• Show Date: 08/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Krystyan Greenland Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/09/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Siberian Husky

East of England

8th July 2023

Judge: Mr Krystyan Greenland

Siberian Husky

It was an absolute honour to judge at the very last East of England Show. What a great new venue and well done to all involved. Thank you to my amazing steward, Sue Hann, who made my job so much easier in difficult conditions. It was even more of an honour to receive such a huge, quality entry. I could quite easily have awarded a few more CCs here. This is the best overall entry I have judged since Crufts in 2008. The weather was truly horrendous which made it hard for dogs, exhibitors, and me. Quite a number of dogs were unsettled, particularly when the thunder started, so I did forgive them because these were atrocious conditions to deal with. The overall quality was truly first class with few heavy clumsy types or houndy dogs. A few things to watch – size – there were quite a few that were definitely oversized - as in too tall. The Siberian should be a medium sized dog and breeders really need to try to bring size back within range. There were also quite a few timid ones that were practically lying on the ground as I tried to go over them. Some of this could have been the conditions, but, I suspect this didn’t account for all cases. The Siberian is a breed which encompasses a wide range of ‘looks’ but all should all be fit for function. After spending the first half of this show season watching entries and judging and being so disappointed in the quality, I was truly heartened to see that there are indeed many quality Siberians in the UK, but, unfortunately more and more are probably staying at home. Thank you for allowing me to assess your wonderful dogs today.

Minor Puppy Dog (1,1)


Puppy Dog (4,1)

1st: Shelford’s Polarquest Queens Company. Nicely put together puppy. Obviously needs to fill out and body up all through. Eyes of nice shape and quite a foxy expression. Muzzle needs to broaden. Good body proportions. Slight arch to neck. Shoulders are ok for layback and upper arm is of good length and angle. Topline is firm. Croup a tad steep. Has a good turn of stifles. Good fox brush tail. Erratic on the move today but sound.

2nd: Johnson’s Atlanticbreeze Bailey By Lupinemoon (A) (IKC). Rather broad through the skull and deep in the stop for this age. Neck of moderate length. Shoulders are quite well laid back. Upper arm returns nicely. Needs slightly more length of lower leg for ideal proportions. Firm topline. Quite deep chest. Croup a tad flat. Needs more definition at the hocks. Good fox brush and great coat. Just a bit too much of him for me. Very well presented. Moves soundly.

3rd: Miles’ Pekakicali Kaneq

Junior Dog (4,1)

1st: Downey & Lasts’ Snoqualmie Drax The Dark One. Another very raw lad, but most handsome. Lovely eye shape and set. Ears a tad large and could be set closer – but he wasn’t too keen on putting them up. Good skull to muzzle ratio and quite mischievous in expression, Neck moderate in length. Shoulders a tad upright. Upper arm of good length. Chest yet to drop making forelegs look exceptionally long, but this will change as he matures. Decent length to ribcage. Topline appearing to slope away slightly where he doesn’t stand quite right behind. Slightly sloping croup. Tail set and carriage ok. Moves soundly. Lots and lots of maturing to do.

2nd: Stimpson’s Cwnhapus King In The North For Adellarz. A handsome Siberian with very nice almond shaped eye. Ears are of good shape with lovely thick fur. Stop rather deep for age and I hope it doesn’t fill out too much more. Neck moderate in length. Moderately angled throughout. Deep chest. Firm topline. Tail set and carriage ok. Pasterns slightly sloping. Moved erratically. Too heavy for my preference for this age.

3rd: Bolsover’s Charmedkelz’s Arrax

Yearling Dog (3,1). Two good dogs here.

1st Cooper’s Forstal’s Frankie For Janskcoo. A real fab young dog, who kept catching my with his fantastic outline. His head is masculine, quite broad in skull, but ok for me. Eyes a little full for my preference. Muzzle tapers slightly and is well balanced to skull. Ears are of good shape and set well. Lovely strong reachy neck with slight arch. Well laid shoulders and excellent return to upper arm. Good bone for age and size. Chest still to drop with maturity. Slightly sloping pasterns. Feet a tad flat. Great length to ribcage and super firm topline with slight arch over the loins. Excellent turn of stifles and firm hocks. Good fox brush and was carried well on the move. Such a positive, free mover. Well-muscled. Excellent prospect and he pushed hard for the green cards here.

