• Show Date: 29/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Linda Cater Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 13/10/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Chihuahua (Long Coat)

Windsor Championship Dog Show 2023

Chihuahuas (Long Coat)

 Judge:- Linda Cater (Pixels)

I would like to thank the Committee for their invitation to judge at this very prestigious show and must also thank my willing and able Stewards who ensured everything ran totally smoothly. I would commend the exhibitors who, to a man or woman, presented their dogs in tip-top condition and I applaud the way the dogs themselves coped with the difficult weather and ground conditions.

Special Beginners Dog or Bitch (3,0)

1] Webber’s Paisano Zella. Sweet little fifteen month old, gold and white bitch. Nice apple domed head with stunningly large dark eyes, great teeth, and large flaring ears. Enough reach of neck and a level top line. Gaily moved around the ring. (BSB)

2] Doran’s Tigra Terra Gold * With Osakazuki (Imp Pol). Nice, well coated, eleven months old, cream bitch. Pretty apple domed head but with a rather short muzzle - however her detention was still very good. Good level back with lovely tail set and carriage. Moved happily around the ring.

3] Ralph’s Stormchi Blaize Of Glory.

Veteran Dog (3,0)

1] Hill’s Ch Lynpix The Mexican With Becanna. Lovely old trouper,  eight years old fawn sable, in beautiful condition. A classic head on this dog with stunning large dark eyes, good length of muzzle with correct bite. In his heyday he must have been a sight to see as even now he’s very pleasing to the eye .

2] Skinner’s Marney Jay Tiny Timothy VW. At almost ten years old this petit black and tan dog moved surprising well around the ring. He has a sweet head and expression, and though his muzzle is a trifle long for my taste it did house some very good teeth. He was  very fit and in excellent condition.

3] Ralph’s Stormchi Blaize Of Glory.

Minor puppy Dog (4,1)

1] Grey’s Sweetpanche White Tie And Tails. At just seven months old this cream puppy showed a lot of confidence. He has a beautiful head with a super deep stop and lovely high forehead, topped by large flaring ears. His teeth and bite are great too, but his most noticeable features are his large, melting, expressive eyes. Great reach of neck with a level back and perfect tail carriage. Moved very well around the ring. One to watch in the future. (BDP,  BPIB)

2] Taylor’s Chantaydan Veni Vidi Vici. This Eight months old little cream boy needed to gain a bit of substance. He had a nice head but his muzzle was a little long for my taste - although it did house some lovely teeth. Nice reach of neck, level back and perfect tail set. Moved very well around the ring.

3] Skinner’s Mujerosa Mr Chocolate Box.

Puppy Dog (2,0)

1] Hicks’ Torre Del Pilar Sandman At Casiatodo (Imp Esp). Eight month old tri colour lad. Very pretty head with a high apple domed skull, huge round dark eyes, large flaring ears, and beautiful dentition. Good reach of neck, level back and a correct tail set and carriage. Stood four square and moved very well. Just needs to grow into his body a bit.

2] Bradshaw’s Kechua Pirate Apprentice. Pretty, little, fine boned cream boy of almost a year old. Attractive head with lovely big, round, dark eyes and a great mouth. He moved well around the ring. He just needs more time to mature .

Junior Dog (5,1)

1]  Huntley’s Jahneemahs Eye Candy. Thirteen month, cream lad. Nice apple domed head with a very deep stop, and expressive large, dark, eyes.  Enough neck and a good level back , very nice tail carriage, moved very well.

2]Wills’ Dorentys Chuckleberry Fin. Pastel shaded cream, white and sable dog, exactly eighteen months old. Very nice head with super eyes , large ears and a slightly short muzzle with good dentition. Level top line and excellent tail set. The only thing that let him down was his movement… I think he found it difficult coping with the long grass and uneven ground.

3] Mann’s Parisland Dark Destroyer Taf.

Yearling Dog (1,0)

1] Hollister’s Hollichi Halo. Twenty months old pale cream boy. Lovely dark pigment for one so light coloured. Good apple domed head with lots of breadth between his ears, large dark eyes  and a good mouth. Good reach of neck and a  level back. Superb tail set and carriage with wonderful feathering. Moved very well.


