• Show Date: 01/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Karen Simkin Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Beagle

Southern Counties Canine Association

Championship show 2023

Beagle Critiques 01-06-2023 Corrections Highlighted page 2

It was a real privilege and pleasure to judge a quality entry of Beagles. My thanks to the committee for the invitation and the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their hounds. I was spoilt for choice in many classes and had to make some hard decisions. My final line up was so exciting to see. Thanks must also go to my two very efficient stewards who kept the ring running smoothly.


Minor Puppy Dog (2,0 abs)

1st Hardisty’s – Blunderhall Jacks the Lad

 7 month old tri puppy. Good head proportions, correct placement of leathers. Good shoulder placement, nice straight front. Compact body, level topline, correct tailset. Well toned rear muscle. Moved well for one so young.

2nd Whitton’s – Haggatty Bonafide

 8 month tri puppy. Larger mould than my winner. Pleasing head, dark eye, long leathers. Well muscled body, well schooled for one so young, just preferred the movement of #1


Puppy dog (5,0 abs)

1st Goldberg’s – Rossut Villein at Molesend

 11 month old tri pup. Masculine head and expression, good pigmentation. Well muscled throughout. Correct shoulder placement into firm body, well ribbed.

 Hocks well let down. Moved well and in tune with his owner BPD.

2nd Parker and Stevens’s Serenaker – Saltydog

 9 month old tri pup. Taller than my winner. Kind eye and expression. Good reach of neck into correct shoulder placement. Level topline, held on the move. Good bend of stifle. Moved well.


Junior Dog (3,2 abs)

1st Havard’s – Annavah Nickleby

 Striking junior dog shown in excellent condition Lovely head with melting expression. Good sized hound. Long neck into shoulder placement. Correct front and compact body. Level topline, good rear muscle tone, with nice bend of stifle and firm hocks. Moved with purpose. One to watch and delighted to award RCC.


Yearling Dog (1,0 abs)

1st Beard’s – Kellitcreed Sweeney Tod

 19 month tri dog who is a real showman,. Masculine head and expression, dark eye deep flews and correct dentition. Deep chest, good shoulder into firm ribbing. Lovely topline held on the move. Short coupled, great rear muscle tone, nice bend of stifle and firm hocks, Tight feet. Effortless movement around the ring, shown in superb condition. No hesitation to award him the CC. I’ve no doubt he will gain his crown soon. DCC.


Novice Dog (1,0 abs)

1st Whitton’s – Haggatty Bonafide

 See minor puppy notes


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Post Grad Dog (2,0 abs)

1st Murphy’s – Davricard Picasso at Rhosyndu

 2 yr old tri dog of good size. Masculine head, well balanced. Deep chest and good round bone. Firm ribbing, short coupled, correct set on tail, firm rear muscles. Moved with drive and well handled.

2nd Bell-Thomas and Thomas’s – Amorpapaver Jupiter

 3 yr old tri dog. Slightly longer in body than my class winner. Deep chest, good bone, well ribbed body with level topline. Not quite as confident in movement as my winner.


Limit Dog (4,0 abs)

1st Wright and Mitchell’s – Huntshill Up To Trouble

 Compact tri, well balanced throughout. Dark eye with good expression. Good front assembly, well ribbed body. Firm muscle tone and correct tailset. Slightly unsettled at first but regained his composure and moved true to win his class.

2nd Breeze’s – Parkebreeway Wyseman JW

 Well balanced T/W dog shown in great condition. Masculine head, long leathers. Good reach of neck Into correct shoulder. Well ribbed and good rear assembly. Moved true.

3rd Whitton’s – Jalhar The Wonder of you at Haggatty


Open Dog (4,0 abs)

1st Parker and Stevens’s – Serenaker Armani

 Quality tri hound with masculine head, kind eye, true beagle expression. Deep chest, nice round bone. Good spring of rib and level topline held on the move. Well muscled throughout. Moved with reach and drive, at one with his handler.

