• Show Date: 08/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 11/10/2023

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
POODLE (MINIATURE) VD 2(1) 1. Warnes’ Ch. Myhaven Chocolate Fancy JW ShCM. 9½ years old, good neck, top-line and colour, good depth, tail set, nice strong rear used well on the move, BV. MPD 3(1) 1. Watson Todd’s Karocolin Black Knight. Black masculine dog with excellent chin, a lovely dark eye but a little full, good feet, good top-line, tail set, he is a little shade long but has nice light movement and holds himself well. 2. Halstead’s Attun El Zorro. Nice and square with attractive head but lacks strength, good eye, excellent top-line, just needs to relax a little, enough neck, could just move with a little more animation. PD 4(0) 1. Lunnun-Turner’s Arrowflight Harvest Moon. Good leg length, square outline, long lean head with lovely eye shape and colour, excellent coat, excellent neck and top-line, balanced front and rear with nice, light, typical Poodley carriage, RDCC. 2. Cherry’s Arrowflight Aristocrat with Shanandi. Square outline, lovely eye shape and expression, just needs to fill a little in front with maturity, good top-line and depth and overall proportions, well muscled and moves well. 3. Brook’s Sculbrook Had To Be A Miracle. JD 3(1) 1. Kitchener’s Ch. Olymbinar’s Michandy Midas Touch JW. Nice substance and elegance and good proportions, beautifully chiselled lean, masculine head with the darkest almond eye, good neck, top-line, forechest, excellent coat, good tail, moves soundly with really good length of stride and lovely carriage, DCC & BOB. 2. Cann’s Sunmarca Secret Agent. Nice and elegant, lovely head but eye could be a little darker, he is square and well up on leg but could be a little tidier in front and is balanced front and rear, tail is a just a shade low but he is a nice steady mover. YD 1(0) 1. Cann’s Sunmarca Secret Agent. Repeat. PGD 1(0) 1. Cann’s Sunmarca Secret Agent. Repeat. LD 3(2) 1. Walker’s Raeannes Hidden Liaison. 5 year old black dog with lovely eye shape and colour, enough neck, front could have a little more angulation but he has a good top-line, moderate rear with good leg length, good coat, a nice steady mover with good rear. OD 4(0) 1. Lee-Morris’ Michandy Back In Time at Pupstar. Lovely mover and so well constructed with lovely head and lovely dark eye and expression, excellent coat, good neck, excellent leg length, would just prefer him a little smaller. 2. Wells’ Ch. Volgarus Wishing Well. Compact, nice overall look but could be cleaner in back skull and is a little wide in front and could be more fluid moving but has good depth and well muscled. 3. Petyaeva’s Dikatanya Incredible Ilya. VB 1(0) 1. Lister’s Calmaric One For The Money JW. Lovely feminine bitch, lovely head and eye, good top-line, very nice type with excellent tail set and carriage, front a little loose. MPB 3(0) 1. Cherry’s Shanandi Lucinder. Very raw black bitch, lovely eye and expression, square outline, nice light mover with good stride, she is so naughty but very typy. 2. Warnes’ Shanandi Fancy Dress. Very nice to handle with good coat and tail, just needs a little training to show off her obvious qualities but very nice promising puppy. 3. Watson Todd’s Karocolin Black Panther. PB 3(0) 1. Farndon’s Maldavale Fizztastic Von Amenria. Beautiful black bitch, loved her carriage, movement and proportions, good neck, excellent top-line, strong rear, nothing overdone, she is so sound and very Poodley and has lovely carriage, RBCC & BP. 2. Sarson’s Arrowflight High Society at Dongara. Lovely proportions, long lean head, eye dark enough, good leg length, tail is ok, moves well with style. 3. Watson Todd’s Karocolin Black Panther. JB 5(2) 1. Holmes-Leak’s Joleena’s In Excelsis with Navarre JW. Beautiful head and expression with lovely chiselling, she is square in outline, she has good leg length, moves nice and steady in profile with nice carriage but she is a little wide in front and I think she would look better with a little less coat. 2. Sarson’s Arrowflight High Society at Dongara. Repeat. 3. Dumont’s Bitting Stella McCartney at Sirensong (imp SWE). LB 3(1) 1. Osborn’s Eikenberry Eye Catcher. Lovely head, eye could be darker, very nice honest, balanced bitch, good top-line and leg length, moves ok but a shade wide in front. 2. Lister’s Calmaric In For A Penny. Lovely look and shape with excellent expression, excellent coat texture, just not using her tail today but otherwise a nice bitch. OB 3(1) 1. Kitchener’s Ch. Michandy Realistic JW. Beautiful head, excellent expression, good coat, top-line, ok front, feet could be better, excellent leg length, tail and covers good ground in profile with nice strong rear but front could be tidier, BCC. 2. Watson Todd’s Karocolin Black Panther. Would like a little more length of leg but she is well ribbed and moves well in profile. SBB 3(0) 1. Collier’s Michandy Love Of The Game JW. Good head and eye with an ok front, tail a little curly but she has nice carriage and holds herself well on the move, BSpB. 2. Ive’s Ivenza Diamonds Are For Ever. Sturdy bitch, shade long, excellent coat and is balanced, just lacks animation on the move in this heat.