• Show Date: 24/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nick Gourley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/02/2024

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


I thoroughly enjoyed judging Cavaliers in Belfast and thank the Committee for this invitation and most importantly the exhibitors who travelled across the water for my opinion. Not the largest of entries but full of quality. I really was spoilt for choice and had to make some very carefully considered decisions in both classes and when it came to choosing my principle winners. There were a number of dogs and bitches that were CC worthy but, as always, sadly only 4 green cards.

MPD (2,0) 1st Juzandia Keverne at Lovetrac (Mr P F Lovel). A wonderful start to the day with this baby Blenheim who is destined for great things I am sure. He has a beautiful head and such a sweet expression. Large dark round eyes and high set ears. Slight arch to his neck into well laid shoulders. Compact in body with a level top line and low set tail. He moved away soundly and just a little, loose in front; quite acceptable in such a happy 6 month old puppy. On the move he was so confident for his age with lovely head carriage and his tail wagging none stop. Accurate footfall in side gait. Coat developing well for age. Well broken coat and rich chestnut markings. I am sure his owner must have been very proud with this debutante performance. 2nd Moorfields Macario (Mr R C & Mrs K H Lamont). Another lovely head and gentle expression. Perfectly marked head with blaze and perfectly defined lozenge. Dark eyes and high set ears. He is slightly longer in loin than ideal. Super low set tail especially on the move. Moved away with drive from low hocks. Just a little close coning towards.

PD (3,0) Three super young pups all a credit to their owners and are all sure to have a bright future. 1st Notorious Du Chateau Noblesse at Ellemich (Mrs M & Miss T Chapman & Ireland). This pup makes a perfect silhouette stood and is so well balanced. Good width to his almost flat head with ears set high. Large dark eyes set just the right width apart. Such a typical expression. Slight arch to his neck and well angulated forequarters. He is compact in body with good length of rib and a short loin. He was most impressive on the move. Sound away and back and moves with real freedom. Holds his topline well with a low tail carriage. Lightly marked Blenheim with straight silky coat developing well for his age. Such a rich chestnut colour. Never put a foot wrong to take so took BPIB. 2nd Arroline Kryptonite (Mrs L & Miss H Long). An impressive tri-colour puppy with a lightly broken black saddle and the richest tan markings; very eye catching. Presented perfectly in terms of muscle tone and coat condition. I loved his head and expression; such a sweet, happy boy. He moves soundly and holds a level top line stood and on the move despite being a fraction longer in loin than the winner. Will have a bright future for sure. 3rd Loranka’s He’s The One (Mrs L Hughes)

JD (1,0) 1st Llapsttam's Sir Prize (Mr M & Mr M Spall & Clark). Impresses instantly with his typical outline; so compact and well balanced. Coat was immaculate; jet black and shiny with rich tan markings. Super head. Liked the width to his head and high set ears. Large dark round eyes set well apart. Slight arch to is neck into well laid shoulders. Moved freely and showed accurate footfall in side and holds a level top line. A little close going away and front needs to tighten coming towards.

YD (1,0) 1st Arrowbien Dream Machine (Messrs K & K Arrowsmith & Vorderstrasse). My notes say “wow” what an impressive young dog with virtues in abundance. His head is glorious and I would change nothing. I would challenge anybody not to fall in love with that expression. His large black eyes are set wide apart, his ears are long and set high, his head is perfectly proportioned. His well angulated forequarters are matched with a good turn of stifle. His chest is well sprung and ribs well back. He is short-coupled, holds a level topline stood and on the move and has a low set tail which he carries beautifully. His coat is straight and silky with plenty of feathering. Well broken markings with the richest chestnut colour on a pearly white background. Moves with such panache and parallel away and back. Will always get noticed and rightly so. DCC & BOB.

ND (1,0) 1st Arroline Kryptonite (Mrs L & Miss H Long). 2nd in puppy dog class.

PGD(1,0) 1st Loranka’s Encanto (Mrs L Hughes). I really liked this Black & Tan who is so lovely to go over and quite faultless in confirmation. Loved his overall shape and balance. I wrote ‘stunning head’ and has such a gentle expression and sweet nature. Raven black shiny coat of good length and silky texture; just a little curly on hind-quarters. Rich tan markings in all the right places. Moved soundly away and back and with natural freedom in side gait. I don’t thing he will be in Post Graduate long.

LD (1,0) 1st Lovetrac Brandon (Mr P F Lovel). Another champion in the making. An ideal size and overall shape. You could never get bored of looking at that beautiful face; such a soft gentle expression. Large dark round eyes, nearly flat skull and high set ears. Perfectly proportioned head with well tapered muzzle. Short-coupled with a good spring of rib and short loin. Level top line and low set tail. Silky coat of good length; well broken with rich chestnut markings. An absolute picture in side gait and sound enough away and back. Just moving a fraction closer behind than the CC winner and hence RCC today.

OD (3,0) 1st Embeth Rock The Boat (Mrs S & Miss B Rees). I was surprised this dog didn’t already have his Ch title. A perfect size and shape; short coupled and well balanced. Beautiful head with gentle expression. Dark round eyes west well part which could perhaps be a fraction larger. Long ears set high. Holds a perfectly level top line stood and on the move. Tail is set and carried low and never stopped wagging. Well broken markings with rich chestnut on a pristine white background. Staright with correct silky texture. A really happy toy spaniel who has a fantastic rapport with his handler; clearly adores her. Deserves to carry the Champion title. 2nd Ch Ellemich American Express (Mrs M & Miss T Chapman & Ireland). A worthy Champion and has so much to admire. He has a gentle expression and such a happy, carefree temperament. Lovely head proportions with skull almost flat and well tapered muzzle. Large round eyes set apart and high set ears. His construction allows him to move with freedom and he is sound away and back. Good spring of rib and of good length. Would like half an inch less in loin for perfection. Moved with such enthusiasm that he carried his tail just above his topline. In super condition with a silky coat of good length; pattern well broken with the deepest rich chestnut markings.

