- Show Date: 10/03/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Paul Lawless Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Crufts 2023 Australian Cattle Dogs
Many thanks to Crufts Committee for inviting me to judge the Australian Cattle Dogs and to the exhibitors for bringing such a super entry of quality dogs.
Veteran Dog (2,1)
1. Svarkovsky’s, Cze Ch Ullrich Vom Teufelsjoch, an impressive 7&1/2 year old, in excellent condition. Very pleasing type, nice size and shape. Head of good strength, medium dark eye. Nice broad skull, ears of good size well carried. Topline is ok, slightly sloping croup, good bone and feet, good angulation in the rear, a little straighter in front. Moved freely, could have had a shade more reach in front. Very nicely handled and presented. Best Veteran in Breed.
Junior Dog (2)
1. Bezzi’s, Crazy Heelers Critical Mass, 13 Months, excellent type, very pleasing size and shape for his age. He has a balanced head of good strength, pleasing medium dark eye with a keen expression. Ears of excellent size and shape and well carried. Excellent neck and topline, good bone and nice tight feet. Balanced angulations front and rear, moved soundly in all directions, very well presented and handled, pleased to award him the Reserve Dog CC.
2. Krebs’, Dartbrook’s Freak A Leak, 13 months old and a little immature in body at this time. Medium strength head, ears well placed but tall. He has a good neck, topline needs to strengthen. Good bone and feet, excellent angulation in the rear and moved well.
Post Graduate Dog (2)
1. Turner’s, Grizzlyblues Wolfs Junge, 2 & ½ years old, pleasing type with a head of good strength. Ear size and carriage is good, good neck, excellent topline, excellent bone and nice tight feet. A little deep in the chest, nicely balanced in his side gait, tends to skip a little in rear on the move.
2. Wildman’s, Grizzlyblues Comet, 2 years old, this boy is still a little raw at the moment. Balanced head, medium dark eye, good ear size and placement, excellent reach of neck, would prefer a better topline and could carry a shade more condition. Good bone and feet and he moved freely.
Limit Dog (2)
1. Hoffmann’s, Sawdusts Wizard N’Wolverine, 23 months very typey male, good size and shape. Nice eye and keen expression, ears well carried. Good neck, prefer topline a little firmer, well developed chest, good bone and feet. This boy has excellent temperament, moved well though he tends to drop his head slightly on move.
2. Smyth’s, Morrow Forever in Blue Jeans, 6 years old of pleasing type with a very nice head, lovely eye and expression. Ear size and placement is excellent. Good reach of neck, he could have a shade more substance. Angulations are balanced front and rear and he moved freely.
Open Dog (13,3)
1. Ile-Onckule’s, By/Lat Ch Bradley Simpatija, very shapely male of 5 years old. He is a nice size and shape, always balanced every time I looked at him. Pleasing head of good strength, nice eye and expression, excellent ear shape and placement. Good reach of neck and excellent topline. Excellent bone and nice tight feet. Good angulations front and rear, he was very good and balanced on the move in all directions and very steady temperament. Pleased to award him the Dog CC.
2. Masi’s, Walkabout Max Banana Bender, just under 2 years old, very smart youngster. Dark shaded colour, excellent strong masculine head, lovely eye and keen expression. Good reach of neck, would have preferred to see him hold his topline better. Good strength to his rear quarters, excellent angulations, brisk movement, super side gait.
3. Fantinel & Schiavon’s, Am Ch Banana Bender Flip Flop N’Fly, very striking medium sized male of 5 years old, he has a balanced head, nice eye and expression, good ears, excellent neck and topline, well developed chest, in excellent hard condition. Very well presented and handled, while he moved briskly, I felt his movement could have been a little more balanced, but another quality male in a super line up.