2nd: Bryson’s Inukshuk O’Naniitchuk Kulu. A handsome dog. Perhaps a tad long through the muzzle at present. Super expressive eyes and mischievous expression. Ears are well set and of good shape and well furred. Neck moderate in length. Not quite the angulation of 1st, but is still more than sufficient and very well balanced fore and aft. Good ratio of chest to lower leg. Topline firm. Muscular loins. Good fox brush tail. Moves soundly. Just not quite the presence, outline and structure of 1st.

Novice (1,0)

1st: Johnson’s Atlanticbreeze Bailey By Lupinemoon (A) (IKC). Critique as above.

Post Graduate Dog (9,2) Quite a lot of very big dogs in this class.

1st: Sharp’s Macphadraig’s Angus. Ooh yes! As he walked in, he took my eye and I loved him. Just what I like. Lovely and medium and moderate and so lovely in outline. His head is masculine and with lovely balance. Foxy and refined but with masculinity. Ears a tad wide set. Eyes are super for shape and set. Lovely arch to neck. Excellent shoulders and return to upper arm. Great moderate bone for size. Excellent ratios throughout. Slight slope to pasterns and feet are super for shape. Chest reaches to elbows and are carried well back. Strong topline. Excellent croup, tail set and carriage. Excellent turn to stifles. Firm hocks. Super sound and light of foot, but he needs to be moved on more to show him off to advantage and show how lovely his stride is. Great thick double coat that didn’t obscure his wonderful outline. I absolutely loved him and was willing him on in the challenge, but he just didn’t quite perform. I hope we see him at more shows.

2nd: Foards’ Bifrost Addler’s Theory. Rather different in type to 1st. So workmanlike and, like 1st, superb construction. Head for me could be more masculine and is a little ‘pointy’ in muzzle, but it is well balanced. Eyes are of a lovely almond shape and well set. Ears are a bit tall and a little pointy. His markings do deceive, and you really have to look through them to appreciate the qualities! Great neck with slight arch. Very well laid shoulders and good length and return to upper arm. Great deep chest and ribcage carried well back. Good bone. Pasterns have a slight slope Feet excellent for shape. Topline is firm with slight arch over the loins. Excellent croup and tail carriage. Superb turn to stifles and good firm, low set hocks. Superb mover. He really grew on me as the class went on. Promising lad.

3rd: Sewards’ Ellonia Unbreakable Heart

Limit Dog (7,1) Difficult choices and decisions between these top three,

1st: Snelson’s Azgard Monticristo at Ashtrax. Awarded this one 1st the last time I judged and he is fulfilling his potential. A masculine boy whose outline I adore. His eyes appear a bit wide set, but are of a good shape. Skull is broad and in balance with muzzle. Wasn’t really using his ears to advantage but they are of good shape and well furred. Tight lips. Neck is slightly arched and leads to well-placed shoulders. Upper arm returns well. Ideal bone for size. Slightly sloping pasterns and pretty good shape to feet. Deep chest reaching to elbows. Good lower leg length. Firm topline. Slight arch over loins. Stifles are well bent and he has lovely firm, low set hocks. Tail is well set and carried well on the move. Moves very soundly and has a nice reachy gait. Unfortunately, didn’t really ‘shine’ in the challenge for me today and seemed a little within himself. I’m sure the weather was playing a part. Well-handled and presented.

2nd: Foards’ Bifrost Chayka Sound’s. A handsome dog with super coat. Quite masculine. Would prefer a slightly more blunt end to his muzzle. Balance of skull to muzzle is good and he has the correct amount of stop. Hard to assess ear carriage as he wasn’t really showing them off. Slightly arched neck. Excellent shoulders and good return of upper arm. Sightly sloping pasterns and great feet. Chest is deep enough. Good bone calibre. Croup is slightly too rounded. Needs just a fraction more turn of stifle for ideal balance. Moves with a lovely stride. Impressive.

3rd: McInnes’ Inneska Malachite.

