• Show Date: 01/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Spaniel (Sussex)

Judging critique Windsor Championship Show 01/07/2023


BEST OF BREED: 4740 GRAHAM, Mr Tom. Sh Ch Eald Dances With Wolves Among Nyliram JW ShC

Dog CC : 4740 GRAHAM, Mr Tom. Sh Ch Eald Dances With Wolves Among Nyliram JW ShC

Res Dog CC : 4723 ALDERSON, Mrs S. Sh Ch Meggamooch Ulysses

Bitch CC : 4731 BENNETT, Mrs Van. Sovaroma Clarrie Brown

Res Bitch CC : 4732 BENNETT, Mrs Van. Sovaroma Soul Searcher

Best Puppy : 4739 DAVEY, Ms V A. Eald Bull Eagle

Best Veteran : 4748 MOON, Mrs Ann. Deanway Summer Storm

Best Special Beginner : 4741 HAWKINS, Mrs Kathy Marie. Harasteorra Betelgeuse

SB D/B 2

1 Hawkins’s Harasteorra Betelgeuse. Best SB. Nicely balanced, masculine head with good proportions. Pleasing eye and large open nose. Good spring of rib & depth of chest. Strong topline & bone. Moved soundly fore & aft.

2 Barnes’s Saxonbejayz John Kerr. Another nice example of the breed, well angulated throughout. Nice depth of chest & spring of rib; well let down hocks. Just preferred front movement of winner.

V D/B 3,1

1 Moon’s Deanway Summer Storm. Best Veteran. Preferred head & topline of my winner here. Very feminine head with pleasing eye & expression; large open nose. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upperarm; good spring of rib. Strong, level topline. Good bone. Coat of nice condition & thickness. Moved soundly on good feet.

2 Alderson’s Sh Ch Meggamooch Tango. Good length & strength of neck. Well angulated fore & aft with excellent spring of rib. Carrying a little too much weight which affects the topline. Nice bone & feet. Covered the ground well on the move. Coat of good colour & texture.

PD 5,1

1 Davey’s Eald Bull Eagle. Best Puppy. Caught my eye at first glance. So nicely balanced throughout. Well-proportioned head, with skull and muzzle in balance. Nice eye colour and expression. Good strength of neck. Excellent angulation throughout and good bone. Lovely strength in topline & over loin. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly on well-padded feet. Shown in lovely coat colour & condition.

2 Bennett & Bennett’s Sovaroma Cliffhanger. Not quite the maturity of 1 but won over 3 on front movement. Masculine head with pleasing eye & expression. Good bone & feet. Nice length of back. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Moved soundly fore & aft. Coat of good texture.

3 Arrell’s Eald Stone Calf with Heaphen

JD 5

1 H Betelgeuse

2 Bradbury & Preston’s Harasteorra Big Bear JW. Nicely presented. Just preferred the overall outline of 1. Masculine head with good strength in skull & muzzle. Large open nose. Nice earset. Good lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Excellent depth of chest & spring of rib. Topline needs to mature but has time. Nice bone & feet. Moved well fore & aft.

3 S John Kerr


1 Matthews’s Foxhampton Fits The Bill JW. Lovely outline. Nicely balanced head, masculine but not overdone. Well shaped skull & muzzle. Nice eye & expression. Large open nose. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upper arm. Good strength in back & over loin. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly on good feet. Coat of good colour & texture.

2 H Big Bear JW

LD 2

1 Beecham’s, Crumbledor Albus Dumbledor At Rydonmist. Very masculine throughout. Shown in good coat & condition but would prefer a little more gold in the coat. Well balanced skull to muzzle ratio. Nice width & depth of chest and excellent spring of ribs. Lovely topline displaying strength over loin. Good bone & feet. Covered the ground well on the move.

2 Moon’s Deanway Proper Charlie. Very typical in outline just slightly preferred the topline of my winner. Lovely coat colour. Masculine head & expression. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Hocks well let down. Just needs to strengthen up over loin to complete the picture. Covered the ground well on the move.

OD 3

1 Graham’s Sh Ch Eald Dances With Wolves Among Nyliram JW ShCM. CC and BOB. Preferred the head of my winner here also was more animated on the move than 2. Lovely, typical outline which is very well balanced. Excellent quality coat, thick & of good colour. Lovely head & expression complemented by pleasing eye shape & colour of eye. Large open nose. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upper arm. Strong topline & displaying desired strength over loin. Well let down hocks. Good round, well-padded feet & excellent bone. Shown in excellent muscular condition. Moved soundly & covered the ground well showing distinctive roll.

2 Alderson’s Sh Ch Meggamooch Ulysses. Res. CC. Another lovely example of the breed. Masculine, well-balanced head of sufficient substance with intelligent expression. Good strength and length of neck. Nice bone. Excellent spring of rib; good width of upper & lower thigh. Good topline & tailset. Coat of good quality and thickness. Just little sluggish on the move today but moved true.

3 Mowbray’s Crumbledor Reubus Hagrid.

PB 1

1 Davey’s Eald Stands With Fist. Very feminine with lovely personality. Pleasing head, eye & expression. Excellent bone & sufficient width of chest for age. Nice topline and good width of upper & lower thigh. Coat of lovely texture & colour. Moved soundly fore & aft once settled.

JB 2

1 Bennett’s Sovaroma Soul Searcher. Res. CC. Very nice youngster who I am sure will have a good future. Well balanced head with good width of skull & muzzle but nothing overdone. Large open nose. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good spring of rib with ribcage going well back to strong loin. Correct topline being strong and level throughout. Excellent width of upper & lower thigh. Moved soundly on neat feet. Good tailset. Lovely coat colour & texture.

2 Barnes’s Harasteorra Beta Canis at Saxonbejayzd. Another nice example of the breed, just not quite the maturity of 1 but has lots of time. Excellent feminine head with lovely eye colour, shape & expression. Nice width & depth of chest. Correct texture and colour of coat. Moved soundly fore & aft.


1 Matthews’s Foxhampton Foxy Lady. Lovely young bitch. Excellent, typical outline. Pleasing well-balanced head with nice eye & expression. Large open nose. Good bone & large round, well-padded feet. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good level topline with nice width over loin. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let-down hocks. Moved covering the ground well, just a little close behind.

LB 4

1 Bennett’s Sovaroma Clarrie Brown. CC. So pleased to discover that this was her third and crowning CC. Lovely and very typical example of the breed, shown in excellent coat & muscular condition. Feminine head with good width of skull & muzzle & nice ratio of skull to muzzle. Pleasing eye colour, shape & expression. Large open nose. Nice strength of neck of sufficient length. Strong topline. Excellent chest & spring of rib. Nice width of upper & lower thigh. Well let-down hocks. Moved soundly on well-padded, round feet.

2 Alderson’s Meggamooch Winterfell. Another nice example of the breed just not quite the rear angulation of 1. Nicely balanced head & large open nose. Well set on ears of good thickness with nice furnishings. Moved soundly on good feet.

3 Bradbury & Preston’s Harasteorra Aphrodite

OB 2,1

1 Mowbray’s Crumbledor Bella LeStrange. Nicely matured with lovely feminine head. Pleasing skull & muzzle shape; large open nose. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice bone. Strong topline but would prefer a slightly longer ribcage. Correct tailset. Coat of good texture. Covered the ground well on the move.

Kathy Moores
