- Show Date: 25/06/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Leanne Marshallsay Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Blackpool & District Canine Society
Blackpool & District Canine Society - Sunday 25th June 2023
Judge: Mrs Leanne Marshallsay
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
I would like to sincerely thank all the exhibitors who allowed me to judge their dogs, it is always an honour to be given such a wonderful opportunity.
There are, in my opinion a few concerns with regards to narrow fronts and poor movement. Our breed should move with drive and not have a high stepping ballerina movement. I saw no evidence of closed nares or breathing issues despite it being extremely warm.
I have not mentioned mouths as I found no massive concerns with the dogs I placed.
2476. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Minor Puppy Dog
Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st 6330 - Fergiestaffs Polar Bear (Mr A & Mrs L Mayren)
Beautiful skewbald puppy, who is at the correct stage of his development for his age. Good head with lovely dark eye and correct set ears. Straight front, good shoulders with developing chest and spring of rib, adequate tuck up and nice short back, Correct bend of stile and moved with level top line.
2nd 6261 - Fergiestaffs God of War (Mr C & Mrs S Barrington)
Red and white which was of a similar type to one, good head which is developing nicely, dark eye and well-set ears. Correct front, and depth of chest. Good spring of rib, excellent angulations on the rear. Moved well just preferred the overall balance of 1st.
3rd 6337 - Skyland Imperial (Mr A & Mrs E Miller)
Black/Brindle not quite as mature at the puppies placed ahead of him however another nice puppy who is not over done for his age. Lovely head with the darkest of eyes and neat ears, correct length on neck with well placed shoulders, good rib and tuck up. Moved okay
Res 6293 - Sikaistaff Black Barrel (Mr S Green)
VHC 6283 - Kylestaff The Hitman (Mrs J Cychol)
2477. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Puppy Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st 6318 - Kamaristaffs Royal Rumour (Mrs K M Jones)
Very mature puppy who has a masculine broad head without being course, developing cheek muscles with the correct stop. Dark round eye and neat ears, correct length in neck into well placed shoulders. Correct straight with no weakness in pasterns, ample depth and breath in chest and good spring of rib for his age. Developing hindquarters, with good angulation and bend of stifle. Moved well holding a good topline.
2nd 6274 - Tropical Red Rum at Almostaffs (Mrs K & Mr R Carr)
Red puppy which isn’t quite as developed as the first, powerful masculine head with dark eyes and dark pigment. Correct length in neck into well placed shoulders, nice front with spring of rib and depth in chest. Moved okay
2478. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Junior Dog
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st 6365 - Kamaristaffs Royal Ransom at Bowtman (Miss L Sheldon)
What a dog! He screams breed standard all day long and I am sure his title is not too far away. The best of heads which is clean, short, deep and broad the darkest round eyes with neat ears giving him the best of expressions. Strong muscular neck tampering into his well-placed shoulders. Superb straight front with correct depth and breadth of brisket with the neatest of feet, strong pasterns and correct spring of rib and tuck up. Nice short back leading to a powerful hindquarter with the correct bend of stifle and good tail set. Moved like a bomb with power and drive holding a level topline. It was my pleasure to awards him the Dog CC, Best Junior, Best Puppy In Breed. I was over the moon to hear that he was also awarded the Terrier Puppy Group. DCC
2nd 6343 - Elitebull Mischief at Bellastaff JW (Mr K & Mrs K Page)
Masculine dog who has the darkest of pigment, excellent head which is broad and short without coarseness, dark round eye with a good expression. Strong neck which is short in length and leading to good shoulders. Clean straight front, strong pasterns and neat feet. Correct depth and breadth of chest and tuck up. Lovely short back, given good spring of rib. Strong hindquarters with good angulations and moved well.
