• Show Date: 24/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Julia Clarke Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Blackpool & District Canine Society

Breed: Borzoi

Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge and to exhibitors for a splendid entry. Although comprising just 28 exhibits, I found both presentation and quality good. Thank you also to my stewards Roberta and Derek who kept things running so smoothly in the ring,


Puppy Dog – No entries


Junior Dog (2):

1st  Astragorn Zeus Glory of Albaneiler (Imp Aus) (Mrs L Harvey).  Attractive 14 month old, possessing good head, dark eye well filled below, good jaw, nice reach of neck, decent front, good body and topline, excellent hindquarters, a little frisky on the move at first but went well once settled. Best Junior

2nd Palamedees Arian Khrysos at Keanver (Mr K & Mrs A Dover).  Nice 13 month old, pleasing head, decent neck and sufficient width in front, just a shade less bend of stifle than 1 but adequate nonetheless, moved soundly and stood well.  


Yearling Dog (2):

1st   Lynx Ice River of Albaneiler (Imp Swe) (Mrs L Harvey).  Lovely 13 month old, possessing classic long lean head, good reach of neck, decent front with good feet and pasterns, good topline and depth of brisket, beautifully angulated hindquarters, moved soundly and stood well.  Res.DCC.

2nd  Donskoi The Mad Hatter at Russmechta (Ms M L F Clare).  20 months old, possessing decent head, would have liked more reach of neck and shade more topline, nice deep brisket, good slightly sloping pasterns and nice feet, slightly straighter behind than 1, but sufficient angulation, moved soundly.  

Post Grad Dog (1,1)


Limit Dog (5):  

Serenefol Brutus (Ms M Donnelly).  Impressive and beautifully presented 2 year old, possessing good body and substance (though I would prefer just a shade less weight on him) and lovely coat, decent head with nice dark eye, neatest of well carried ears, clean foreleg and blade of bone, good body and topline, lovely sweep of hindquarters, moved well.  

2nd Donskoi Groza at Russmechta (Ms M L F Clare).  2 year old, good head, neatest of well carried ears, adequate reach of neck and front assembly, clean foreleg and blade of bone, good pasterns and feet, good depth of brisket, nice hindquarters, good topline under profuse coat, moved well, close decision, but just a shade less mature than 1.

Open Dog (3):

1st  Ch/Int Ch Korsakov Radost Power of Love Menigma ShCH ShCEx (Imp USA) (Mrs S M & Ms L Pinkerton & Cattoni-Sarman).  Outstanding 7 year old, of balanced construction and shown to perfection, has pleasing head with the neatest of well carried ears, decent reach of neck, good front assembly with correct lay of shoulder and upper arm, good feet and pasterns, great depth of brisket and spring of rib, correct fallaway, excellent hindquarters used to power him effortlessly and soundly on the move. DCC

2nd  Steppdance Pintel at Stubbylee (Imp Nor) (Mr A, Mr N & Mrs E Dawson).  Elegant 6 year old, has pleasing head with neat well carried ears, good reach of neck, decent front with well laid shoulders, clean foreleg and blade of bone, good depth of brisket and length loin, beautiful sweep of well angulated hindquarters, moved soundly with effortless flow and front extension.

Veteran (No entries)

Puppy Bitch – No entries

Junior Bitch (3):

1st  Takatori Legally Blonde (Mrs E M & Mr P Wheatley).  Beautifully constructed 17 month old, possessing a pleasing head with lovely dark eye, superb front angulation, good reach of neck, good depth of brisket and good topline, good hindquarters, good feet, moved soundly.    

2nd  Schumakayas Brigantia (Mr N Futschig). Pleasing 16 month old, nice head, with neat well carried ears, nice reach of neck, good forequarters, deep brisket, good topline and hindquarters, moved soundly with verve.


Yearling Bitch (3):

Takatori Madam Butterfly at Saringa (Miss J Dove).  Beautiful 17 month old, litter-sister to winner of previous class, lovely classic head with pronounced occipital process, dark eye, good reach of neck on to well laid shoulder, good front, deep brisket and spring of rib, good topline, lovely hindquarters with excellent bend of stifle and well let down hocks, moved soundly.

2nd  Schumakayas Brigantia


Post Graduate Bitch (2):

1st  Stubbylee Mood Indigo (Mr A, Mr N & Mrs E Dawson).  Beautifully constructed 3 year old, has a pleasing head, neatest of well placed ears, good reach of neck, nice front, clean foreleg and blade of bone, good body and topline, excellent hindquarters with well let down hocks, good feet, flowed on the move.  

2nd  Nibrass Countess Alwara  (Miss H Kanoo).  Nice 2 year old with good head, not quite the front and hind angulation of 1, but has good body, nice topline, good feet, and moved well when settled.


Limit Bitch (1,1):

1st  Stubbylee Chiara Mia (Mr A, Mr N & Mrs E Dawson).  3 year old litter sister to winner of previous class, possessing similar qualities of a pleasing head, with the neatest of well carried ears, excellent reach of neck, good front, clean foreleg and good blade of bone, well bodied with nice deep brisket, excellent topline and good fallaway, excellent hindquarters and bend of stifle, good feet, moved well.

Open Bitch (7,2):

1st  Ryazan Vogue (Ms J Clare).   3 year old, possessing classic head with good length of foreface and proportionate length of back skull with pronounced occipital process, well filled in below eye and with good under jaw, lovely reach of neck, excellent front with good lay of shoulder, clean foreleg and blade of bone, good slope of pastern, good feet, deep brisket, nice tuck up, good topline, lovely well angulated hindquarters with well let down hocks, just flowed on the move, covering the ground beautifully with excellent reach and drive.  BCC and Best of Breed.

2nd  Ch Metal Avgusta Ala Azul at Stubbylee JW (Imp Rus) (Mr A, Mr N & Mrs E Dawson).  Another quality bitch in this class that pressed hard for top spot, 4 year old, pleasing head with nice dark eye, well placed neat ears, lovely reach of neck, good front, good blade of bone, nice deep brisket, lovely topline and fallaway, excellent hindquarters, good feet, another that moved soundly and just flowed on the move.


Veteran Bitch (3):

1st Ch/Swe/Ir/Nl Ch Albaneiler Aquae Sulis (AI) CW17 (Mrs L Harvey).  Beautifully constructed and balanced 8 year old, has pleasing head, well carried ears, excellent reach of neck, excellent lay of shoulder and slope of upper arm, good clean foreleg and blade of bone, good feet, deep brisket, adequate topline, excellent hindquarters and well let down hocks, moved soundly with power and drive, Res.BCC

2nd VDH Ch Nibrass Diamond Queen (Mr N Futschig)  6 year old, does not have quite the head of 1 nor the neat ear carriage, but has adequate reach of neck, decent front and depth of brisket, good topline and nice hindquarters, though second thigh not quite so good as 1, but good feet and pasterns, moved well.  


Julia Clarke, judge