PB (1,0) 1st Arroline Eternity (Mrs L & Miss H Long). Very elegant bitch puppy with such a pretty head and could hold her own in any company. Large dark round eyes set nicely apart. Ears set high on nearly flat skull. Well angulated forequarters and good bend of stifle. Ribs well back; just a fraction longer in loin than ideal. Level top line with low set tail which she carries perfectly on the move. Sound on the move. Well broken pattern with feathering developing well.

JB (2,1) 1st Moorfields Galadriel at Starchelle (Mrs H R & Mr T Shaw-Rainey & Rainey). A lightly broken Blenheim who is just out of puppy. Impressed With her overall shape and balance. Lovely head with a typical gentle expression. Well proportioned slightly tapering muzzle and flat skull with high set ears. Short-coupled in body with low set tail. Moves parallel away and back and holds her top line beautifully in profile with low tail carriage.

YB (5,1) 1st Arrowbien Funny Girl (Messrs K & K Arrowsmith & Vorderstrasse). This young Blenheim bitch is for me the epitome of a ‘Toy’ Spaniel. Her tail wagged from the moment she entered the ring to the time she left both in her class and in the challenge. She is a perfect size and shape. She adores her owner/handler and has such a gentle, doting expression. Her head is a joy; stunning eyes and the most beautiful expression. Slight arch to her neck and well laid shoulders. Spirit level top line and low set tail which is carried perfectly on the move. She cannot stand wrong and moves parallel with real drive and accurate footfall. Her coat is a good length and silky to touch. Her Blenheim pattern is well broken and symettrical with rich chestnut markings. It would be easy to coin the phrase ‘hard to fault’ but with such a beautiful looking animal I’m not sure why any judge would ever want to ’find fault’. Despite her young age and tough competition she just had to be my Bitch CC winner. 2nd Llapsttam's Eunice JW (Mr M & Mr M Spall & Clark). I loved this Black & Tan bitch and have no doubt she will soon be a Champion. I would gladly award her a CC. Such a pretty head with the darkest large round eyes. Her head is nice and flat between her high set ears. Loved her compact body. Well sprung and good length of rib. Short loin. Tail set is perfect and always carried low. Sound away and back and makes a typical silhouette in profile.

NB (2,0) 1st Arroline Eternity (Mrs L & Miss H Long). Winner of Puppy Bitch. 2nd Caramoone Raspberry Dream (Dr J Spiers). A Black & Tan in super condition with a black shiny coat and rich tans. Loved her size and overall body shape; nice and short-coupled with a level top line and low set tail. She has a gentle expression with large dark round eyes. A little fine in muzzle. Moved soundly away and back. Just a little short on the leg to balance and would like her a fraction longer neck.

PGB (2,1) Two beautiful Blenheim bitches and a very close decision with literally a centimetre between them. Both have beautiful heads and such sweet expressions. Both were presented in immaculate condition with long silky straight coats and well broken Blenheim pattern with rich chestnuts markings. 1st Lovetrac Born to Boogie (Mr P F Lovel). I would be happy to award this bitch a CC. She is short-coupled and makes such a typical silhouette in side profile. Moves with drive and accurate footfall. 2nd Stavonga Secret Crush JW (Ms M Hogan). Absolutely beautiful to watch on the move. Drives from her low hocks and has balanced lay of shoulder and return of upper arm so can reach in front; a really free mover. Slight arch to her neck and has a super head carriage; level back and low tail carriage; just a little longer in loin than ideal. Parallel away and back.

LB (3,1) 1st Magical Mist De Los Ursidos Kodiak (Mrs J G & Mr A Echazarra & Galofre Cambreleng). Made a perfect pair with my choice for the Bitch CC particularly in size, balance and overall shape. The sweetest expression with such a beautiful head. Nice and compact in body with good length of rib and short loin. Low set tail which never stopped wagging and was carried low on the move. Super sound away and back; holds her top line level on the move. Well broken pattern with rich chestnut markings on a pearly white background. Moves parallel away and back with accurate footfall in side gait. RBCC. 2nd Thekop’s Eliza Dolittle (Dr J Spiers) A rich Ruby with a silky straight coat and well developed feathering. Loved her head proportions with width to her flat skull, high set ears and tapered muzzle. Gorgeous large dark round eyes and sweet expression. Straight front legs with well angulated forequarters; bend of stifle to match. Short coupled in body with level top line. Just carried her tail a little too high on the move.

OB (5,0) 1st Arroline Elixir (Mrs L & Miss H Long). Caught my eye with her perfect silhouette; slight arch to her medium neck, compact in body with a low set tail. A very attractive tri-colour and another worthy of winning green cards. Beautiful silky coat with pearly white background and well distributed black markings; rich tans in all the right places. In my notes I wrote lovely head and expression….twice !! Such dark eyes; large, round and set well apart. Sound away and back; moves with real freedom in profile. Such a happy spaniel with a special rapport with her handler. 2nd Ch Lovetrac Theodora (Mr P F Lovel). A very pretty Blenheim Champion more than worthy of her green card collection. She has a well broken pattern and rich chestnut markings. Silky coat of good length and feathering in all the right places and presented immaculately. Her head is super with a soft gentle expression. Compact in body with low set tail. Today she moved with precision in side gait but a faction close behind going. Just carrying a little too much weight today so lacked definition in her waist.

Judge – Nick Gourley