• Show Date: 08/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Marion Sargent Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/04/2024

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Bulldog

Puppy Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Ruakuri Chasing Time (Mrs M J Burt) – 11 mth old red/white, lovely head with good skull, clean eye, good nose & jaw line, nice front going into good ribbing & loin, nice rear, moved well, holding a nice topline. Pleased to award Best Puppy.

 2ND Sharpuggles New Addition (Mrs S Grimshaw) – 7 mth old just needs to grow into himself, showing a lot of eye at the minute, and skull needs to broaden, pleasing front & rear, nice topline, nice on the move when settled, just a raw baby at the minute.

 Junior Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1ST Blenhiemstar's Taliesan of Jraygon (L Anscombe) – red/white, pleasing overall shape, nice head, with good skull, nice ear set,and good eye, jaw needs developing a touch, but still a baby, nice front, good ribbing & loin, touch straight on topline, nice rear, moved well on profile & front, just a touch close on rear, did enough to be awarded Reserve Best Dog.

 2ND Hazembulls Disco Boy (Mr B Crothers) – 15 mth old red & white, smaller dog, but balanced, nice skull, nice clean eye, with good expression, touch wide on front, but nice angles, would like a less distinctive topline for my preference, well ribbed body, please rear, would like him more settled on the move.

 Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Blenhiemstar's Lancelot of Jraygon (L Anscombe) – 16 mth old red/white, nice size & balance, perhaps could be a touch shorter in body for preference, pleasing topline, nice skull, nice ear set, pleasing eye & expression, good jaw, pleasing front with good angles, good ribbing & loin, nice profile movement, touch close on the up and down,

 2ND Hazembulls Disco Boy (Mr B Crothers) - Repeat

 Open Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1ST Kinlockbulls Cartier (Ms M Cradock) – 20 mth old red & white, nice overall balance & size, good skull and ear set, lovely eye & expression, good jawline, nice front angulation, good ribbing & loin, holding a nice topline, nice rear angles, moved well, pleased to award Best Dog

 Puppy Bitch

Entries: 7 Absentees: 3

1ST Andlare Miss Informed at Unverdadero (Mrs D & Mr D Kent) – 7 mth old red/white, needs to grow on but well balanced, lovely head with good skull, nice ear set, lovely clean eye, good jaw, and large nose, nice front angles, nice body, good rear, just a touch bum high at the moment, moved well.

 2ND Gypsytart Pin Up Girl (Ms M Cradock) – 9 mth old, good size & nicely balanced, nice head, just needs to broaden on skull, nice eye, nice body & rear, needs to settle on movement.

 3RD Chayo Hot to Trot (Mrs H M Watkins)

Junior Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 2

1ST Bohemiapride Lucky Girl (Mr Cizek) – 15 mth old red/white, nice overall size & balance, would like a touch more fore head, nice expression, good width of jaw,pleasing front angles, would like a tighter elbow, nice ribbing & loin, nice rear, pleasing on the move.

 2ND Hazembulls Rasberry Beret (Mr B Crothers) – 15 mth old red/white, touch leggy at the minute, and just needs to mature all round, I would like a broader jaw to finish the head off, good solid neck, pleasing width on front, nice ribbing & loin, well angulated on rear, pleasing on the move.

 Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Chayo Melody of Life (Mrs H M Watkins) – 2 yr old red/white, nice overall shape & balance, lovely head, with good skull, nice ear set, lovely eye and expression, nice jaw line, good nose & muzzle, good width of front with nice angulation, good ribbing & loin, holding a good topline, nice angles on the rear, pleasing on the move. Pleased to award Reserve Best Bitch.

 2ND Hazembulls Rasberry Beret (Mr B Crothers) - Repeat

 3RD Blenheimstar Royal Flush (Mrs T J Mayes)

Open Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

1ST Reckless Diva at Britishstyle (Mrs K Planson) – 19 mth old red/white, lovely size & balance, pleasing head with flat skull, good ear set, good eye & expression, strong jaw and good nose, strong neck going into well angulated shoulders, nice width on front, strong front, ample ribbing and good loin, holds a correct topline, nice rear angulation, moved well round the ring in all directions. Pleased to award her Best Bitch & BOB. Shame we didn’t see her in the group.

 2ND Hazembulls Paris (Mr B Crothers) didn’t stay for critique

 3RD Bohemiapride Miska (Mr Cizek)