• Show Date: 28/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nicola Sturrock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/12/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Irish Setter


Thank you to Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for the invitation to judge my breed at Championship level for the second time. The day was dry, albeit the ground underfoot was a little wet from the previous days, but it was a good sized ring and conditions favourable. I would encourage Driffield to reconsider the classification for our breed as not having any classification between Junior and Post Graduate is not good for our slow maturing breed. The quality of the bitches overall I found better than the dogs but I was delighted with all my winners. A couple of suspect mouths in the younger dogs, which need to be watched as they grow on. Thank you for bringing them all.

Veteran Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: RUSSELL, Mrs J Strathmead Huckleberry Of Settesoli

8 year old male that is still so balanced and racy in outline when stood. He has a pleasing head and expression, showing a little grey now which I love to see. He has quizzical raised brows still showing that bit of mischief in his eyes. He has good length of neck leading into layback of shoulders and straight front. He is well off for depth and spring of rib, well muscles leading into well angulated and powerful rear movement. Has a tendency to lift tail higher when on the move, but movement was true, effortless and powerful driving around the ring.

2nd: MURCHISON, Mrs Linda Pawsword Paperback Writer for Corphin

Another veteran male who was presented in good coat and condition. Overall preferred his head to 1, however his movement was not as clean today. He has a soft expression, good dark eyes with a low ear set. He has a straight front, correct amount of depth and good spring of rib and good rear angulation. When stood he presented a balanced outline.

Puppy Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0


What a striking young man. He is slightly heavier and not as refined in head as I would like, however had good low set ears, good neck leading into well placed shoulders and straight front. Correct depth of chest and spring of rib for age. Has good rear angulation and tail is well set. On the move he drives around the ring. Best Puppy Dog.


9 month old puppy and more refined than 1 throughout but still plenty of bone. He has a pleasing head and expression, with correct unshelled almond eye. He has good front angulation and good spring of rib. Has good sweep of stifle, but would prefer a little more width to thigh. Moved well but not a positive as 1 today.

Junior Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: CROCKER, Mr B A & LEWIS, Miss C Riverbrue Ophelia Winky JW

1 & 2 are both really promising young dogs. Just preferred the overall outline of 1 today when stood. He has a pleasing head and expression, would prefer a little more length to muzzle but he has lovely eye, and correct work over his brows. Clean over the neck and shoulders into a good straight front and front angulation. Well off for depth and spring of rib. He has good length of loin leading into well angulated hind quarters that he uses to power around the ring.

2nd: LEVENE, Miss Abi Quensha Remember The Name

Preferred balanced head of 2nd over 1 and a lot of same qualities apply as above. He is slightly shorter made though and has a tendency to be ‘bum’ high when stood, but this will hopefully improve as he grows on. But he has beautiful expression over his eyes and brows, with low set ears. Good straight front and well ribbed. Such a happy boy in the show ring. He moved around the ring well both coming and going,

Class Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: SLATER, Mrs Catherine Robinson Kerryfair Lucky Seven

This dog has good days and bad days and today I found him to be on a good day as his handler does struggle with him! He has a beautiful balanced head and expression, lovely eye shape, good length of neck. He is well off for rib and good length to loin. He has plenty rear angulation that he uses to power around the ring with clean driving movement. He is slightly narrower in front than I would like but deserved this class today.

2nd: CHORLEY,, Miss Kerry & CHORLEY-NEWTON, Mrs Sandra Kerryfair Just Be

This boy was young to be in PG however I couldn’t deny his place here. Although he doesn’t have the finish of some of the others his qualities shone through. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back shoulders, and good straight front. He has enough rib for his age, and good length to body. Has enough rear angulation and when he moved he used this to his advantage around the ring. He was presented in lovely coat and condition.

Class Limit Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: BROWN, Miss Debbie Kay Riverbrue Soldier On

This boy is not exaggerated in anyway and presents such a balanced and racy outline. He has a handsome and refined head, quizzical brows, plenty brain room and good curve to his neck. He has well laid-back shoulders, ample amount of return of upper arm. Good forechest and depth of chest, with well sprung ribs, correct length of loin to retain balanced picture. He has well angulated quarters and short in hock. On the move he carries his tail just off the back. His movement is so true both coming and going and in side profile. RCC. He deserves his title when it comes.

