• Show Date: 07/12/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: norma inglis Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/12/2023

Ladies Kennel Association

Breed: Pomeranian




I enjoy being around this Breed with their fun loving fearlessness. Whilst not disappointed with the overall quality of the entry certain features kept cropping up that gave me cause for thought.

Missing teeth…not just in older dogs

Kinked tails…..appeared way too often

Eyes ….some more round than almond shaped

MPD (7) 1

1st HOLMAN’S Altina’s Mississippi Blue. A lovely baby kicked off proceedings. Neatly made Orange/sable of 6 months with short neck and back giving correct outline. Scored for face features with foxy face and dark eyes full of expression. Bright and animated. Harsh coat and good tail set. Although a fledgling he was ring wise and brimful of confidence. Very convincing on the move. Up down and around he impressed. A good benchmark for the rest of the day. The first of several who did well all bearing the same sire….Ch. Kamis Mystical Legend of Brooklyn at Altina.

2ndNEVE’S Styalways I’m still Standing. Another good looking Orange/sable who appealed for size and substance. Easy on the eye with sweet expression. Petite and neatly made and felt good on the table with body parts nicely knitting together. Friendly disposition. Winner had the edge with straighter tail and more almond eye.

3rd SLOUGH’S Lilrosa’s Ride Of Your Life

PD (6) 2

1st CAWTHERA-PURDY’S Lireva's Wild To Fly The Bear Loved the proportions of this brightly coloured Orange. Had great ring presence and presented an eye catching outline both standing and going around. Small, well set ears sat atop a head full of type. Dark eyes and excellent pigmentation. Short back and good tail. Tidy cat feet. Lovely nature and hung on his owner’s every word. A very buoyant boy with an assured future.

2nd HOLMAN’S Altina’s Viva Las Vegas I am sure these two will vie many times for the top place. Two quality boys blessed with good looks and breed type galore. This one had lots of lush orange/sable coat adding glamour. Dense pigmentation. Went around with head high and tail carried correctly. A close decision with winner being a tad more compact.

3rd NEVE’S Styalways This Is Me

JD (5).

1st HOLMAN’S Altina’s Alabama True Romance. Precocious …a word well suited to Poms. Smart, animated youngster with bright, dark eyes full of cheek. Short neck, good ribs and enough angulation behind. On the floor he continued to please with sound movement in both directions and went round showing off his balanced outline with plume flat over back. A satisfying youngster of quality shown in prime condition.

2nd NIXON’S Kazpom No Doubt. Have no doubt this good looking Orange will continue to do well. Close up to winner in several respects. A sweet face with a lively expression. Erect ears set not too close nor too far apart. Spot on for size. Good coat presentation. A few months younger and just needed to be more convincing in front action.

3rd LOVELL’S Pawsamy’s Sweet William

YD (8)

1st ALLEN’S Lumillion Miles Away Smart Orange looking good at 19 months with accurate movement that satisfied and gave him the class. Typical head and sweet expression, blackest of noses, neat ears, tidy body shape, spot on for size. Good posture with style going around. Tail held in position. My notes were positive.

2nd NIXON’S Kazpom Don't Let Go JW. At 14 months this Orange was giving away a bit in maturity in this class and looked rather babyish. Appealing face with shining, dark eyes. Lovely muzzle and foreface. Looked a picture stacked and went around the ring with self importance. Tail high and carried correctly. Had sufficient merit to hold his own against the older competitors. Just needs to body up. Litter mate to No Doubt. I can see why both stayed.

3rd LOVELL’S Pawsamy’s Sweet William

PGD (3)

1st WALKEY’S Bonniebears Touch Of Magic. A glamorous 3 year old Wolf/ sable shown in pristine coat. Amiable expression coming from mid brown almond eyes and he stepped out with sound parallel rear action. Could be tidier in front action. Full marks to his owner for his condition.

