• Show Date: 06/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Ray Strudwick Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/08/2023

National Gundog Association

Breed: Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
National Gundog Association Sunday 6th August 2023 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) - Judge: Mr Ray Strudwick Dog Challenge Certificate 1455 - Ch Tollelkin Caife Americano Sgwc, ShCEx (Miss M L Elkin) Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate 1460 - Schindow Junior Cowboy with Crethsengan (Mr P G & Mrs J Fielder) Bitch Challenge Certificate 1438 - Sh Ch Riverwatcher Koda (Miss D M Anstead) Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate 1445 - Tivalake Temptation (Mr N C & Mrs Y S Burchell) Best of Breed 1455 - Ch Tollelkin Caife Americano Sgwc, ShCEx (Miss M L Elkin) Best Puppy 1450 - Elsfie’s Figgy Pudding (Miss M Crowe) Best Veteran 1504 - Sh Ch Erikachen Conaire at Tollisty JW ShCM ShCEx VW (Miss H Strevens) Best Special Beginners 1442 - Eusanit Hit The Lights (Mrs J A Bate-Ash) Class 449. Veteran Dog 5/0a 1st Sh Ch Erikachen Conaire at Tollisty JW ShCM ShCEx VW (Miss H Strevens) 8 year old of lovely type, pleasing head and expression, nice overall balance, straight front, short coupled, well ribbed, good feet, adequate quarters, still looking good on the move. BEST VETERAN 2nd Sh Ch/bel/lux/nl/int Sh Ch Riverwatcher Atka Cw'16 Bwnl'14/16 Bwbe'15 (Miss D M Anstead) Another 8 year old quality boy with pleasing head, deep chest, level topline with correct tail set, adequate rear angulation, slightly longer in body than one, sound on the move. 3rd Tivalake My Lucky Star (M & P Bassil) Class 450. Puppy Dog 0/0 Class 451. Junior Dog 3/0a 1st Coedhelyg Son Shine (Miss S D Greenwood) Well balanced youngster with good head, short coupled, adequate turn of stifle, moved true in front just a little unsteady at the rear. 2nd Camusmor Mak Siccar (Mr D & Miss A Smyth & Edwards) Similar to one in size and type, straight front, good fore chest, longer in back than one, and not so positive on the move. 3rd Afonbach Balerion (Miss A J Stait) Class 452. Special Beginners Dog 6/0a 1st Eusanit Hit The Lights (Mrs J A Bate-Ash) Sound moving 3 year old to take this class, has good overall balance, clean pleasing head, straight front, short coupled, good width of quarters. BEST SPECIAL BEGINNERS 2nd Tollisty Out to Get You JW (Miss A & Mr S Lam & Leung) Compact rising 2 year old with well laid shoulders, level topline, short backed, thought he was my winner but lost out to one on his less positive movement. 3rd Spriterufus Tarantella (Mrs S & Mr J Head) Class 453. Novice Dog 0/0 Class 454. Graduate Dog 6/0a 1st Tollisty Out to Get You JW (Miss A & Mr S Lam & Leung) Second in class452 but moved more positive here to take this class. 2nd Arthundur Dream Come True (Mrs A Ryder) 2 year old with good overall balance, clean moderate neck, straight forelegs, adequate turn of stifle, moved steady and true. 3rd Spriterufus Tarantella (Mrs S & Mr J Head) Class 455. Post Graduate Dog 5/0a 1st Tollelkin Dream Harbour JW (Miss M L Elkin) Well balanced 2 year old male clean in head with almond shaped eye, good front, neck and shoulders, short in back, good width of quarters, moved out steady and true. 2nd Tollerice Eberle (Mrs S & Mr P Rice) Shorter legged boy with not the balance of one, clean wedge-shaped skull, short in neck, deep chest, well turned stifle, was sound on the move. 3rd Eusanit Wild Atlantic Way (Mrs L A & Mr T Palfrey) Class 456. Limit Dog 12/1a 1st Tollelkin Dream Cove at Sheldrake JW (Miss N Nevers) Litter brother to my Post Grad winner, well balanced boy with lovely masculine head, well angulated fore and aft, firm level topline, deep chest, well muscled quarters, moving with reach and drive. 2nd Tollisty Moet En Chandon JW (Miss A Dorrell) Smaller boy of good typy, well sprung rib, level topline, adequate rear angulation, moved out soundly with good drive. 3rd Eusanit Peaky Blinder (Miss P A Rogers) Class 457. Open Dog 10/0a 1st Ch Tollelkin Caife Americano Sgwc, ShCEx (Miss M L Elkin) Top quality male with excellent masculine head and typical expression, he has the straightest of fronts, good length of upper arm and lay of shoulder, strong level topline which he held on the move, he’s short coupled with strong well angulated quarters, he moved with excellent reach and drive, loved his overall balance and construction, delighted to award him the CC & BEST OF BREED 2nd Schindow Junior Cowboy with Crethsengan (Mr P G & Mrs J Fielder) Another high quality male with lovely classic head and expression, just loved his overall balance and construction, he has a strong clean neck into well placed shoulders, straight forelegs, is well ribbed, short coupled, looking the complete picture on the move with his driving movement, pleased to award him the RCC 3rd Tivalake Let's Misbehave JW (Ms D & Miss T Newson) Class 458. