• Show Date: 28/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nicola Dobbin Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/11/2023

Midland English Springer Spaniel Society

Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Midland English Springer Spaniel Society Saturday 28th November 2023 Judge: Nicola Dobbin (Donarden) Best in Show and Bitch CC: SH CH Calvdale Flutter JW Reserve Best in Show, Best Black and White in Show and Dog CC: SHCH Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt Best Minor Puppy and Best Puppy in Show: More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster at Spuffing Best Special Beginner in Show: Melverly Amy Dorrit With Coastalglows I would like to thank the Midland English Springer Spaniel Society for their invitation to judge their 2023 breed championship show which will be their last stand alone show. The ongoing challenges of running dog shows in the current climate are affecting all societies and it is sadly a case of adapt or fail. I am sure with Secretary Kay Woodward at the helm their future shows, partnered with Driffield Championship show, will continue to be a success but, like all breed clubs they need the continued support from exhibitors in the breed. My travel buddy Sheila and I were made most welcome by the committee and a big thank you goes to both my stewards Ernie and Kate for keeping the ring running smoothly. The day was touched with a hint of sadness as my gran Grace was unable to attend due to illness. It was something she and I had been looking forward to for a number of years, but she enjoyed hearing all about it afterwards and will treasure the videos and pictures taken. I went into this appointment looking for English Springer Spaniels who were balanced, free from exaggeration, showed good temperaments, had the desired length of leg, and moved with ground covering action. I was more than delighted with my main winners and I was pleased to see some lovely up and coming youngsters especially in the bitches. Thanks again to all exhibitors for their entries and for accepting my decisions in such a sporting manner. Class 1: Minor Puppy Dog (1:0) 1st – Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster at Spuffing. 8-month-old LWT dog. Very eye catching and presents a lovely balanced outline. Mature for his age. Well off for bone and already has good depth of body. Masculine head although wouldn’t like his skull to be any broader. He has good width and depth of muzzle and a lovely soft expression. Eyes still to darken. Strong neck into well laid-back shoulders. Forechest developing nicely. Balanced moderate angulation fore and aft and particularly liked his width of second thigh. Moved steadily with good forward extension and drive from his chunky rear. A little proud of his tail at the minute but he is just a baby. Happy disposition and enjoyed his day out. A very nice prospect, who I will watch with interest. Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Show. Class 2: Puppy Dog (3:1) 1st – Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster at Spuffing 2nd- Stevenson’s Peasblossom Brogan At Gaolachcara. 10-month-old L/W dog. Not as mature as 1 but certainly lots to like. Refined head with lovely eye shape. Kind, alert expression but eyes need to darken. Good reach of neck. Needs to develop more in forechest. Stood on straight well boned legs and tightest of feet but a little wide in front. Good depth of brisket. Compact body but preferred the rear of my winner. Long in second thigh. My notes say, “full of personality”. Likes to make his handler work hard but she managed to show him to advantage, and he moved ok once settled. Coat is in lovely condition and already he is developing hard muscle tone. He just needs time mature. Class 3: Junior Dog (3:2) 1st- Eyeington’s Meadowdale Twix. 14-month-old compact L/W dog who presents with an eye-catching shape. Skull is a tad strong for me with too much stop and head a little plain at present. Expression spoiled by round, light eyes. Strong, moderate neck into well laid-back shoulders. Good forechest and front angulation. Well sprung ribs. Well boned legs and nice feet. Short-coupled with excellent spring of rib. Elbows set well to body. Nicely arched over the loin. Well developed hind quarters. Would prefer less length to second thigh. Moved well once settled. Shown in lovely condition. Class 4: Yearling Dog (4:3) 1st- Wilson and Connors Pinereoch No Stunts Larrie. 20-month-old L/W dog. Son of the bitch RCC winner. Built on smaller lines. His head is well proportioned with a good width of skull and depth of muzzle. He has a lovely dark eye but needs more work to his head to soften his expression. A tad throaty which tends to make his neck look a bit stuffy. Well-developed forechest and moderately angled in front. Compact dog he has good depth of brisket and strong loin. Well off for bone and stands on good feet. I find him too angulated in the rear which is only accentuated by his dark leg markings. Holds his topline on the move and certainly covers the ground well with excellent front extension. Another one shown in lovely condition. Class 5: Novice Dog (3:1) 1st- Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster At Spuffing. 