2nd LOVELL’S Pawsamy's Sweet William. Only 14 months old and enjoying his time in the ring. Scored for sweet expressive face with shining eyes. Another presented in prime condition and in repose he looked a picture. High stepping which pegged him back.

3rd FIRTH’S Altina’s Samson

LD (5)

1st BERRINGTON’S Altina’s The Bronx At Sarasate The more I saw of his Orange boy the more I liked and he was close up in my final deliberations. Fetching face features with good ratio of skull to muzzle. Dark eyes. Ears fairly small. Liked how he set himself up to show his balanced outline. Best mover in class. He briskly circled the ring and his agreeable proportions were evident. Short neck, firm topline and no nerves as he carried his tail correctly throughout. Soft undercoat and straight harsh top coat.

2nd OGILVIE’S Yoshe It's Now Or Never. Good breed type with plenty of plus points. Masculine outlook with finely finished foreface. Almond eyes dark in colour. Bags of confidence always a bonus in a show dog. Quality textured coat and enough of it adding a touch of glamour. Good substance. Just rangier than 1 and not so settled on the move.

3rd CARRIGAN’S Poseyhill Sir Isaac Newton at Carripom

OD (4)

1st HOLMAN’S Ch Altina’s Henry Higgins JW

After judging this Orange I felt he would be a strong contender. Looked good and he knew it. Has that invisible ring presence that somehow draws you in at first sight. On closer inspection it just got better. Delicious head and expression with dark oval eyes. Ear set good. Shapely muzzle with neat lip finish. Pigment dense. Shown in smashing coat and beneath lay a neatly made body with all the components fitting so well. Good front and rear construction. Firm topline and a plush plume. Such good deportment and he held himself with composure. Foot fall impressive. Great showman who pulled out all the stops and at the end of the day after winning the DOG CC and BEST OF BREED he still had more to give. Such a thrill to see Group judge Leila Tarabad acknowledge he has the X factor by awarding him Group 2.

2nd CAWTHERA-PURDY’S Ch Lireva's Wildest Dreams. Another splendid Orange out of the top drawer. A place where high class items were kept in olden days. A pin up boy with a very pretty head and good ratio of skull to muzzle. Shiney eyed. Dark pigment that complimented his coat colour. A slightly smaller package and he presented a balanced outline. Compact with short neck, good angles front and rear and tail that was correctly set. His gait was brisk and true and he went with attitude. Quality coat. So hard to separate these two and the thought crossed my mind that I could easily have given out 2CCs. Sadly not on the cards but he made a super Best Man to Henry Higgins. DOG RCC

3rd PIKE & CARTER’S Reta's Sex In Flames At Breezelyn

 MPB (8) 1 A lovely class …..good times ahead for these tiny tots.

1st VAN DE BURGT & STRANGE’S Norvanik Gold Bar Orange/sable with an endearing personality. She was bright as a button and her sparkling personality was infectious. Very feminine with small well placed ears, and dark expressive eyes. A lovely size with small frame and fine bone. Tail set good and carried flat over the back. Coat promises to be abundant. Went around the ring with great style. She owned it. At 8 months had a couple of months maturity over the others and this together with her bags of confidence gave her the edge and took her through to not only win this class, but Best Puppy Bitch and then BEST PUPPY IN BREED.

2nd HOLMAN’S Altina’s Sweet Home Alabama. An Orange/sable baby, just 6 months on the day. Nothing was fazing her and she went through her routine showing self assurance. Spot on for size. Admirable body proportions. Compact shape with short neck and good ribs. Appealing expression and dark bright eyes. Moved with the precision of a more mature exhibit. Litter sister to the winner of MPD.

3rd CAWTHERA-PURDY’S Lireva's Merry Fly The Bear

PB (4) 2

1st Lireva’s Merry Fly The Bear. Baptism day for this dainty Orange who was one of the youngest at 6 months and 2 days. Expressive face with dark eyes, small ears and refined finish to muzzle. Bags of self belief. Moved accurately keeping tail well positioned. A prospect. Still cooking but has all the ingredients to turn out nice.

