• Show Date: 07/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael Blay Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Retriever (Curly Coated)

East of England Agricultural Society - Friday 7th July 2023

JUDGE – Michael Blay (Longbarrow)

I would like to thank the Society for their invite, to what was to be the last East of England Show, A beautiful venue and well run. I had a lovely entry in both breeds, and must thank the exhibitors for the way they accepted my decisions.

RETRIEVER (Curly Coated)

BD 2297 - Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon)

RBD 2290 - Bazzy Inti Anka at Molokain (Mr S T Clack)

BB 2292 - Molokain Ilusia (Mr S T Clack)

RBB 2291 - Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)

BOB 2297 - Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon)

BP 2293 - Foxriever Storm Cloud (Miss E Huckle)

BV 2292 - Molokain Ilusia (Mr S T Clack)

Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1.Foxriever Storm Cloud (Miss E Huckle)

Black, good wedge shaped head, not coarse, slight stop and of good proportions, good ear carriage, strong neck of correct length and slightly arched, well laid shoulders and good front, straight front legs and strong pasterns, well sprung rib just right for his age, good tuck up and correct topline, and tailset, good angles behind and muscles coming on nicely for his age, good gait to him and found him in good coat. BP.

2. Foxriever Grey Ghost (Mrs E & Mrs D & Mr A Sutton & Whitehead & Whitehead)

Liver dog, Pleasing shape but just not the maturity or togetherness of 1, correct head shape, good front and correct body shape, level topline and short loin, found him slightly straight behind, in good coat, moved ok, but without the steadiness of 1

Junior Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1. Foxriever Grey Ghost (Mrs E & Mrs D & Mr A Sutton & Whitehead & Whitehead)

Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1.Fleetpaw Fiddler On The Roof for Overbore (Mrs J M & Mr K D Rule)

Both black dogs, close class, liked this dogs shape when stacked, clean head of good wedge shape with good proportions, strong neck of good medium length, liked his angles both fore and aft, deep in chest and well sprung, strong in topline and short strong loin, good rear quarters with moderate turn of stifle, moved well showing enough drive, found him in good crisp curly coat.

2. Hopeall and Aat’s Bud Spencer (Imp Ger) Deu Jun Ch (Mrs E Sutton)

Good head shape, clean neck and well laid shoulder, correct rib and lovely shape when settled but found him in a “playful” mood on the move today. Just not the steadiness and drive of 1.

Limit Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1. Bazzy Inti Anka at Molokain (Mr S T Clack)

Not the biggest of dog, but still correct, wedge shaped head with slight stop and of good proportion in relation to body size, clean strong neck set on well laid shoulders, straight front legs and good ribs that extend back to a strong loin, good shape to hind quarters which allowed him to drive around the ring. Straight and true on the up and down. Another with tight crisp curls on coat.

2. Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)

Slightly bigger cast dog than 1, good head and expression, correct length to neck but just found him a little throaty, good shoulders and correct body shape, slightly longer than tall, strong behind when stacked but just not the drive of 1 today. Another with correct coat.

Open Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1. Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon)

Big upstanding male, top end of the standard, super head of correct wedge shape, slight stop and good muzzle to skull proportions, clean neck of good length and well laid shoulders, well off for bone and set on straight front legs, well sprung rib and strong short loin, level topline and good tail carriage, found him in good coat, well muscled rear and (with aid of his runner) moved well showing good drive and reach when viewed in profile. Pleased to award him BOB.

Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1. Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)

As per 2nd Limit

Junior Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1. Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)

Liked her shape and size when stood, a little unsettled going over her, clean head and good neck and shoulders, well sprung in rib good topline, short coupled and good angles behind, moved well once into her stride, coat short and crisp curls. Showed enough to award her RBB

Open Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1. Overbore Raise The Stakes (Mrs J M & Mr K D Rule)

Black bitch, correct head shape, good neck and shoulders, liked her front assembly, strong straight front legs set on strong pasterns, good rib and firm strong topline, short coupled, well muscled behind, moved well but just played around in challenge, good coat on her.

Veteran Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1. Molokain Ilusia (Mr S T Clack)

8yrs old black bitch, just starting to show her age, beautiful head and expression, strong slightly arched neck set on well laid shoulders, well sprung rib, extending back to a strong loin, found her in good coat, good angles behind with moderate turn of stifle, just started to flag in the heat in the class, but showed enough about her in the challenge to persuade me to give her BB.

Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1. Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)

 1st Junior