• Show Date: 08/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Spaniel (Field)

Post Graduate Dog (6,2abs):

1ST Clandrift Diplomat (Mrs M & Mr I Trotter): A dog of just 2 years of age who when he ‘grows into himself’ I believe will be a very nice dog. He is of good breed type with a very good head and clean cheeks, ears that are well placed, strong neck into very good forehand assembly, deep in chest, which is of good width, well sprung ribs, strong loin, moderate and very well muscled hindquarters. His movement is exemplary and so very breed typical and correct.

2ND Flyenpyg First Sight (Mr & Mrs Houseman): Smaller than my first placed exhibit but still of pleasing overall type. Very good head showing the requisite chiselling, correct eye, strong neck, well placed shoulders, very good width and depth to chest, which has well sprung ribs, muscled hindquarters, on the day, he did not have the fluidity of movement of my first placed dog, this is not to say that he wasn’t sound and accurate on the move.

3RD Irisbel Youre The One (Mr and Mrs B & Mrs G P Jefferies)

RES Fecimus The Kings Troop at Trevoris (Mr M & Mrs L Webber)

Limit Dog (2):

1ST Fecimus Star Trooper at Trevoris (Mr M & Mrs L Webber): At nearing 5 years of age, this male should be reaching his best – presented a lean picture to me when standing. Not quite the head and expression that I was looking for but still acceptable. He has a very good expression and his ears of well placed, neck strong into a shoulder that is fractionally short in upper arm for me. Deep chest, ribs well sprung, loin of optimum length, muscled hindquarters, moved soundly.

2ND Elgert Break Every Rule at Portsoy (Ms M Elliott): A very striking male of some 3½ years of age. Presented to an extremely high standard and shown well. Balanced head with good eye, clean neck, strong forequarters, brisket of good width and depth, well sprung ribs, strong loin, when standing he can be a little more straight in stifle than I would prefer. Moved soundly.


Open Dog (6, 2abs):

1ST Sh Ch Jesham Baronet (Mr D A & Mrs J Bennett): This male typifies the breed in every area for me. Again, presented and shown to perfection as one and as a ‘team’. He is very well balanced and has very good muscle and bone substance all through. The breed standard describes his head and expression, clean with chiselling and lean cheeks. Very good neck into the very best of forehand assemblies, chest deep, strong loin, moderate hindquarters. The very best of movement in all planes. My pleasure to award him the Dog Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed.

2ND Woodsong Pleiades (Imp Fra) (Mrs Gallen): Another beautifully presented male. Very good head and expression with defined occiput. Very good forequarters, excellent depth and width to chest with ribs that are well sprung, muscled and moderate hindquarters. Moved very well and accurately. My pleasure to award him the Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate on the day.


3RD Prince Arthur vom Belauer See at Nadavin (Imp Deu) JW (Mrs J, Mr C & Mr U F Holgate, Holgate & Baumann)

RES Nadavin Wallace (Mr K J & Mrs G L Murray)

Puppy Bitch (2):

1ST Nadavin Neala (Mr C H & Mrs J Holgate): What a truly beautiful black Field Spaniel bitch of just 8 months, noble and well balanced, dentition correct, clean and complete, Outstanding head, well chiselled, lean beneath the eyes, no coarseness whatsoever, gentle and melting expression, defined occiput, good clean neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, correct in rib cage to body length ratio, ribs already sprung in balance and keeping with her tender age, moderately bent stifles, tight round feet, on the move she showed drive from the rear and was true fore and aft, presented in absolutely stunning condition. Excellent bone and the best of feet with short nails. My absolute pleasure to award her the Bitch Challenge Certificate, Best Puppy and I was thrilled to learn that she later gained Puppy Group 3.

2ND Redeswell Sweet Serendipity (Mrs S M Harnett): Another beautifully presented bitch of almost 8 months of age. Not quite the balance of my first placed exhibit but she is still very much a baby. Her head is balanced for her age with well defined occiput. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders, well sprung ribs in keeping with her age and moderate and correct hindquarters. Moved steadily and soundly.


Junior Bitch (1):

1ST Nadavin Neala (Mr C H & Mrs J Holgate)

 Post Graduate Bitch (1):

1ST Fecimus Golden Opportunity for Trevoris (Mr M & Mrs L Webber): I did like this bitch of nearly 4 years of age who stood alone in this class but this did not detract from her obvious qualities. Not quite the definition in head that I would prefer but her head is still balanced and in no way coarse. She does have chiselling and smooth cheeks with well defined occiput – extremely feminine expression/Very good and clean neck into well placed shoulders, super depth and width to chest, moderate hindquarters, very good bone and feet. Moved soundly and at the correct speed.

Limit Bitch (5, 2abs):

1ST Nadavin Yirki at Tumblebar (E Barker): Now this bitch of 3½ years of age is right on the edge of being outstanding, we are talking fine detail and small margins with attention to detail. She was presented and shown to perfection BUT lost out on top honours today only because she was carrying a little too much weight over her loin – as I said, fine margins and I would implore her owner just to correct this, because she is of such beautiful type and overall balance. Her head is excellent and of good length with well placed ears and defined occiput. Very good chiselling beneath the eyes and clean cheeks. Long neck into an excellent forehand assembly. Deep in chest and well ribbed back. Well made and muscled hindquarters with hocks well let down. Good bone and feet. Moved on a long, unhurried stride.

My pleasure to award her the Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate, I truly believe that she can achieve more higher honours.


2ND Nadavin Zahlee (Mr C H & Mrs J Holgate): Another bitch of just 3½ years of age whom I think may be the litter sister to my first placed exhibit. A super quality bitch who is so well balanced all through. Classical her head which is also of good length and well defined occiput, clean cheeks and good requisite chiselling. Long, clean and muscular neck leading to excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest with well sprung ribcage. Well boned. Excellent feet. Presented in excellent coat and condition. Moved out well showing a good length of stride.  

3RD Fecimus Country Roads to Trevoris (Mr M & Mrs L Webber)

Open Bitch (3):

1ST Sh Ch Nadavin Exclusive JW (Mr C H & Mrs J Holgate): A stunning bitch presented and shown beautifully and in super fit and hard condition. Just so very feminine. Very typical and absolutely true to breed type. Long head, which is balanced, well chiselled and with clean cheeks and soft expression. The very best of forehand assemblies. Correct rib to loin proportions. Well made hindquarters with excellent bone and the best of feet. Moved well on a long even stride but in the eventual bitch challenge, she did not shower herself in glory.

2ND Sh Ch Elgert Private Dancer (Ms G Osborn): A quality bitch, presented and shown well. Balanced. Very good head, which is of good length with well defined occiput. Clear and defined chiselling beneath the eyes. Long, clean neck into very good lay of shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Chest of good depth and width with well sprung rib cage. Well made and moderate hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved well and soundly.

3RD Elgert Sweet Little Lies at Gadhelic VW (Miss C S Moore)

Veteran Bitch (1):

1ST Sh Ch Elgert Lady Sta'dust JW (Ms G Osborn): A bitch of just over 7 years of age now, presented beautifully as is always the case with this kennel. Very good head, which is balanced, well chiselled, and lean beneath the eyes, melting expression, good clean neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, muscled hindquarters with moderately bent stifles, tight round feet, she moved soundly and accurately.

Martyn J Rees (Judge)