• Show Date: 10/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kim Culyer-Dawson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand)

3 Counties Championship Show, 2023

Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen.

Judge: Mrs Kim Culyer-Dawson

I had the pleasure to go over some lovely exhibits today. Thank you for your entries. I didn’t find any weak muzzles and most had perfect scissor bites. I also checked for well-padded, tight pads on feet and I wasn’t let down. All passed with flying colours. The heat was a little too much for dogs and handlers at one point but most managed to stay focused and pull out the goods on the move and when stacked.

Class 1: Puppy Dog: (1,0) 1st. Misses C L, E R & K A Cooper & O’Brien, Jayanel Royal Affair at Katillien (TAF). 9 month old, happy outgoing boy who moved effortlessly around the ring for his handler. Good reach and stride, finishing with a lovely masculine outline on the stack. Strong bone and muscle in all the right places for one so young. Nicely furnished head with good pigment. Good harsh coat. Good bite, strong jaw and depth to flews. Ears set correctly below eye line with good length and covering. Long neck flowing into a level topline. Good length of tail, moderately angulated back end. Still has some developing to do in his depth of chest but this is to be expected. Wouldn’t want him to grow on much more. BPD, BPIB

Class 2: Junior Dog: No entries

Class 3: Post Graduate: (1,1)

Class 4: Open Dog: (4,0)

1st. Mrs P & Miss C McGregors’, Claela Infinity and Beyond. Still a young male with lots to like about him. Good stride and reach on the move and nothing exaggerated. Lovely harsh coat, correct furnishings over his head, ears and tail. Loved his expression, eyes are dark and set well with good stop and prominent occiput. Ears of correct length, falling nicely against a strong, long neck. Good chest and keel, set well back under body. Strong shoulder with well laid-back ribs. Hindquarters are nicely muscled with a moderate bend of stifle. Good length to body which gave a great finished image when he was stacked. Can see him doing a day’s work in the field with ease. Lovely masculine boy who should go on to do exciting things for his owners. BD, BOB

2nd. Mrs P& Miss C McGregors’, Ch Claela You And I Are A Team. Sire of the Best of Breed winner and very different in type. Very masculine male with a happy outgoing character. Deep chested with tightly tucked elbows. He is blessed with a lot of coat which makes him look quite heavy but under the coat is a lovely structure. He has correct angulation which showed as he move around the ring like a pro with good reach and drive from front and behind. Good bone and body covered with strong muscle. Lovely roman nose, dark eyes, nice scissor bite, deep flews with a strong jaw. Long neck leading into a level topline. I just preferred the overall outline of my first place.

Class 5. Veteran Dog: (1,0)

1st Mr C & Mrs A Makeys’, Multi Ch Gairside Good Lord JW ShCM ShCEx CW19. Another lovely boy with very masculine outline. His head features are all Grand with lovely dark eyes, correct roman nose, ears set correct with a good covering of hair and nicely domed skull. Deep chest, ribs of good length, strong, well-muscled hindquarter with moderate bend of stifle. Has a good harsh coat. Moved effortlessly around the ring even in the heat. Strong contester for BD but I felt the youngster had the edge today. RBD

Class 6. Puppy Bitch: No entries

Class 7: Junior Bitch. (2,1)

1st Dr H De Grave’s, Braillement Agatha Raison. Pretty feminine young lady with a sweet expression. Dark eye and pigment. Lovely big, black nose. Ears set correctly with good lay of shoulder and reach of ribs. Sufficient length of neck. Still needs to strengthen in topline. Moderate angulation with nicely muscled hind quarters. Moved well although the heat was making it difficult for some today. Has some maturing to do but overall was a nice image on the stack. RBB

Class 8. Post Graduate Bitch. No entries.

Class 9. Open Bitch. (3,0)

1st Mrs F, Mr M & Miss A, Buchanan, Maclaren & O’Day. Ch Tarmachan Black Ice WW18. Very eye-catching lady with lovely outline that draws the eye immediately. Moves effortlessly with good reach and drive. Correct angulation and hind quarters covered well with muscle. Prominent chest, deep and keel stretching right back. Good lay of shoulder with nicely rounded ribs. Well tucked-in elbows. Correct ear set, dark pigment with good layer of furnishings over eyes and muzzle. Perfect topline on the move and when stacked. Good scissor bite with a strong jawline. BB

2nd Mrs P& Miss C McGregors’, Ch Claela No Looking Back. (3,0) Another lovely lady with many nice feminine qualities. Harsh coat, good covering of furnishings over ears, eyes and muzzle. Dark pigment, lovely scissor bite. Ribs carried well back with deep chest and tight elbows. Good topline on the stack but lost a little on the move. Tail of good length and well covered with hair.

Class 10: Veteran Bitch: (1,0)

1st Mr C & Mrs A Makeys’ Mutil Ch Gairside Good Gracious CW19. Sable and white girl with lovely dark pigment. Despite the long wait to get in the ring she moved proudly and soundly around the ring. Pretty feminine head with lovely roman nose and strong underjaw. Good length of neck leading into level topline. Held perfect when moving and when stacked. Prominent chest, good spring of ribs, strong hind quarters with moderate angulation. Gave her brother a run for his money but just lost it a little in the challenge for BV when on the move. Both two very nice dogs from this experienced kennel.