• Show Date: 11/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nigel Worth Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/02/2024

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: Spaniel (Cocker)

Gundog Society of Wales Ch Sh 11th Oct 2023– Judge: Nigel Worth

Thank you to the GSOW committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs in Cocker Spaniels. I was delighted with my entry both in terms of numbers and quality. In most classes I was spoilt for choice and I m sure a number of my placings will swop places on other days. All decisions were met with applause which was appreciated. Presentation and condition of dogs/bitches overall was excellent. A big thank you to my very able stewards for keeping the ring flowing especially Bekki Williams who was my sole steward for the whole of the morning.

Cocker Spaniels

Minor Puppy Dog (6,1).

1st: Anslow’s Shansart Harry Potter. Promising puppy with lovely head, dark eye and expression. Good length to neck. Well made front and rear with correct topline. Good spring and depth to rib. Good bone and feet. Balanced when stood and on the move. Moved happily and soundly. Shown in lovely coat and condition.

2nd:Williams’ Wilmerella Highlander. Another quality puppy with good balance throughout. Good neck, shoulders and rear quarters. lovely rib, a little overweight but acceptably in youngster. Moved well.

3rd: Pop’s Merrysoul Can’t Be Legal at Bocablue NAF

Puppy Dog (5,1)

1st: Darby’s Classicway Call Time. Lovely head, square muzzle, distinct stop .Loved his expression. Moderate neck set in well made shoulders. Balanced body with good spring and depth to rib . strong rear end with good width to loin. Solid topline. Good bone and feet.In lovely coat and condition. Moved well with good use of tail. One with an excellent future I m sure. Best puppy dog and Best Puppy in Breed

2nd: Dewhurst’s Glowhill Silver Arrow at Lapidary. Another nice puppy with time on his side. Not quite the head of winner and I would like a little more neck. Well balanced body with good rib and solid topline. Good front and rear. well presented. Moved well.

3rd: Beddows’ Glowhill Stairway To Heaven

Junior Dog (5,2)

1st: Craig’s Alisma Amarillio. Really liked this dog. One with a very bright future I m sure. Lovely head with masculine expression. Good length to neck, well made shoulders, straightest of fronts. Lovely bone and feet. Mature body of good length to height ratio. Well angled rear. Solid level topline. Moved happily with drive. Shown in lovely coat and condition.

2nd: Hacket’s Lindridge Harbour Lights. Liked this boy for type. Pleasing head and expression. Well made throughout Good bone, mature body . well presented. Preferred movement of winner today.

3rd: Collier’s Pepperbox Midnight Parti

Yearling Dog (4,2)

1st: Hochard’s Meden Agan Time After Time.. Pleasing head and expression. moderate neck and well made shoulders, well sprung rib. Good topline. Moved well.

2nd:Varnam’s Marquell McArthur Park At Shanaudvarn. Not the overall quality of winner and topline a little soft on the move. Still maturing so has time.

Novice Dog (2,0)

1st: Share-Jones’ Sharemead Turn Back Turn. Would like a more typical head with a tighter eye. Good proportions to body although a little longer than I would like. Moved well

2nd: Jones’ Oktumi Star Chaser. Another who would benefit from a tighter eye, balanced overall. A little loose in front today but rear movement very positive.

Graduate Dog (4,1)

1st: Morris’ Riondel Enigma. Liked his head, square muzzle, distinct stop. masculine with lovely expression. Good neck and well placed shoulders. Strong topline. Mature body, strong rear. Moved well.

2nd Parkhouse’s Federico Hoabroe Heart For Shivani (IMP RUS). Felt he was a little feminine in head for me. Balanced throughout with enough rear angulation. A little loose in front today.

3rd: Pepperbox Midnight Parti

Post Graduate Dog (5,2)

1st: Bevis & Norie-Miller’s Popocateptl Tomfoolery. another whose head and expression I liked. well made, mature body with spring and depth to rib and strong topline. Good front and rear. Moved well. Well presented in good condition.

