• Show Date: 18/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Luke Johnston Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Beagle Club

Breed: Beagle

Scottish Beagle Club Open Show

Sunday 18th June 2023

It was quite an honour and truly a pleasure to judge the Scottish Beagle Club’s Open show in their 60th Anniversary year. The show was held back-to-back with the Club’s Championship show and this gave me the opportunity to judge a super number of Beagles with 66 entered and 57 present. Thanks to the Committee for the invitation and hospitality on the day and the sporting exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to judge their dogs, I had a lovely day.

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

1. Lewis’ Fallowfield Fellman. 6 month old tricolour. Masculine puppy with good bone and body for his age. Well proportioned head with good expression. Clean neck and overall outline. Excellent front construction and infill of forechest. Balanced hindquarters with good width to thigh. Sound mover with a free and long-reaching stride in profile, sure his topline on the move will firm up with age. Lovely temperament and quality look to him. Thought he would have made more than a lovely BPD, and indeed he would have done, until his older competitors walked into the next class.

Puppy Dog (3) What a challenge to face so early in the day with 1 & 2 making for a very difficult decision.

1. Craig’s Davricard Gaultier. 9 month old tan and white. Absolutely beautiful puppy oozing with type and quality. Attractive head and eye and melting expression. Long and arched neck into a level topline and a well set tail made for a lovely clean outline. Shoulders clean and well laid back. Neat elbows set well under the body, quality bone and short but slightly sloping pasterns. Good body and depth throughout. Strong hindquarters with particularly good width to thigh. His movement is truly outstanding, perhaps the truest mover of the day on the up and down and went with a lovely free stride in profile covering good ground, holding a level topline and carrying his tail well. Best Dog, Best Puppy Dog, Reserve Best in Show & Best Puppy in Show.

2. Foster & Jones’ Stormpasture Saddlesoap. Another lovely 10 month old tan and white. Without copping out of writing another critique, he possesses so many of the same attributes and qualities of the winner. So similar in outline, balance and proportions. In the end, I thought the winner had more depth in body throughout and I preferred the pasterns on 1. This dog is an exceptional profile mover with excellent reach and drive and super carriage. When it came to the challenge, I couldn’t deny either of these puppies and it came as no surprise to find out after judging that both have already picked up green and white cards. Reserve Best Dog.

3. Phillips’ Lanesend Redcap Bushranger.

Junior Dog (5,1)

1. Jones’ Clairdale Fusilier. 17 month old tricolour. A very balanced, compact and sturdy male. Tends to stand over his front too much and appear short but when relaxed back into his frame, has a super outline and correction proportions. Attractive head of the correct proportions, lovely eye and expression and well set leathers. Well made through and level topline. Good bone and tight feet. Felt he could have been slightly truer in rear movement but went well in profile with a decent stride and holding his outline.

2. Goldberg’s Rossut Villein at Molesend. Another tricolour dog of type and quality and shown in excellent condition. Well made front. Well bodied up with a deep and well sprung ribcage. Compact body. Sound mover in all directions. I preferred the softer expression of 1.

3. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Saltydog.

Graduate Dog (3)

1. Starbrook, Hunt & Norris’ Koorbrats Highwayman. 14 month old broken tri. A dog who appealed for his size and body proportions. Masculine head but would like a softer expression. Long neck set into a very well made front with well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Still needs to develop in body, particularly in depth as had a bit too much of a waistline to give the overall compact and sturdy appearance. Strong hindquarters with good width to thigh. Would have liked a thicker tail. Sound mover but can work on his carriage, certainly proving he is a scenthound on the day. Delightful temperament.

2. Findlay’s Rhiconich Code. A tricolour built on a larger frame than 1. Preferred his head which was masculine, well proportioned with correct expression. Nicely arched neck into a decent front. Good topline, also held on the move. Not as strong in rear action but went very well in profile. Not carrying his tail so well on the move today.

3. McEwan’s Janfrey Valentino.

Post Graduate Dog (4)

1. Jones’ Molesend Colt (AI). 2 year old tan and white. Handsome male who stands over himself well and is a natural showman. Would like his head to be a touch more masculine with more strength to muzzle. Excellent neck and good front construction. Appealing bone, pasterns, and feet. Good ribbing but would like him deeper and more compact overall in body. Excellent hindquarters with well bent stifles. Very free and sound mover with a good stride, holding his outline well.

2. Lewis’ Fallowfield Channing. 14 month old open tricolour. Admired this dog for his outline and body proportions. Masculine, handsome head which I preferred to 1. Not as well constructed in front as 1, could be neater in elbow. Good topline and super rear. Could be firmer coming towards but went very well on the move otherwise.

3. Fallon’s Newlin Rambler AW(S).

Limit Dog (5)

1. Findlay’s Rhiconich Obconica. 2 year old tricolour. Very nice male who appealed for his overall compact and sturdy outline and appearance. Scored for size, balance and proportions. Masculine, well-proportioned head. Excellent forechest and front construction. Level topline. Quality bone and good feet. Compact body with good depth. Strong hindquarters. Sturdy and well set stern. Liked him a lot and considered for higher honours in the challenge but didn’t feel he could quite match the scope of the two puppies on the move, nonetheless, still a super mover.

