- Show Date: 08/09/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Paula Hill Contact Judge
- Published Date: 08/10/2023
Richmond Dog Show Society
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Its always a honour to be asked to judge your breed at Champ Show level. Thank you to the society old and new, my stewards and also exhibitors who ventured out in the glorious hot weather, which stayed with us all day.
Whilst I was delighted with the overall quality, I was surprised to see a large number of incorrect bites throughout both sexes and across all classes, I'd hate to see this be the norm. Handling and presentation was exceptional as always.
Veteran Dog
1st LOVEROCK, Mrs MC & WALDRON - SMITH, MRS L Lovissa Space Dust Sh.CM
9 year old mid gold boy, who is a joy to go over, he has a masculine head with a kind expression, carried on a strong muscular neck leading into good forehand construction, deep chest with ribs well sprung, he has a level topline both standing and on the move, hard condition which showed as he powered around the ring, presented in a thick golden coat of correct texture and groomed to perfection. delighted to award him BVD and later BVIB.
2nd ANGELL, Miss Beverley Sh Ch Millanza Toy Story JW
7 year old blonde boy, who appeals so much with his balanced outline, standing 4 square viewed from every angle, he has a kind and gentle masculine head with a melting expression, well laid back shoulders with equally good return of forearm, deep through chested with elbows well tucked in, dead level topline with tail straight off his back, good bend of stifle without being overdone, carry just the correct amount of weight once you get trough his thick and heavy coat, when he moves, he moves with a free easy stride, but didn't quite have the animation of winner today.
3rd TOWERS & HENDERSON, Mrs & Mrs S & M Alibren Galileo to Westervane JW SGWS
Minor Puppy Dog
1st ANGELL, Miss Beverley Linirgor Seven Up At Millanza
A very appealing 7 month cream boy who will take time to come together, sired by 2nd in veteran and can see a lot of the same attributes, 4 square balanced outline, gorgeous head with good pigment, neck of good length, good level topline which he holds on the move, still loose on the move but when he settles into his stride, he moves correctly and with good drive for his age. BPD
2nd MONTEVERDE, Mr. Giovanni Olvinglay Gan Amhras
A 6 month baby with lots to like, a bit more rangey than winner but he has all the attributes to go far, even though he is very raw, you know he is going to trouble the best as he gets older and matures. He has a very clean outline, with good forehand assembly, good bend to stifle, neat hocks, he moved with a long free stride and was more settled in the next class to give him the class win.
Puppy Dog
1st MONTEVERDE, Mr. Giovanni Olvinglay Gan Amhras
2nd O’GORMAN, Mrs P & Mr S Berrymeade Billy Summers (A.I.)
An 11 month old, shown in deep gold coat coming in nicely, another who is going to take his time in coming together. He has legs of good length and is very balanced, a kind gentle head, front ok, carrying correct amount of weight, dead leveller topline with his tail straight of his back, he moves well from his well muscled hind quarters, but just not the extension as the winner.
3rd TODD, Mrs P Van Gogh Of Sunshine's Valley With Toddrosa (Imp B)
Junior Dog
A new one to me, but oh boy am sure he is going to have a bright future! As soon as he walked into the ring, it was going to take a lot to beat him. He flows from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, kind masculine head with a melting expression, carried on a strong muscular neck of good length, flows into a very well assembled front construction, legs placed well under body, short coupled, with a good spring of rib for age, shown in good hard condition, when he moves, he moved out well fore and after, true with a free flowing stride with good footfall, a joy to watch, shown in glamorous gold coat and at one with his handler. Strongly considered for the RCC. Later awarded Best Special Beginners Dog and in Breed and took a very creditable 3rd in the Special Beginners Group.
2nd LEWIS, Miss Meaylee & LEWIS, Mrs Sharon Fairwinds In Space Man
A longer cast blonde of pleasing type, lovely head with a kind expression, excellent forehand construction, elbows placed well under body, straight forelegs, deep through chest, shown in good condition, when he moved, another who has good footfall and covers the ground with ease.
3rd TODD, Mrs P Van Gogh Of Sunshine's Valley With Toddrosa (Imp B)
Yearling Dog
1st LIGGINS, Miss Jodie & HODGES, Mr Simon Silver Passion Glam Fashion at Nunsbrook JW (Imp)
A blonde male all through, pleasing head with a good expression and great pigment, excels in forehand construction, legs placed well under body with close fitting elbows, longer over loin but holds his topline standing and on the move, shown in hard condition, hocks well let down, he moves well both fore and after.
2nd BLACK, Mrs Avril & BLACK, Mr Iain Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain
I really liked this boys outline, lots to like about him from his balanced head with a lovely expression and good chiselling, strong in topline, another shown in good hard condition, moved well but a little wide in front which cost him the class.
