• Show Date: 08/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Lesley Spence Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Irish Wolfhound

East of England 9 July 2023

Irish Wolfhounds.

Thank you to the committee for their kind invitation. Sadly, the last show for East of England, held on a new show ground, nicely organised with plenty of space and future potential for Boston to take forward. It’s always an honour and an education to judge, especially a sister breed to your own. We were in half of the Best in show ring, which was covered and cool and reasonably level. I had two lovely stewards making sure the ring ran smoothly. Thanks to Helga who made sure class winners received their well-earned applause.

Thank you to the kind exhibitors who made My First CC appointment very enjoyable. I found more quality in the bitches, A few eyes I felt were to round, and some hounds have a distinct stop.

I was very pleased with my top honours, and over the moon with my BOB, she gained her crown and took group 1, what a day! Well done and congratulations.

Minor Puppy Absent

Puppy absent

Junior Dog 2-1

C A Kellys Bonaforte Zippity Do. 17 mth cream brindle, nice expression, well grown, good shoulder and upper arm, nice hind quarters. Movement needs to settle. BSB

Yearling Dog 4

A very mixed class some of the movement could be better.

1 Donaldson & Smallwood Rainster Euan Plenty of substance, pleasant head with lovely furnishings. Balance front and rear, with low hocks. Stood well.

2 Mr Guntrip Brachan Giomo di Natalie Another lovely head and expression. Liked his body length to depth ratio. Moved Okay.

3 Mrs M Severn-Kumar Gaelmarque Nomateus

Novice Dog 2-1

Mr & Mrs Dawson Hydebeck Heart of Gold at Graefyn Seen in the last class. Large cream boy needs time to grow up and to enjoy his days out. Gave him some extra practice today. Good shoulders and balance quarters.

Post Graduate Dog

1 J Hooper Floydian Affic Pleasant head and expression, strong neck into good shoulders and upper arm, good back length into strong quarters. Moved well.

Limit Dog 6

1 S Dawson red Rock Canyon of King Howard Legends at Shalico (Imp Fra), The king of this class. Majestic cream masculine boy, liked his dark eye, very balanced fore and aft with a Deep brisket and good length to his back, covered ground on the stand and moved out well considered for Res CC

2 Mr & Mrs Reeves Whiteorchard Arcturus, Grey brindle of different, type Smaller more compact hound nicely placed front, good depth to body into strong quarters.

3 K webs Gaelmarque Mission success for Inkboys

Open dog 4

A super class to judge, a hard task! The movement in this class was more typical than I had seen in the earlier classes. My First two could swap places on a different day.

1 C & J Amoos Ch Sade Paris He has the size strength and commanding appearance. Pleasing length to body ratio and long bones. Well placed shoulder and upper arm strong hind quarters. A good harsh coat. Covers ground standing and moving. One of today’s better movers CC .

2 K Webbs Goldswift Mission Possible for Inkleboys Lovely head with little indention between the eyes enhancing his expression. Strong neck into good shoulders strong body of good length and depth, again well balance all through. Another typical and good mover. Res CC

Veteran Dog

1 Mr & Mrs Grimwood Bonafortes Meldrew Stood alone, Balanced cream Male strong body with deep chest again balance through. Old fashioned type. lovely head with correct furnishings.

Special Beginners 0

Minor Puppy Bitch 0

Puppy Bitch

1 C & J Amoos Sade Prelude (AI) 11 months, a lovely baby, still unsure of ring procedure, needs time but she will get there, a very promising puppy. Correct head and expression, good body length and balance fore and aft. She moved well once she settled BP

Junior Bitch 0

Yearling Bitch

1 Dr & Mrs C Sheppard Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift JW 22 months. She filled my eye as she came into the ring. Beautifully turned out and handled. Commanding appearance, symmetry, and grace. Beautiful head and expression. Balanced. strong neck into well laid shoulders and return plus length to upper arm. Strength and length to back, good loin into lovely well placed and strong hind quarters. Moved well. CC and BOB, pleased to be told this gives her her crown, she continued her winning ways taking group 1. What a fantastic day! Well done!

Novice 2-1

1 S Dawson Tristar Du Grand Chein De Culann at Shalico (Imp fra) 14 Months and still a baby, time is on her side. Balanced, plenty of body length, balanced fore and aft. moved well.

Post Graduate Bitch 1-0

1 Mrs A Crosse Gaelmarque Sweet Symphony, good head with correct expression and dark eye. Nice chest and depth of brisket. Shoulders well place, strong loin and hind quarters moved well but found a pothole!

Limit Bitch 3-1

1 Mr & Mrs Redfern Rainster Tatiana, 3 yrs Plenty of substance, balanced front and rear, lovely chest. Pleasing neck into a back with length and strong loin. Moved well.

2 W Heathers Whiteorchard Aurora, 2 1/2 has balance but not quite the substance of 1, she has it all there, but needs time.

Open Bitch 3

Spoilt of choice, three lovely bitches of good breed type to choose from.

1 Treadwells Floydian Savanna Expressive head, correct neck into well placed shoulders and good length to upper arm. Felt her back length and strength better than 2 and 3, strong loin well placed hind quarters, covered the ground standing and, on the move, which gave her the class. Res CC

2 Heathers Ch Whiteorchard Ad Astra Well-presented bitch as with 1 balance fore and aft pleasing depth of brisket, again nice outline standing and moving

3 Pinkneys Ch Hydebeck Dream of dreams

Veteran Bitch 1

N Lewin Bonafortes Jussis 8 years. Beautiful head and gentle expression, she has grace size and balance she could give some of the younger bitches a run for their money! Lovely movement for her age. Best Veteran.

JUDGE Lesley A Spence.