin. Width to second thigh and moved with style and carriage. Reserve Best Dog.

Special Beginners

1st Marvale Chancellor at Ravold, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mrs S L A Graham)

2nd Houndseeker Dauntless, Breed: Bloodhound (Mr J Prior)

Plenty of substance, masculine head and good planes, low and long ears. Strong neck and well made front assembly, level topline and well set tail. Needs practise on the move with handler to get the best performance .

3rd Russdales Adonis, Breed: Bavarian Mountain Hound (Miss A M Hill)

Puppy Bitch

1st Bulldaxit Sooner or Later, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mr G & Mrs J Cox)

Feminine well proportioned head, dark eye and appealing expression. Liked her proportions and leg length. Well made front assembly ribs well back and firm in loin. Level topline maintained throughout. True on the out and back and covered the ground. Straight hocks and neat feet.

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Aabidah De Polvo Magico (Imp Aut), Breed: Sloughi (Mrs A Carter)

Elegant and clean in outline. Lovely head, dark eye and ears set slightly above the eye. Good reach of neck and balanced angles both ends. Level topline, slight fall to the croup and good width of second thigh. Light and true action on the move with good carriage.

2nd Hayvenhund Hissy Fit, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mrs H A Chapman-Reith)

Black and tan, liked her head and expression. Good reach of neck and well made front assembly good spring of rib. Level topline slightly too much weight. Decent quarters and moved well. Good legs and feet.

3rd Henissy Farthing, Breed: Harrier (Miss C Farrar)


1st Ch Abbotsoak Carousel JW, Breed: Ibizan Hound (Miss J L Taylor)

Elegant in outline. Super ears and crest of neck straight front level topline and good finish to the croup. Moderate bend of stifle and moved on a springy gait.

2nd Ir Ch Afilador Wheal Grace An Ch22 Cw22 Cen W Cen Ch, Breed: Ibizan Hound (Miss S E Hall)

Feminine head of good length, pleasing ear set and carriage. Good neck and straight front, a little down on patterns. Pleasing topline and good depth to chest. Moved true out and back but not the carriage of one.

Wanderhund Lets Celebrate for Hayvenhund JW, Breed: Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) (Mrs H A Chapman-Reith)


1st Ch Afilador Room On The Broom ShCM VW, Breed: Ibizan Hound (Mrs A Carter)

Ibizan 8 years, Feminine head with right among of strength and well placed ears. Very elegant through neck and shoulder. Straight front and standing on good legs and feet. Level topline and well ribbed back to a powerful loin. Balanced angles both ends and moved on a springy gait.

2nd Ch/ir/gib Ch Afilador Pandemonium VW ShCM Cw18 An Ch18 Cw19, Breed: Ibizan Hound (Miss S E Hall)

Elegant in outline, ears not set as well as one. Long and lean neck and decent shoulder placement, little down in patterns. Level topline and fall off over the croup. Not as positive in rear action as first.

3rd Frenzy at Henissy, Breed: Harrier (Miss C Farrar)


AV Import `pastoral

Puppy Dog

1st Bellezzalana Bacio Biaggio, Breed: Bergamasco (Mrs C & Mr W Boston Smithson & Nixon)

Bergamasco 9 months and still learning the ropes. Masculine and well proportioned head. Good reach of neck and well placed shoulders. Depth to chest, compact and with the right amount of substance. Coat of good texture and yet to cord, as expected for his age. Moved true out and back.

Post Graduate

1st Rastafellow’s Omg Che Gentile, Breed: Bergamasco (Mr D & Miss R Beeton & Abbott)

Bergamasco compact and squarely built. Well proportioned head with good mouth and lip. Strong neck and straight front. Well made front assembly, tight skin throughout. Well ribbed back and firm in loin. Moved true and covered the ground. Coat cording correctly and of good texture.


2nd Whitehemi's Brabham, Breed: White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Mr C & Mrs D Henshaw)

White `Swiss.

Smart and clean in outline. Appealing head and dark eye. Good neck and shoulders, a little weak in patterns. Good topline and finish to the croup, firm in quarters with good width to second thigh. Moved with good extension in profile.


1st Nl/lux Ch Pascale Enzotica (Imp Dnk) ShCEx Vdh-Ew'23 Sw'23 Wow'22 Hcw'22, Breed: Picardy Sheepdog (Dr C & Mr A Yu & Halliday)

Lovely head and expression, good ears which were well furnished. Strong neck and straight front, good depth to chest and well ribbed back. Level topline and slight slope to the croup. Width to second thigh and moved soundly and covered the ground. Harsh Coat with fine undercoat. Best Dog

2nd Bellezzalana Arturo, Breed: Bergamasco (Mr D & Miss R Beeton & Abbott)

Smart, liked his size, compact and very sound. Good coat of correct cords. Well proportioned head and expression with hazel eyes. Strong neck and good front assembly. Stands over himself well. Moved true and covered the ground. Reserve Best Dog.

3rd Kontrastas Hector The Noble with Tamalden, Breed: White Swiss Shepherd Dog (T Brown)

Puppy bitch

1st Ra Reina Lord of North for Sandlyun (Imp Cro), Breed: White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Mr S Smith)

Feminine and well balanced appealing head and expression. Good muscular reach of neck and straight front . Depth to fore chest. Well angulated both ends. Good topline and width of second thigh. Moved out well and covered the ground, just needs to settle in front action as she matures.

2nd Bellezzalana Bacione Biaga, Breed: Bergamasco (Mrs J M & Mr S Poole)

Eight months old and still needs to fill her frame. Well put together throughout with good angulation and body properties. Coat beginning to cord and of correct texture. Needs to settle on the move but once she did she had an accurate footfall.

