• Show Date: 26/11/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Paul Eardley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 04/12/2023

West Of England & South Wales Airedale Terrier Club

Breed: Airedale Terrier


This was my first time awarding CC’s to Airedales and thank you to the Officers and Committee of the Club for the invitation. It is indeed a great privilege to be invited to judge a breed club show.

I was pleased with the entry and indeed the overall quality of the entry. There were enough good ones to make for some interesting competition and some very promising youngsters which augurs well for the future. One or two were a little reserved which is not really typical for the “king” of the terriers, however many had delightful temperaments. Movement was a little mixed but again there were enough good movers to make the judging interesting. Mouths were excellent as was presentation and overall sportsmanship.

Thank you to my ring steward, Ken Probert, who kept things moving very efficiently and was extremely pleasant to work with.

Thank you also to the caterers as the lunch was delicious.

Minor puppy dog-2 entries, 1 absent

1st Pickerings’ Jolliver Dave Ja Vu-a lovely one to start the day and could easily have coped with some competition. Came into the ring on his toes displaying lovely proportions and a super outline. Good size, decent bone, lovely outline on the move with good tail carriage, excellent rear with a bit of dog behind the tail. Front movement will need to settle slightly but that is an age thing. Head developing nicely with decent proportions. I really liked him. Should have a very bright future I would think.

Puppy dog-1 entry, 1 absent

Junior dog-2 entries

1st Blackburn’s Lumosadie The Fire Bird-lovely outline on this boy, particularly when standing, super head and ears, profile movement good, body developing well, good jacket, a touch straight behind, steady and typy.

2nd Knights, Steinkie and Stokes’ Temtiz Buzz Lightyear at Lelaps -not very happy when he came in, started to settle as the class went on, good jacket, decent bone and substance, will look better if he can gain a little confidence.

Novice dog-1 entry

Fury’s Saredon The Hustle -still quite a raw youngster who needs to develop a little more in body, lovely head, good ears, nice expression, good jacket, ok behind, a little loose in front. Needs a little time.

Post graduate dog-4 entries, 1 absent

1st Turner’s Crillee Carry On The Legend-super type with a good outline when stacked, really good head and expression, tail a little gay, moved ok behind. Promising.

2nd Fearnhead’s Settlebeck Royal Flush-lots to like about this boy, not quite the head and expression of the winner, ok in body, decent coat, nice tail set and carriage, a bit of dog behind the tail which was good.

3rd Simpson-Jones’ Cwmplentyn Dales Diva

Limit dog-2 entries

Interesting contest between these two.

1st Hacker & Jenkins’ Muliebrity Blue Beret at Sherifs-well presented boy with a good jacket, good head, good in front, a touch narrow behind, a touch finer than the second but super temperament.

2nd Toulson’s Toulsyork Taylor Made-I preferred this boy’s bone and substance, good body proportions, decent mover, today just decided not to cooperate. Was a good mover when he did cooperate.

Open dog-5 entries, 2 absent

I enjoyed sorting these three out.

1st Callon & Callon-Whinn’s Ch Russtam Jax The Gentleman-this boy had my attention when he came into the ring as he had bone and substance but was not coarse, lovely short back which was level and firm, super temperament, great outline standing and moving, good headed boy, super shoulders, deep chest, tail carried well, clean front, could maybe have a little more width behind, he looked the finished article and won a well deserved CC and ultimately BIS.

2nd Brown’s Ch Jokyl Daily Special -super type pushing hard all the way, a very handsome looking boy of excellent type, great head and expression, super foreface, lovely ears, super neck, outline good, just a fraction taller than the winner. A well deserved Res CC

3rd Hampton & Hall’s Muliebrity Wilderness

Veteran dog or bitch-3 entries

1st Fearnhead’s Singrett Just An Illusion at Settlebeck-feminine, good size, ok in outline, really steady up and back, super rear on her, good condition. Best veteran in show.

2nd Edington-Hall’s Wendaire Kissed By An Angel JW ShCM ShCEx -slightly bigger frame, really lovely in stance, moved ok, typy.

3rd Webber’s Jokyl Stars In Her Eyes ShCM/VW

Minor puppy bitch-3 entries

1st Lee’s Jolliver Joy Ride to Stargus-one of the stars of the day. Had my attention as soon as she came into the ring. Feminine but with enough bone and substance, super type, head developing really well, super outline standing and moving, well fronted for her age and had one of the best rears of the day. I know that they are a slow maturing breed but she took my eye such that I felt that her quality deserved the Res CC. When I judged the minor puppy dog I thought that he was likely to be my BPIS and then his litter sister came along. What an exciting pair.

2nd Richardson’s Airechien Savanna-elegant girl, ok in head, decent outline going round, a little loose in front, ok behind.

3rd Hall’s Muliebrity Purple Princess Avec Tonnerier

Puppy bitch-1 entry, 1 absent

Junior bitch-3 entries

1st Blackburn,s Lumosadie Scarlet Phoenix -best outline in the class, looked good when stacked, on her toes, well presented, good head proportions, decent ears, a touch weak behind.

2nd Singh’s Russtam Dolly Mixture at Borderbridge-good proportions and developing well, I liked her substance, not quite as tidy on the go round and in front as the winner.

3rd Steinke’s Temtiz Miss Prim and Proper

Novice bitch-2 entries

1st Fearnhead’s Settlebeck Queen of Hearts-good type, lovely outline particularly in stance, nice proportions, a showgirl on her toes, ears a little heavy and untidy and a touch narrow behind,

2nd Muliebrity Purple Princess Avec Tonerrier -was 3rd in minor puppy, still quite immature in body, lovely temperament.

Debutant bitch-no entries

Undergraduate bitch-1 entry

1st Sayenko’s Amanita Rubescens-ok for type, decent body for her age, ok for head and expression, a little windy to go over, is a bit in between at the moment.

Post graduate bitch-6 entries, 4 absent

1st Rust’s Jokyl Power Lady-lovely type, I liked her substance, super head and expression, well presented, needs to firm up in topline and rear, promising.

2nd Simpson-Jones’s Cwmplentyn Dales Diva-not quite as typy as the first but a good mover, proportions ok. Needs to settle a little.

Limit bitch-3 entries, 2 absent

1st Toulson’s Toulsyourk Tiger Lily-super type and well presented, standing she looked really good and scored heavily for proportions and substance, unfortunately decided to dig in a bit on the move so was losing her outline and not moving so well behind.

Open bitch-8 entries, 2 absent

Super class which gave me plenty of food for thought. I really enjoyed sorting them out.

1st Hampton & Hall’s Muliebrity Ocean Bay-this one was a showgirl, came into the class on her toes presenting a super outline and never let up, I loved her outline, feminine but with enough substance, one of the soundest Airedales here today, held herself really well in profile, so typical, super coat and presentation, every time I looked at her I liked her. CC and ultimately Res BIS.

2nd Underwood’s Ch Jokyl Rising Star -very much my type, super proportions, lovely neck and shoulders, super outline, really good front, just a bit narrow behind. A quality girl.

3rd Ablard’s Ch/Sw Ch Jaydavine Story of Love

Paul Eardley-Judge