Open Dog (6)

1st: Leich, Leich & Koops’ Forstal’s Inola. Such a handsome dog with a wonderful head. Masculine, yet still refined and foxy in expression. Great balance to skull and muzzle. Super expressive eyes which are almond in shape and set obliquely. Ears are set high and inner edges almost parallel and well furred. Slightly arched neck. Super front with well laid shoulders and correct length and return to upper arm. Deep chest of correct width. Correct length to lower leg to give perfect proportions. Ribs well sprung and slightly flattened on the sides. Firm, muscular loins. Croup is a tad flat and tail set just a fraction high, but it is carried well in a nice sickle curve. Great fox brush. Stifles are angled just enough, would prefer a tad more for perfection. Hocks are strong and firm. Superb double coat and looking in tip top form and in super hard muscular condition. Moved effortlessly with a nice ground covering stride. RDCC

2nd: Cunningham’s Icebex Dare To Be Different. A dog I liked very much indeed. Masculine head which is well proportioned in skull to muzzle. Not overdone in stop. Eyes are almond in shape and well set. Ears are of good shape. Could be a fraction higher set. Good neck with slight arch. Shoulders are moderate in angulation. Tends to stand with forelegs a little too forward. Upper arm returns quite well. Good for bone. Slight slope to pasterns and oval feet. Topline firm with slight arch over the loins. Well bent stifles. Slight slope to croup. Good definition at the hocks which are also strong and firm. Good fox brush. Quite naked today. Good reach and drive in profile. Could be slightly tidier out and back. A good prospect.

3rd: Snelson’s Salazka’s Mr Abernathy at Ashtrax.

Veteran Dog (4,0)

 1st: Wakker’s Shaytaan’s Doctor Watson at Ceannabeinne (Imp Can). Pure white dog of great quality who took my eye straight away. As he came in the ring, the thunder started and he looked very unnerved. I was praying he would hold it together. He did and only very skilful handling managed this dog through the drama. Well done for that! Super masculine, handsome dog with perfect almond shaped eyes, well chiselled foreface and great balance to skull and muzzle. High set ears of great shape and well furred. Looking like the elegant athlete here. Super reachy neck with slight arch. Excellent shoulders and his upper arm returns so well to set his forelegs well under him. Ideal bone for size. Pasterns have slight slope. Deep chest and good length to lower leg. Ribcage is of good width and carried well back. Firm topline with slight arch to muscular loins. Well-turned stifles. Slight slope to croup. Excellent fox brush. Trails tail on the move which can tend to make him look a little longer than he is. Super light ground covering movement. In pristine condition and shone in dark tent to take the CC. His 3rd I hear. Congratulations!

2nd: Downey’s Snoqualmie Jupiter Makanni. A very well put together veteran boy. Masculine head with good expression and balance. Neck is of good length. Well angulated all through. Firm in body and in super condition. Deep chest and well ribbed. Tail set and croup are standard fitting. Slight slope to pasterns and firm low set hocks. Really showed himself off well. A really nice boy who moved out really well when he settled.

3rd Thomas’ Eversepp Maine

Special Beginners Dog (2,0)

1st: Grices’ Ellonia No Matter What. A big boy who was in superfluous condition and really showed himself off well. Masculine in head. Well put together. Super outline. Well balanced angles. Firm topline with slight arch over the loins. Deep chest reaching to elbows. Well off for bone. In lovely coat. Moved out soundly and efficiently. Well handled.

2nd: Bolsover’s Charmedkelz’s Fozzie Bear. This boy was so excitable that it was really rather difficult to assess him. He is built along nice lines. Masculine head. Almond shaped eyes which are well set. Ears are high set and he has a very alert expression. Well chiselled foreface. Slight arch to neck. Well proportioned. Moderate angles. Good fox brush. Needs more body condition throughout, though had dropped coat.

Minor Puppy Bitch (4,1)

1st: Black’s Behnkannuxmyangellailah. A very pretty puppy. Very feminine with foxy expression. Eyes are almond in shape and set slightly obliquely. Ear set is high. Alert mischievous expression. Well put together with moderate angulation. Better width through chest than 2nd at present. Topline is firm. Well set and carried tail. Moves with a flowing stride.

2nd: Spruce’s Mysticwolf Mo Cuishle. A very pretty girl who is also well put together with well-balanced angles fore and aft. She is ultra-feminine with well chiselled head. Foxy expression. Slight arch to neck. Quite narrow in front at present and this showed in her movement today. This will improve as she matures. Great fox brush. I feel she is a very promising young lad. Light mover.

