• Show Date: 27/04/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael Lewis Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

West Of England Ladies Kennel Society

Breed: Spaniel (American Cocker)


American Cocker Spaniels

Veteran dog

1st Sh Ch/Ir Sh Ch/Int Ch Nasailleen In The Buff – 12 year old buff dog in lovely condition, great outline, correct bite, dark round eye, good reach neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, well sprung ribs going well back with short loin, correctly angulated & muscular rear used to advantage to move out well.

2nd Alkimadus Ruben James – 7.5 year old buff male, again in lovely condition, not quite the head of 1st, dark round eye, correct bite, good of neck, ok shoulder and upper arm, well sprung ribs, correct topline, moved out well.

Junior Dog

1st Truly Mine Teddie (Imp Fra) – Black dog with masculine head and dark round eye, correct dentition, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, correct topline, good tail set and moved out well from strong rear.

Limit Dog

1st Afterglow Bang Tidy – 4 year old black masculine male, correct bite, lovely plush forface, good reach neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, well sprung ribs reaching far back, topline held on the move, moved out well from strong rear.

2nd Letjashaja Ptitsa Saint Pierre At Almondsbury (Imp Rus) – tri dog, 4 years old, correct bite, prefer head of 1st, ok reach of neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, correct topline held on the move, moved out well from strong rear.

Open Dog

1st Nasailleen On A Mission At Shadowview – 2 year old black & tan dog put down in lovely coat & condition, correct bite, dark round eye, good back skull, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and upper arm, correct topline, tail set, well ribbed back, moved out well covering the ground with ease, BD

2nd Sh Ch Alibama Now Or Never JW – 23 months old Buff Male in wonderful coat & condition, not easy in a buff, dark round eye, correct bite, lovely feet, not the forface of 1st, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, well ribbed back, moved out well from strong rear. RBD

Veteran Bitch

1st Mycalleys Marilyn – 7 ½ year old veteran bitch, correct bite, well domed head, round eye, good reach neck into well laid shoulder and upper arm, moved out well enjoying herself.

Puppy Bitch

1st Zarcrest The Italian Job (AI) – feminine head, correct bite, dark round eye, well laid shoulder & return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, correct topline, good tail set, moved out well from strong rear, well presented. BPIB & RBB.

2nd Norrayshas Madam Cholet At Mycalleys – buff bitch, correct bite, round eye, not as good in head as first, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder & upper arm, lovely topline and moved out well.

Junior Bitch

1st Afterglow Bambam With Ludzska – buff bitch, feminine head, round eye, correct bite, good reach of neck, nice outline, good lay of shoulder and upper arm, lovely topline, good tail set, moved ok.

Yearling Bitch

1st Almondsbury The Pop Kids JW – black & white, correct bite, nice dark eye, good lay of shoulder and ok upper arm, well sprung ribs, good topline into strong rear, moved out well.

2nd Afterglow Bambam With Ludzska – winner previous class

Limit Bitch

1st Nasailleen Rap Party – buff bitch, dark round eye, correct bite, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, good depth of chest, ribbed well back, short loin, moved out really well.

Open Bitch

1st Nasailleen Bye Felicia – B & T 2 years old, feminine head, dark round eye, correct bite, good reach of neck into well aid shoulder and return of upper arm, lovely correct topline held on the move and stood, lovely outline with well sprung rib going well back, short loin, muscular rear used to her advantage. Put down to perfection, a joy to watch on the move. BB & BOB

Judge Michael Lewis