• Show Date: 03/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kirsty Watts Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 07/09/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Spaniel (Field)

Southern Counties Canine Association, 1 June 2023

Spaniel (Field)

Thank you to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs under me today. I was treated to some quality specimens, alongside some promising youngsters. Very pleased with my line up. Bites could be better, but I noted that the former breed standard allowed level bites, and it is hard to breed away from with a small gene pool.

Puppy Dog 2(1) 1. Harding’s Kingsmist Remember Me, 10mth liver boy, lovely well chiselled head, dark hazel eye, medium stop, long nose and prominent occiput, correct bite. Super expression. Good long neck and level topline, well laid back shoulder, straight, flat bone, moderate length of leg. Deep chest, needs to fill out a bit. A bit more angulation in the rear at the moment, which shows in his movement. A promising puppy with plenty of time to mature. Just coming into coat. Very happy. BP & BJ

Junior Dog 2(1) 1.Harding’s, Kingsmist Remember Me, as puppy dog.

Post Graduate Dog 3(1) 1. Porter, Russell & Palm’s Bogdogs Brynnyth at Winsbrook, Lovely mature 2yr old liver dog. Super head, medium stop, long muzzle, prominent occiput, correct hazel eye, no haw. Well laid back shoulder, correct level topline, deep chest, well ribbed back. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Good tail carriage, excellent bone and feet. In good coat, dense and well feathered. Moved well. 2. Webber’s Fecimus The Kings Troop at Trevoris, Smaller, longer cast dog of 5yrs old. Would prefer longer muzzle, nice hazel eye with no haw. Long, low set ear, well feathered. Good shoulder placement and return of upper arm, deep chest. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Well feathered, dense coat.

Limit Dog 2(0) 1.Webber’s Fecimus Star Trooper at Trevoris, Smaller, finer boned liver dog of 4yrs, would prefer more length to muzzle and more chiselling under the eye. Correct hazel eye. Low set, long, well feathered ears. Neck slightly short, strong loin but slight downward slope to back and could be longer. Moderately angulated fore and aft, deep chest. Well let down hocks. Well muscled. Accurate unhurried movement. 2. Harding’s Kingsmist The Black Knight, Finer boned, taller black dog of 3 yrs. Correct medium stop and long muzzle, prominent occiput, heavier in head than 1 Dark hazel eye. Straight flat bone, moderate length of leg, good feet. Moderately angulated throughout. Correct length to height ratio but would prefer deeper chest and longer rib. Moderately feathered but less coat behind. He was skipping a bit on his back legs today which let him down.

Open Dog 4(0) A super class of quality dogs which were a pleasure to judge.1.Moss’s Sh Ch Fecimus Chase The Dream to Ewtor JW, This liver dog is one I have admired from the side lines and it was a pleasure to get my hands on him. Lovely, well-proportioned liver dog. Correct well-chiselled head with well defined occiput, dark hazel eyes with lovely gentle expression. Strong muscular neck leading to well laid back shoulders, strong back and loin, level topline held on the move. Correct length to height ratio, moderate length of leg with good amount of straight flat bone, moderately angulated hindquarters with well let down hocks. Deep in chest, ribs moderately well sprung and of a good length. Presented in excellent dense glossy coat with ample feathering, in muscular condition, covering the ground well with a long, unhurried stride and great drive from the rear, obviously enjoying his day out. BD & BOB 2. Adam’s & Lewis’s Sh Ch Nadavin Yaden at Irisbel, Another super dog with excellent class and breed type. Well chiselled head, lean beneath his hazel eyes, moderate stop, well defined occiput. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, correct topline and length to height ratio, slightly more angulation in rear than 1. Moderete length of leg with straight flat bone. Tight round feet of good size. Dense weatherproof silky coat with abundant feathering. Another happy dog, just losing out to 1 on movement today. RBD 3. Harris’s Kingsmist Panther 4. Shipton’s Broomeece Fire Cracker over Mishules

