- Show Date: 28/10/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Maxine Mellish Contact Judge
- Published Date: 03/03/2024
Midland Counties Canine Society
Breed: Collie (Rough)
Midland Counties Championship Show
Rough Collies
Minor Puppy Dog (2 entries:1 Absent)
1st: Edwards’: Elshajo Perfect Valentines; 6 mo s/w with excellent bone and substance, a masculine expression, nicely balanced skull with good length of foreface. I’d prefer a little more underjaw and chin, but he’s got bags of time to change yet. He has a nicely shaped and placed dark eye. He’s a little upright in shoulder yet, but he’s a lot of maturing to do. Good length of back and loin, nicely rounded croup, good bend of stifle, good length of hocks, a good length of tail and was presented in the more immaculate condition.
Puppy Dog (6)
1st: Skalin’s: Skabona Sky Has No Limit; 10 mo b/m with a super make and shape and a correctly fitted coat. Beautiful dark eye shape and placement giving a lovely soft, but masculine expression. Nicely balanced head, super ear set, correct wedge shape with a lovely underjaw and chin. Good reach of neck, excellent lay of shoulder, good depth and spring of rib. Good length of back, loin and tail. Excellent bend of stifle, hocks well let down and nice tight feet. His movement was exceptional for one so young, excellent conformation throughout giving a fully balanced overall appearance.
2nd: Ross’: Siluto Blue Wizard; 11 mo b/m with a good head and expression, head maturing well, good ear carriage, nice dark eye, good length of muzzle and underjaw. Ample length of neck, back and loin, good bend of stifle, however hocks were affected due to him carrying too much weight. His movement was erratic due to needing some manners, and somewhat due to his excess weight. Nice overall puppy, let down by his movement.
3rd: Hassock’s: Cammana Cellmate.
Junior Dog (4:1)
1st: Cooper’s: Kelekona Heart of Gold; Very typey s/w 14 mo, out of coat but certainly not out of quality. Well balanced skull and foreface, very nice dark eye, well placed and giving a very pleasing expression. Ears were well set, with super carriage and used well, lovely flat skull, good stop, and a nice wedge with good underjaw and a tight lip line. Super arched neck of good length, good lay of shoulder, good length of back, slight rise over loin, with a nicely shaped croup, and a good length of tail. Super bend of stifle, hocks well let down and he was so sound on the move, covering the ground with ease. I understand he gained the final points required for his Junior Warrant today, many congratulations!
2nd: Randall’s; Ladnar Makemeawinner; 9 mo b/m at a tricky age and up with the ‘big boys’ in this class. Lovely well-placed and shaped dark eye and masculine expression, nice tight lip line, good foreface, though I did prefer the underjaw on the class winner. Skull slightly wide at the back, but a lot of growing to do yet. Great ear carriage. Good length of neck, a little upright in shoulder and upper arm, but that should drop into place with maturity. Good depth and spring of rib, good bend of stifle, hocks developing nicely. Excellent bone and substance throughout, immaculately presented and, as always from this kennel, the most exquisite, tight feet.
3rd: Hassock’s Cammana Cellmate.
Yearling Dog (4)
1st: Cooper’s: Kelekona Heart of Gold.
2nd: Holmes, Holmes & Lusty’s; Blamorder Gold Plated; 19 mo s/w with a very nicely shaped and placed dark eye, masculine expression, good wedge-shaped head, good underjaw, good length of neck and back, very nice overall make and shape with plenty of bone and substance. However, he was carrying far too much weight, which badly affected his balance on the move and brought his tail up, spoiling the entire outline of him. Such a shame, as this boy was built to move with ease, but was seriously impeded by the excess pounds.
3rd: Deane’s; Tiganlea Thumbs Up.
Post Graduate (7:1)
1st: Vescan’s; Phreelancer Phinal Salute; 2.5 yo s/w boy in excellent condition, superbly presented, sound, fit and ready to go. Lovely, clean, wedge-shaped head with super underjaw and chin, tight lip line and nicely rounded muzzle. Beautifully shaped and placed dark eye, good stop, good, arched neck, good lay of shoulder, excellent length of back, slight rise over muscular loin, excellent croup and a good length of tail. Good depth and spring of rib, excellent bend of stifle and powerful hocks, well let down. Super overall construction and moved soundly.
