• Show Date: 30/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kelly Jenkinson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 18/11/2023

Northern English Springer Spaniel Society

Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)

The Northern English Springer Spaniel Society – 30th July 2023

Firstly, I would like to extend my thanks to the committee & officers for the honour of judging at this breed club show, my second time officiating at a breed club championship show of our lovely breed. The “Northern Springer” is a special breed club, where many of the great breeders of times gone by can be fondly remembered at this lovely venue at Hurworth. Special thank you to the exhibitors for their support & entries. Two years since I last judged and although numbers are not what they used to be; I was pleased to find quality young dogs in my principal winners.

Minor Puppy Dog: (1):

1st Stevenson’s – PEASBLOSSOM BROGAN AT GAOLACHCARA – 7 ½ month old L/W and still very raw, masculine in head piece, would prefer a little more refinement, good eye shape, eye needs to darken, correct ear set. Clean in neck with adequate lay back of shoulder. Decent bone and good feet. Level firm topline with body developing as it should for his age. Moderate rear angulation, with good muscle tone. Presented nicely. His movement was very erratic today, but that will come with age and experience of which he has time for.

Puppy Dog: (2,1abs):

1st Havards’s ANNAVAH ACCOMPLICE – 9 mth old L/w of correct size and balanced outline. Masculine in head with good chiselling, correct ear set, eyes need to darken to soften his overall expression. Good neck into a lovely front assembly. Clean straight front legs, good depth of brisket. Decent spring of rib for his age and correct short loin and couplings. Well-muscled rear quarters and lovely round bottom. Correct tailset. Moving with precision and drive. Presented immaculately & very well handled. BPD & RBPIS.

Junior Dog: (2):

1st Wilson & Connor’s PINEREOCH NO STUNTS LARRIE – 17mth old L/w stacked makes a super balanced outline from nose to tail. A dog that presented for me, the hallmarks of the “Northern Type” that is fast becoming lost within the breed. He oozes breed type and quality. Masculine headpiece with super dark eye of correct shape giving that soft springer expression one desires, lovely chiselling below the eye, correct depth of muzzle and ear placement. Lovely length of neck into a well-placed shoulder. Best of fronts. Good bone and feet. Super spring of ribs and short coupled body. Well let down quarters with great muscle tone. Presented to perfection. On the move he commanded the big ring with his stylish movement and swing from the shoulder. A credit to his breeders. Still a young dog and time is on his side, but today for me he couldn’t be denied the top honours and pleased to award him his first CC & RBIS.

2nd Le-Clerc’s – HUNTERHECK FADE TO BLACK – 16mth old B/w nice head with a kind dark eye and good square muzzle. Would prefer a bit more length of neck. Adequate lay back of shoulder. Lovely spring of ribs. Short loin & compact body. Good turn of stifle. Level in topline. Giving his handler a hard time today. Needs to settle on the move.

Yearling Dog: (2,1):

1st WHD

Postgraduate Dog (0):

Limit (3):

1st Topliss BERESFORD BOLT FROM THE BLUE - B/w a dog I judged and awarded BPIB the last time I judged. He has come on well from then until now at almost 3 years old. He has blossomed into a handsome dog presenting a clean outline. Pleasing in headpiece with masculinity & super dark eye offering that melting expression required. Correct ear set. A good reach of neck into a well-placed shoulder. Good return of upper arm. Strong bone and feet. Ribs well developed with super body. Short loin. Firm level topline into well-made quarters. Good muscle tone. Presented & turned out in super coat & condition. Moving soundly, could be tidier in front. Pleased to award him RCC & Best B/W.

2nd Richardson & Terry-Richardson’s CHERISHYM DOFIDA – 3yr B/w who also I judged previously as a youngster. He has fully matured now and hasn’t disappointed. His head is masculine and lovely dark eye and kind expression, could be cleaner in throat. Good neck, lost out to 1st in front angulation. Straight front legs, ample bone and super feet. Super developed body with excellent spring of ribs. Short loin. Firm in topline. Good rear angulation. Turned out immaculately. He would benefit from his coat length shortening to balance his leg length. Just not moving with enthusiasm today.