Special Beginners Bitch 1(0) 1. Porter’s Winsbrook Gypsy Moth, Very sweet black bitch. Nice feminine head, dark hazel eye, medium stop, prominent occiput, long muzzle, bite could be better. Balanced in outline with correct proportions, long neck, deep chest, well ribbed back, strong level back, moderately angulated. Moderate leg length with straight, flat bone. Super coat for age. Enjoying her day a bit too much today but moved well when she settled. Best Sp Beg

Puppy Bitch 1(0) 1.James’s Kingsmist Golden Future for Bleiddiaid, Super happy 10mth old black bitch. Lovely feminine head with dark hazel eye and gentle expression. Moderately long, low set, well feathered ears. Correctly proportioned throughout and has promise for the future. Rib cage deep enough for age, moderately angulated fore and aft, moderate length of leg with straight flat bone, tight round feet. Well muscled, moved with drive from rear.

Junior Bitch 2(0) 1.James’s Kingsmist Golden Future for Bleiddiaid, As Puppy.

2. Harding’s Kingsmist Tranquillity, 10mth litter sister to 1st. Lovely feminine head with kind hazel eye and gentle expression. Long, wide, well feathered ears, set low. Slightly shorter in back and thus squarer in profile, slight slope away to croup, good tail carriage. Straight legs, round feet. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Ever wagging tail despite being a bit wriggly being gone over.

Post Graduate Bitch 3(0) 1.Webber’s Fecimus Golden Opportunity for Trevoris, 3yr liver bitch. Lovely hazel eye and gentle expression, occiput well defined, slightly coarser beneath the eye but a tight eye with no haw. Correct scissor bite. Good length of neck and lovely layback of shoulder. Correct length to height ratio. Moderate rear angulation. Good depth of chest and well ribbed back. Straight legs with strong flat bone, tight elbows, best of feet. In good coat with abundant feathering. Well muscled. Moved the best in this class, with a powerful long, unhurried stride, with great drive from the rear, which secured her the win. 2. Adams, Hird & Hird’s Irisbel English Rose JW, Lovely quality bitch, gorgeous head and expression, well chiselled head with prominent occiput and lean beneath the eyes. Tight hazel eye. Moderately long, low set, wide ear. Elegant long neck into long sloping well laid back shoulder. Straight legs with strong flat bone. Good depth of chest and well ribbed back. Slightly longer overall, with prominent forechest, well angulated rear and well let down hocks, which created a longer footprint and this showed in her longer, faster stride, which wasn’t as tidy as 1. In lovely glossy silky coat with abundant feathering. Well muscled and expertly handled. 3. Porter’s Winsbrook Gypsy Moth

Limit Bitch 3(1) 1.Bowen’s Clandrift Destiny, Slightly larger bitch all over. Typical head, hazel eye, prominent occiput, long, wide, low set well feathered ears. Deeper muzzle but in proportion. Strong muscular neck leading into strong level back. Moderate length of leg, straight, flat bone. Lovely tight round feet. Deep chest, well ribbed back. Correct height to length ratio. Moderately angulated, well muscled hindquarters. Dense coat with ample feathering. Moved well with powerful long, unhurried stride. RBB 2.Webber’s Fecimus Country Roads to Trevoris, Smaller, finer, liver bitch. Good head and kind expression. Hazel eye. Correct length to height ratio. Moderately angulate fore and aft. Moderate length of leg with strong flat bone. Tight round feet. Chest deep but narrower in front than 1, at 2yrs old she still has time to mature. Thick silky coat with ample feathering.

Open Bitch 1(0) 1.Harding’s Kingsmist Miss Marple JW, Lovely 5yr black bitch. Well chiselled head with medium stop, long muzzle, prominent occiput. Lovely dark hazel eye with gentle expression. Moderately long, wide, low set, well feathered ears. Long, strong neck, leading into well laid shoulder and correct return of upper arm. Correct length to height ration, well ribbed back. Chest deep and well developed. Strong loin, level back, topline held on the move. Moderate leg length, straight flat bone. Lovely tight round feet. Matching moderate hind angulation with well let down hocks. Shown in super coat and condition. Abundant feathering. Super movement, long, unhurried stride powered by well muscled hindquarters. BB

Miss K Watts (Oakmarsh)