• Show Date: 28/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/10/2023

Leeds City & District Canine Association

Breed: Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)



PD 10(0)

1. Bullis’ Amaffrey Henry. Excellent outline and proportions, good head and expression, neck and top-line, good bone and feet, keeps outline standing and moving and moves well in profile with good rear.

2. Moes/Williams’ Cwmdarhian Joe Calzghe. A shade longer cast and bigger, good head and eye, very good front standing and on the move with prominent but not overdone forechest, good leg length, has very good movement in profile.

3. Ergis’ Siouxline Master Mariner.


JD 6(2)

1. Bryant’s Crosscop Roberto. Red dog, lovely size and shape, top-line could be more relaxed, good neck, very good front standing and moving, balanced rear, keeps good outline on the move with balanced reach and drive.

2. Hambling’s Chaseover Moonshine. Black and tan, prefer a little less dog all over but he has good honest construction and balance, if a shade lower and heavier than what I like and moves very steady.

3. Scott’s Bronia Chevalier.


PGD 4(1)

1. Wilson’s Shantallah Secret Shadow at Linburndax. Shade long but he has nice flowing lines, could be a little less deep in chest but is well ribbed, nice outline on the move with good balance, reach and drive.

2. Magri’s Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie. More compact, but he could flow a little more in outline, nice positive rear and good top-line, could have a little more upper arm and be cleaner in front movement.

3. Woods’ Ruletadax Pajarito.


OD 7(1)

1. Peel/Andison’s Ch. Clentry Donnie Darco. Black and tan, clean balanced outline which he holds standing and moving, good head and expression, good neck length, excellent top-line, croup and balanced angulation front and rear, he is nice and sound and holds himself well in profile at all times, DCC & BOB.

2. Bullis’ Amaffrey Jessie James JW. Lovely expression and good overall proportions but would like look better with a little more leg length, well ribbed and good top-line, RDCC.

3. Mason’s Ch. Teckeltown Masterpiece JW.


VD 1(0)

1. Stewart’s Stargang Tyrion Russteck. Brindle dog, nice proportions, falls away under the eye a little, good forechest, if a shade loose at elbow, good feet, nice clean outline on the move.


SBD/B 8(3)

1. Mills’ Nisyros Lorenzo at Greyvista. Black and tan dog, nice construction and balance but could be more settled in top-line, well ribbed, good neck but could have more underjaw, moves well in profile and up and down, BSpB.

2. Downie’s Marvale Kingfisher. Nice outline standing, if a shade long, elbows could be tighter but overall moves well in profile.

3. Rose’s Rosencrantz Ophelia.


PB 12(2)

1. Ergis’ Siouxline Mary Rose. Red, 6 month baby, with excellent outline and proportions in profile with good length of leg and balanced front and rear, top-line, croup and tail are good, head ok, moved very well for her age but really loved her proportions, BP.

2. Macara/Blackburn’s Stargang Cromasaig Charisma. Heavier type brindle bitch but lots to like, shade longer but she has a good head, good neck, good leg length, underline could be better but she keeps her outline and moves well behind.

3. Moes/Williams’ Cwmdarhian Cold As Ice.


JB 7(2)

1. Wilson’s Clentry Back in Black at Linburndax. Black and tan bitch, a shade long but nice free mover with a reasonably tidy front, good head and lovely carriage on the move.

2. Magri’s Rozamie Abracadederah. More compact but could have a little more leg length just to finish off her otherwise nice outline, good neck and strong rear, top-line good and level but just a shade bum high.

3. Hardy’s Rossmia Kensington Beauty.


PGB 11(4)

1. Wilson’s Linburndax Haggis Bon Babe. Black and tan, nice clean outline, if a shade longer than I like, enough leg length, good top-line and ribbing, good head and expression, she is feminine with substance.

2. Woods’ Ruletadax Paloma. Lovely proportions of length to height but a shade deep in chest, head very feminine, when she settled on the move looked good but could just be a little more positive.​

3. Dianond/Carruthers’ Clentry Shooting Star.


LB 15(4)

1. Mason’s Teckeltown Lady In Red. Excellent proportions, a shade deep and eye is a little full but otherwise has a good head, excellent top-line held on the move with defined carriage and good reach and drive and is well ribbed, RBCC.

2. Metcalfe-Bilgin’s Metadale Legacy Lives On. Lovely head and eye and sound up and down, just a shade longer cast but she has better ground clearance and also moved well, very close decision.

3. Callow’s Garthorne Glenda JW.


OB 9(2)

1. Cross’ Loggeta Pickled Lilly JW. Black and tan, lovely clean outline, good neck, top-line, excellent tail, good depth and proportions, could be a fraction tidier in front but she has lovely carriage and uses herself well in profile, BCC.

2. Jennings’ Melriding Natasha at Jenivon. Lovely construction and balance and outline, good head shape but would just like her a little more feminine.

3. Beer’s Stargang Frankly Magic at Lowrider.


VB 2(0)

1. Taylor’s Debbiejay Magical Flo. Lovely, compact, a shade deep, good top-line, lovely clean front standing and moving and keeps her outline, BV.

2. Ergis’ Ch. Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding. A shade low and long but very nice with good head but just not so tidy in front as 1st.