2nd- McCarthy’s Cuandor Superstition. 2-year-old BW male. Very obviously from working lines. Head typical of workers with a broad skull and short, narrow muzzle however he still had a soft expression and lovely dark eyes. Smaller dog and stood wide in front lacking forechest. Enough bone for frame. A tad stuffy in neck he had lovely moderate angulation front and back with well let down hocks. Feet ok. Best dog on the day for fitness and muscle development. I don’t think there was an ounce of fat on him! Very biddable happy temperament on the move and his tail never stopped wagging. Definitely fit for purpose. Class 6: Graduate Dog (3:1) 1st -Warrener’s Eastfalla Sherlock Holmes. Just over 2-year-old B/W male. Finer made dog I would have preferred more of him all over. Skull of good width but his muzzle is too narrow, and he had too much stop. Lovely dark expressive eyes. Moderate neck. Not as developed in forechest but stands on straight legs with excellent feet. Would like more bone and substance. Short-coupled he is tucked up under the loin. Enough depth to brisket and moderately angled rear. Happy boy on the move but close behind. Coat gleaming and well conditioned. Still a young boy so still has some developing to do. Time will be his friend. 2nd- McCarthy’s Cuandor Superstition Class 7: Post Graduate Dog (1:1) Class 8: Mid Limit Dog (2:1) 1st- Richardson’s Cherishym Draconis. 3.5-year-old L/W male. A dog who does not give his best whilst on the stack. Well off for bone. Feet could be neater. Head a little strong and expression spoilt by light eyes. He is compact but is a little low on his legs. He also sinks down on the stack making him look even shorter. Excellent forechest and depth of brisket. Well-bodied. Chunky back end with the desired width of second thigh. Straight hocks and correct tail set. Would benefit from some feathering being trimmed from under his carriage to give the illusion of height. Looks a different dog on the move and moved better in the challenge than in his class. Good reach in front. Some more muscle tone would help strengthen his rear. Another one who never stopped wagging his tail. Class 9: Limit Dog (5:1) 1st- Gledhill’s Greg De Les Tres Llacunes. Nearly 4-year-old L/W male and just screams breed type. A smaller made dog and to be picky I would prefer a little bit more leg length he is, however, no less masculine. His head for me is the best in the breed at the minute. So classical with correct proportions. A fairly broad skull with fluting and correct stop which was lacking in many. Strong square muzzle and beautiful dark almond shaped eyes. Strong, slightly arched neck that leads into well laid-back shoulders. Good forechest, well boned legs and neat feet. His mostly white ticked jacket makes him look long but he is not. He has great spring of rib that goes all the way back. Strong short loin and is developing nicely in brisket with elbows well tucked in. Another dog with the desired width of second thigh and is well developed in rear quarters. Moderately angled at both ends. When moved at the correct speed he covers the ground so well with the desired reach at the front and driving action from the rear. His handler just has to be aware of his head and tail placement which can sometimes spoil his outline on the stack, but I think he is a bit of a fidget. He certainly deserves to gain his title and is just coming into his own so fingers crossed. Unfortunate to meet the open dog in the challenge so had to settle for the RDCC. 2nd- Morgan’s Dexbenella Frilled To Bitz. Another 4-year-old L/W male. One I have often admired from the ringside. Preferred his length to height ratio over 1. Another who showed breed type and had a nice masculine head. Eyes a lovely shape but not as dark as the winner. Liked his compactness and depth of body. Excellent front construction and has width of second thigh but find him long in second thigh. Not sure what was wrong with him today as he didn’t seem settled on the move and tended to move close behind which is a pity. I have seen him move better. He is always shown in such lovely condition and is a real credit to his owners. 