• Show Date: 28/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/10/2023

Leeds City & District Canine Association

Breed: Dandie Dinmont Terrier
DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER PD 1(0) 1. Cundall’s Puddockswell What The Dickens of Bleaklee. Nice quality puppy, masculine and full of strength with no coarseness, lovely strong head and muzzle with dark round eyes, balanced front and rear with nice gentle curves and top-line, excellent tail set and carriage, coat needs to develop with maturity but nice outline and moves well in profile. JD 3(0) 1. Nathan/Cox-Purcell’s Puddockswell Screaming J Hawkins. Mustard dog, lots of quality, lovely proportions and substance, lovely expression and head proportions with good bone and front though feet could be better, top-line beginning to develop nicely and he has a nice, good coat, moves very well. 2. Cruden/Kaye’s Dryfevalley Midnight Blue. Masculine dog with strong bone and head, good eyes, muzzle a shade long, top-line ok but carrying too much weight which makes him lose his outline which would otherwise be better, could have more animation on the move, a shade wide in front. 3. Atkinson’s Poppipetalz Mr Blue Sky at Hullpride. LD 4(1) 1. Karlsen/Allenby’s Variant Gladiolus at Karezig (imp RUS). Nice proportions, strong masculine head and nice low set round eyes, good neck and front is very good, top-line looks better moving than standing, good tail set but could carry a little better, nice easy flowing movement, good coat. 2. Drake/Kurg’s Etsill Mykillkvi with Tollcross. Excellent neck and top-line developed nicely over loin but falls away a little steep in croup, good front and masculine with no coarseness, close decision, just think 1st handled moving in the grass a little better. 3. Simpson’s Dandiroyal Dream Catcher. OD 3(1) 1. Butcher’s Ch. Mishahda Mischief Managed. Lovely proportions, good neck, front and top-line, excellent coat, tail set and carriage, good depth, excellent ribs and short strong loin, eye could be a shade darker and larger for preference but he still has a lovely expression and flows standing and moving with no exaggeration, DCC. 2. Henry’s Ch. Tymeirz Benibouy. Lovely dark eye and expression, nice proportions and bone and head but would like a little more width in front and preferred top-line of 1st although he’s a lovely mover in profile but tail a little straight, RDCC. PB 2(1) 1. Butcher’s Bonnybeck I’m No Muggle. 9 month pepper bitch, excellent clean and flowing outline for age, eye could be a little darker but she is feminine with strength and gentle curves all over, excellent neck, top-line and tail set and carriage, well developed strong ribs and short loin, coat developing nicely, very positive and flowing movement, BP. PGB 1(0) 1. Atkinson’s Coupe D’Hebe at Hullpride. Mustard bitch, nice size, feminine head and lovely kind expression, enough neck, top-line ok and nice muscle tone, carries tail nicely, coat ok, moves well. LB 6(1) 1. Kurg/Milton’s Etsill Hannabreck JW. Beautiful head, eye, expression, ears and coat, she is a shade long and flat in top-line and carries tail high but has a lovely true front movement and covers the ground in a very active and powerful way. 2. Simpson’s Diddimont I Have A Dream. Lovely shape and outline, lovely head and expression, good top-line, tail carried a shade high, she is strong yet feminine all through and holds her outline on the move, could just be in a little better coat which spoiled the picture. 3. Roberts’ Power of Love De Cynoeole at Marbledale (imp FRA). OB 6(1) 1. Kurg’s Etsill Selchie. Lovely head and expression, feminine with substance, correct eye, size, shape and colour, nice gentle top-line and underline, very balanced and honest, tail a fraction high but carried well, excellent coat, substance with femininity and moves very well, BCC & BOB. 2. McCain’s Blue Violet Flower at Bankwillow (imp RUS). Very striking and showy, in excellent coat and presented to perfection, preferred expression on 1st, she has a good tail and tail set and moved well in profile but could be a little tidier going and back, RBCC. 3. Allenby’s Ch. Diddimont Luna Wuffgood JW. VB 1(0) 1. Atkinson’s Kingcottage Alberline West at Hullpride. 9 years old, feminine with substance, good coat, depth, well ribbed, good top-line and nice steady mover with good tail, BV.