3rd: Patrick’s Siberiadrift White Winter

Puppy Bitch (4,0)

1st: Fletchers’ Siberiadrift Blue Lagoon at Whitepeak. Ultra-attractive young puppy. Very foxy expression. Well-balanced head. Eyes are excellent for shape and set. Moderate stop. Well chiselled foreface. Ears are high set. Neck slightly arched leading to very well laid shoulders. Upper arm is of correct length and returns well. Deep chest. Would like a fraction more length to lower leg for ideal proportions. Firm topline. Firm muscular loins. Well-turned stifles and low set hocks. Great tail set and carriage. Lovely flowing, lightfooted side gait. Needs to firm up out and back. Quality girl who will have a great future, I’m sure. BP

2nd: Cunningham’s Siberiadrift Daring Minx From Icebex. Another promising baby. Not quite as balanced outline as 1st. Again, pretty head with nice expression. Almond shaped eyes. High set ears. Moderate neck. Shoulders moderate – not quite as good as 1st at present. Upper arm of good length. Firm topline. Little squarer in outline than 1st. Good tail set and carriage. Well-turned stifles. Very sound, lightfooted mover. Another promising puppy.

3rd: Spratley’s Siberiadrift Woo Woo

Junior Bitch (14,2) A great class, but quite a few nervous ones

1st: Wakkers’ Ceannabeinne Fast Eddi. Oh yes! A cracker! A stunning white bitch with such elegance and class. In a class where there were some very tall bitches, I loved her for size, make and shape. So feminine with gorgeous eyes and expression. Well chiselled head but still with enough strength and room to mature on. Excellent high ear set. Lovely arch to neck. Super shoulders and upper arm. Pasterns are a tad upright at present. Nice bone calibre for size. So well-proportioned in height to length and depth of chest to lower leg. Enough width to chest for age. Well turned stifles. Low set hocks. Well carried tail. Lovely shape to feet. Beautiful mover in profile. Loved her! Pristine ‘white’ condition. Well-muscled.

2nd: March & Smith Keriquel Roving Jewel. A quite tall bitch for age, but has everything in proportion. Quite nice in head with well-proportioned skull to muzzle. Enough stop. Almond shaped eyes. Well chiselled with pretty expression. Good length of neck with a slight arch. Well laid shoulders and well-placed upper arm. Correct bone for size. Chest to deepen. Ribs carried well back. Firm, muscular loins. Slight slope to croup. Well-turned stifles and low set hocks. Beautiful overall body shape and outline. Lovely side gait with good reach and drive. Untidy out and back on the day. Promising.

3rd: Sargent’s Keriquel Wicked Game

Yearling Bitch (7,1)

1st: Shelford’s Ceannabeinne Frostysmiles at Polarquest. Sister to 1st in Junior and equally as gorgeous. All my comments for 1st in Junior apply for this bitch too and I can’t really add to them. She is just a shade narrower through the chest but will develop on. Topline needs to settle. In super condition and so well handled. Another star I’m sure. Loved her.

2nd: Bryson’s Inukshuk Iqniq O’The Night JW. A charming, top quality bitch and unlucky to meet 1st. Super attractive head. So feminine! Super eye shape and set and wonderful expression. High set ears. Good arch to neck. Well laid shoulders and great return to upper arm. Nice bone for size. Deep chest and just the right amount of leg length. Ribcage carried well back. Strong loins. Well-turned stifles. Excellent croup and tailset. Low set hocks. Moved soundly but not with much verve today and not showing off the reach and drive I would expect. Just lacked a little purpose and sparkle. Her day will come.

3rd: Caudy’s Arctictreks Goldilocks at Snodragon.

Novice Bitch (6,1)

1st: Hannam’s Charoite Cassidy. A super quality bitch. Very feminine head with a nice foxy expression. Well balanced skull to muzzle with the correct degree of stop. Well chiselled foreface. Lovely almond shaped eyes that are set obliquely. Ideal length to neck with slight arch. Well laid shoulders and good return to upper arm setting her legs well under her. Good width and depth to chest. Ideal bone for size, Slight slope to pasterns. Excellent feet. Ribcage is carried well back. Firm topline with slight arch over the loins. Well-turned stifles. Firm, low set hocks. Slightly sloping croup. Tail is well set, looks a tad short. Fit and muscular and looking picture perfect. Excellent reach and drive, covering the ground effortlessly. Really pushed hard for the green cards. A real beauty.