2nd: Vogan’s; Luminous Moon Over Leosann; 2 yo b/m not quite as mature as winner. Nicely balanced head, flat skull, lovely darks eye - well placed, and a very good expression. Ears set well and used to advantage. Good, clean wedge-shaped head, nicely rounded muzzle and correct depth of skull. Super lay of shoulder, upper arm, length of back and tail. Good bend of stifle, hocks well let down, good depth and spring of rib. Super colour, presented in immaculate condition and overall, a very well-made youngster.
3rd: Hanson’s; Jards Ring Presence.
Limit Dog (7:1)
1st: Beaden’s; Marvalan Spirit Of Rock (IMP POL); Impressive almost 4 yo tri dog in superb condition. Nicely balanced wedge-shaped head, flat skull, good ear set, very nicely placed and shaped dark eye, good depth of skull, though I would prefer slightly more underjaw and chin. Good reach of arched neck, well laid-back shoulder, good depth and width of chest, excellent depth and spring of rib, super length of back and slight rise over loin. Excellent bend of stifle, hocks well let-down and nice length of tail - carried low. Good bone and substance throughout, so easy and light on the move, he covered the ground with ease. Exceptional presentation, his jet black coat and brilliant whites just gleamed. Pleased to award him Res CC.
2nd: Newton’s; Fiorcara Brave Explorer; 5 yo s/w in good condition, clean wedge-shaped head, good stop, flat skull and good ear carriage. Lovely dark eye, set obliquely, good depth and width of skull, good length of neck, lay of shoulder, ample length of back and loin, good length of tail, set and carried low. Good depth and spring of rib, nicely balanced throughout, good bend of stifle and strong, flexible hocks. He was sound on the move and covered the ground with ease.
3rd: White’s; Cammana Chasingclouds Over Mejola.
Open Dog (4)
1st: Skalin’s; INT/FI/DK/NO/LT Ch. Skabona Mix’n Match; ‘Wow!’ was my first thought as this boy entered the ring. He just ticked every box for me. He was the epitome of a noble, male, Rough Collie, with impassive dignity, light, effortless movement and capable of working all day. Beautifully moulded foreface, clean wedge-shaped head, slight stop, flat skull, super ear carriage, well-placed and shaped dark eye - giving a masculine yet soft expression, super length of arched neck, excellent shoulder placement, good depth and width of chest, ribs well sprung, excellent length of back, slight rise over loin, superb bend of stifle, hocks well let-down and a perfect length of tail - set and carried low. His movement was sublime as he powered effortlessly around the ring, with super forward reach and plenty of drive from the rear. I had absolutely no hesitation in awarding him his first UK CC and BOB and I hope to see him take his crown in the future.
2nd: Bluck’s; Phreelancer Chill Phactor For Elshajo; Almost 5 yo b/m with a pleasing overall outline, with good bone and construction. Good blunt wedge-shaped head, nicely placed eye, good foreface, underjaw and chin. Good length of neck, back and muscular loin, leading to a good croup and low set tail of ample length. Good, solid front, with good spring and depth of ribs. On the move, he seemed not as light as the class winner, although he did cover the ground well, moving soundly both in front and from the rear.
3rd: Allsopp’s; Aqualita It’s A Miracle.
Veteran Dog (3:2)
1st: White’s; Mejola Fate And Fortune ShCEx; 7 yo b/m in super hard condition. Nicely balanced head, slight stop, flat skull, super ear placement, good blunt wedge and nicely rounded muzzle. Excellent length of arched, muscular neck, length of back, slight rise over loin, good croup and low tail set, correct length of tail, carried low. Good shoulder placement, length of upper arm, good depth and spring of rib. Very well constructed throughout, and moved so effortlessly around the ring. He really showed many of the younger males how it’s done! Splendid presentation, I was delighted to award him BVIB.
Special Beginners Dog (3:1)
1st: Chaplin’s; Takhisis Lysander; 2 yo s/w male who needs time to mature. Head still needs to settle yet, for me, he has too much stop, a slightly rounded skull and lacks underjaw. I’m sure he’ll come together as he matures. A little erratic on the move and a bit of a handful for his handler. Just a typical stroppy teenager today.
2nd: Dodsworth’s; Libanel Everlasting Charm; 18 mo tri who, once again, lacks maturity. Quite deep in the skull, lacking underjaw, slightly rounded backskull and for me, far too much stop. Length of back was not enough, in addition to slightly upright shoulder placement, upper arm, overbent stifles and hocks impeded from really driving from the rear. A year can bring so many changes in a young male, this youngster needs time to grow, lengthen and mature.