3rd WAINWRIGHT, Mrs L Goldenmajko Make Believe (FCI) TAF (Imp Pol)
Novice Dog
1st WAEBEKE-NEVE, Mrs. Anja Glenriska Beachcomber By Heart (Swed Imp)
A mid gold boy, excellent front and beautiful head with melting expression, strong muscular condition all over, good layback of shoulders which flow into a level topline, short coupled, good bend to stifle, presented in coat of good texture and handled very well, on the move, he moves with drive and correct footfall.
2nd WAINWRIGHT, Mrs L Goldenmajko Make Believe (FCI) TAF (Imp Pol)
not as together as winner, moved better in this class than previous, presented in mid gold coat, pleasing head, short coupled, good bend of stifle.
Graduate Dog
1st GULLIVER, Mrs Sharon Tonara Moon Walk
mid gold dog, who stands 4 square, kind gentle head, lovely layback of shoulders and good return of upper arm, straight forelegs placing well under body, short coupled with deep chest and ribs well sprung, good bend to stifle and straight strong hocks which he used well to give good drive from strong muscular rear.
2nd GERHOLD, Mrs Joanne Navilis Vivat Vivaldi (imp UKR) JW
blonde boy unlucky to meet winner, similar remarks apply, I loved his head with his kind eye, another who stands 4 square with legs placed well under body, good spring to ribs, good feet, well muscled and moved out well fore and after.
3rd WITHEY, Mrs Hazel Rosinante Major Hero
Post Graduate Dog
1st WILLIAMS, Miss Karen Berrymeade Coeur Blimey at Busheyhall
Mid gold boy who stands four square, fa balanced outline, gentle yet masculine head carried on a strong neck of good length, deep through body, close fitting elbows. Carrying the correct amount of weight, well muscled with good bend of stifle, tail of correct length, he out moved the others in the class, with a long free stride.
2nd TOWERS, Mrs Susan & HENDERSON, Mrs Margaret & BOLA Grey Goose November Rain (Imp Esp)
Have watched this boy mature and what a joy to go over, although I really wouldn't want him any heavier, short coupled and compact dog who is so balanced, once you get your hands through his thick dense coat of correct texture, he is well made, good forehand which makes his rear, he moves well but just didn't match the extension of winner.
3rd POUNDS-LONGHURST, Mrs Susan Mossburn Galloping Major JW
Limit Dog – superb class
1st MCGEOCH, Mrs Anne Louise Nedlezah Lochlea
Even though this boy was out of coat, he kept drawing me back in. He has all the attributes I was looking for, balanced in outline, with a super dead level topline with his tail straight of his back, his head is kind and intelligent with eyes that draw you, super layback of shoulder with upper arm of equal length, deep through chest and ribs well sprung, he is shown in hard muscular condition and move true fore and after with correct foot fall. He just pipped the Junior Dog to take the RDCC.
2nd TOWERS & HENDERSON, Mrs & Mrs S & M Alibren Baker's Boy
This blonde boy was dripping in coat and he really pushed the winner hard, they are similar in construction but he is bigger in frame, balanced in outline, stacked just right to show off his strong neck, level topline and good tailset, he has a good return to his upper arm and deep through chest, carrying the correct amount of weight, he moves with a long free easy stride with good ground coverage.
3rd MCCORMACK, Miss S Flyngalee Signature JW
Open Dog – superb class
1st SAVAGE, Ms K Ir Sh Ch Ch Weisford Guilty As Sin CW22 CJW22
Am sure I cant do this dog justice, but a pleasure to be able to go over him, a masculine dog with a kind expression, with head of good balance and shape, excellent pigment, good depth to his muzzle, head carried on a clean muscular neck flowing into correct front assembly, dead level top line which he holds on the move. Tight catlike feet, deep in chest with elbows close fitting, carrying the correct amount of weight, lovely bend of stifle, not in his best of coats but he hides nothing, when he moves, he has good ground coverage and really drives from his well muscled hind quarters. No hesitation to award him DCC but lost out to the bitch in the challenge for BOB due to her free flowing movement.
2nd SAVAGE, Ms K Ch & Ir Sh Ch Rathcloon Cookie Crumble At Weisford
different type to his kennel mate, but just as good to go over, presented to perfection with a blonde coat of correct texture, slightly longer cast than winner, has a lovely head and good pigment, strong in neck and very good forehand construction, shown in hard condition, with good second thigh, moved with purpose around the ring.