2nd Chapman’s – Gemark Eyas

 T/W Dog Lighter mould than my winner. Nice balanced head, good neck into shoulder placement. Firm body and good muscle. Well let down hocks. Moved well

3rd Wright and Mitchell’s – Huntshill Tornado JW ShCM


Special Beginners Dog (1,0 abs)

1st Murphy’s – Davricard Picasso at Rhosyndu

 See Post Grad


Veteran Dog (3,0 abs)

1st Kingsland’s – Lanesend Segenhoe JW ShCM

 10 yr old tri dog who moved like a youngster, a pleasure to watch. A credit to his owners. Still retaining full dentition, masculine head, true beagle expression, lovely deep chest, well muscled body, a pleasure to award him BVD and BV.

2nd Murphy’s – Black Royal at Rhosyndu VW

 8 yr old tri dog. Another quality veteran who again is a credit to his owners. Good bone and substance, firm muscle and moved well.

3rd Thornton’s – CH Nedlaw Benedict with Maplelayne JW


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Good Citizen D/B (1-0 abs)

1st Roberts and Spearing’s – Linkenlees Lyric ShCH ShCEx

 6 yr old tri shown in good condition. Kind eye, pleasing head. Deep chest and good neck. Strong ribbing into well muscled body Moved purposely.


Special Beginners Bitch (2,0 abs)

1st Miller’s – Alkira Rooibos Valentine

 2 yr old compact tri. A little unsettled on the table, but regained her composure to win this class on her movement. Feminine head, pleasing expression. Good front assembly, tight elbows. Deep chest and firm muscle tone. BSB delighted to see her win special beginners group 2.

2nd Brownlow’s – Rushwater Pili Pala 5 yr old dark tri. Slightly finer than my winner. Good neck into a nice shoulder placement. Level topline, correct tailset. Good bend of stifle.


Minor Puppy Bitch (6,0 abs)

1st Tanner’s – Felinoak Ffansi Nansi

 8 month old tri bitch with lovely long neck into good shoulder. Good round bone and firm ribbing, short coupled, good bend of stifle and hocks well let down. Great muscle tone for one so young. Moved freely around the ring, at one with her handler.

2nd Whitton’s – Haggatty Callisto

 6 month old black blanket puppy. Feminine expression, lovely dark eye and good pigmentation. Good neck and level topline, correct tailset. Moved well for one so young.

3rd Davies’s – Davricard Chanel Around Barrvale


Puppy Bitch (8, 2 abs, 1 w/d)

1st Havard’s – Dufosee Julianna Avec Annavah

 Gorgeous 10 month old T/W pup, lovely head which oozes femininity with a melting beagle expression. Compact size and well balanced. Lovely neck into good shoulder. Tight elbows, good body with firm ribbing. Short coupled and correct tailset. Moved in harmony with her owner. I could easily take this one home! BPB, BP, Delighted to see her take PUPPY GROUP 1.

2nd Kingsland’s – The Winner Takes it All

 10 month old tri pup who was a little unsettled on the table, but so much to like about her. Good proportions throughout, well balanced pup. Good neck, correct shoulder placement, level topline. Nice bend of stifle and firm hocks. Moved well.

3rd Lennard’s – Butterow Unity


Junior Bitch (4, 1 abs)

1st Davies’s – Annavah Nocturne at Barrvale

 20 month old tri with lovely expression, nice long neck into good shoulder. Deep chest, good ribbing well muscled rear quarters, moved well.

2nd Lennard’s – Butterow Unity

 10 month old tri with feminine head and lovely neck. Good shoulder and level topline, correct tailset. Just preferred the tailset of #1


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Yearling Bitch (6,0 abs)

1st Goldberg’s – Rossut Villein at Molesend

 I have admired this T/W bitch from the beginning of her show career and it was a pleasure to at last go over her and she did not disappoint! Very feminine head, beautiful expression with long leathers framing her face. Compact size. Deep chest, firm ribbing, well muscled rear. Good bend of stifle and good rear angulation with tight feet. Delighted to award her RCC.