Minor Puppy Bitch (1)
1st: Quince’s; Oakley Ice Queen for Karafaye (IMP CHE); Quality 8 mo b/m in splendid condition, super bone and construction giving a striking overall picture. Nicely balanced head, flat skull, nice depth and width of skull, good underjaw and tight lip line. Super eye shape and placement, giving a very feminine expression. Fabulous length of neck, good lay of shoulder, depth of ribs coming along nicely. Good length of back and loin, croup and a low set, long tail. She had a very mature outlook, phased by nothing and just that little bit sassy. She covered the ground with ease with good forward reach and good drive from the rear. One to watch for in the future.
Puppy Bitch (8:1)
1st: Van Mossveld’s; Ladnar Inaheartbeat; Super 9 mo b/m of exceptional quality, presented in immaculate condition and a real eye-catcher. Nicely balanced blunt wedge-shaped head, beautifully placed and shaped eye giving the most feminine expression, flat skull, slight stop, super ear carriage, lovely arched neck, good lay of shoulder, nice length of back, loin, an tail. Good depth of rib, decent bend of stifle and strong, flexible hocks. Everything in proportion, well-balanced throughout and a superstar in the making. She moved so easily, with excellent front reach and plenty of drive from the rear. Delighted to award her BPIB and richly deserved.
2nd: Whitaker’s; Siluto Silvary Blue Moon; Another quality youngster, presented in super condition. Nicely balanced head, flat skull, nicely shaped and placed eye, good ear carriage, super length of neck, back and loin and low-set long tail. Good lay of shoulder, nice depth and spring of rib, very well-balanced throughout, very feminine and very responsive to handler. Sound on the move with good forward reach and plenty of drive.
3rd: Cronk’s; Skabona If I Saw You In Heaven For Chelborn.
Junior Bitch (4:1)
1st: Whitaker’s; Siluto Blueberry Mist; litter sister of 2nd in previous class, very similar build and make. Very feminine expression, lovely shaped and placed eye, balanced head, flat skull, super ear carriage, good depth of skull, ample length of neck, back and loin, and a super long, low-set tail. Good depth and spring of rib, super bend of stifle and strong, flexible hocks. Plenty of forward reach and rear drive. I think these two sisters will have some fun in the ring.
2nd: Corben’s; Wisewyn For Eternity Via Capriorara (IMP PRT) NAF/TAF; 12 mo tri with all the world to grow in to, very immature, lacking coat, but an very balanced overall shape with nothing out of proportion. Very feminine expression, head coming along nicely, nicely balanced, good ear set, nice length of neck, back and loin, super long tail. Moved well, just needs time to mature.
3rd: Deane’s; Tiganlea That’s The One.
Yearling Bitch (6:1)
1st: Flower’s; Serenlas Chloe; Super tri girl in superb condition, still very much a teenager and needs time to mature. Nicely balanced head, flat skull, super ear carriage, nicely placed and shaped eye - super feminine expression. Good arched neck, back , slight rise over muscular loin, good croup, super bend of stifle and hocks well let-down. Super front, good lay of shoulder, upper arm, plenty of bone and substance. This girl gave a masterclass in sound movement; so light and effortless, she barely touched the ground. Delighted to award her Res CC.
2nd: Cooper’s; Corydon Agatha Cristal; well made tri, nicely balanced wedge-shaped head, good depth and width, flat skull, excellent ear carriage, slight stop, super length of arched neck, good lay of shoulder, super length of back, muscular loin - with slight rise, excellent croup, low-set long tail, superb bend of stifle and hocks well let-down. Good depth and spring of rib, super upper arm and excellent forward reach. Covered the ground with ease, but lacked the confidence of class winner.
3rd: Gee’s; Ingledene Powdered Sugar.
Post Graduate Bitch (8)
This was a difficult class to judge with so many exhibits at a tricky stage, with some more mature than others. Many lacked the quality I was looking for, making decisions difficult. Hopefully, given time to mature (and in a few cases; correct exercise and a very strict diet!) will help these exhibits achieve their potential.
1st: Vogan’s; Drofgnal Dazzling Desire For Leosann; 2 yo tri b with a super overall shape, very nicely constructed with ample bone and substance and very sound on the move. Nicely balanced head with a good eye shape and placement, if I was being picky, I’d prefer a little more underjaw, very feminine expression, good depth and width of skull. Super length of arched neck, back and loin, good bend of stifle, strong powerful hocks with a good length of tail, which was carried low on the move. Maturing nicely, but again, needs time to finish. Presented in immaculate condition.