3rd CLARKE-GEAR, Mrs V Ousevale Tobermory JW
Special Beginners Dog
2nd BLACK, Mrs Avril & BLACK, Mr Iain Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain
3rd LIGGINS, Miss Jodie & HODGES, Mr Simon Swanavly Popsy's Legacy at Nunsbrook NAF (ai) (Imp
Veteran Bitch
1st LEWANDROWSKI, Mrs Heike Int Ch Sequins Sabiha
8.5 year old blonde bitch, she is so feminine, pretty head with a lovely expression, good pigment for age, she is deep in chest, close fitting elbows, straight forelegs, lovely return if upper arm, level in topline which she holds on the move, she has well muscled thighs and moves with good coverage around the ring. BVB lost out to the dog in the challenge.
2nd BALL, Mrs S M Fivelms Dream Alliance
10 year old blonde, who really isn't showing her age, she moves so well with correct positive footfall, she has a good front with a nice layback of shoulders, good topline which she holds so well standing and on the move, coat of good texture, carrying the correct amount of weight.
3rd GAYLER, Mrs P D Carolake Remember Me JW
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st TRINDER, Mr Anthony Trindever The Temptress
7 month old baby, who has lots of promise, she presents a balanced outline, lovely head for age with good pigment,lovely reach of neck and a good forehand, level topline she is shown in good condition for age, she moves steady and true and am sure will get better as she matures.
2nd WARD, Mrs J Wild Rose to Laurenley of Sunshine's Valley (Imp )
anther 7 month old blonde, who is not as mature as winner, she has a good outline, pretty head, finer in bone than winner, good forehand assembly, straight forelegs and neat feet, she move with good drive.
3rd TAGGART, Miss A E Altindan User Friendly
Puppy Bitch
1st MANDLEY, Mrs Vicki L Maltqudos Enchanted
this 11 month old mid gold girl stood out in this class, such a balanced outline, she stands 4 square viewed from any angle, straight forelegs, good feet, she has good length of upper arm and layback of shoulder, her topline is strong, good depth of chest for her age, lovely bend of stifle and is shown in hard condition, lovely thick double coat presented to perfection, she moves so well with precise footfall and a long free easy stride. Delighted to award her BPB and later BPIB and delighted to hear she was shortlisted in the Puppy Group.
2nd O’GORMAN, Mrs P & Mr S Berrymeade Firestarter (A.I.)
another 11 month old girl, shown in a deep golden coat, she is finer than winner but still appeals, she is super feminine, neck of good length flowing into nicely placed shoulders, good length of upper arm,lovely topline and tailset, she is handled to her advantage which shows as she moves around the ring with a steady easy pace.
3rd TAGGART, Miss A E Altindan User Friendly
Junior Bitch – lovely class
1st RODGERS, Mrs Margaret Ambersun Passione Of Odarla
I have always admired this girl, since I saw her as a young puppy, degihted to see how she has matured over the last few months, such a balanced outline, just flows from head to tail, she has a lovely head with good pigment, a kind gentle expression, good layback of shoulders with same return of upper arm, lovely length of leg and neat feet, deep through chest, short coupled with well round hindquarters, she took time to settle into her stride but once she did, she flowed effortless around the ring, well presented and sympathetically handled to her advantage.
2nd ZUTTER, Mr John De Think Twice Victoria Secret To Dunehills
Not going to lie, I completely fell in love with girl and looking at her breeding I can see why, on the shorter end of the standard, ultra feminine compact bitch of 10 months, she was shown in a deep golden coat, finer in bone than winner but still balanced, a kind sweet head which is enhanced by super jet black pigment, balanced front and rear angles, but when she moves, she strides around the ring like she owes it with a big smile, she clearly enjoys herself.
3rd NEILSON, Mrs JAN Tweedspey ToppSecret Avec Ponfeigh (Imp Fra)
Yearling Bitch
1st LOVEROCK, Mrs M & WALDRON-SMITH, Mrs L & ZUBAIR, M Thornywait Starstruck with Lovissa JW
I was so happy to be able to have the honour of judging this young lady, I was present at her first show and have followed her success ever since. Its easy to see why she has done so well, presented and handled to perfection but this just makes her stand out more, she stands 4 square showing her balanced outline, head is strong but feminine and a cheeky glint in her eye, strong muscular neck of good length, she has a very good lay back of shoulders with equally good length of upper arm, strong straight front, close fitting elbows with good spring of rib for age, her topline is strong and her tail straight of her back, when she moves, she moves with an easy free long stride with good ground coverage. In the challenge she pulled out all the stops to ensure she won the RCC over mature bitches.
2nd POILE, Miss V Thornywait Starshine at Cherrimar
Now, this young lady really pushed the winner hard and I was splitting hairs between them, it came as no surprise they are litter sisters, although they have the same balanced outline, she has more feminine head than her sister, lovely flowing neck into well placed shoulders, carrying the correct amount of weight, level topline and tailset, she also moved well with good drive, but just lost out by moving a bit wider in front than winner.