3rd 6289 - Hamason Greatest Showman JW (Mr S & Mrs X Durell)
Red Dog with powerful clean head, lovely dark round eye, strong neck and good shoulders. Nice front, short coupled with ample rib. Moved well
Res 6279 - T’blazing Star of The Warriors Red Skins (Imp Fra) (Mrs D E Courtney)
2479. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Yearling Dog
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st 6381 - Beinn A Bhuird with Azzgem (Mr J L & Miss D J Wilson & Rodgers)
Handsome red dog, masculine with a super head which short and broad with pronounced cheek muscles. Dark pigment and neat ears. Strong short neck, excellent straight front with a superb spring of rib, with a good tuck up, beautifully short coupled and muscled throughout. Correct rear angulation and tail set. Moved holding a level topline.
2nd 6300 - Earthquake Staffs Wear It Well at Tigerbull (Imp Esp) (Mr G J & Mrs A Hinsley)
Smaller is stature to the 1st but another super quality dog, typical head which is not overdone in anyway with a super expression. Strong and powerful neck leading to well-placed shoulders. Excellent straight front showing no weakness at the pasterns. Superb depth and breadth in brisket, Moved with drive holding a level topline.
3rd 6324 - Big Man On Mac Dui Shawrigg JW (Mr T & Miss R Lowe & Kaur-Hayre)
Another lovely red dog who has a masculine head which oozes breed standard, lovely front with ample width in chest, good spring of rib. Moved well.
Res 6380 - Northstaff Nightmare (Mrs K & Miss J & Mr S Wilson)
VHC 6352 - Niatona Wreck It Ralph (Mr G & Mrs S Reynolds)
2480. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Post Graduate Dog
Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st 6368 - Waystaff Strikes Mayhem (ai) (Mr P T & Mrs E A Stanway)
Skewbald who has a lovely head which is very typical, he has a lovely expression with a super round dark eye, well placed ears and good pigment. Good short, strong neck leading into to well-placed shoulders. Good forechest and straight front, with ample depth in chest and spring of rib. Ample tuck up and short coupled with super angulation and bend of stifle. Moved with purpose and drive.
2nd 6267 - Scoutor Rogue One JW (Mr M J Blow)
Strong and powerful head with pronounced cheek muscles and the neatest of ears. Strong neck tampering into well placed shoulders. Lovely short coupled, with excellent spring of rib and tuck up. Good turn of stifle and muscled throughout. Moved with a level topline.
3rd 6290 - Fairlenium's American Pie (Mr S & Mrs M Fairhurst)
Pied with a super head, round dark eye and good pigment. Good front and shoulder placement, well-muscled and moved well.
Res 6306 - Dilirystaff Calypso Jack (Mr C & Mrs R Iles)
VHC 6328 - Maynestaff Smooth Criminal (Mr Mayers)
2481. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Limit Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st 6285 - Goldwyn First Edition to Jayalix (Messrs J, J & Miss A Day & Thomas)
Fit red dog which has a masculine head with a lovely round dark eye and great expression. Correct width in fore-chest and depth in brisket, well placed shoulders and excellent spring of rib, short coupled with good tuck up. Well left down hocks and bend of stifle, correct tail set which was held on the move, movement was powerful and he moved with purpose and drive.
2nd 6292 - Manark Made to Measure (Mr F & Mrs I C & Miss C L Gough)
Red, not quite a masculine as the first but this does not detract from the quality of this dog. Clean head with a lovely dark eye and neat ears. Correct length in neck to well-placed shoulders and a super straight front and neat feet. Ample spring rib and short coupled moved well holding a level topline.
3rd 6272 - Rossobull Iggle Piggle for Fredbur (Miss K & Mr J Burrows & Ayrton)
Brindle with a good head and the darkest of eye, neat ears. Short neck, good shoulder placement and straight front. Short coupled and moved well.