2nd BERRINGTON’S Sarasate True Romance All singing, all dancing bright Orange full of vitality and cheek. More mature than 1 but today needed her effervescent personality channelled. Fresh faced with animated expression and dark eyes. Neat body shape with good ribs. At 9 months has time and plenty more outings to become ring wise.

JB (6) 2 Two sweet girls.

1st CAMPBELL’S Bella Jean. Coming from a breed where there are only four fixed recognised colours it can be a little daunting faced with coats in a variety of colours. Very switched on youngster who was a live wire. Full of fun. Pretty feminine face properties. Held herself well on the move covering the ground lightly with a free easy action.

2nd GOOCH’S Paavali’s Private Dancer at Cassibawne. Close decision. Beautifully presented bitch whose wealth of coat felt harsh as required. Showed well and went around the ring with proud carriage and high set tail. Appealing head properties.

3rd ALLEN’S Altina’s I’m Adorabubbles

YB (5) 2

1st THOMPSON’S Oraysha Little Miss Perfect Ultra feminine little Orange/ sable. Pretty headed with bright intelligent expression in her medium dark eyes. Liked her make and shape. Small, short and compact. Satisfying jaunty mover.

2nd Bella Jean

3rd BAILEY’S Craigivar Black Bramble

PGB (5)

1st ALLEN’S Klassna Pretty Little Thing. Respectable Wolf/sable with above board qualities and no glaring weaknesses. Gentle yet perky expression with medium eyes. Wins well for breed type and I liked her tidy body shape with neck, shoulders and topline combining well. Had a positive stance showing off a high set tail curved over the back. Good poise on the move. A bit wayward going away.

2nd LITTLE’S Pomalucci Little Mermaid A pretty girl with fetching face features and dense pigment. Showed herself off to advantage and carried a wealth of Orange coat. Felt today she was carrying too much condition and looked a bit portly and that took the edge off her outline.

3rd FRENCH’S Norvanik Rumour Has It at Bincombefarm JW

LB (7 ) 2

1st CAWTHERA-PURDY’S Lireva's You Are My Sunshine Nice moving Orange coming up to 2 years. Foxy face with dark eyes and her expression was alert and keen. Coat presented in good condition and the rapport between handler and dog was lovely to see. Moved out with precision confirming her sound construction

2nd ALLEN’S Divinity Amazing Grace. Very pleasing and had much to admire. Liked her expression, quality coat and had enough substance. Very attentive to her owner and stood showing willingly. No problems on the move. Just stood over more ground than 1 who was a neater package.

3rd VAN DE BURGT & STRANGE’S Norvanik Deja Vu

OB (5) 1 A lovely class that gave me little pleasure in nit picking.

1st MCDOWALL’S Ch Altina's Tudor Rose At 4 years old this beautifully headed Orange filled my eye and eventually triumphed. A delicious expression coming from dark, almond shaped eyes and small well set ears, shapely muzzle. She set herself up so well and her silhouette was striking. Neatly made with short neck, firm back and excellent plumed tail. Cat feet. In lovely coat condition and she looked every inch a winner as she paraded. She clearly loves to show and twinned with her many assets this made her hard to ignore. She simply fitted the bill in what I was looking for and took home the Bitch CC. I later learnt she was bred by the owner/breeder of the Dog CC. A proud moment for all parties.

2nd ROBB’S Ch Gleniren All Eyes On Me This exhibitor turns out his dogs a treat and gives them every chance to shine. It’s clear that time has been spent on their preparation that is not just from a quick bath the night before. They have quality that goes way beyond window dressing. This Orange/sable is a doll of a dog with a face to turn heads. Bright eyed. Neat erect ears nicely placed. Small and feminine. Compact body with fine bone. Had lots of bounce, good ribs, and flat tail carried with confidence. I called her back in for the Bitch RCC and after another glance at the competition, I found her fully deserving.

3rd RITCHIE’S Abbeyleigh Pixie Magic in Hollibell