• Show Date: 01/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Large Munsterlander

Judging critique – Windsor Championship Show 01/07/2023


BEST OF BREED : 3876 SUCHETT-KAYE, Dr Robert & OGLE, Mrs Christine Ch Raycris The Temptress

Dog CC : 3850 DISNEY, Mr Peter Sh Ch Wonglepong Will's Faramir

Res Dog CC : 3871 POWELL, Ms Jan & MURRELL, Mr Anthony Sh Ch Crumpsbrook Woodrush

Bitch CC : 3876 SUCHETT-KAYE, Dr Robert & OGLE, Mrs Christine Ch Raycris The Temptress

Res Bitch CC : 3877 WILKINS, Miss V Sh Ch Quilesta Simply Exquisite

Best Puppy : 3849 DAY, Mr Michael Tarkanya Ritas Reinheart at Alfriston

Best Veteran : 3850 DISNEY, Mr Peter Sh Ch Wonglepong Will's Faramir

V 6,1

1 Disney’s Sh Ch Wonglepong Will's Faramir. CC and Best Veteran. Very pleasing upstanding dog with excellent well-balanced, typical outline. Lovely masculine head with nice dark eye & intelligent expression. Excellent angulation infront & behind. Good depth of chest. Well let down hocks. Tight, well-knuckled feet. Moved well both coming and going.Shown in lovely coat & condition.

2 Logie & Braidwood’s Sh Ch Cindy vom Hundsfeld at Albadhu (IMP DEU). Very feminine & shown in good coat & condition. Lovely feminine head of sufficient length & size for body. Good forechest and excellent spring of rib. Strong over loin. Good bone & feet. Moved well both coming and going.

3 Darby’s Sh Ch Brockchime Besta Both to Incadar RL2 VW

PD 1

1 Day’s Tarkanya Ritas Reinheart at Alfriston. Best Puppy. Well grown for age. Nice length of head, well balanced with good width of skull but not overdone. Nice length & strength of neck. Good lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Good bone; excellent depth of chest & spring of rib. Nice topline. Moved well covering the ground well. Coat dense and of good texture.

JD 1

1 Disney’s Kamaze Dance In The Dark. Very nice dog with typical outline. Head of sufficient length with eye of good colour, pleasing intelligent expression and just enough stop. Excellent front & rear angulation. Good bone & tight feet. Excellent depth of chest and ribs going well back to strong loin. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let-down hocks. Shown in good coat & muscular condition. Moved covering the ground well, a little close infront.


1 Foreman’s Crumpsbrook Geum at Toberworry. My winner had more substance & was better on the move than 2. Lovely head, eye & expression with nice skull & muzzle shape. Correct earset with good long fringes. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Correct, slightly sloping topline. Good bone & feet. Moved very well both coming and going. Shown in coat of lovely texture & in muscular condition.

2 James’s Darkensky Supremacy. Needs to mature a little. Well balanced head with good earset; would prefer a slightly darker eye. Nice depth of chest; good bone & tight, well-padded feet. Well set on of tail in line with back & dense coat of good length.

LD 4,1

1 Caile’s Foxy Gabber Uut 't Vossebeltseveld for Kamaze (IMP NLD) Lovely well-balanced dog with head of good length. Very pleasing, intelligent expression; large open nose. Good strength & length of neck. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Good depth of chest, correct topline & excellent strength over loin. Good bone and tight well-padded. Lovely dense coat of good length. Moved well fore & aft.

2 Lane’s Rokko Vom Florbach (IMP DEU). Another nice dog, just not quite the body & length of head of 1. Good width of skull. Nice bone & spring of rib. Correct tailset in line with back. Moved well both coming and going.

3 Simpson & Johnston’s Ekkolander Dark Madness At Leriton

OD 5,1

1 Powell & Murrell’s Sh Ch Crumpsbrook Woodrush. Res. CC. Shown in superb coat & condition. Just a little more mature than 2 and had better rear angulation. Nice masculine head without being coarse & of good length compared to length of body. Excellent depth & width of chest; good bone. Excellent required strength in topline and over loin. Excellent width of upper & lower thigh. Moved soundly covering the ground well on good padded feet.

2 Day’s Sh Ch Waldo Vom Busshof Mit Alfriston (IMP DEU). Another pleasing example of the breed. Nice length of head, good colour and size of eye, displaying intelligent expression. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Nice spring of rib; good bone. Moved soundly covering the ground well. Good quality, dense coat.

3 Logie & Braidwood’s Sh Ch Albadhu Walk on the Wildside

PB 1

1 McLellan’s Raycris Fields Of Glory for Saranden. Feminine head & shown in good coat & condition. Nice depth of chest & length of ribcage. Good width of upper & lower thigh for age. Correct slightly sloping topline. Would prefer more return of upperarm. Moved spritely covering the ground well.

JB 1

1 Logie & Braidwood’s Albadhu Final Encounter. Very nice young bitch. So nice to go over, she should have a good future. Good length of head; nice eye colour and size & intelligent expression. Large open nose; excellent neck & shoulders. Good depth of chest & spring of rib. Excellent bone & feet. Strong, slightly sloping topline. Lovely movement coming & going.

PGB 3,1 Both very pleasing examples of the breed, just preferred the front angulation of winner.

1 Powell & Murrell’s Tureagh Crystal Cider. Very pretty with lovely feminine head and expressive, dark eye. Excellent neck, lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Good depth of chest; nice bone and well let down hocks. Moved soundly covering the ground well with each stride. Dense coat of good quality.

2 Foreman’s Toberworry Little Lies. Another lovely bitch with feminine expression. Excellent depth & width of chest. Nice width of upper & lower thigh and well let-down hocks. Good bone & compact, well-padded feet. Moved well both coming and going. Shown in good coat.

LB 3

1 O’Connell’s Jaudas On The Road Again. Liked 1 & 2 very much, just preferred the overall outline & length of head of 1. So lovely to go over and displaying pleasing Intelligent expression. Nice length of head compared to length of body. Good length & strength of neck. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Nice bone, depth of chest & spring of rib. Moved soundly really covering the ground well.

2 Reader’s Toberworry Peacekeeper at Kalimna. Very nice example of the breed. Lovely head, eye & expression. Nice earset & furnishings. Good bone and topline. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let-down hocks. Moved soundly on well-padded feet. Shown in good coat & condition.

3 Simpson & Johnston’s Ekkolander Persephone Red at Leriton

OB 5,1

1 Suchett-Kaye & Ogle’s Ch Raycris The Temptress. CC & BOB. Lovely typical, feminine outline with excellent angulation throughout. Very mature with beautiful length of feminine head. Nice dark eye with intelligent expression. Good earset & length of ear. Excellent length of neck & depth of chest. Nice strong, slightly sloping topline with excellent strength over loin; well let down hock. Excellent bone & tight, well-knuckled feet. Shown in excellent coat & muscular condition. Really strode out on the move, covering the ground well with each stride.

2 Wilkins’s Sh Ch Quilesta Simply Exquisite. Res. CC. Another very nice bitch just not quite the topline of 1 today. Lovely head with kind eye, large open nose & nice earset with good fringes. Excellent spring of rib; nice width of upper & lower thigh and well let down hocks. Moved well both coming and going, really striding out well. Shown in lovely coat & muscular condition.

3 Logie & Braidwood’s Sh Ch Albadhu Pawsitive Vibes JW

Kathy Moores