Good Citizen Dog (1)
1. Smyth’s, Morrow Forever in Blue Jeans (Repeat from Limit Dog)
Veteran Bitch (6,3)
1. Hoffmann’s Int Ch Sawdust’s Obsessed 2 Impress, 8 yeas old in wonderful condition for her age. She has a balanced feminine head, with a lovely eye and expression. Good reach f neck, topline could have been a shade firmer, good bone and feet, angulations are good front and rear and this girl who has excellent temperament moved really well. Best Veteran Bitch.
2. Wright’s, Millbelle Whole Lota Rosie, almost 8 years old, she is a lovely size and shape with a nicely balanced head. Good reach of neck, topline could have been a shade firmer, good bone and feet, though she was a little weak in the pasterns, moved ok.
3. Greenhill’s, Ch Jahanghirs Echo Falls Blue at Aurdu, almost 13 years old and enjoying her day out. Head is of good strength, good reach of neck, good bone, would prefer feet tighter and her topline is quite soft now. Moved freely for her age, a happy girl.
Puppy Bitch (1)
1. Reynold’s, Austmans Barb Dwyer with Shardlow, 8 months old, very nicely put together youngster who coped well with the surroundings. She is a lovely size and shape for her age, a nicely balanced feminine head with a lovely eye. Ears are well placed, she has a good neck and topline, slightly sloping croup. Good bone and feet, chest well developed for her age and she moved freely, Best Puppy in Breed
Junior Bitch (3)
1. Jebson’s, Austmans Hold My Beer, 13 months old, really nice type, lovely size and shape. Balanced feminine head, ears are of good size and well placed. Good reach of neck, excellent depth of chest, good topline, excellent bone and nice tight feet. She moved well and was really well handled as she was a shade unsettled in the surroundings today.
2. Ile-Onckule’s, Banana Bender Lechuguilla Kit Fox, 17 months pleasing type of nice size and shape and a lovely outline. Balanced head of good strength, nice eye, ears are well placed but appear a shade tall at this time, good reach of neck. Good topline, balanced angulations, good bone and feet and nicely handled.
3. Haverland & Hasenfuss’, Ava from the Middle of Nowhere, 17 months and a pleasing type to complete a nice line up. Balanced head with a nice eye, would prefer her ears a little smaller. Good reach of neck, topline could be better. Good bone, would prefer her feet a little tighter, well handled and she moved freely.
Post Graduate Bitch (2)
1. Smyth’s, Goolara Elvenstar, 6 years old, pleasing type, she has a balanced head of good strength, with a nice eye, good ears well carried. Good reach of neck, topline is a shade soft today. Good bone and feet and she moved well.
2. Forrester’s, Guardalavaca Blueprint, 22 months, this girl is still a little immature in the body. Pleasing head of good strength, nice dark eye. Good bone and feet, balanced angulations, a little stilted on the move.
Limit Bitch (3,2)
1. Ile-Onckule’s, Banana Bender Lechuguilla Kit Fox (Repeat from Junior Bitch)
Open Bitch (5)
1. Bezzi’s, Multi.Ch ACD Rutkowscy Hillary, 3 years old, excellent size and shape with substance and a lovely harmonious outline. Balanced head of good strength, lovely eye and typical expression, ears are excellent size and shape. Good strong neck and excellent topline, good body proportions, excellent round bone and nice tight feet. Angulations are excellent front and rear, she moved freely with good drive from the rear. Very well handled, pleased to award her the Bitch CC & BOB.
2. Gretenkort’s, Adaluma Easy as Ru Pie, 3 years old very pleasing type. Excellent strength of head, nice eye and good ears. Good reach of neck and good topline, slightly sloping croup. Angulations are excellent front and rear, she has good bone and nice tight feet, she was well handled and moved freely, not quite as fluent as the winner, but pleased to award her the Reserve Bitch CC
3. Wolfs’, Goorialla’s Dream Columbine, 23 months good type, a pleasing feminine head. Could have a little more fill in the body and today she was a shade reserved in temperament. Balanced angulations front and rear and a nice free moving bitch.
Good Citizen Bitch (1)
1. Smyth’s, Goolara Elvenstar (Repeat from Post Graduate Bitch)
Judge: Paul Lawless