2nd: MURCHISON, Mrs Linda Kerryfair Please Please Me Corphin

Taller male than 1 but still has a lot of great qualities. Handler has to be careful to get him set up correctly but today was the best I have seen him. Presented in great coat and condition. He has a pleasing head and expression, good length of neck and into good shoulder placement and straight front. He is well off for rib. Has plenty rear angulation and when settled moved around the ring very well.

Class Open Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0

3 lovely dogs in this class. Thank you for bringing them.

1st: STOCKTON, Mr & Mrs K & P Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW

This boy just gets better and better with age. He just flows from his head to his tail and fits together so perfectly. When he moves around the ring he just comes into his own, moving so effortlessly and glides round the ring you just can’t keep your eyes off him. He has the most beautiful balanced head and expression, lovely dark eye, low set ears. Balanced in all angles, deep chest, well sprung ribs and good length of loin. He carries his tail just off the level of his back and lashes it when on the move which is so great to see. Delighted to award him the DCC, BOB, BVIB and later watch him go to Group 2.

2nd: ELLRICH, Miss Rebecca Gwendariff Absolutely Marwell'us (IKC)

A younger dog, but very mature for age. He presents such a striking outline when stood. Presented in fantastic coat and condition. He has a beautiful balanced head, would prefer a slightly darker eye. But he has well placed shoulders, into lovely straight front. Good depth of chest, and spring of rib. Well angulated in the rear and he uses this to his advantage to drive around the ring. Will continue to watch him with interest.

3rd: RUSSELL, Mrs J Sh Ch Lynwood Hocus Pocus At Settesoli JW

A boy is very much deserving of his title. He has so many fantastic breed qualities and much to like. Just felt he wasn’t in as good condition today, but thank you for bringing him.

Class Good Citizen Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0


3rd in veteran dog this boy is showing his age, but very much enjoying his day out. Pleasing head and eye shape with a handsome expression still. Balanced shape when stood. Moved OK around the ring.

Class Veteran Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: BOUGEN, Miss L Gwendariff Lily the Pink

7-year-old girl not showing her age at all. She is a really pleasing girl to get your hands on and everything where it should be and not exaggerated. She has a lovely head and expression, with just enough work across the brows. Well laid-back shoulders, leading to good depth of chest, enough forechest and spring of rib. Lovely straight front. She has the correct balance of angulation behind to match her front and uses these to her advantage to power around the ring. She moves to effortlessly and good footfall.

Class 2264 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0

What a lovely class of young girls at various ages of puppy stage and maturity.

1st: CHORLEY,, Miss Kerry & CHORLEY-NEWTON, Mrs Sandra Kerryfair Misty Dawn

Found this girl to have the best head of the class today. She had that melting Irish expression, correct unshelled almond dark eye. She had good length of neck, leading into good shoulder placements. Had a tendency to be a little wide in front, but preferred her overall balanced picture when stood over 2. She was presented in lovely coat and condition. When settled moved the most steady around the ring. BPIB.

2nd: NEILL, Miss C & ELLRICH, Miss R Ferasheen Perfekt In Pink Gwendariff

Different type to 1, but a lot of good qualities. Stronger in head, but still retaining a soft expression. Shoulders well laid back leading into straight front and she has plenty forechest and spring of rib for age. She has good rear angulation and carries herself well around the ring. She moves well both coming and going on nice tight feet.

Class Junior Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: VALLANCE, Ms K P Glencarron Second Edition to Corcencone

17 month old bitch who is raw at the moment but all the quality there to grow and develop into. She has a beautiful head and expression, with low set ears. Just the right amount of neck leading into pleasing layback of shoulders. I would like to see a little more forechest and spring of rib, but that will hopefully come with age and maturity. She has the correct amount of angulation for her age behind and good croup and tail set. She is the most beautiful and effortless mover around the ring. Steady and at her own pace, but everything correct.


Slightly taller girl than 1 and not as dark in coat as I would like but a lot of great qualities. Pleasing head and a cheeky expression. She has a straight front and enough spring of rib for age. Shorter coupled at the moment but enough rear angulation. She has a good topline that she held both on the move and standing. Moved well around the ring.