Novice Dog (3,1)

1] Taylor’s Chantaydan Veni Vidi Vici. Second in the Minor Puppy Dog class.

2] Skinner’s Mujerosa Mr Chocolate Box. Eight months old slender white and cream parti colour lad. He has very light pigment and light eyes which are permitted in such a light coloured dog. I found his head and body were a bit long and slim but he did have a lovely reach of neck and a level top line. His tail carriage was super when he was on the move but he dropped his tail when he was standing. However he did move exceptionally well.

Post Graduate Dog (5,1)

1] Edwards’ Tinasjoy Supper Dupper. Two year old, very dainty, white boy. Very pretty head on this dog, but maybe a little too feminine. Good dark pigment, good mouth, large expressive eyes and large ears. Good body and correct tail set, moved very well and showed his socks off.

2] Hicks’ Torre Del Pilar Move The Knight At Casiatodo (Imp Esp). Eighteen month old tri colour boy. Such a shame he was in a grumpy, uncooperative mood. He had everything going for him otherwise. Beautiful head, great teeth, large eyes and ears, good body, but his movement was very reluctant.  

3] Steele’s Popadore Avu Seen My William.

Limit Dog (7,1)

1] Hicks’ Torre Del Pilar Kingsman At Casiatodo (Imp Esp).  Seventeen months old, attractive, tri colour dog. Beautiful head with well-placed ears, large, round, dark eyes, moderately short muzzle housing beautiful dentition. Just enough neck and a level top line with a lovely tail carriage, stood four square and moved very well.

2] Wills’ Chewi Veeton. Five years old, dainty cream dog. Sweet head and expression with dark eyes, a deep stop and well placed ears. Compact body with a gorgeous tail set and carriage, he struggled a bit with the ground conditions.

3] Holmes’ Torre Del Pilar Neo For Teclo (ImpEsp).

Open Dog (7,0)

1] Hicks’ Chiquita De Oro Top Ten At Casiatodo (Imp Hun). Small two year old, tri colour dog, this little fella exudes style. Very masculine head with good width between well placed large flaring ears, large, round, expressive eyes and a good stop with correct length of muzzle and perfect teeth. He had a compact body that still managed to be slightly longer than he was tall. Level top line, with a glorious tail assembly. Moved purposefully round the ring. (CC)

2] Watts’ Jicara Prince Charming At Biankai. Very showy five years old light cream dog. Classic Chihuahua head, with large, dark eyes and lovely dark pigment, with a moderately short, tapering, muzzle housing good dentition. Great profile with a glorious coat; simply flowed round the ring. I just preferred the size of [1]. (RCC)

3] Huntley’s Ch Natimuk Beaumont.

Good Citizen Dog (2,1)

1] Skinner’s Marney Jay Tiny Timothy VW.  Came second in Veteran Dog.

Veteran Bitch (3,0)

1] Morley’s Loroso Sasha Simone. Delightful little eight years old tri colour bitch. She has a broader head than is strictly feminine but still very pretty, and even now has perfect teeth! Compact body that is only just longer than tall but in perfect condition she moved perkily round the ring.(BVIB)

2] Jones’ Flickan Flibbertigibbet. Seven years old fawn sable bitch. Good head with well-placed large ears, very large, dark eyes and a good, deep, stop. Her muzzle is slightly longer than I’d like but her teeth were good. lovely profile, very happy and energetic, moved very well.

3] Baranzeck’s Ch Capevidle License To Thrill.

Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0)

1] Lodwick’s Pocoperro Bijou. Just six months old and what a little darling! Primarily gold and white but with some sable markings to her very pretty face. Still very much a baby she shows great potential. She was a bit of a madam and wouldn’t  let her teeth be shown but I’m sure that will come with time. Moved very well around the ring. One to watch I’m sure. (BPB)

2] Bradshaw’s Kechua Jolene. Six months old red and white bitch. Pretty little girl with beautiful huge, dark, eyes and good ear placement. Hopefully her teeth will settle over time. In need of bodying up but moved very well around the ring.

Puppy Bitch (2,0)

1] Lee’s Ridgehawk Shenna Girl. Ten months old gold and white dainty little bitch. Very small but perfectly formed. Classic head with a melting expression and the most perfect teeth. Very fine boned but her body was in proportion. There was a bit of the ‘I’m a princess’ about her movement. But she certainly is a sweet little girl.

