• Show Date: 28/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael Caple Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Leeds City & District Canine Association

Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback

Leeds City & District Canine Association Championship Show 

28th July 2023

Rhodesian Ridgeback

As always a pleasure to judge Rhodesian Ridgebacks, such a sporting group of exhibitors. I was looking for a strong & muscular hound with a symmetrical balanced outline, adequate angulation in both fore & hindquarters to enable it to cover the ground with a low far reaching stride with the minimum of effort.

I found that all exhibits without exception had well defined ridges & crowns.

What I did notice this time was that tail carriage in a number of exhibits was not as required “Carried with a slight curve upwards, never curled”.

MPD (1)

1 Nash. Mutoko’s Noble Preacher. 6mths Red Wheaten. BPD

Lovely youngster showing lots of promise, balanced proportions with symmetrical outline, handsome head/eye, lengthy crested neck, pleases in his angulation, moves soundly.


1 Johnson. Ungowa On The Road Again. 9 mths R/W.

Well grown, firm muscular compact body, very masculine in outlook, good bone/feet, would prefer to see more length in body/rib to produce more balanced outline.

JD (5,1)

1 Murphy & Cox. Carlincox Mash It Up. 12 mths R/W

Most promising youngster of lovely size & build, handsome head/eye, with crested neck, very well balanced with moderate angulation, projects the required symmetrical outline, best mover in this class with good reach & drive.

2 Davies. Gunthwaites Fancy Man. 12 mths R/W

Handsome typy lad of larger size, again well balanced in outline, deep chest, good musculature, grand bone & feet, preferred angulation of 1.

3 Hodge. Kxoxo I’m Old Fashioned For Colkerrin (Imp Fin). 12 mths Light Wheaten.

PGD (9,2)

1 Henshall. Suhuba Dream Star Sulli. 18mths R/W

2 Painter. Suhuba Dream On. 18mths R/W

Handsome typy litter brothers, I see from catalogue are sons of the Veteran bitch

1) scored in head, angulation & movement. 

2) scored in balance of outline.

3 Shaw. Negasi Radagast JW 

LD (9,3)

1 Mansfield & Kirby. Shingwidsi Tsholo Light. 2yr R/W

Impressive with symmetry in outline, such a handsome masculine head, pleases in his balanced moderate angulation in both fore & hind quarters, good bone & feet, impressive profile gait, still to come to his best.

2 Farleigh. Kinabula’s Jobs A Good Un. 3 yr Light Wheaten

Close up to 1), another impressive balance of outline, more developed in body than 1) good depth to brisket, well muscled, pleases in angulation, far reaching stride, preferred head/expression of 1.

3 Reid. If I Can Dream Energy Of Africa For Saadani

OD (10,2)

1 Rhodes. Ch.Priorpark You Coda Be Mine Of Metalrock JW. 2yr Wheaten CC

Very sound & honest, built on lovely lines, handsome & upstanding, has a pleasing masculine headpiece,lovely round eye & expression, strong muzzle, projected a clean well balanced outline, complimentary fore & hind angulation, clean limbs & neat feet, moved out with the required longstriding, free & easy, balanced movement.

2 Nash. Mutoko’s Noble One. 3yr R/W. Res CC

Handsome & Upstanding, muscular, well proportioned body with deep chest & good length of rib, moderate hind angulation, well carried tail, moved out freely in profile & true away & back.

3 Ashman. Ch.Patemeliann Red Tarka At Kitaarka JW

SpB D/B (11,2)

1 Jolley. Negasi Elberith For Clanbruachan JW. Spec/Bg Hound Group2

19 mth Wheaten bitch with lots to like, pleases for size, balanced outline, angulation, feminine head/expression.