Open (4,2):

1st – Graham’s PEASBLOSSOM VALENTINO - L/w 5yr old with good head of correct proportions, square in muzzle, correct eye shape and ear set. Good neck and enough lay back of shoulder. Straight forelegs. Good bone & feet. Well-developed body. Lovely rear angulation with great muscle tone. Firm topline and correct tailset. Moving steadily and soundly. Turned out and presented excellently.

2nd - Richardson & Terry-Richardson’s CHERISHYM DRACONIS L/w 3yr old nice head & eye, enough neck, well placed shoulder. Good spring of ribs. Stood on good bone and neat feet. Short coupled body. Turned out in good coat but he would also benefit from less coat length to balance the picture. Would prefer a more moderate rear.

Champion Dog (1):

1st Topliss’s SH CH BERESFORD LOCKDOWN – L/w 3yr old of correct size & proportions & type. Good head but finer in head, would like a bit more depth of muzzle and work below the eyes, lovely eye and expression with correct ear set. Good neck. Enough of lay back of shoulder. Stood on good bone with neat feet. Great spring of rib. Body well developed. Short loin. Level topline. Well let down hocks and good tone of muscle. Presented and handled to advantage. Shown in good coat.

Special Beginners Dog( 2):


Veteran Dog (1,1):

Minor Puppy Bitch (4,2):

1st Harris MELVERLY AMY DORRIT WITH COASTALGLOWS - 8mth old B/w of nice breed type. Pretty head with good work below the eyes. Correct eye colour and shape. Well-made front assembly. Body developing nicely for her age with a good spring of rib. Decent rear angulation with good turn of stifle. Firm level topline and correct tailset. Presented in lovely coat & condition. Moving soundly.

2nd Tolladay’s CALVDALE HALF A STORY BETHERSDEN – 7mth old b/w who is built on a finer frame than 1st and not as mature as 1st but time will be her friend. Pretty headpiece with a dark eye providing a soft expression. Clean neck. Well laid-back shoulder and return of upper arm. Body beginning to develop as it should. Level in topline. Decent quarters. Moving soundly. Presented well.

Puppy Bitch (3,1):

1st Smith’s MELVERLEY IRIDESCENT – L/w/t 11mth old who stood provides that balanced overall picture full of breed type you want to see, but to see it from such a youngster is rewarding for a judge. Built on clean lines and providing overall breed type that this kennel can consistently produce. Prettiest of heads with a lovely eye colour and soft kind expression, lovely chiselling below the eye. Super neck, into a well-proportioned front. Stood on great bone and neat feet. Good depth of brisket and well developed in body for her tender age. Short well coupled body. Super round rump with well let down hocks and good muscle tone. Firm in topline and correct tailset which she held beautifully on the move. Consistent in movement flowing with drive around the ring. Turned out and presented in tip top condition. A credit to her breeder and for me today nothing could touch her, she was the one to beat and none of them could. She couldn’t be denied the top honour of the CC & BIS. I will say the first time I have awarded such an award to a puppy, so very well done! A star-studded future for her I’m sure!

2nd Dunn & Brown’s TRIXHUND TRI AGAIN – L/w/t 10mth old different in type to 1st and slightly finer in build. She wasn’t fully enjoying her day today and was lacking in confidence. She had moderate angulation in front and body beginning to develop. Enough bone. Correct tail set. Just needs more experience in the ring. Movement was also a little erratic but that will come with time.

Junior Bitch (6,1):

1st Savell’s PETRANELLA TIPPING THE WINK – L/w 16mth old of nice overall breed type. Pretty in headpiece with correct eye colour and shape. Clean good reach of neck into a well laid-back shoulder. Straight front legs, good depth of brisket for age. Lovely spring of rib. Slightly longer in body and needs time to drop into herself, but this will come with maturity. Lovely rear angulation with good turn of stifle. Level in topline. Presented and handled well. Moving well.

2nd Joyce’s PEASBLOSSOM AURA AT FELLTOPS – L/w 16mth old of nice breed type. Pleasing in head with a dark eye. Correct ear set. Well-constructed front assembly with good reach of neck. Decent depth of body. Adequate rear quarters with good muscle tone. Level topline and good tailset. Slightly out of coat today. Moving soundly.


Yearling Bitch (5):

1st Richardson & Terry Richardson’s DAENERYS MOONDANCER TO CHERISYM – L/w 18mth old with pretty head and expression. Would prefer a bit more length of neck, Lovely spring of ribs and short coupled body. Good rear angulation. Not happy on the move today as not getting her tail up, which spoilt her overall movement, but she was moving soundly. Presented in excellent coat.