2nd: Meden Agan Time After Time. 1st in yearling

3rd: Kitchen’s Annilan Bhama Mama

Limit Dog (6,0)

1st: Norris’ Joaldy Mr Happy At Amaranth. Top two places very similar in type. Solid Black dog. Good head and expression. Good length to neck, solid topline. Balanced outline. Well made front and back Mature body with excellent spring and depth to rib, good bone and feet, moved happily with drive that gave him the edge in this class. Shown in good coat and condition.

2nd: Thomas’ Claramand Cracker. Lovely dog, similar comment to winner apply. Although very sound on the move, Just felt he did not give his all on the move today.

3rd: Saunders’ Carmelfair Corocenzo At Oxfordogs

Open Dog (8,0)

1st: Wildman’s Sh Ch Oktumi Major Player. This dog looked picture perfect in terms of condition and presentation. And he did not disappoint to go over. I liked everything about him from his typey masculine head and expression, through his strong moderate neck of good length, well made shoulders,mature body and well angled rear. He moved effortlessly with drive and style. Delighted to award him the CC. He was unlucky to lose out to the more mature Bitch CC winner who was on such top form today.

2nd: Keely’s Sh Ch Oakbeach Dare To Dream Big With Alhambian (IMP SWE). Unlucky to meet winner in such super form. A lovely dog, immaculately presented in excellent condition. Again difficult to fault. Very worthy of his title, moved with drive Res CC

3rd: Joaldy’s Mr Happy At Amaranth. 1st in Limit

Veteran Dog (4,0)

1st: Wildman’s Reemif Midnight Blue For Chanmalo ShCM ShCex. 7 yr old who certainly wasn’t showing his age. Pleasing head and expression, well made throughout with mature balanced outline. Correct front and rear. Moved well, shown in good coat and condition

2nd: Pearce- Gudger’s Sh Ch Cachel Prince Charming of Pearkim JW. Another in excellent coat and condition and is well balanced throughout.lovely head and expression. Correct angles front and back. Moved well. Close decision with winner.

3rd: Parkhouse’s Sandlauga Magic Spell For Shivani ShCex

Special Beginners Dog/Bitch (10,3)

1st: Wright’s La Scales Berlin With Chazbaz (IMP HUN). Solid dog. Good head but would like a tighter eye. Good bone, well balanced throughout. Moved well

2nd: Stokes-Harrell’s Claramond One Vision. Pretty bitch. Pleasing head and expression. Enough neck, a little loose in shoulder. Balanced outline. Good rear movement just lost out on front action today which could have been better.

3rd: Annilann Bhama Mama.

Minor Puppy Bitch (11,1)

1st: Williams’ Wilmerella Memphis Belle. Very promising puppy. Feminine head and expression. Good length to neck, balanced outline, well made front and rear, correct rib spring and depth for age. Lovely bone and feet. Well presented and moved well.

2nd: Hochard’s West End Girl The Garden of Yton another promising puppy. Slightly longer cast than winner but presented a balanced picture. Feminine head, nice expression. Good front and rear. Moved okay.

3rd:Griffiths & Norrie-Miller’s Ryallcourt Silent Witness

Puppy Bitch (8,1)

1st: Kettle’s Lujesa Laurellakes Angel Whisper. Promising puppy who is maturing nicely. Liked her head and expression. Dark eye, moderate neck. Good bone. Well made front and rear. Kept topline level when stood and on the move. Moved well

2nd: West End Girl The Gaeden of Yton. 2nd in Minor Puppy

3rd: Brown’s Popebel Limited Edition

Junior Bitch ( 6,1)

1st: Hochard’s Meden Again The Dark Side Of The Moon. Feminine head and expression. Good neck and shoulder placement. Adequate bone. Deep rib with good spring. Correct topline. Solid rear with good angulation.Presented in lovely coat and condition. Moved soundly with drive.

2nd: Craig’s Alisma Astirist. Another quality bitch who excelled for type. Particularly liked her head and expression, good bone, legs and feet. Balanced throughout. good rib with spring and dept, level topline stood and on the move. In lovely coat and condition. Today, just preferred more positive movement of winner.