2 Suhuba Dream On. 2nd Post Grad Dog.

3 Ungowa On The Road Again. 1st Puppy Dog, Reserve Junior Dog.

MPB (5) all raw babies

1 Cyprien. Honeybush Clouds Novel Princess Zola Among Jocerik (Imp Deu) 

6mths R/W Attractive, very feminine baby showing lots of promise, liked her head & expression, good length of neck, good body proportions with balanced moderate angulation, stands on good bone/feet, moved out smartly.

2 Torr. Mannequin Tasja Arte Cassari At Bovijo (Imp Cze) 8mths R/W

Another promising baby, slightly more forward in development than 1, presents a well proportioned outline, good bone/feet, preferred the head & length of neck & movement of 1

3 Greeves. Penholda Sweet Lady.

PB (7)

1 Parsons. Priorpark Poetry In Motion. 10 mths Liver nose R/W Best Puppy in Breed

Wow! Clear winner here, high quality youngster with stunning outline, so well constructed, pleases all through, beautiful head/expression, lengthy crested neck, firm well developed body, short hocks, moves out with enthusiasm, is so sound & effortless.

2 Honeybush Clouds Novel Princess Zola Among Jocerik (Imp Deu)

3 Penholda Sweet Lady

JB (8)

1 Parsons. Priorpark Proud As Punch. 10mths Wheaten

High quality youngster, beautiful head/expression, lengthy crested neck, projects a balanced symmetrical outline, well constructed, excellent profile gait.

2 Bates. Gunthwaites Ayr Of Elegance. 12 mths R/W

Another beautiful bitch out of the top draw, close up to 1, really well developed, lovely head/expression, so soundly constructed, another stunning outline, just preferred the movement of 1

3 Cox & Musgrave. Carlincox Jersey Royal JW

PGB (12,4)

1 Farleigh. Kinabula’s Coco Melon. 20 mths Wheaten

Classy & upstanding, projects a smart well balanced outline of symmetrical proportions, has a lovely well balanced head, lengthy crested neck, pleases in her angulation, well filled front, good bone & well knuckled feet. Movement is sound with a far reaching stride, Feel that she is still developing & the best is yet to come.

2 Black. Asharaa Stars In Your Eyes At Gileeja JW. 21 mths R/W

Houndy & well constructed, feminine head/expression, good in top & underline, good bone/feet, free striding movement.

3 Negasi Elberith For Clanbruachan JW

LB (14,1)

1 Mackfall. Benicloujam Aumba Breeze Of Africaner. 3yr R/W

Classy with impressive outline & balance, lovely head/eye, lengthy crested neck, pleases in fore & hind construction, firm & strong in topline, smooth in underline , good feet/pasterns, moves out well.

2 Mansfield & Kirby. Shingwidsi Tshedisa Light. 2yr R/W

Close up to 1) very feminine, with lovely outline, angulation & balance, ticks all the boxes, moved out soundly , felt she could have given more.

3 Murray. Priorpark Patience Of Dellared

OB (14,3)

1 Parsons. Ch.Priorpark Pot Kettle Black JW. 4yr Wheaten CC & BOB

High quality, out of the top draw, feminine head & expression, held a beautifully balanced outline, construction & angulation was spot on, could not stand wrong, good bone & well knuckled feet, very sound in movement away & back, profile gait is easy & effortless.

2 Farleigh. Ch.Kinabula’s Gucci Bloom. 4yr R/W. Res CC

Close up, of obvious quality, beautiful outline @ the stance, lovely size & substance, feminine head & expression, clean elegant neck, good shoulders & front, firm level topline, muscular hindquarters, moved out easily with true & easy action.

3 Cox. Ch.Carlincox Pure Gold JW ShCEx OSW


1 Henshall. Sanbona A’Frican Soul Dacci At Suhuba (Imp Deu). 7yr R/W 

Veteran Hound Group 2

I see that we have met before when she was a raw youngster placed 2nd in Junior @ City B’Ham Ch Show 2017, has since developed into a lovely bitch, holds a most pleasing well balanced outline, & moves out with enthusiasm, well done on your Veteran Group placing.

Mike Caple (Judge)