• Show Date: 04/11/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Paul Lawless Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 08/11/2023

Working & Pastoral Breeds Association Of Scotland

Breed: Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Working and Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland

Saturday 4th November 2023

Pyrenean Mountain Dogs

Many thanks to the WPBAS for the invitation to judge Pyreneans at their show. I always enjoy this breed and today was no different. Thank you to the exhibitors for bringing lovely dogs of excellent temperament and all were so well presented. I found a number of what I described as medium size dogs, I hope we don’t lose the ‘great size’ that the breed standard calls for. I was very pleased with my CC Winners, the male being in such great condition for his age, he has truly been a great ambassador for the breed. My female was dog of the day for me, loved her eye and expression and such wonderful size and shape and still able to flow around the ring. Delighted to hear that this was her crowning CC and that it was her father who won the CC under me the last time I judged.

Limit Dog (2)

1. Blair’s, Penellcy Bennington Bear, 4 years old medium size, with a very pleasing outline. He has a nice eye and expression, a little deep in stop, good strength to the muzzle. Would prefer a shade more strength to the back skull. Excellent reach of neck, good topline and croup and excellent tail carriage on the move. He has good bone proportionate to his size, he could stand a little better in front. He moved well in profile, could be a little tidier coming and going.

2. McBain’s, Lisjovia Flaming Drambuie for Willmac, 2 years old and very well presented and handled. He is a medium size dog, didn’t seem too happy initially when he came into the class but settled as the class went on. Medium strength balanced head, would prefer a better eye and expression. He has a good reach of neck, topline was a little soft today, good croup, good bone and feet, well angulated front and rear. I would like him a little more balanced on the move and he could carry his tail a little better on the move.

Open Dog (5,1)

1. Reilly’s, Multi Ch Lisjovia Boris Bear at Darmaror, 7 years old and this boy is still enjoying his day out. An upstanding dog of great size and substance, beautifully presented with a very pleasing outline. He has a lovely eye and expression, I would prefer a shade more refinement in the head. Good reach of neck, held his topline well for his age and he has a good croup. Good bone and feet, good angulations front and rear. Moved really well for his age, pleased to award him the Dog CC.

2. Baverstock’s, Kalkasi Just Because, 2 years old, this boy still has some maturing to do. He has a beautiful headpiece with a lovely eye and expression. He has a good reach of neck and a good topline. He has good bone and feet, just needs to strengthen in his rear quarters. Beautifully presented and moved well, pleased to award him the Reserve Dog CC.

3. Cubello’s, Night Owl.

Puppy Bitch (2)

1. Baverstock’s, Kalkasi Super Special, Only 7 months old, but it was lovely to watch her gain confidence as the day went on. She has a feminine head which is developing nicely. Nice reach of neck and carries her topline well. Good bone and feet, obviously still needs to fill in the front. Angulations are balanced front and rear, she moved very freely, though a little close behind at this time. Best Puppy.

2. Holmes’ & McBain’s, Polar Light Pride of America, 10 months old and she has excellent size and substance. She has a pleasing head with a nice eye, very well presented and handled. Good strong neck flowing onto a good topline and good croup. She has good bone and feet, well angulated behind, a little straighter in front. Unfortunately today she was obviously feeling something on the move and just not giving 100% going around.

Limit Bitch (1)

1.Flounders’, Kalkasi Just Imperial at Lakamoni, this lady was 2years old and she still needs time to fill the frame and mature in the body. She has a very attractive feminine head with a lovely eye and expression. Nice reach of neck, could have a better flow to her topline. She has lovely bone and feet, I would like a little more strength to the rear quarters and better bend of stifle, which would hopefully then give her more balance on the move.

Open Bitch (4,1)

1. Bowker & Gibson’s, Febus Anapeou, 2 years old of excellent size and substance. She has a lovely balanced head with the most beautiful eye and expression. Lovely flow of neck onto a super topline and a good croup. She has excellent bone and feet, lovely angulation in the rear, she could be a little better in the front. Good deep chest with excellent length from the rib cage, beautifully presented and handled. She moved freely with excellent tail carriage. Pleased to award her the bitch CC & BOB and to see her later place fourth in a strong Pastoral Group.

2. Goodwin’s, Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique, 2 years old medium size, nicely balanced feminine head with a lovely eye and expression. She is a little loose in the lips. She has excellent bone and feet, could have a slightly better flow to her topline. Nicely angulated rear quarters. I would like her a shade more balanced in the sidegait, pleased to award her the Reserve Bitch CC.

3. Baverstock’s, Kalkasi The Eternal Chase.

Judge; Paul Lawless