2nd Hardisty’s – Blunderhall Kiss Me Quick

 Tri beagle of compact size, shown in beautiful condition. Very feminine head, good shoulder and well ribbed body. Short coupled with correct tailset. Moved and handled well.

3rd Stuart’s – Kellitcreed Frozen Assets


Novice Bitch (4,0 abs)

1st Miller’s – Alkira Rooibos Valentine

 See 1st in Special Beginners

2nd Whitton’s – Haggatty Callisto

 See 2nd in Minor puppy

3rd Scarlett’s – Rossut Vestry with Michelroy


Graduate Bitch (4,1 abs)

1st Stuart’s – Kellitcreed Danger Digits

 Compact tri with feminine head and expression. Lovely long neck, good shoulder placement. Firm elbows and good round bone. Level topline, short coupled with correct tailset. Good read angulation. Moved well.

2nd Whitton’s – Haggatty Artemis

 Lovely compact beagle shown in excellent condition. Feminine head with dark eye. Good shoulder, level topline and well muscled rear. Well handled.

3rd Brownlow’s – Rushwater Pili Pala


Post Graduate Bitch (7,0 abs)

1st Thornton’s – Julemark Primrose at Maplelayne JW

 2 yr old T/W of larger mould. Good head with long leathers. Deep chest and good bone, level topline and well muscled throughout. Totally at one with her handler, a joy to watch her move so effortlessly.

2nd Bell-Thomas and Thomas’s – Amorpapaver Juno

 3 yr old tri with typical beagle expression. Good front assembly, well ribbed. Correct tailset. Good rear muscle with nice bend of stifle. Moved well.

3rd Whitton’s – Haggatty Artemis


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Limit Bitch (14, 3 abs)

1st Goldberg’s – Molesend Crumble (AI)

 Rich T/W bitch who won her class on her effortless movement. Lovely feminine expression, long leathers, long neck into good shoulder placement. Deep chest, with well ribbed body, level topline, correct tailset and well muscled rear. Good bend of stifle and tight feet.

2nd Foster and Jones’s Stormpasture Rockette

 Compact tri, very feminine, shown with her coat in wonderful condition. Good front assembly, firm round bone and tight feet. Well muscled body, but with no exaggeration, level topline and correct tailset. Moved purposefully.

3rd Tanner’s – Felinoak El Koko Loko


Open bitch (6,0 abs)

1st Havard’s – CH Annavah Princess Tian

 What a pleasure to judge this bitch. Oozes quality from head to tail and a lovely size, everything in proportion. Beautiful feminine head, long leathers. Deep chest, correct shoulder placement into firm ribbing, level topline, short coupled. Good rear angulation. Lovely bend of stifle. A joy to watch her power around the ring. No hesitation in awarding her CC and BOB.

2nd Beard’s – Kellitcreed Jessica Barker

 Another beautiful tri bitch shown in excellent condition. A really feminine example of the breed. Looked a picture stacked and moved with purpose. Lovely head, darkest of eye, compact body, firm muscle, well ribbed and good angulation throughout. Considered for RCC.

3rd Breeze’s – CH Dufosse Dragonfly of Parkebreeway


Veteran Bitch (4, 1 abs)

1st Miller’s – Arpege Alkira

 9 yr old T/W veteran retaining perfect weight. Gorgeous feminine expression and good clean neck into shoulder placement. Firm body and muscle tone throughout.

2nd Mcbain and Stevens’s – Redcap Bella Sorella JW ShCM VW

 10 yr old tri veteran slightly heaver than my winner, but still in good shape. Nice head, good pigmentation. Firm muscle tone throughout. Moved like a youngster, totally in tune with her handler.

3rd Ferguson’s Nedlaw Queen of Hearts

Judge Mrs Karen Simkin (Simeldaka)

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