3rd- Richardson’s Cherishym Dofida 4th- Jenkinson’s Eastriding Royal Black Class 10: Open Dog (6:1) 1st- Eyeington’s SHCH Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt. 4.5-year-old B/W/T male. A dog who really is in his prime. If I am honest, I would just prefer a little less of him all over, but he is such a quality dog he can’t be denied. He is an eye-catching shape with everything in proportion. A larger framed dog he is not cloddy or overdone. Strong masculine head with correct shape and proportions finished off with dark eyes. Strong neck leading into well laid-back shoulders. Correct front assembly, excellent spring of rib, elbows tight to body. Deep in chest. Well boned. He is compact, short over the back and strong over the loin. He holds his topline at all times. Balanced angulation fore and aft. He is shown in glorious condition with impeccable presentation, well developed muscles and at the perfect weight. It is on the move that this dog really comes into his own with the correct swing from the shoulders and drive from the rear. He just floats around the ring commanding attention. Delighted to award him the DCC, RBIS and Best Black and White in Show. 2nd- Topliss’ SH CH Beresford Night Train. 6-year-old L/W male. Preferred his overall size to 1. Lovely masculine head, darkest of eyes and soft expression. Well off for bone and like 1 has depth and a well-developed chest. A dog who can sometimes get lost in his feathering I was glad to see his owner has trimmed a lot of it back to show off his lovely shape. Still looking well and his coat was in such good condition. Well muscled and just the right amount of body for his frame. Preferred the back end of the winner. Moved soundly once settled. Would like to see him moved at a slower pace and on a looser lead to allow him to move more freely. 3rd- Ainsley and Nicklin’s Daenerys Blood Of The Dragon. 4th- Calvert’s SH CH Scaramouche Jones JW 5th Topliss’ SH CH Beresford Lockdown Class 11: Veteran Dog (1:1) Class 12: Special Beginners Dog (3:1) 1st- Warrener’s Eastfalla Sherlock Holmes 2nd- McCarthy’s Cuandor Superstition Class 13: Minor Puppy Bitch (2:0) 2 nice babies in this class. Both differing in style and stages of development. Splitting hairs between them. Looking forward to seeing how they come on. 2 lovely prospects. 1st- Calvert’s Elazlan Coronation Day. Beautiful 6-month-old L/W bitch. Such a little pro for one so young. Sweet head with kind eye. Presents a balanced outline but still needs to come up on her legs. Compact and moderate in every way. Strong rear end with width of second thigh. Tight cat like feet. Preferred her front angulation over 2. Sympathetically handled. Moved steadily enjoying her day out. Everything in the right place. Will no doubt have a bright future ahead of her. Best Puppy Bitch. 2nd –Gledhill’s Dexbenella Dream Of Dreams. 8-month-old L/W bitch and a real sweetie. Racier in outline at the minute. Different type of head than 1 but still nice. Not as well developed in chest and a little straighter in upper arm than 1. Lovely shaped girlie she is also compact and holds her topline well. Strong rear end she moved with drive but was a little unsettled at times looking for her mum. Class 14: Puppy Bitch (6:4) 1st –Harris’s Melverly Betsy Trotwood With Coastalglows. Lovely dark L/W 11-month-old bitch. Maturing nicely. Pretty, feminine balanced head with soft, sweet expression. Eyes are a little light but the correct shape. Nice bone and the best of feet. Short coupled and moderate in angles. Just needs to develop more in body to fill out her frame. I would prefer more width to second thigh. Coat in lovely condition and handled well. A little spooked on the move, she lacked some enthusiasm however showed correct front extension and sound movement once settled. 2nd- Tolladay’s Calvdale Half A Story Bethersden. 10-month-old B/W bitch. Appealed for shape and had better rear quarters than 1. At the minute I found her a little strong in skull, but this may improve as her head develops. Lovely dark eye. Forechest not as developed as 1. Good bone and neat feet. Developing nicely in body. Nice and compact. Moved steadily with drive. Another shown in lovely condition. Class 15: Junior Bitch (1:0) 1st-Smith’s SH CH Melverly Iridescent. 14-month-old L/W bitch who gained her title just out of puppy. There is no denying this is a beautiful bitch and very typical of this kennel. She appeals greatly for her balanced shape which catches the eye. She is strong and compact with excellent bone but retains her femininity. Her head has improved from a puppy and can only continue to get better as she develops more work, and her eyes darken. Strong arched neck. Deep in body. Well laid-back shoulders allowing forward reach. She drives from her well let down rear end with moderately angulated broad thighs. Sound and steady mover. For me she is still very much a baby and I look forward to seeing her when she is the finished article. Shortlisted to final 4 in the challenge. Class 16: Yearling Bitch (7:4) 1st- Keely’s Khaleesi De Les Tres Llacunes With Alhambian (Imp Esp). 