Novice Bitch
1st FOREMAN, Mr & Mrs Gary & Teresa Ambersun All Of My Heart
A mature mid gold bitch who won this class on her movement which was free and easy with correct footfall, longer cast than some, but she presents quite a balanced outline, kind head with a lovely expression, excels with her forehand construction and shoulder placement, bend of stifle to match her front, hocks well let down, thick coat with lovely feathering, carrying the correct amount of weight, hard muscular condition used well when she flows around the ring.
2nd RODGERS, Mrs Margaret Ambersun Passione Of Odarla
3rd MCCORMACK, Miss S Flyngalee Busy Boo
Graduate Bitch
1st MORRISON, Ms Annie Kayzaelle Kind Spirit
Very feminine blonde bitch of medium size, she has a lovely outline of good balance, she flows into well laid shoulders and has a good return of upper arm, straight forelegs, body of good depth and ribs well sprung, she is shown in good hard condition presented to perfection, when she moved, she moved with drive and purpose.
2nd MADDISON, Mrs Joan Jaymardy Sweet Caroline JW
A larger frame bitch, of good substance, she is shown in good hard condition, with a appealing outline of good balance, she has a strong but feminine head, strong neck flowing into good forehand front, deep through chest and ribs well sprung, she moves very well, but just lost out to the winner by not being a flowing.
3rd SMITH, Mrs Elizabeth Gablecross Rosie Cotton
Post Graduate Bitch
1st SMITH, Mrs Louise & SMITH, Mr Trevor Goldmarker Luminess (AI)
Another favourite of mine and what a joy she is to go over, so attentive to her handler, she free stands with a wagging tail, shown in a glorious gold coat which glistened in the sun, pretty head, with a strong neck, flows into excellent layback of shoulders, feet well under body, deep in body and well muscled hindquarters, level topline which she holds on the move, she covers the ground well.
2nd WOODEN, Mrs Pamela Mary & WOODEN, Mr Kim Catenae Candy Floss at Salako
Another who has always caught my attention, so unlucky to meet winner, when stood she presents a balanced outline, such a lovely head with a gentle expression, short coupled, good bend of stifle, she was given her handler a hard time but she did enough to secure her placing.
3rd TOWERS, Mrs Susan & TOWERS, Mr David Alibren Heidi High
Limit Bitch – super class
1st CHAN, Mrs Jackie & CHAN, Mr Richard Lovissa Holly Dolly of Wemcrest
This girl is getting better as she matures and am sure she will start to trouble the best in due course, coming into new golden coat which catches the sun, she is staked to show her off to the best, lovely front with a good length to upper arm and shoulders, her neck flows nicely into a good strong topline, well bend stifles, good second thigh and hocks well let down, on the move, she takes a long stride and has good ground coverage, strongly considered for the RCC.
2nd FOREMAN, Mr & Mrs Gary & Teresa Ambersun Heart Of Gold
Another girl who was pushing hard for the class win, she is smaller in stature than winner, excels in forehand assembly, she is free shown to full advantage, as she drops nicely into her angles fore and after, she holds her topline standing and on the move, when she moves she commands you to watch her, she has a long free stride but just preferred the leg length of winner.
3rd RUSSELL, Mrs Sue Rosinante DeJu Vu
Open Bitch – superb class
1st MONTEVERDE, Mr. Giovanni Olvinglay Wax Lyrical
My notes say WOW, a new one to me but am sure we will see and hear lots about her in time, although a young bitch she handles herself like a pro, so well schooled and you can see this on the move, she never puts a foot wrong showing excellent footfall with long and free strides, ultra feminine all through, she has a pretty head, good length of neck which is strong flowing into excellent shoulders with a text book forehand, deep chest with elbows well tucked in, level topline, she is in hard condition with excellent second thigh, I had no hesitation to award her the BCC and later BOB against the Dog. She really came alive in the group ring and was delighted to see her gain a very respectable 3rd place in strong and full group.
2nd O’GORMAN, Mrs P & Mr S Thornywait Top Notch For Berrymeade JW
Another girl who I have always admired, she is ultra feminine and another who is so well schooled, shown in a thick dense coat and hard condition, she has a beautiful head, super layback of shoulders and return of upper arm, I love her topline and tailset, good width of thigh, another who moves with long and easy stride, another considered for the RCC.
3rd MURRAY, Ms O M Ch & Ir Ch Rathcloon Highways N Byways (IKC)
Special Beginners Bitch
1st BALL, Mrs S M Fivelms Dream Alliance
well up to size, who still has lots of maturing to do, strong but feminine head carried on a strong muscular neck, good length of legs to body ration, not in best coats but what is there is of good condition, she moved out well, but didn't have the flow of the veteran bitch.
3rd MCCAMMICK, Mrs R Saffdales My Memoir To Inca