Res 6310 - Luthais Loch Ness (Mr S R & Mrs R H James)
2482. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Open Dog
Entries: 13 Absentees: 2
1st 6351 - Int Ch/multi Ch Goldstaff's Make An Entrance Njk W'22 Hcw'22 Bsg'22 Wow'22 (Mr B.l. & Mrs M. & Miss S. Regeer & Regeer & Holme)
This is another dog which oozes breed type, fabulous head which is broad in skull and short, pronounced cheek muscles, lovely round dark eye and neat ears. Strong short neck leading into well-placed shoulders with the best of fronts. Great depth in brisket and width in fore-chest, excellent spring of rib with a good tuck up. Short coupled, well let down hocks and good bend of stifle. Moved with ease and drive with a correct tail set and level top line. Please to award RDCC
2nd 6308 - Ch Jackabyte Javikah (Mr W & Mrs K Jackson)
Superb dog who fit the standard so well, masculine head with the correct proportions and is not course, the darkest of round eyes and cracking expression, neat ears. Excellent strength in his short neck, leading into well-placed shoulders and a lovely fore-chest with straight front and neat feet. Correct spring of rib and tuck up, excellent muscle tone with great rear angulation. Moved with drive holding a level top line and tail set.
3rd 6280 - Ch Niatona Arlo Coombes (Miss K & Mr R Couzens & Coombes)
Slightly smaller cast than the first two however this still does not detract from his masculinity, super head with a lovely broad skull which is short and deep. Nice dark eye and neat ears. Straight front and neat feet, good spring of rib and short coupled. Moved with a level top line.
Res 6347 - Callastaff Son of The Moon (Mr T & Mrs C Plumstead)
VHC 6259 - Ch Catstaff’s Used to (Miss C & Mr D M Arntzen & Manito)
2483. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Veteran Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st 6373 - Biggleswick Funky Devil JW (Mrs K Y & Mr S Thomas)
I have judged this dog before and it was a joy to see him back in the ring as a veteran. Handsome dog who has a beautiful head with a lovely dark round eye. Good reach of neck into well-placed shoulders, good depth and breadth of chest. Short coupled and still well-muscled, moved well and good top line. Best Veteran
2nd 6321 - Ch Biggleswick Splash of Ginge (Mrs J & Mr K Lewis)
Lovely head and dark pigment, short and compact with a great front and neat feet. Strong short neck and well-placed shoulders. Good spring of rib and tuck up. Good rear angulation and moved well.
3rd 6378 - Alport Hallo Man (Mrs V Thompson)
Nice head with dark eye and neat ears, short neck, with an okay front. Ample spring of rib and moved well.
2484. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Minor Puppy Bitch
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st 6329 - Fergiestaffs I Aint Vanilla (Mr A & Mrs L Mayren)
Skewbald, developing head with round dark eye, neat ears and nice expression. Decent length in neck into well placed shoulders and good front. Ample spring of rib and tuck up, good rear angulation and moved well.
2nd 6305 - Matrixstaffs Star Dancer (Mrs C Y & Mr J S Howard)
Black/Brindle, lightly heavier in bone than 1 but remaining feminine throughout, deep fore chest and depth of brisket, short coupled and moved well.
3rd 6264 - Scipelei Against All Odds (Mr N & Mrs S Bennett)
Not quite as mature as the 1st or 2nd however has lots to offer, feminine with a lovely expression. Lovely body shape and angulation, moved well.
Res 6336 - Skyland Consort (Mr A & Mrs E Miller)
VHC 6303 - Matrixstaffs Moon Dancer (Mrs C Y & Mr J S Howard)
2485. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Puppy Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st 6319 - Kamaristaffs Royal Velvet (Mrs K M Jones)
These two ladies were of such a similar type it was difficult to choose between them. Black/Brindle with a great expression, broad and deep in head with the darkest of round eye and pigment. Strong short neck tampering into well placed shoulders and a developing fore chest. Straight front with no weakness at the pasterns and neat feet. Good spring of rib and tuck up, Good rear angulation and bend of stifle, correct tail set and moved with drive.
2nd 6348 - Kamaristaffs Royal Gem (Mr T & Mrs C Plumstead)
Superb feminine expression, short, broad and deep in head with a lovely round dark eye and pigment and neat ears. Ample length in neck into well placed shoulders. Maturing fore chest and depth of brisket with a good spring of rib. Moved well holding a level top line.
3rd 6342 - Kentstars Narcissa (Mrs H C Nolan)
Skewbald who I liked very much however isn’t quite as mature as the 1st an 2nd however she was the youngest in the class. Beautiful head with lovely dark pigment, developing neck into good shoulders and straight front. Nice body shape and moved well.
