• Show Date: 08/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Good Citizen Stakes



1ST Sh Ch Quintana Diamond Dust at Friarsbelle JW (Mr B Dymond) GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER: Outstanding example of the breed that oozes quality in all areas. Correct and full dentition. Whilst still along way from his best and the ‘finished article’ once fully mature, he is difficult to fault. 

Extremely well balanced whether on the move or just standing and a presence that ensures that he stands out from other dogs. Clean cut head that is neither too light nor too heavy. Correct neck that is muscular, his forehand assembly is of the highest quality, chest is deep but not wide and in proportion to his body. 

Majestic and so very true on the move both fore, aft and in side profile. 


2ND Mizani Sebio Iola (Mrs L Lillicrap) LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLA: A superbly presented and shown bitch of just 2½ years of age. I absolutely loved this bitch, so striking and very well balanced. She is truly beautiful whilst fulfilling the breed standard in every department. Very good overall proportions and balance, super quality bone for her age, head of correct skull to muzzle proportions with dentition that is correct, clean and complete. Strong neck. Forequarters of excellent and correct proportions. Brisket of good width and depth. Well-ribbed back. Well-angulated hindquarters. Good coat. Shown & handled very well. On the move, she was both sound and accurate in all planes. 

3RD Honeymill Elder Warrior (Mr P & Mrs T Kinchella) GOLDEN RETRIEVER

RES Lussac Yawl of Percuil JW (Mrs H Ford) FLATCOATED RETRIEVER

VHC Droveborough's Mocha Mayhem (Mrs L J Barham) POINTER

Martyn J Rees (Judge)