19-month L/W bitch. I thought she was lovely. Standing, she presents a racy balanced outline. Lovely size with the desired length of leg. She has a wide white mask on her muzzle and is highly flecked but on handling her head I found it to be well proportioned and feminine. Eyes are beginning to darken which will only enhance her expression. Nicely arched neck into well laid-back shoulders. Correct bone, tight feet and front legs set well under her body. Spring of rib developing nicely and short coupled. Strong over the loin and holds her topline well. Her handler has the tendency to overstretch her back legs making her look over angulated which spoils her profile. Moves with purpose covering the ground well. Very happy girl. Another one who I will be keen to see as she matures. Shortlisted to final 4 in the challenge. 2nd- Richardson’s Daenerys Moondancer To Cherishym. 21-month-old L/W bitch. Lighter framed and longer cast. Very pretty, feminine head with lovely dark eye and correct shape. Sweet expression. Nicely arched neck. Not as good in forechest as 1. Enough bone for her frame she also has lovely straight legs and fantastic tight feet. Moderately angulated fore and aft she just needs to develop in depth and body to fill out her frame. Nice rise over her loin I was so pleased to see her happy again on the move after being spooked as a puppy. Moved with reach and drive in harmony with her handler with her tail up and wagging. Just needs time to mature and develop some more feathering to finish the picture. 3rd- Unwin’s Allenies Lady Marmalade Class 17: Novice Bitch (6:1) 1st- Calvert’s Elazlan Coronation Day. 2nd- Unwin’s Allenies Lady Marmalade. 18-month L/W bitch. Placed 3rd in previous class. Appeals for her shape. Larger framed bitch she moved much better in this class to be placed 2nd. I found her head to be a bit strong and wide in skull. Another moderately balanced bitch. I especially liked her strong back end. Nice length of leg to height ratio. Depth of body coming along nicely. Good bone and another one with excellent feet. Shown in lovely condition. 3rd- Harris’s Melverly Amy Dorrit With Coastalglows 4th –House’s Gleadsbury Destiny Belle Class 18: Graduate Bitch (4:1) 1st -Weyman’s Spuffing Prosecco. 2-year-old L/W bitch. Lovely shaped girl who is of a nice size. One who is going to take a while to mature before she reaches her full potential. Pretty feminine head with eyes darkening nicely and correct almond shaped eyes. Head is of correct proportions but a little plain. Needs some more chiselling to finish it off. Strong moderately arched neck, she is deep in body, compact and moderately angled. Lighter boned bitch. Good spring of rib and strong through loin. Correct turn of stifle and hocks straight and well let down. Moved freely with reach and excellent drive from the rear. 2nd- House’s Gleadsbury Destiny Belle. Just out of puppy and as should be expected still looks a little immature. Appeals for shape. Lighter in frame and a little short in leg. Head developing nicely and is feminine. Eyes a little bold at present. Fantastic depth of chest. Moderate strong neck. Long in body. Needs to deepen in loin to help balance her out. Another with lovely moderate angulation fore and aft. Quarters developing nicely and shown in hard condition. Moved and handled really well. Another who just needs time to mature and finish. 3rd- Boole’s Plaiglen Raggs To Riches Of Arramow Class 19: Post Graduate Bitch (4:2) 1st- Ainsley, Nicklin and Henderson’s Daenerys Red Priestess. 21-month-old L/W bitch. Racy bitch who presents an appealing outline. Her head is a little strong for my taste and lacks stop. Deep in flew. Eyes a lovely shape. Strong, nicely arched neck into laid back shoulders. Good bone. Deep in chest and ribs well sprung. Strong over the loin. Well set tail. She is over angulated at the rear. Like all dogs from this kennel, she is beautifully presented and shown in perfect body condition. Covers the ground well on the move with swing from the shoulder. Likes to give her handler a hard time but he managed to get the best out of her. 2nd- Smith’s Melverly Vignette. 18-month-old L/W bitch. Smaller bitch than 1. Excellent bone. Preferred her head to 1. Head has correct proportions and some chiselling coming. Lovely reach of neck and front legs set well under her. Tight feet. Still needs to deepen more in body. Not overly feathered which is good as she will look short in leg. Lovely rounded bum but again more angulated than I would like. Unsettled in the ring today and did not show off to advantage on the move. Class 20: Mid Limit Bitch (2:0) 1st- Jenkinson’s Barecho Fame Queen At Eastriding (Imp Swe). 21-month-old L/W bitch. Often admired her as a puppy. First time seeing her in a while. Feminine pretty head. Eyes need to darken. Appealed for size. Enough bone. Good depth of chest. Excellent spring of rib. Nicely rounded bum and strong quarters. Shown in lovely condition and moved at one with her handler. She still has a lot of maturing to do before she is the finished article but looks promising. 2nd Lillie’s Freeway Fortune. 