RES 6291 - Primistaff Liberian Girl avec Denbright (Mr A Fryatt)
VHC 6340 - Finnstaff Shelbys Star at Staffclyde (Mr B & Miss L Moffat & Forrest)
2486. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Junior Bitch
Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st 6366 - Delacour Sweetest Taboo for Idyllicstaff (Mrs L M Shipp)
Beautiful pied who is on her toes at all times, she is super alert which gives a great expression, powerful but clean head with dark eye and pronounced cheek muscles. Strong tampering neck leading into correctly placed shoulders. Straight front with ample fore chest and depth and spring in rib and lovely tuck up. Well let down hocks and bend of stifle excellent muscle tone. Moved well once settled.
2nd 6284 - Sharmara Patronus Charm (Mr K, Mr C & Mr C Davis & Booth)
Feminine head which is broad in skull, short and has strength without coarseness. Good dark eyes and neat ears. Strong neck, well placed shoulders and ample fore chest. Straight front with deep brisket and spring of rib. Correct rear angulation and correct tail set holding level top line on the move.
3rd 6298 - Dilirystaff Eurphoria (Miss D Heron)
Slightly lighter in body then the 1st and 2nd however another nice bitch with a clean head and lovely dark eye, good length in neck and straight front. Good bend of stifle and when settled moved well.
Res 6275 - Elitebull Skyefall JW (Mr D & Mrs J Cartwright)
VHC 6363 - Dekayro She’s Like The Wind (Miss N Maskell)
2487. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Yearling Bitch
Entries: 9 Absentees: 0
1st 6296 - Bonnie Lass of Angels Peak Shawrigg JW (Miss T & Mr R Hamilton & Murphy)
Lovely head which has power and strength, lovely dark pigment and neat ears. Good length in neck and well placed shoulders, straight front and no weakness in her pasterns. Ample depth of chest and spring of rib with good tuck up. Well-muscled throughout with well bend down hocks. Moved with power holding a level top line.
2nd 6327 - Bullbrothers Wildflower (Mrs T Foulkes)
Slightly longer cast than 1st but is still balanced and has a typical expression and nice head, dark eye and neat ears. Good length in neck and correct shoulder placement. Correct depth and breadth of chest with ample spring of rib, correct bend in stifle and tail set. Moved well with drive.
3rd 6358 - Kirstaff Dolly’s Daredevil at Metalbull (Mr M & Mrs A Rochelle)
Compact red bitch with a lovely head and dark pigment, good fore chest and spring of rib, short backed with correct tail set. Moved well.
Res 6276 - Quine On Sgor Gaoith (Mr S Clark)
VHC 6371 - Neobulls Hell Fire (Miss Z S Stephens)
2488. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Post Graduate Bitch
Entries: 10 Absentees: 0
1st 6309 - Jackabyte Nemesis (Mr W & Mrs K Jackson)
Beautiful head with a super stop and short face, the darkest round eye with lovely neat ears which gives a great expression. Correct length in neck tampering to well-placed shoulders, straight front with strength in her pasterns and neat feet. Good depth in brisket and spring of rib, good tuck up with great rear angulation. Well-muscled and holding a level topline whilst moving with power and drive.
2nd 6369 - Waystaff What's The Crack (Mr P T & Mrs E A Stanway)
Feminine bitch who has a beautiful expression a lovely head and dark pigment. Good length in neck with a super fore chest and depth of chest. Good front with ample spring of rib, beautifully fit bitch with well let down lock and and bend of stifle. Moved well.
3rd 6377 - Alport Dark Queen (Mrs V Thompson)
Nice bitch who has a pleasing head and round dark eye. Short compact body well-muscled and moved well around the ring.
