• Show Date: 26/05/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 07/09/2023

Bath Canine Society

Breed: Otterhound
BATH CANINE SOCIETY MAY 2023 LD 1(0) 1. Lerego/Salt/Stringer’s Teckelgarth Ingot. Shade long but noble head, excellent ears and expression, excellent coat, moderate balanced dog, very easy mover but could use tail a little better. OD 2(0) 1. Lewis’ Ch. Olphae Charman** Very together, strong and powerful, excellent ears, excellent proportions and balance, could have a little more rear angulation, excellent bone, coat and moves well, DCC. 2. Salt/Stringer/Lerego’s Ch. Teckelgarth Dreadnought. Shade tall, excellent ears, good neck, front could have a little more angulation, good top-line and croup, moves well, RDCC. PB 1(0) 1. Lewis/Wheatley’s Olphae Ember. Lovely outline, beautiful feminine head with good ears, nice puppy, very raw, moved well when settled, BP. PGB 1(0) 1. Harris’ Olphae Dawn* Very typy bitch, excellent proportions, feminine with substance, good head, ears and coat, moderate balanced angulation, just needs a little more confidence but a very nice bitch. LB 4(2) 1. Finch’s Conestoga and Crossroads English Dream at Otterslade (imp USA). Excellent proportions and balance, moderate strength with femininity, good head, eye, ears, coat, lovely in profile movement keeping her outline both standing and moving, BCC & BOB. 2. Lerego’s Teckelgarth Foxtrot. Lovely type and balance, excellent ears, coat and moved well keeping her top-line. OB 1(0) 1. Madge/Lerego/Follett’s Ch. Teckelgarth Georgia. Nice balance, could have a little more width all through, excellent head and ears, good coat, front could have a little more angulation, excellent bone, feet and moved well, RBCC.