• Show Date: 29/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/10/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Tibetan Spaniel


VD/B 4(0)

1. Cooper/O’Brien’s Susu Princess Spice Parti JW W17. Parti bitch with lovely clean outline, totally unexaggerated and very correct with good head, eye and lovely ears, medium neck, excellent tail and top-line and lovely carriage and so well balanced and moves well from all angles, BV.

2. Rice’s Ch. Ricox Somebody To Love JW ShCM ShCEx OSW. Slightly longer cast but preferred head of 1st but has lovely carriage, excellent coat, good top-line and tail.

3. Simper/Scoates’ Clydum Strickly Classic.

MPD 1(0)

1. Steed’s Gianni Its Ezra. Well developed and a shade longer, good head shape and expression with excellent chin and ears, he is very nicely constructed with good top-line, tail and movement but could just be a little more compact.

PD 1(0)

1. Blackshaw/Roberts’ Clydum Field of Dreams. Red dog, lovely head, eye, ears and chin, could have a little more neck, could have a little more angulation in front, has very good proportions and top-line is good but falls away a little to the croup but has very good tail carriage, movement could be a little more fluid.

JD 2(0)

1. Collett’s Velrok Ringing Gold. Lovely size, good head, eye and ears, could have a little more height at the withers but he has nice style and typical movement with good balance, good top-line and tail.

2. Keepence/Keyte’s Oldcharm Peaky Love for Alandobel. He is well constructed and moves very well with good top-line and tail but is a little heavier all over and his chin is a little too developed, eye could be a shade darker.

PGD 4(1)

1. Cooper/O’Brien’s Susu More Than A Prince. He has lovely balance and type with beautiful head, eye and ears, good neck, excellent top-line, has very good proportions and balanced construction with good tail, excellent coat, moves very well in profile in front, if a shade close behind, he could be a shade more masculine but otherwise holds a lovely, typical, clean outline standing and moving, RDCC.

2. Ludvig’s Clydum A Little Magic. Taller dog, a little broad in head but good leg length and is a steady mover, balanced moderate angulation.

LD 2(0)

1. Maitland’s Sanville Kiss Me Quick. Lovely head, eye and ears, was a little uncooperative standing but pulls himself together nicely on the move, he has good, well balanced movement and holds his top-line well.

2. Hall’s Balgay Shab Tra. Nice clean outline and has good proportions, head a little broad and flat, excellent neck, top-line and tail, moves well but just short steps a little in front.

OD 4(0)

1. Bevis’ Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance ShCEx. Very honest, balanced dog with good head, he is very together and balanced and moves well with good eye and chin, good top-line, coat and tail and is a very typical, unexaggerated male, DCC.

2. Blackshaw/Roberts’ Clydum Royal Class at Souska. Excellent proportions and balance, lovely head shape and eyes, if a shade light, good top-line and tail, could move more fluidly but otherwise very nice dog.

3. Steed’s Gianni Its Gollant.

GCD/B 2(1)

1. Keepence/Keyte’s Oldcharm Peaky Love for Alandobel. Repeat JD.

MPB 2(0)

1. Steed’s Gianni Feliz Navidad. Good eye and ears, could be a little more compact but has time, is well constructed, nice steady mover but tail is just a little too tight on the back.

2. Stevens/McKnight’s Mullagh My Irish Ivy at Tibbygold (IKC). Real baby, a little domed in skull at the moment and ears need to settle but proportions and balance in her outline are very good, good top-line and tail.

PB 2(0)

1. Simper/Scoates’ Clydum Country Lass. Very raw, beautiful red, with lovely head, eye, expression and ears, correct coat texture, if sparse, good neck, top-line and tail, lovely free easy mover in profile with balanced movement, RBCC & BP.

2. Short’s Malia Miss Dior. A shade closer to the ground and I would like her to use her ears a little more, could just have a little more length in leg, moves ok in profile but a little wide in front.

JB 2(0)

1. Rice’s Ricox I Love My Mini Me. Lovely bitch, if a little out of coat with lovely head, ears and expression and very sound mover, has excellent proportions, top-line and tail.

2. Smith’s Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti. A little lower to ground and head just a little broad, good eye and chin but would just like her a little more compact.

YB 2(0)

1. Cooper/O’Brien’s Susu Parti Like A Rockstar. Parti bitch with lovely construction, movement and balance, good chin, dark eye and good top-line, nice clean outline.

2. Hourihane’s Amcross Kutisha. Loved her expression when she used her ears, very raw but is promising, just needs to develop a little width all through but her proportions are nice in profile.

PGB 3(0)

1. Croucher’s Bruesown Jonsai. Nice honest outline with good proportions and balance, good neck, top-line and tail, very collected in profile and front movement and holds her outline standing and moving.

2. Simper/Scoates’ Clydum Here Comes Edna. Lovely head and expression and ears, good body proportions and very balanced, very similar to 1st in outline just a shade untidy in front, excellent feet.

3. Rice’s Parloueve Back To Black of Ricox JW.

LB 5(1)

1. Hourihane’s Bruesown Kyi Mo at Amcross. Lovely size, substance, balance and proportions, good head, expression ok, very honest and moderate with good feet, top-line and moves well.

2. Simper/Scoates’ Clydum Rhapsody in Rhedd. Lovely head, eye and ears, could just be a shade more compact in body but moves very well with good feet and tail.

3. Rice’s Ricox All About Love JW.

OB 4(0)

1. Short’s Malia Harvest Flower. Excellent proportions and beautiful clean outline, good head, feminine, lovely expression, excellent coat, top-line, tail and feet, moves well from all angles, BCC & BOB.

2. Hourihane’s Amcross Pandita. Similar outline and balance but just a shade softer in top-line and preferred expression of 1st but she has lovely carriage and outline moving in profile.

3. Asquith’s Baarnayotms Minnie Drachen.