2nd: Wells’ Harpan Parisa. Another quality girl. Very attractive with a typically mischievous expression. Her head is well proportioned. Almond shaped eyes which are set slightly obliquely. Ears are set high and are of the correct shape. Great neck. Well angulated shoulders and upper arm. Chest of good width and depth. Firm topline. Good length to ribcage and muscular loins. Well-turned stifles and lovely low set hocks. Perfect tail set and carriage. Great side gait, covering lots of ground. Moves slightly wide going away. Well presented and handled.

3rd: Brown’s Tsaritsa Tifas Cougar at Pocketsibes

Post Graduate Bitch (7,1)

1St: Biddlecome’s Tsaritsa Oettinger. Quality bitch. Very medium all through as the standard requires. Nice for size. Her head is feminine,foxy and is well balanced with moderate stop and tight lips. Almond shaped eyes. Ears are set high and are well furred. Holds her head very proudly on a neck of good length and with slight arch. Excellent shoulder placement and correct length and return to upper arm. Pasterns are slightly sloping. Perfect bone for her size. Her chest has the correct width and depth. Lovely lower leg length. I’d like her ribcage a fraction longer to just give her a tad more length through the body, but this is being picky. Firm topline with slight arch over the loins. Well-turned stifles and low set hocks. Slight slope to croup and well set fox brush tail which she carries in a sickle curve on the move. Excellent mover from all angles. In great coat.

2nd: Allen & Wells’ Harpan Taivas. A much more immature bitch than 1st. and I guess she will be rather a marmite bitch. I absolutely adored her. Her shape and outline are where she scored highly above many. She is so well put together with cracking angulation. She’s athletic without being overly racy and is an outstanding mover. I found her four white feet particularly charming – purely aesthetic of course! She has slightly sloping pasterns. Superb firm topline with slight arch over the loins. Perfect tail set and carriage. This colour is notoriously hard to assess through the head. She has lovely eyes and ears and is well proportioned in skull and muzzle, but I did just feel that, for me, I wanted a shade more femininity throughout. In excellent condition. Will be really interested to see how she develops as she matures. I can foresee her reaching the top echelons under some of us!

3rd: Bryson’s Inukshuk Quinuituq O’North

Limit Bitch (9). A super class with quite a tussle for the top spot.

1st: Leich, Leich & Koops’ Forstal’s Olla. A most beautiful shapely bitch who personifies ‘medium’ to me. Very feminine attractive head with excellent eyes for shape and set. Well set ears – when she showed them. Good ratio of skull to muzzle. Nice tight lips and wonderful expression. Very nice arch to her neck. Super front with very well laid shoulders and equal length to upper arm which angles back nicely. Her chest is of correct width and depth and she has a good length of foreleg. Perfect bone for size. No weediness here, but not overdone! Ribcage is carried well back. Firm topline with slight arch over her loins. Croup slopes slightly and her tail is well set. Well-turned stifles and low set hocks which showed good definition. Lovely fox brush. Excellent light, ground covering mover. Very close up to the green cards, just became very distracted in the challenge.

2nd: Brown’s Keriquel Honeylight at Pocketsibes. Another one out of the top drawer and so close to the winner. Feminine head with good ratio of skull to muzzle. Eyes are almond shaped and set slightly obliquely. Just preferred the expression of the winner and it was this in the end that separated them. Ears are set well. Super neck which is slightly arched and muscular. Excellent front, matching the winner here. Good depth of chest and length of lower leg. Wonderful proportions throughout. Ribs carried well back. Strong topline with slight arch over the loins. Excellent turn of stifles and lovely low set, firm hocks. Excellent tail set and croup. In great coat and muscular condition. Slight slope to pasterns. Moves with great reach and drive. A super medium, top class Siberian who I would be more than happy to award a CC to.