Class Special Beginners Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4458 MARKEY, Miss Charlotte Yokohama Lofty to Evenflow

3rd in Junior a more substantial girl but still elegant and racy. She has a pretty head and expression but would like a little more finish to foreface. She has a deep chest and good spring of rib. She is well off for rear angulation that when settled used well to drive around the ring.


Older girl with a sweet head and expression. Not as positive in front and tendency to move a little hackney in front due to lack of angulation. She was presented in good coat and condition.

Class Post Graduate Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 2

This was a lovely class of up and coming girls. Thanks for bringing them.

1st: 4445 HALL, Mr P J Harreds Lillie

Just loved this girl for type and overall balance and substance, not in full coat, but it was in good condition and this didnt detract from her qualities. She has a lovely head and expression with plenty of rear skull, good dark eye and unshelled almond eye shape with low set ears. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, with front and rear angulation matching in equal balanced amounts. She was the best mover in the class today and really drove around the ring.

2nd: 4479 WATT, Mr James Alister Shenanagin Half A Sixpence

I judged this girl as a youngster and she is really coming into her own now and similar comments still apply. Lovely balanced head, with good stop and sweet expression. Correct length of neck leading onto well laid back shoulders, good front angulation. She has plenty spring of rib and plenty rear angulation. She was presented in good coat and condition and moved around the ring well with correct footfall.

Class 2268 LB (10 Entries) Abs: 3

Another class of top quality girls. Thank you for bringing them.

1st: 4433 CROCKER, Mr B A & FROST, Miss A Riverbrue SnoozeULose

This is a lovely girl from this Kennel, very balanced and racy when stood and really liked her overall scope. She has a lovely head and expression, good reach of neck into well laid back shoulders. Well off for bone and substance, with good depth of chest and spring of rib. She was well off for angulation both front and rear and this was used to advantage on the move and was very clean both coming and going and driving action. Has a tendency to be a little level in topline but this didn’t detract from her overall qualities. Considered for RCC, but just lost out to maturity to her mum.

2nd: BOUGEN, Miss L Gwendariff Hot Ticket JW

A taller girl but a lot of qualities apply. Pleasing head and expression, Good straight front and well angulated. Good spring of rib and depth throughout. She has plenty rear angulation as well that was used to her advantage also driving around the ring. She was presented in beautiful coat and condition.

3rd: 4421 BOTT, Mrs Marita Bardonhill Love Of My Life

Another lovely girl, really liked her for overall quality and breed type.

Res: 4428 CATLING, Mrs Patricia Ann M Quensha Family Portrait For Teleri

VHC: 4446 HEATHER, Mrs Monica & HEATHER, Mr John Sixoaks Leading Lady

Class 2269 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: ELKINS, Mrs M Twoacres Promise Of Spring With Avacet

I have judged her before and gave her the RCC previously and today she had to be on top form as I have seen her have mixed days, but today I just couldn’t see past her. She is just so racy and elegant, with a beautiful head and melting soft expression. When you get your hands on her she just flows and has everything where is should be. Lovely reach of neck, good shoulders and return in upper arm. Straight in front with enough depth throughout and rib. No exaggeration in her hind quarters either and she just uses these to power around the ring in such effortless and elegant movement. So pleased to award her the BCC, her third and well deserved ShCh title. Congratulations.

2nd:CROCKER, Mr B A Sh Ch Riverbrue Gloriana

I have admired this girl many times from the ring and was so pleased she was here today. Mother to my Limit winner as well and a lot of the same qualities apply from this kennel. She has a beautiful head and expression, showing her age a little now but it adds to the appeal for me. She is very well made throughout, low ear set, correct reach of neck leading to good shoulder placement, balanced angulation both fore and aft and plenty of depth throughout. On the move she is a show stopper and powers around the ring. I just felt today she didn’t have the raciness and elegance of 1, but a very worthy SHCH and was so pleased to award her the RCC.

3rd: 4420 BORTHWICK, Mrs C Lotushill Katsura

Nicola Sturrock