2] Doran’s Tigra Terra Gold * With Osakazuki (Imp Pol). As seen in special beginners but not moving so well this time.

Junior Bitch (8,2)

1] Rooney’s Copymear Reign On My Parade With Yorone. Twelve months old, gold and white, beautiful little girl. Superb head with well-placed, large, well-feathered ears. Enormous, round, dark eyes, correct muzzle and stunning teeth. Good reach of neck with a spirit level  top line and perfect tail carriage . Her impressive construction meant that she moved around the ring with precision and drive. I was delighted  when I found out that this was her crowning CC. (CC, BOB)

2] Fothergill’s I’m A Dream Adeline Is My Name (imp Ita). Fourteen months old, more substantial cream bitch. Beautiful coat and feathering on this well boned girl. Large, expressive, dark  eyes set in a classic Chihuahua head featuring great dentition. Excellent body with a nice spring of rib ending in a constantly wagging, well-set tail. Moved very well around the ring.

3] Edwards’ Chilbull Crackling Rosie.

Yearling Bitch (4,0)

1] O’Reilly’s Chatwyn Dear Polly. Nineteen months old, black and white, little show girl. She shouted ‘look at me’ as soon as she entered the ring. Super head shape, lovely ears and feathering, great dentition, level top line and excellent tail carriage. Stood four square and moved very well.

2] Taylor’s Chantaydan Strike A Pose JW. Sixteen months old, tri colour, little lady. Another good dog from this kennel. Very strong head with super ears and eyes, just enough neck with a very level back and great tail set and carriage. Moved well around the ring.

3] Webber’s Paisano Zella.

Novice Bitch (5,0)

1] Jones’ Flickan Fragrant Flower. Just a year old dainty red girl. Fine boned and petite, this little girl has oodles of promise. Super apple domed head with correctly placed flaring ears and stunningly beautiful, large, dark eyes. Her muzzle is of the correct length and houses wonderful dentition. Good reach of neck with a straight level back ending in a super tail set and carriage. Moved round the ring in style.

2] Holmes’ Gerowawa’s Special Dreams For Teclo (Imp Hun). Sixteen months old little red girl. She is very similar to Fragrant Flower {above} and has all her good points but just didn’t want to show, which is a  shame as she has great potential.

3] Taylors Chantaydan High Priestess

Post Graduate Bitch (3,0)

1] Hicks’ Chiquita De Oro Blans At Casiatodo (Imp Hun). Twenty-one months old cream and white young lady. Stunning head with large flaring ears and the most beautiful large round dark eyes. Her muzzle is of the correct length with great dentition. Good reach of neck with a level top line and good tail carriage, moved animatedly around the ring.

2] Edwards’ Tinasjoy Dolly Day Dream. Two year old tri colour young lady. Nicely put together with an attractive head, large ears and eyes and a good muzzle length. Level back with good angulation. Moved well

3] Taylor’s Chantaydan Pray For Poetry.

Limit Bitch (4,1)

1] Skinner’s Tyssul Zaffira JW. Four year old delightful little cream girl. So light and dainty with an impish expression on her beautifully proportioned head. Spirit level back and a gorgeous tail set and carriage. Moved around the ring with drive and precision.(RCC)

2] Jones’ Flickan Figurine JW. Twenty-one month old cream and white young lady.  A true show girl, beautifully presented. Excels in all points of the breed standard but I found her muzzle was just a tad long for my interpretation.

3] Lee’s Ridgehawk Skyler (Ax2) (Taf).

Open Bitch (4,2)

1] Entwistle’s Ch Dorentys Heidi Hi. Three years old dainty little cream girl. Such a saucy expression on her cute, perfectly proportioned little face that housed perfect dentition. Beautifully constructed with a stunning profile that enabled  her to move around the ring with gusto.

2] Lee’s Ch Barwater Agatha Christie Of Ridgehawk. Four year old tri colour lady. Well-proportioned bitch that has a beautiful head and expression, good reach of neck with well sprung ribs and a good length of back with an excellent tail carriage. Moved round the ring with drive.

Good Citizen Bitch (0,0)