2nd: Beardsworth’s; Maysinder Sapphire Reign; Just turned 2 yo b/m b, at a tricky age who needs time to mature. Pleasing head and expression, good shape and placement of eye, acceptable length of neck, good length of back and loin. I found her slightly upright in upper arm and shoulder which didn’t give the desired reach at the front, hopefully this will correct and drop into place as she matures. Moved well enough from the rear to take her place in the line up.
3rd: Dodsworth & Carr’s; Pomnenka My Fair Lady With Libanel.
Limit Bitch (7:2)
1st: Newman’s; Phreelancer Phormal Dress; This is a girl who ticks all the boxes for me. Absolutely stunning, superb quality s/w b, so well constructed and light on the move. Her expression is my ideal; a very soft, kind, feminine, correctly placed and shaped dark eye, flat skull, correct ear placement, flat cheeks, just the right depth of skull and a fabulous length of lower jaw and chin. Perfectly balanced with a super length of neck, back and muscular loin - with a slight rise, excellent croup, super bend of stifle, hocks well let down that really powered this girl effortlessly around the ring. Front angulation was spot on and facilitated that impressive forward reach I was looking for. As ever from this kennel, she was presented in the most immaculate condition and at her absolute peak. I had no hesitation in awarding her the CC and I hope there are many, many more to follow.
2nd: Cooper’s; Lilith Nar Sule of Kelekona; this girl had many of the assets of the class winner; excelled on the move, super overall make and shape, nicely balanced head, eye and expression, good length of arched neck, back and loin, good croup, super bend of stifle, hocks well let down, moved with drive and covered the ground with ease. Good depth and width of chest and spring of rib, super front angulation with a good length of forward reach, she just didn’t quite have the finesse (maturity) of the spectacular winner.
3rd: Randall’s; Ladnar Izadorable.
Open (4:1)
1st: Beaden & Arrowsmith’s; Ch. Saganan Blue Diamond JW; 5 yo b/m in full coat looking every bit of a mature, feminine collie. Nicely balanced head, correctly placed dark eye, flat skull, good ear-set, good depth of skull, flat cheeks and a very pleasing, soft feminine expression. Good length of arched, muscular neck, back and loin, good depth and spring of rib, well laid back shoulder giving super front reach matched by an excellent bend of stifle, good flexible hocks allowing plenty of drive from the rear. I seriously considered her for top honours, but she just lacked her usual sparkle today. I did discover later she had been recovering from a very serious illness. Lovely to see her back in the ring.
2nd: White’s; Mejola Main Attraction; Another quality 5 yo s/w girl, very nicely balanced throughout. Nicely balanced head, flat skull, excellent ear carriage, good depth and width of skull, nicely placed dark eye, nicely filled foreface, super underjaw and chin with a good, tight lip line. Good length of arched, muscular neck, back and loin, with an excellent croup and good length of tail. Good lay of shoulder, upper arm and forward reach, super bend of stifle, strong well let down hocks with plenty of drive. She may have lacked coat today, but she certainly didn’t lack quality.
3rd: Flower’s; Serenlas Heaven In Blu.
Veteran Bitch (5:1)
1st; Stilwell’s; Bellawave Caught In A Dream; Well presented 9 yo tri in good coat and condition, feminine expression, good dark eye, good depth and length of skull, good ear carriage, good length of neck and back, muscular loin, good depth and spring of rib. Good shoulders giving a decent forward reach, with plenty of drive from the rear. She covered the ground well and held her topline on the move.
2nd: Beare’s; Jemspark Maid In Secret; 7 yo s/w superbly presented, with an abundant golden coat. Very feminine expression, nicely placed dark eye, flat skull, good ear carriage, depth and width of skull, good length of neck, back and loin. Good depth and spring of rib, good shoulder placement, super bend of stifle, with good drive from the rear. Being really picky, I just felt she didn’t have the firm topline of the class winner on the move.
3rd: Whitaker’s; Aniesh Misty Blue Moon Of Siluto.
Special Beginners Bitch
1st: Cooper’s; Lilith Nar Sule of Kelekona.
2nd: Whitaker’s; Siluto Misterious Girl.
3rd: Dodsworth & Carr’s; Libanel Everlasting Dezire.