6-year-old L/W bitch. Racy and compact she appeals in profile. Lots to like about this bitch but sadly she looked like she did not want to be here. Taller bitch than 1. She has a well-balanced head with good proportions feminine. Lovely dark eye. Not as good in forechest as 1. She stands on well boned legs and excellent tight feet. Would prefer more depth to her body. Enough spring of rib and short through the loin, Well set tail and lovely moderate angulation at the rear with straight hocks. Not happy on the move with her tail down which was a pity. Class 21: Limit Bitch (4:0) 1st Wilson and Connor’s Potrail Turns The Swag On For Pinereoch. 6-year-old L/W bitch, one I have always admired. She had a successful show career as a youngster which sadly was impacted by the Covid pandemic, however it’s lovely to see her qualities being appreciated again this year. Now in her prime. She is an honest bitch and certainly of a type seen more in the past. What you see is what you get. She has a pretty feminine head of good proportions and a soft expression complemented with lovely dark eyes. A little throaty, her neck is nicely arched and strong. Well developed in chest and good depth of body. Strong level topline. Excellent spring of rib and short through the loin. She has the desired leg length and moderate angulations I was looking for. Covers the ground so well on the move with her correct forward swing from the shoulder and drive from the rear. She has a happy temperament and looks like she enjoys her time in the ring. Shown in correct body condition and lovely coat. Pleased to award her the RBCC. 2nd House’s Gleadsbury Dynamite. Nearly 5-year-old L/W bitch. Another lovely bitch. Liked her breed type and overall balance. Pretty feminine head and kind expression. Nice and moderate fore and aft. She has enough bone for her frame. Enough depth and nice compact body. Stands a little bum high. Nice bend of stifle but lacks width of second thigh. A little more feathering would be to her advantage. Moved nice and steady. 3rd Lillie’s Freeway Dynamite 4th Topliss’s Sandylands Send My Love Class 22: Open Bitch (7:1) A beautiful class of quality bitches. 1st Calvert’s SH CH Calvdale Flutter JW. 2 year old L/W/T bitch. What can I say...I just love her! I have admired this young bitch ever since I saw her as a minor puppy at Birmingham National back in 2021. For me she just exudes breed type and is moderation personified. Beautiful feminine head, with eyes darkening nicely. Plenty of work already creating that soft Springer expression. She looks a picture in profile with her strong elegant neck flowing into well laid-back shoulders. Her forechest is already well developed for one so young. Her straight well boned legs stand on the tightest of cat-like feet. Deep in brisket, ribs well sprung she is stocky without losing her raciness. Strong, level topline and nicely arched over the rump, Her stifles are moderately bent with width of second thigh and well let down hocks complementing her front. She is another one who covers the ground so well with her correct reach at the front and drive from the backend. Happy on the move. As you would expect from this kennel she is shown in glorious condition and has just the right amount of feathering to show off her eye-catching shape. Could not be beaten in the challenge and delighted to award her the BCC and Best in Show. 2nd Wildsmith and Brown’s SH CH Trimere Tickle Me Fancy. 7-year-old L/W bitch. Now a veteran but certainly is not showing her years. Another I have admired from the ringside. Smaller made she has a beautiful head, with correct proportions and width of muzzle. Beautiful dark almond shaped eyes she is very pretty and feminine. Enough bone for her frame, she’s compact although would prefer a bit more leg length. Moderate strong neck. She is deep in chest and body. Moderate quarters with straight hocks. Very eye catching on the stack and is handled so well. Shown on a loose lead she aims to please her handler. Today she had a pronounced roll on which spoiled her outline however, she is sound on the move although a little close behind. A very worthy champion. 3rd Keely’s Shipden Alhambian Diana Dors. Another lovely bitch. She is full of breed type. Presents an eye-catching, balanced picture on the stack and moved with purpose. She is strong made throughout and I would have just prefer some more refinement to her head. 4th Ainsley and Nicklin’s Daenerys Winds of Winter VHC Topliss’s SH CH Beresford Night Class Class 23: Veteran Bitch (1:1) Class 24: Special Beginners Bitch (3:2) 1st Harris’s Melverly Amy Dorrit With Coastalglows. 11-month-old B/W bitch. Litter sister to the puppy bitch class winner. Appealed for size. Not as mature as her sister. Pretty feminine head. Eyes nice and dark as you would expect from a B/W but a little round. Well off for bone. Short coupled. Still to develop in forechest and depth. Lacks width of second thigh. Everything in the right place. Just needs time to mature. Moved steadily but a little overawed.