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 8/1a 1st Tivalake My Lucky Star (M & P Bassil) This 8 year old was 3rd in the strong veteran class, typically in head and expression, good in front neck and shoulders, and rear angles, straight forelegs, level topline, short in loin, adequate turn of stifle, moving true. 2nd Eusanit Peaky Blinder (Miss P A Rogers) Very compact boy who I placed 3rd in class 456, good front, strong well muscled neck, deep chest, very short back, adequate rear angulation, moving just a little close in front. 3rd Arthundur Dream Come True (Mrs A Ryder) Class 459. Veteran Bitch 5/0a 1st Sh Ch Danehaven Vermilion for Afonbach ShCM VW (Ms A M & Miss A L Adshead) Well balanced 8 year old with excellent confirmation, pleasing head, straight front, well placed shoulders, level topline, deep chest, strong rear with good width, covering the ground well on the move. 2nd Sh Ch Tivalake More Than Wishes (Ms D & Miss T Newson) Well coated 9 year old with lovely feminine expression, excellent angulation at front and rear, firm level topline which she held on the move, well sprung ribs, well rounded quarters, so sound and true on the move. 3rd Sh Ch/int Sh Ch Riverwatcher Pikpaktuk JW Cw'16 (Miss D M Anstead) Class 460. Puppy Bitch 2/1a 1st Elsfie’s Figgy Pudding (Miss M Crowe) 7 month old showing good promise, pretty feminine head on good length of neck, straight forelegs, adequate rear angulation, just a shade short of coat, but moved out true. BEST PUPPY Class 461. Junior Bitch 5/0a 1st Oryxes Kissing The Waves On Tivalake (Imp Can) (Mr N C & Mrs Y S Burchell) Balanced young lady with feminine head, strong clean neck into well laid shoulders, level topline, straightest of fronts, strong quarters, just loved her parallel movement at front and rear. 2nd Afonbach Dreamfyre at Shorrocks (Miss E Warren) Another young lady with good overall balance, lengthy neck, firm level topline, well turned stifle, looking good on the move. 3rd Afonbach Syrax JW (Ms A M & Miss A L Adshead) Class 462. Special Beginners Bitch 5/0a 1st Afonbach Dreamfyre at Shorrocks (Miss E Warren) (2nd in class 461 Junior) 2nd Weyfrome Under A Waterfall (Ms F J & Mr H Vaughan-Walker & Creasey) 2 year old very feminine girl, pretty head on clean reachy neck, good in fore chest, good turn of stifle, just needs to strengthen at the rear. 3rd Stellebosch Specularus (Miss S Chantler) Class 463. Novice Bitch 3/2a 1st Weyfrome Under A Waterfall (Ms F J & Mr H Vaughan-Walker & Creasey) (2nd in class 462 Special Beginners) Class 464. Graduate Bitch 5/0a 1st Afonbach Dreamfyre at Shorrocks (Miss E Warren) (Winner of class 462 Special Beginners / 2nd in class 461 Junior) 2nd Tollisty Couldn't Careless (Mrs K Smith) Lovely feminine girl with excellent overall balance, clean neck into good shoulder placement, short in loin, good rear angulation, looking good on the move. 3rd Cfyre's High Tea at Tollpepper JW (Imp Can) (Mr A J & Mrs J M Trickett) Class 465. Post Graduate Bitch 5/1a 1st Tollelkin Dream Dancer JW (Miss M L Elkin) Pretty head with good shaped eye, well placed shoulder, firm level topline which she held on the move, short coupled, well angulated quarters, moved with excellent reach and drive to take this class 2nd Eusanit Lily The Pink (Mrs T Burland) Similar to one in shape and size, all the above remarks apply, but not quite the positive movement of one. 3rd Redfoxtor Blystra Bay Class 466. Limit Bitch 10/1a 1st Tivalake Anything Goes at Tollisty JW (Mrs K Smith) Quality female of lovely type, just loved her overall balance and construction, typical head with almond shaped eye, strong clean neck, short back, good turn of stifle, well let down hocks, wide quarters, looking good on the move. 2nd Eusanit Bay of Fundy (Mrs T M & Miss S Westwood) Another quality female with good overall balance, pretty feminine expression, strong clean neck, straight forelegs, well angulated at front and rear, neat hocks, so sound and true on the move. 3rd Tarnlaikers Perfect Pink JW (Mrs J P Johnson) Class 467. Open Bitch 13/0a 1st Sh Ch Riverwatcher Koda (Miss D M Anstead) Just love this beautiful balanced female who just oozes quality and type, she has a lovely feminine moulded head with true expression, excellent angulation and construction, is short coupled, with firm level topline, strong well angulated quarters, she just flowed round the ring with parallel reach and drive, delighted to award her the CC 2nd Tivalake Temptation (Mr N C & Mrs Y S Burchell) Another top quality female who is slightly smaller than one but is also so well angulated and constructed, loved her feminine expression and almond shaped eye, she to looked so good on the move covering the ground so well, please to award her the RCC 3rd Tivalake Easy to Love at Sheldrake (Miss N Nevers) Class 468. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch 6/0a 1st Oryxes Kissing The Waves On Tivalake (Imp Can) (Mr N C & Mrs Y S Burchell) (Winner of class 461 Junior) 2nd Stellenbosch Specularis (Miss S Chantler) Was 3rd in the special beginners class, she has a pretty head with correct shaped eye, is well angulated at front and rear, but looking a shade heavy today which spoilt her movement. 3rd Redfoxtor Blystra Bay (Mrs L A Phelps)