3rd: McInnes Inneska Black Pearl. A special word for this super girl. Last time I judged, I had to withhold from her as I could not get near her. Here, she shone. Absolutely showed her socks off with confidence and looked an absolute picture. Many heartfelt congratulations to her owners who have worked so hard on her. She pleases in so many ways and moved to perfection and, as always, looked immaculate.

Open Bitch (8,2)

1st: Robinson’s Elleonia One More Light. A top quality bitch whose outline catches the eye. Head is feminine enough with lovely almond shaped eyes which are set correctly to give that typical mischievous Siberian expression. Lovely ears for shape and set. Her neck is of ideal length with a slight arch. Excellent front with well angulated shoulders and upper arm. Deep chest which reaches to the elbows. Good bone for size. Slightly sloping pasterns. Ribcage carried well back and broad enough. Muscular loins. Topline is strong with slight arch over the loins. Great rear with excellent turn of stifles and low set firm hocks. Slight slope to croup. Excellent tailset and carriage. Good fox brush. Excellent coat and condition. Super free action with super reach and drive. Can be rather ‘exuberant’ going away on occasions, but is ideal coming to. I really felt her quality shone today. Excellent handling to get the best out of her. Had to be on top form to beat a favourite into 2nd RCC.

2nd: Jones’ Ch Icynights Devils Desire. My RCC the last time I judge. She has truly fulfilled all her potential. Top quality and so good to go over. Pretty head with such a super expression and completely balanced throughout. Gorgeous eyes and best of earsets with inner edges almost parallel. Super neck and she is well angulated front and rear. Perfect ratio of depth of chest to lower leg. Ideal bone for size. Slightly sloping pasterns and really good feet. Topline is strong. Slight slope to croup and well set and carried tail. In great coat. She just looked a little broad around the loins today. Superb gait, but I felt that with the slippery conditions she wasn’t really show off her full potential. Super sound. Love her. Unlucky to meet the winners today.

3rd: Biddlecombe’s Zarchenski Taboo Lornabo at Tsaritsa

Veteran Bitch (6,0)

A trio of magnificent bitches headed this class.

1st: Seward’s Forstal’s Crystal with Elleonia JW. I remember absolutely loving this bitch as a junior at Leeds in 2015. 8 years on, and the first time I have judged her since then, and she walked into the ring looking absolutely fabulous. She has just the outline I love, with clean, elegant flowing lines and all topped with a magnificent thick double coat. Her head is feminine with such a mischievous expression. She is well balanced in skull and muzzle and nothing is too pointy or blocky – just medium! She has lovely almond shaped eyes which are set obliquely. Her ear set is high with correct shape to the ears which are also well furred. She has a lovely reach to neck which has a slight arch. Best of fronts with excellent angulation of shoulders and perfect return to upper arm. Super bone. Slight slope to pasterns. Super body proportions. Her chest is of correct depth and width and carried well back to give strength. Level topline with slight arch over the loins. Excellent turn to stifles. Slight slope to croup and excellent tail set and carriage. Absolutely stunning mover covering the ground with little effort and with maximum reach and drive. She never put a foor wrong. Adored her. CC & BOB

2nd: McInnes’ Ch Hushwing Happy Feet at Inneska. Another cracker who has it all. Excellent head with good ratio of skull to muzzle and medium stop. Just preferred the expression of 1st. Ears are high set. Excellent neck leading to great shoulders. Super angle to upper arm. Love her body, which is fit and shapely. Excellent turn to stifles. Topline is strong and firm with slight arch over the loins. Perfect tail set and carriage. In immaculate coat and condition and handled to perfection. She has a daisy cutting action in profile – so free and effortless. A little close behind today. A most worthy Champion Siberian who gleams from nose to tail. A great credit to the breed.

3rd: Sarget’s Ch Keriquel Aqualight – Another one of my favourites who I have done so well in the past. Just a little unsettled by the weather today, but still looking her wonderful self.

Special Beginners Bitch (4,1)

1st: Well’s Harpan Parisa – critique as above.

2nd: Bolsover’s Charmedkelz Dreamfyre. A pretty girl with a cheeky face. Good eyes and ears. Moderate all through and quite nicely put together. Slight slope to pasterns. Topline is level with slight arch over the loins. Moved soundly if a little erratically.