3rd: Harvey’s Tomerine La Dolca Vita

Yearling Bitch (3,0)

1st: Meden Again The Dark Side Of The Moon. 1st in Junior

2nd: Nolan’s Oktumi Painted In Diamond’s For Jernito. Feminine head, good neck and topline. Nice outline when stood. Mature body, goodspring and depth to rib. Well angled front and rear. Moved well.

3rd: Terry’s Shaggylands Sexy And I No It

Novice Bitch (6,1)

1st: Stokes Harrel’s Villaspaniol Pixies. Feminine head and expression, moderate neck, mature body. Good bone, balanced outline when stood. Moved well

2nd: Sheigra Special secret with Balaambeck. Unplaced in special beginners. Feminine expression. Would have liked more length to neck and more body but has time to mature. Movement better in this class.

3rd: Davies’ Luciena My Expectataion

Grad Bitch (10,2)

1st: Remington’s Rozamie Black Pearl Jessremjul. Very typey girl. Correct head proportions, feminine expression. Good length to neck, well made shoulders and solid well angled rear. Good spring and depth to rib. Good length to height proportions. Good bone and feet. Solid level topline, moved happily with drive.

2nd: McCabe-Bell’s Zheridons Zephyranthes At Grandtully. Not yet the mature body of winner. Good length to neck, balanced when stood. In good coat and condition. Moved well when settled.

3rd: Morris’ Riondel Solitaire

Post Grad Bitch (2,0)

1st: Craig’s Alisma Aloonah. Quality bitch who was considered in the challenge for the res CC. well proportioned head, dark eye and lovely feminine expression. Good neck and well angled shoulders. Good bone, legs and feet. Well angled rear. Excelled in spring and depth to rib. Compact with level topline. Shown in immaculate coat and condition. Moved well with good ude of tail.

2nd: Ward’s Wensum Let’s Dance. Different in type to winner and not so good on the move today. Feminine with good bone. Mature body and in good condition.

Limit Bitch (8,3)

1st : Lewis’ Haradwater Vanity Fair At Penmartan (IMP PRT). Another quality bitch who looked a picture standing and did not disappoint to go over. Correctly proportioned head, dark eye and feminine expression. Good length to neck, set in well placed shoulders. Good bone. Legs and feet. Mature body, good spring and depth to rib, compact body, well angled rear. Perfectly presented in good coat and condition. Moved with drive with solid level topline and good tail action. Res CC. This bitch will surely gain her title soon.

2nd: Brown’s Reemif Blue velvet at Popebel. Pretty bitch with lovely head and expression. Well balanced outline both stood and on the move. Good depth to body , level topline. In lovely coat and condition. Moved well.

3rd: Ward’s Wensum Dancing in the Dark

Open Bitch (7,0)

1st: Collin & Wildman’s Sh Ch Oktumi Opalescence WW23. A real showgirl who never stopped wagging her tail and showing herself off. I absolutely loved her head. True cocker expression. Excellent neck and well angled shoulders. .lovely bone, legs and feet. Body compact with good spring and depth to chest. Strong loin, well angled rear. Level topline Presented to perfection. Very sound front and back. Moved happily with drive. Delighted to award her the CC and BOB. Thought she represented the breed so well in the group ring later in the day.

2nd: Hillier’s Sh Ch Coedcernyw Calendar Girl JW. Another bitch out of the top drawer. Lovely head and expression. Dark eye. Good neck and shoulders, well angled rear. Mature body with correct topline. Good bone and feet. In lovley coat and condition. Moved soundly. Would have considered her for the Res CC but handler decided not to bring her in for the challenge as he felt she was “out of sorts” and not moving correctly.

3rd: Shinkfield & Lester’s Quettedene Queen of Stars JW

Veteran Bitch (2,0)

1st: Varnam’s Cachel Snowqueen at Shaunaudvarn. Liked this bitch for type. In good condition for age. Nicely balanced throughout, good bone, deep body, moved well.

2nd: Moutrey’s Sunzo Songstar. Another enjoying her day in the ring. Pleasing head and outline, balanced with good bone. Moved well.