Post Graduate Bitch (2):

1st Smith’s MELVERLY VIGNETTE – L/w 15mth old with a nice head, pleasing expression and work below the eyes, correct ear set. Lovely front assembly with correct length of neck and super lay back of shoulder. Stood on ample bone and neat feet. Body developing well with a good spring of rib, short loin. Lovely rear quarters, good muscle tone. Firm in topline. Moving soundly driving from the rear.

2nd Long & Leeming’s TRYHARD GLENMORANGIE – 5yr old B/w finer in head than 1st, would prefer a bit more depth of muzzle and foreface. Kind dark eye. Decent neck and enough lay back of shoulder. Well developed body with good depth of brisket and chest. Short loin. Decent rear angulation. Moving a bit erratically today for her handler so hard to assess movement.

Limit Bitch (6,3):

1st Wilson & Connor’s POTRAIL TURNS THE SWAG ON FOR PINEREOCH 6yr L/w of nice breed type. Attractive head with dark eye and providing that kind expression. Decent neck and well-placed front. Good straight forelegs. Well developed in body and short coupled. Good angulation to the rear with good muscle tone. Level topline. Moving soundly around the ring.

2nd Corbett’s TRIMERE TURN BACK TIME – L/w/t 2yr old of different type to 1st. Decent head slightly heavier with a good eye and expression. Good neck length and a well made forehand. Stood on nice bone and straight forelegs. Body well developed slightly longer cast than 1st. Lovely rear quarters with nice muscle tone. Firm topline. Just needs time to mature to complete the picture. Moving soundly and driving from behind. Presented and handled well.


Open Bitch (5,3):

1st Corbett’s SH CH TRIMERE TIME FLYS – 2yr old L/w who is well made throughout. She presents a balanced picture when stacked and built on clean lines. Attractive head with good fluting and correct eye colour. Lovely arched neck into a correctly placed lay back of shoulder with correct return of upper arm. Lovely bone and feet. Well developed body for her age and good spring of ribs. Correctly proportioned quarters. Firm level topline which she carried beautifully on the move. Moving soundly and stylishly. Turned out in super coat & condition. Pushed hard for top honours but had to settle for RCC today.

2nd Cunliffe’s IR SH CH CALVDALE I SAY OF FALLENELEAF – 7yr old L/w finer in type than 1st. Feminine head and lovely expression. Good reach of neck. Straight forelegs. Body well developed with a good depth of chest. Nicely proportioned quarters. Presented in lovely coat & condition. Moving out well with good rear action.

Champion Bitch (2,1):

1st Madsen, Jensen & Brix’s DK/SE CH SIEGARS A BEAUTIFUL MIND – L/w 2 ½ yr old her head not to my taste would prefer more refinement, correct eye colour & ear set. Decent length of neck and adequate front. Lovely bone and feet. Good spring of rib slightly longer in loin. Quarters well developed with good muscle. Level topline. Correct tail set. Moving soundly and driving from the rear. Presented in good coat.

Special Beginners Bitch (3):

1st Harris’s MELVERLY BETSY TROTTWOOD –L/w 8mth old litter mate to MPB Winner. Many of the same comments apply to her. Pretty in head with a dark pleasing expression. Good forehand. Body developing well for her age nice substance throughout. Good rear angulation. Super topline. Just not wanting to get her tail up today, that will come with confidence.

2nd Dunn & Brown’s TRIXHUND TRI AGAIN


Veteran Bitch (3):

1st Watson’s SH CH BORDACITY HONEY RYDER – 9yr old L/w attractive head with good chiselling below the eyes, correct ear set, lovely dark eye and kind expression. Decent depth of brisket straight forelegs. Super depth of body and good spring of rib. Correctly proportioned rear. Moving effortlessly around the ring. BVIS.

2nd Cunliffe’s CHANANGEL FALLING LEAF JW – 10yr old of nice type. Pleasing in head and eye. Good length of neck and a well laid-back shoulder. Decent body with good depth. Good turn of stifle. Presented in lovely coat. Moving soundly and enjoying her day.


Judge: Mrs Kelly Jenkinson (Eastriding)