Post Grad

1st. Bellezzalana Ayla-Bella, Breed: Bergamasco (Mrs J M & Mr S Poole)

Black liked her proportions and size, feminine head and correct eye shape and colour. Good neck and shoulder straight front and well ribbed back. Tight skin and good coat texture. Firm quarters and correct rear angulation. Moved true, when settled and covered the ground.

2nd White Dream Team Simply The Best, Breed: White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Mrs G S Strange)

Liked her make and shape feminine with substance, feet and patterns could be better. Good pigment and firm in topline. Little lightly today and not moving with the handler.

3rd Ancient Eyes Gemma Nel Boscoantico (Imp Usa), Breed: Bergamasco (Mr P & Mrs J Sandford)


1st Boscoantico Agrifoglia, Breed: Bergamasco (Mr S W Gill)

Balanced proportions. Feminine head and expression, good neck and shoulders. Straight topline and good depth, slight slope to the croup. Tight skin throughout and in the correct coat and cord. Stands square and presents an appealing outline. Moved very well and covered the ground. Best Bitch and Best Import

2nd Lux Ch Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu's Aria for Enzotica (Imp Usa) Nl Jr Ch Sw'23 Bw'22 Hcw'22 Hcjw'22, Breed: Picardy Sheepdog (Dr C & Mr A Yu & Halliday)

`Feminine head and expression with good ears. Tight fitting lips with muzzle of equal length to skull. Balanced outline well made throughout with harmonising angulation. Covered the ground well. In harsh jacket and good muscular condition.. Reserve Best Bitch.

3rd Calshair Sgur Fiona Nel Boscoantico, Breed: Bergamasco (Mr P & Mrs J Sandford)

AVNSC Pastoral

Post Grad

1st Sandytrail Seraphin Meslabrit, Breed: Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) (Mrs R E & Miss K L Robson)

Slightly off square in appearance with a brisk action on the move. Well set and active ears, short neck and straight front. Coat cording. balanced angled both ends, would prefer a little more definition in the angles. Head well proportioned and giving a triangular appearance from above.


1st Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai), Breed: Norwegian Buhund (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)

Clean in outline up on leg and compact. Masc head of good proportions, dark eye and good pigment. Erect ears framed his expression. Strong neck and good front assembly, firm topline well set on tail. Good quarters and second thigh. Moved well with carriage and in good coat and muscular condition. Best Dog and Best AVNSC.

2nd `Sandytrail Stargazer at Shiningtor, Breed: Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) (Ms V L Lucas)

Head and expression appealed and well set ears used to advantage. Strong neck, straight from and slight rise to the loin. Good quarters and brisk action. Harsh coat and good condition.

3rd Titan Des Ramparts Castels with Beaukita (Imp Fra), Breed: Beauceron (Mrs K & Miss A Harrell & Branchflower)


1st Ch/multi Ch Banana Bender Smoky Mountain (Imp Ita), Breed: Australian Cattle Dog (Mrs N Digby)

Compact and sturdy, clean in outline. Head broad and with well set on ears. Head of correct proportions. Short, strong neck and well made front. Straight legs and neat feet. Well ribbed back and short loin. In good coat and hard condition. Moved well covering the ground in an effortless manner. Reserve Best Dog

Puppy `bitch,

1st Kayarrach Wish Upon A Star, Breed: Estrela Mountain Dog (Ms S L & Mr A D & Mrs R & Mr K Mckinlay & Johnson & Hall & Hall)

Feminine head of equal proportions, slight dome to the skull. Dark eye and soft expression. Strong neck, straight front and well boned legs and neat feet. Well bodied throughout and short loin. Good quarters and very sound for her age. In good coat and condition.

2nd Draccus I Have A Dream (ai), Breed: Norwegian Buhund (Mrs L & Mr A Strong)

Pleasing make and shape. Needs to fill her frame as expected at this stage. Feminine head and dark eye with well set ears. Well angulated front which just needs to tighten a little on the move. Level topline and well set tail. Moved well in profile .

Post Grad

1st Beaukita’s Mc Crory Park, Breed: Beauceron (Mrs K & Miss A Harrell & Branchflower)

Feminine with substance liked her head of equal proportions and dark eye. Strongly built but not overdone. Stands well over her front and is straight when viewed from the front. Well ribbed and powerful loin. Good bend to stifle and width to the second thigh. Moved true and covered the ground well. Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Sandytrail Sirene at Shiningtor, Breed: Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) (Ms V L Lucas)

Smart and balanced with slight rise to the loin. Slightly off square in appearance and presents a balanced outline. Appealing head and expression straight front and good body proportions. Brisk action and harsh coat.


1st Sandytrail Scheherazade Meslabrit, Breed: Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) (Mrs R E & Miss K L Robson)

Good make and shape and with level topline and slight rise to the loin. Feminine head and expression and well placed ears. Straight front and good front angulation. Well ribbed back and short loin.. Moved in a typical manner, true out and back and covered the ground. Best Bitch

2nd Ch Joker Show Russian Collection at Skaijak (Imp Rus), Breed: Australian Cattle Dog (L A & S C Naylor)

Compact and sturdy . Straight front, strong neck and deep chested. Slight rise over the loin good quarters with developed second thigh. Moved true on the out and back and maintained outline in profile.


3rd Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen at Draccus, Breed: Norwegian Buhund (Mrs L & Mr A Strong)


1st Ch Banana Bender Juicy Fruit Yarraman (Imp Ita), Breed: Australian Cattle Dog (Mrs N Digby)

Cattle dog, red bitch compactly built. Feminine head and expression with well set ears. Short strong neck and straight front. Well ribbed and short loin. Little stilted in movement and not as positive going away, good width of thigh.