2. Diamond & Carruthers’ Jalhar Fame N Fortune from Kelcardi. 3 year old tricolour. Another very pleasing male who made it a very close decision. So well constructed throughout with a particularly good front. An enthusiastic and sound mover in all directions. Well conditioned and presented. Slightly preferred the proportions and refinement of 1 but a lovely dog indeed.

3. Hunt’s Bondlea Woodlark.

Open Dog (5,2)

1. Jones’ Ch Newlin Preston to Clairdale. 5 year old broken tricolour. A handsome chap with many attributes, easy to see how he gained his title. Lovely head and appealing expression. Excellent neck and set into front. So balanced in angulation with good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm and well bent stifles. Excellent depth and ribbing however, I would like him shorter in the body for better overall balance and proportions. A natural ‘show-off’ and super mover with very good reach and drive, covering good ground in profile. Considered for higher honours.

2. Binks’ Tannahill Vagabond. Blanket tricolour just shy of 2 years. Appealed for size, balance and body proportions. Could be more masculine in head but good eye and expression. Good neck and front. Appeared a little raw in body still. Super hindquarters with good bend of stile. Super profile mover with good reach and drive.

3. McEwan’s Janfrey Valentino.

Veteran Dog (2)

1. Hunt & Norris’ Ch Shercroft Apollo JW ShCM. 8 year old tan and white. Lovely boy carrying his years well. Certainly masculine in head with good proportions but perhaps could have been slightly more refined and ‘cleaner’. Well constructed throughout, though could be a touch more compact. Liked his hindquarters and well developed second thigh a lot. Quite impressive on the move being absolutely sound and true up and down and going with a balanced, ground-covering stride in profile. Considered for higher honours in the challenge but just preferred the heads of the two puppies. Also unlucky to meet the Veteran Bitch who was on fire today. Best Veteran Dog and Reserve Best Veteran in Show.

2. English’s Gempini Paso. 7 year old tan and white. Another nice boy with a masculine head and good leathers. Clean neck and fairly well made front. Good bone and feet. Level topline and well bent stifles. Could be more compact. Good stern carried well on the move where he was free and active.

Minor Puppy Bitch (3)

1. Lewis’ Fallowfield Flaxen. A most charming and delightful 6 month old tan and white. Such a baby but with a lot of type and quality. Feminine head of good length and proportions. Lovely eye and expression. Well made throughout with balanced and well angulated front and rear quarters. Super body for her age and with time, think she will come together and appear more compact. Still very much a baby on the move but showed enough glimpses of sound and free action.

2. Findlay’s Rhiconich Bombshell. 8 month old broken tri. A well proportioned and more together bitch than 1 at this stage. Presents a good outline with a clean neck into shoulder and level topline. Preferred head and expression of 1. Well made front and good bone. She can settle and drop into her hindquarters a little more. A sound mover but not carrying her tail so well on the move today.

3. Brownlow’s Rushwater Violet Sky (AI).

Puppy Bitch (4,2)

1. Tanner’s Felinoak Ffansi Nansi. 8 month old broken tri. Quite forward and mature for age and showing very well. Feminine head with good balance. Correct eye and expression. Lovely neck set into super front construction. Excellent body with super depth and width, though could be a touch more compact. Such a free and active mover, could be a touch tighter in front movement coming towards but is excellent in profile showing desirable reach and drive. Unlucky to meet the dog for BPIS. Best Puppy Bitch.

2. Lennard’s Butterow Unity. 9 month old tricolour. Good overall proportions and balance. Feminine in head but would like more depth to muzzle for better balance. Clean neck set into a fairly well made front. Neat feet. Developing well through the body. Can settle into her hindquarters a little. Moved well.

Junior Bitch (8,2)

1. Craig’s Annavah Belinda of Davricard. 12 month old broken tri. Just out of puppy and looking rather mature for her age, a picture of balance and quality, with super proportions. Balanced and feminine head with appealing expression. Beautifully crested neck into excellent front construction. Super infill of forechest and spring of rib with compact loin. Dead level topline. Well set tail and strong, well bent stifles. Super mover with excellent drive from the rear. Just felt she appeared a touch heavy in her underline compared to some of her competitors in the challenge, nonetheless, I liked her very much indeed.

2. Binks’ Tannahill Zola. 13 month old tricolour. Giving away a little on maturity to 1 but has nice balance. Not quite the head of 1 but still feminine with well set leathers. Neck of good length set into well laid shoulders. Good bone and feet. Level topline and balanced quarters. Free mover with a good stride.

3. Langman’s Madika High Flyer at Bonwillan.

Graduate Bitch (4)

1. Langman’s Madika High Flyer at Bonwillan. 16 month old open tricolour. Feminine bitch built on a well proportioned frame. Liked her head the best in the class. Well laid shoulder but could have more return of upper arm. Nice spring to pastern. Pleasing outline with level topline. Very good hindquarters on the stack. Could have more width behind on the move but goes on a good stride in profile holding her outline.