Res 6356 - Hamason Belle O'the Ball (Mr H, Mrs M A, Mrs C L & Mr S C Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox)
VHC 6359 - Mournestaffs Dollys Brae at Metalbull (Mr M & Mrs A Rochelle)
2489. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Limit Bitch
Entries: 16 Absentees: 4
1st 6297 - Hammystaff Love Bomb JW (Mr J D & Mrs S M Hammond)
She took my breath away, she is a super show girl who is super alert and demands you give her the attention she deserves. Feminine punishing head which is clean, strong and broad, lovely and short giving a wicked expression with well pronounced cheek muscles. Lovely dark round eye and dark pigment and neat ears. Strong short neck leading into perfectly placed shoulders, straight front with no weakness in the pasterns, neat feet. Ample breadth and depth in chest with excellent spring of rib and tuck up. Super rear angulation giving the ability to move with power and drive which was effortless and a pleasure to watch. Well-muscled throughout without giving up any of her femininity. BCC & BOB
2nd 6287 - Niatona Pandora’s Box to Elitebull JW (Mrs D L & Mr A J Desmond)
Red and white bitch who has a fabulous head with strength but remaining feminine and super expression. Darkest of pigment, well placed shoulders with a lovely deep chest and brisket. Correct spring of rib and tuck up, super rear angulation giving her good movement, a very fit bitch.
3rd 6281 - Northstaff Bay Bomber for Crowstaff JW (Mr Dc & Mrs Kw Crawford & Wilson)
Very clean bitch with a lovely head and dark pigment, round dark eye and neats ears lovely expression. Good fore-chest and depth of chest with good rib and tuck up. Short backed and move well.
Res 6307 - Jackabyte Decadence (Mr W & Mrs K Jackson)
VHC 6374 - Tilicious Whatever at Biggleswick (Mrs K Y & Mr S Thomas)
2490. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Open Bitch
Entries: 10 Absentees: 1
1st 6379 - Ch Goldwyn Shes The One (Mr P, Mrs S A & Miss H L Wall)
Another bitch who fits the breed standard so well, cleanest of heads with a very feminine expression but don’t be fooled she is alert all the times. Broad skull with a lovely short face and well pronounced cheek muscles, the darkest of eye and neatest of ears. Correct short strong neck into well placed shoulders and superb fore-chest and straight front, with a deep brisket. Correct spring of rib and tuck up, short coupled and well-muscled moved effortless holding a level top line and correct tail set. RBCC
2nd 6350 - Noucamp Don't Be Afraid of The Dark Ejw'22 Njk Bjk W'22 Hcw'22 Bsg'22 (Mr B.l. & Mrs M. Regeer)
Pushed hard in the class, beautiful bitch who has a lovely head which has strength without coarseness or taking away her femininity. Great expression and lovely dark eyes, excellent strength in neck which is short leading to well-placed shoulders with no weakness in the pasterns. Excellent fore chest with the correct depth brisket, good spring of rib and tuck up. Short coupled, well-muscled throughout with super rear angulation, moved with power and drive holding a level top line.
3rd 6317 - Ch Chiswelstaff Black Velvet at Kamaristaff JW (Mrs K M Jones)
Slightly lighter in bone than the 2nd but an equally worthy champion, very feminine with a great head an neat ears and good expression. Good length in neck and strength in body. Moved with ease around the ring holding level top line.
Res 6316 - Tillcarr Kissed by Fire (Mrs K & Mr M Johnson)
VHC 6260 - Catstaff's Say Goodbye (Mrs C & Ms G Arntzen & Mcdermott)
2491. Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Veteran Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st 6286 - Elitebull Destiny (Mrs D L & Mr A J Desmond)
Lovely girl who has a good head and expression with dark round eyes, good strength in neck into good shoulders, lovely straight front with no weakness in her pasterns. Good depth of chest and spring of rib with tuck up, well-muscled throughout and moved like a much younger dog.
2nd 6357 - Studstaff Sugar and Spice of Hamason JW ShCM (Mr H, Mrs M A, Mrs C L & Mr S C Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox)
Beautiful bitch with a great strength in her head but remaining feminine, lovely dark round eye and pigment, neat ears. Nice straight front with a good depth of chest, ample spring of rib, good rear angulation. Moved okay.