2. Kilgour’s Kelcardi Claudia. 14 month old open tricolour. Built on a rangier frame than 1, I would like her more compact. Liked her expression and ear set, but a little deep in flew for preference. Arched neck into a well made front, better in upper arm than 1. Well bent stifles. In super condition. Could be firmer in front movement but has a very nice profile stride.

3. McBain & Stevens’ Blitzlilie Girl With No Name.

Post Graduate Bitch (6)

1. Hunt’s Dufosee Iyla at Bondlea. 2 year old tricolour. Well balanced bitch with nice type and quality. Feminine head with appealing expression. Good reach of neck. Well made front and balanced hindquarters. Well off for bone. Felt she could perhaps further develop in the body still to give a more sturdy overall appearance. Well made hindquarters which she used well on the move, soundest mover in the class going on a free stride.

2. Tanner’s Felinoak El Koko Loko. 20 month old open tricolour. Built on a stronger frame than 1 but still has good proportions and a good outline. Beautifully balanced head with appealing eye and expression. Very well laid shoulders. Liked her feet and pasterns. Well off for forechest and depth of body. I would have liked a touch more bend of stifle. Not as true as 1 up and down but went very well in profile with a good stride.

3. Fitzpatrick’s Blunderhall Blow A Fuse.

Limit Bitch (5,1)

1. Goldberg’s Molesend Dormouse JW. 21 month old tan and white. Absolutely delightful bitch with type and quality in abundance. Feminine head of correct proportions with a lovely eye and expression. Excellent front construction with smooth, well laid shoulders. Super bone, short sloping pasterns and tight feet. Well ribbed and a good compact loin. Muscular hindquarters with good bend of stile. In excellent condition. Moved so very well on a sound and free stride. In the challenge, I seriously had to nit-pick and I just felt she didn’t quite keep her level topline on the move as well as her competitors.

2. Arden’s Annavah Star Above Madika AW(B). 3 year old tricolour. Well proportioned bitch with good balance. Feminine head, preferred the eye on 1. Lovely neck into decent front construction, though could be cleaner in outline over shoulders. Level topline, not quite the ribbing of 1 and appears to cut up in underline. Excellent hindquarters with stifles well bent and super width to first and second thigh. Free and active mover.

3. Hunt, Norris & Starbrook’s Shercroft Liberty JW.

Open Bitch (7)

1. Goldberg’s Molesend Crumble (AI). 2 year old tan and white. Another beautiful bitch full of type and quality from this kennel, she is similar in many ways to her kennelmate who won Limit. I loved her head; balanced and of the correct proportions, feminine, gorgeous dark eyes with the most appealing expression, and well set leathers finished the picture. Clean neck into excellent front construction, smooth and well laid shoulders and super length and return of upper arm. Quality bone right down through her short and slightly sloping pasterns to her neat feet. Admired her leg length and generally liked her body proportions but to be highly critical, she could be a touch more compact. Very good ribbing and level topline. Strong, muscular and well bent stifles used well on the move. Everything fits and flows from one to another. Sound, true, free and easy on the move going with a good stride and holding her outline so well. I couldn’t get past her head and sound general construction and movement. Best Bitch and Best in Show.

2. Foster & Jones’ Stormpasture Rockette. 3 year old tricolour. Different type to 1 but still lots of quality in this compact little package, though I would like a touch more leg for ideal proportions. Less length through the head than 1 but balanced skull and muzzle and of good quality. Super eye and expression. She has forechest and bone to spare. Excellent depth and spring of rib with a strong, compact loin. Level topline and very good tail set. Little powerhouse on the move showing excellent reach and drive and holding her outline well. Called back in for RBB and seriously considered but just preferred the leg length/proportions of the Veteran bitch.

3. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Agatha Raisin.

Veteran Bitch (7,1)

1. Parker & Stevens’ Ch Serenaker Elle’s Belles. 7 year old broken tricolour. Super bitch, absolutely spot on for proportions and balance. Lovely headpiece with correct expression. Clean and slightly arched neck. Excellent neck into shoulder. Balanced and well angulated fore and aft. Quality, round bone down to feet. Super ribbing and compact loin. A touch heavy in her underline on the day but can be forgiven. Level topline which she holds completely on the move. It was on the move that she really impressed me; sound out and back and just superb in profile, such purposeful strides, excellent reach and drive with good carriage and holding her outline. She was on fire on the day. Reserve Best Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.

2. Arden’s Madika Spot On JW ShCM AW(P) VW. 8 year old open tricolour. Such a showy girl who I judged years ago as a youngster and it was pleasing to see she hasn’t lost any of her charm and merry attitude. Could be a touch more compact but presents a clean outline and stands over herself so very well. Well angled fore and aft. Another purposeful mover with a super stride in profile and excellent carriage but could be firmer in front movement.

3. Fraser’s Wyvisview Harlequin.

Mr L A Johnston